Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1890, p. 11

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' at'were 'e "id then was 'le I omen Catholic Who'll! tt ther , rlglitto Maintain Separate Itat grillth: Moot displayed this activlly- T'trs ft; the terms and ',',oe,fiot,U,'Tiio1e,t, hadiio man Catholic minority expected them to 'Y separate Schools Act. _ IS wer what-- this. Thery felt, many of them! ttyell' '. poWoI'. as he read the 1Nvr.-no 90 was now Priests had more time at their disposal, I".?. l ever to l"", stt.cit legmutwn is l on said were otherwise better titted 1han "my: i before it. In WOW ot ,ltat.htui. Mt ftheir lavmen were, for taking an active part in l by the gentlemen ot'p0fiP-/.n TI,' abolish defending the privileges the; he? bee" l avowed and endent intentionl 0 "ilvisv ' in" to tlu, Roman Catholic minority. , Separate settools--lio proposer . to}. tl l like, were expected to devote themselves with a lull sense of the respousitr "d l', more particularly than laymen to mutt?" he might be under to the Honsr, the om " l conntwted with the training tut.td.tys'tion Cutllullc minority to rtamits.Ctvll tltene 1l'P'l'r,,' 5 oi the young. He repelled that if the .R' _ ed oreudmerots--te, resist them on to I tttRD Catholic minority of the Pryim" i ground that the House had n.o power ' found their priests not giving attention to I "yseieslute in this direction-to rolls! the?) on the schools and active .in their defence, the mm," ground mt: mite in: _ . . ' I they would be the lirst to any the "as." season to . multiple iiilliiccata "h Sepnrnte l Were wrong In not doing so, "will? (la; J,:Tll',Crle. tl"rdl','t', them because, in short. ii c.. 'oii an our _ . I - '."" . w l ll; d",',"',.:?;',','",'.',',',',,, and month by month, I they are ultra VII'GS- li)',":',,',',;,),,, TS":J::' ltlio Roman Catholic minority 'PPNndl I an old saying amongst tly Gree s! " if I 'their notion and applauded tnoiii. There! were to fear their enemies homingv zi tat Was another fact that the intelligent Roman i It was well to remember " hit f . 03: 0' I Catholics of the country had to look " " l these amendments came from t of fd""l'di', tho hon. gentleman oppirtsiteyewaealhld upon Separate bcnools. There was a 'd,",',., t ' to form "Government. what sort of a one ; rho gentlemen who are now proposi It 0 ' would it bs 3 There would be, he supposed. '. "mend the tioparate behoola Act long to, I his Brother from (liven Sound (Mr. Creiths : l abolish them altogether, therefore Rome i tou:, and his Brother from Grenville (Mr. ' Catholics had reason to regard with 5013p" Rheum" and his Brother from Toronto (Mr. _ cion all proposals of this kind. ..'L'yyy,",ey r ll. E. Clarke», aud his Brother from 3Itra-. i from them. " We had the priVilege, Mr. koka (Mr. Marter). Why, the Grand Lodge l Fraser continued. "at the ttmtt that u" would»; in session when his b'cceeative ', British North America Act was passed; ', was coiled together! (Loud laughter ami l woliad the privilege under the law of l "PPli'-u"-l Ontario of taking the ottrtitied teachers that i Mr. French said Mr. Fraser had made a We were entitled to take under the law of mistake in including him in the Grand Quebec, and I any that more was good Lodge. reason why we should be. so entitled. M r. Fraser, continuing. Illgizestfid that I any that this Home has no right under. the pctGptt one of thorn would tiU the British North America. Act to_opposo thu. I t dnor, Mid the laughter wt" Tr venture to any that nothing can be alleged l ucwod. But, he said. he tht,yught ; against the capacity oi the teachers of our 1 the Roman Catholic minority ban no _ Separate Schools. They are in cyery way desire h, be rul .d by the Grand Lodge of i as tit for the. duties they are colleo upon P ; Ontario. The Coueorrtstisu, party We" , perform as the teachers oi.. our Public ' even now driving the Roman Catholics j Schools. Here, in the City of Toronto, we from them: thoy were giving them no l are not afraid, so tar as our system is con- , place in their counsels and did not intund I corned, " for a. the teachers are concerned. .' to. That 1s'rurr.m Cstholie would M to place them alongside those of the Public i stuvid. would lr, a ttw.tar tu his own Lest I Schools and to challenge comparison in the l intercom, and would lose sight of wlust ha l matter of capacity. 