1, Mt with. nad be u. up" G1'miBt to mention the taet tint statistic. showed that then dietriete had even more than their proportion of t-th.ers with first. clase certiticatms. The qrtartiication of the touch". there compared very well with those of tenchere in older counties. In 1883.279 permits were granted in the l'rovxuce; last year only 876 such tsertifieato were issued. The policy was to make the euhoole In the outlying districts of the Pro. vmco as "tttcient as those in the older parts oi the Province. In View oi the intention of the Government, the Minister of Miami- tion hoped tho mover of the motion would be "tisuied with the discussion unu not push it to an issue. Mr. Marter rose again to any that he hoped the Minister of Education would in- crgnae the grant. Mr. Meredith laid that if the Govern. ment could see its way clear to making an extra grant of ten thousand dollars. uhich would be n mere bug-none to the Province, the Opposition would place no Jiiliculty In the road. lie thought thu neeeasity for an increase had been amply shown. Mr. 1lnrson tttought the Minister of Eda. cation had indulged in too many "ifa" and " buts " on the question, and he thought the leader of the Opposition, who [Ind spoken so eloquently on behalf of the Government hill to aid the Univer- sny, had shown very little warmth in dealing with the poor school grunt. He did not deny the important educa- tional iniluence on the community oi the University. but he thought the in- lluencu of ignorance was equally strong and should he provided against under any cir- cnmetnnces. Mr. Motoalfe expressed hima self in sympathy with the idea of tutin- creuaed grant. The Attortusy-Gemsml then rose, amid applause. He expressed himself as very pleased'wish the expressions that had been used concerning the poor schools. He was glad that the House had shown a disposi- tion to support any additional grant which the Government might make in aid of the schools in these districts. These members who had spoken were nearly all representa- tives of "constituencies lining a considerable number of these schools. He had no doubt from other members having said not a word In a different sense that they fully sympathised with what was said by those gentlemen. The feeling on behall of these schools In: considerably stronger than he had been nwure of, and the Gov- ernment, in view of this strong feeling. wouid consider the question of d lurthcr grunt. being made to these schools: _ - _ - This announcement was received with much applause and Mr. Alerter then With- drew his resolution. "RANT role. AmuCULTUnE. Mr. Graham moved the following resolu- tion t-ilust In the opinion of this Home the work at resent performed by the A.,rieuitural Lt Arts Assouintion properly belongs to the Department of Agriculture, under the direction of a responsible Minis. ter of the Government, and uinue the grant for holding a Provincial Exhibition hos been withdrawn, it is undesirable after the cur- rent your to continue the aunt oi $0,000 to Mid Association. The member for East Lambton, in sup- port of his motion, spoke vigorously in favor of the work done by the Provincial Exhibition in the past, but he thought that continuing the grant was applying money to a wrong Pure", _ - Hon. Mr. IJrury rose with some warmth to repudiate the insiuuixtion that he did not earn his salary. Ila hml heard the insinu- ation before. It was not regarded as at all extra: mlinary that professional gentlemen BilnuitiI'OCEIVo a salary of $4,000»)eur, and should earn it, but as soon as a lzirmar Went into tho Cabinet these insinuatione were hurled at him. He thought they Were an insult. to farmers all over the Province. Dr. Preston said he haul not meant any- thiugnf this kin-l, and iii-l not wish to cast my slur upon Mr. Drury as a farmer, or upon the farming comlnumtv. Hon. Mr. Drury then defended the Asso- i-iution. It had done great goal to the country in the past. The money given by the Government was Well spent. its applica. tion being in the direction ot advancing .ttiontitiet fuming in the Province. The Mr. Dryden defended the grant an at present apportioned. Tho Ansocimion itutmt to give better ideas oi agriculture to the people. It was not desirable to dis. couruge their eiforts in these lines by dis. continuing the six thousand dollar grant as now given. Dr.- Preston thought the work done by the Association should be done by the Minister oi Agriculture, and intimated that then that hon. gentleman would be able to our" hiagalayy. _ _ A Treasurer Ross Points Out I Their Blundem Owing to presmre on space the explan- ation given Thursday evening by Hon. Treeeurer Ross oi the mistaken which Mr. Creriguonclaitned to have discovered in the public. account: A few days earlier we. but briefly reported in This, GLOBE. The full report of Mr. Rose' very cieer and lucid explanation follows, the remark! being made bn going into Supply, Mr. Harcourt being in the chair "- This may boaaid Mr. Ross, as good " opportunity u any other to give the el- uluuation asked by the hon. member for Ilium Gee has been appointed Licence Inspector for 1Lsldiumud. NOTES. A huge deputation: from the Sheep "reexlcrh" Aswciuriou waited upon Hon.Mr. hurry, unluy, asking for a small grant to "an, than in carrying on the operations of their Association. Mr. Drury promised to camider tin representations made. SOME EDITORIAL 1fl:"yfai%h"sli2nlM'iiN. How Mr. Grumman and Mr. H. 3. Clarke Dix-mane Even Among Themselvns on the Annuity Question, -Why is the Opposition no Bitter? APPOINTMENTS. Tho Government have appointed the fol- lowing Licv.n ac Commissioners t--. Huaimgs North--.,). S. Sprnguo, M.D.. Jaime Tuliock, Jutlcrson Gnarly. smut: flow " (hltfll(lfri'()',S BUNGLED, And Then Blamed it All on the Public Accounts. Mr. Graham then withdrew his motion in view of'tuiu exolunation made by the Minister of Agriculture, that the grant would be withdrawn as soon as it would " in_the mutton of the country: P, do so. ' _. Mr. "ishop-Bill to amend the Act to accurn to wives and children the besuetit of we ,'.u;~4ur;mcc. Mr "tlrurdy--Ilill to amend and oonsoli-. date the kn "l improvement chutes of the Muuiripal Act. Unzn u Novtlt---Williiun McPherson in H." ru_mu um! stead of Henry Brandon, ro- in favor of his Indtion. Me. Awrey supported the purport of Gi'; motion. Mr. Waters followed to the Muna eifect. - Mr. Proton-Question-ll he grant for the Provincial Exh bition being abolished, What; disposition is to be made of the 86,000 placed in the estimates for the Agricultural and Arte Asmociatiott? and what are the reusvns why the Minister of Agriculture 31.01: d not. deal with the subject? Hr. 'iatiatt---r'sesaution, that, in the; up'uiuu oi this Hausa, it is desirable that I mme aid should be given to the County' Agricultural Societies of this Province, and l tho grunt. formerly given to the Pro-' Vin-:iul Exhibition, 810.000. having been witudrawn, that the said sum be divided mm IU,' the County Agricultural Societies of [his Province. Mr. b'rosman--B ll to amend the Munici- pa] r4ct, - - _ - - hlr. McKay-Bill to amend the Aneu- mcm. Act. 'J he Home adjourned at -6.20 p.m.. the AttotmctGoueral remarking thus it would yroh:t,'trly he the lust Friday without tn awning session. Mr. McMahon-rin of copies of my Correspondence between the Ontario and Dominion Governments, or botwoeu the {own-r and any corporation or persons, Faulting!!! the ownership, sole or lane of t'uo Dundas and Waterloo nuumdamized rotvl, touerher with copies' of any paper: in the possession oi the Government relating thr'rh0',"suiseqaent to that already brought down in thu your 1886. FINANCE (]lil1TcS.' NOTICES OF MOTIONS. again appealed 'to' the Hang?