1 say that in the Prue ought to do if he lent any inllueucc tonnrils l , vinco of Outiacio--.and I ant not now theor- the i'ctiarnoi Mr. Meredith. Ile did not ": l icing or making rash assertions, or talking doubt tint com" of them would tio it, 'A0ttt0 for tulking's tsake-thr-tugh-r, the whole l tvltuus his wot-ls oi advice would W reach. ' l Province ul Ontario, taking the separ- l My. Clancy, "0 doubt, would do his hectic g are, Schools in 'sotnpavhott with the comeback. but it he come hack, what 121- ',Publie Schools, they stand just as l llucncc would he have in such a. (iovcm- l but". they rank equally as Btt'oug, moot as In: had suggested, always 'PPP"" , m far as teaching capacity is concerned. I lug it was returuul to power, nud the non. . ii' but happened the other duy in the City l gentleman was lucky enough - tto c: London, in the constituency of my hon. doubt he would consider it lucky l trirsud 't 1 think ovei'y Public School I -- to form a menilcr of it? And { teacher Was dismissed. what other Crvvernmeut, than Such , l, Mr. Meruditu---otp,y for the purpose of l one could be formed by the Conservative l i'e-ungiiging and T-classifying. l opposites? Why, if tttts hun. gentleman i Mr. '.iuwuw--.1lu, system was not working l entered Sl'iCll IL Uoverument, and tuioptroti i well than. Whatever Iggy be advauemi or , their policy on the Separate Schools TA'"- I alleged against the Separate Schools, you l tion, whom would he represent? Nobody, will iind that tho some complaint can be . he would tell him. One after "other. said made against the Public Schools. tHear, E Mr. Fraser in conclusion oi " remarks on iieiir.) As wus inseparable from any system t this point, could be token this miiestoaos of public instruction extending over it huge ' he had pointed out as having been plasutotl trturt ot country, there are here and there by the hon. politlcmen oppusftro, "ml luool:-. schools that are not free from objection. ing " these milestones the House Would see You heap tho "me things acid even nbouu why today there is a iiisjonty of .the the churches. Occasionally you hear a Roman Catholic Whom] of tho Pcoviuee complaint that this or that church is not supporting this Liberal Government. so well tttweed, '.thttr thero is . Although he licul.said Mr. F'raser, already lack of ciiicicncy, that there are detained the Hausa some considrialu'e. time, dialects somewhere or other that ought to be he Would now may some few words in respect remedied. and so there will be in any sys- to some of the provisions of tho bill bofuro _ tom oi tho kind; but although you may them. _ ' occasionally liiid ground for complaint, you Mr. Moredlth-~" lleal', hear." ; will prove nothing against the system tak- Mr. Frown-My hon. friend says " Hear. _ ing it its a whole. Take them as it whole, hor." He did not any c. Hour. hem," , l the pupils brought up at these schools can some time ago when something Was being I I challenge comparison with those attending said that it would have become him well to ', the Public Schools, and the results prove my '. Hear, hear rt to. daughter.) The l l that what I have asserted is trim. There- memhcr for London had denounced the ' fore 1 say there are two reasons why things 11roverument, when he madean appeal to the i should be allowed to remain as they are: electors of this Proviuee, as having. been in _ b'irtst, the system is working l"),?,: and sec- league. with the Roman Catholic hierarchy cud, we have nol power toe make the illil 't8 lmviva; given N! tho price ot tltcir l change. The hou. gentletnau then pointed support certain concessions in respect of 'out thist, the Separate Schools, having rm Separate) h'.thcuis. Nothiur, could bu more jgnrd to the fact that the Public Schools untrue, nothing more, unjust. llo do _ mere supported entirely out oi the rates and honored tlusflovermureut, too, because they taxes, were not treated fairly, inaamuct had been instrumentul in passing legisln- 3.5 under the 8uparate School system tion tiiaiihad triilcd to increase Separate it was made compulsory for Roman Sc. coll. and Ite traid "ny 'm'". would be " l Catholics to get their. teachers at as cheap a traitor to his country who .wouid puss such rate as possible. llo had been told the Ugisistion, Well, tsc-ding l his own l other day, and his authority was finrt.clttss, snowing, he and the party to which he by I that in some cases the tuxcs raised for the longed innit haw lteen iraihirs to their l Separate Schools went to the Public country, for either they did not know what l Schoolu: but whathe wanted to point out Wat I in.» going tlltozlgh the llo:n-e,_or clzc.kno}v- a that although there was a power in the i' iug it, they were, dyoct.ly or indirectly, '..t. i "Milli: books that authorised Catholic , ctrumcntsl in 1%"!ng tr.. He, could trdo, Trustees where Separate Schools rile iwhieuever horn of the dilemma he liked. istcd to raise a ratc ior their mainten- l (Ulzccrs and 1tutgl!ter.). What he (Mr. ansro, yet it Was only " permissive 2 Fraser) hail to any in relax-mica to the guts. power. and had not boon exercised to any l tion, as it wrs proposed to the Hou.se, that extent within the Proviua,. He. might be more should he 3 almanac ln tho mistaken in innkiiign general assertion, but laws relating to Separate hit-home, tr'ar, lie was informed that it was ciao-t. Thero- firstly, this ..--.'1'hat the British North fore in a sense they got cheap teach- Ainorica Art guarantees! to the ing as compared with the Public Roman Catholics all the rights and privi- _ Schools. 11.3.. was no one could t legal they enjoyed at the time that We came over-catholic the advantage it was to

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