LoL. _ ___ [ Pf 4P ts .. ... Doi omcs ~ H LA<GQHMPI V -- > BXONQ 14 M D s wee cseme cne ce _2 . A War f arm Day in More Senses Than One. | Simigbnerame summcmmers THE TREASURER AND HIS CRITICS. Mr. Ross Proves Mr. Creightos the Blunderer. & snz smm memmume DEBATE ON THE UNIVERSITY BiLL W.n _z mm enmeve Mr. Marter and the Sponcer Appoint. ment Again--He Formulates a Resolution, Which is De-- I feated--General Bu« % siness of the 8R Da y. Sitntpesoummimnine somiurgs * March 13. 1890. \ 4 To--«lay was a very interesting one at the f House. Most of it was put in in talk. The afternoon was chicfly taken up with the discussion of the University Aid Bill, and in the evening a number of matters combined to make the session a rather exciting one. FIRST READING. ® The following bill was introduced and read a \' fArst time :-- To amoend the General Road Companies Act --Mr. Freeman. | QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. Mr. French corrected an erroneous report of his speech on Wedne:day during the ballot de« bate which appeared in The Empire this morm: ing. THIRD READINGS, The following bills were read & third time and passed : -- * To provide for the appointment of junior Judges in provisional jJudicial districis--The Attorney--General. Respecting the Village of Campbellford--Mr. Wilioughby. ltespocting the Southern Central Railway Company--Mr, McKay. To amend the Act incorporating the Parry Sound Colonisation Raiiway Company--Mr, Arinst! @12 GovERxMENT ORDERS TO HAVE PRECRDENCE, The Attorney--General moved that Govern« mont orders may boe taken on Mondays, after other orders 'bf the day are disposed of, and that Government orders shall have pre-- cedence thereafter, ou overy day, over all other business except private bilis, The Attorney--Genecai remarked that such & molion was usually made at this period of the session. : j 3 Mr. Meredith objected to the motion. Public business had been a good deal delayed owing to the represeutations of the Government, he urged. It was not nearly as far advanced as Government business was. BHeasked that the Government should not tako any extra days until after next week. | f After a little discussion a compromise Was effected which satistied Mr, Mercdith, THE UNIVERSITY AID BHL, Tho House went into Commiltce, Dr,. 'M.c- Laughiin in the chair, on motion of the Minis-- ter of ducation, on the bill respecting aid to the Toronto University,. Mr. Ross then moved the adoption of the first clause, whereupon Mrt. Balfour rose and obpjected that the House should have from the Minister before the pro-- posed sum of money was V oted some further explanation. | lie wanted information as to the powers and responsibility of the '\.juv"rnmcpl. w hich at prosent seemed to be divided up vyuh several other bodies, The Minister of Edu-- cation should have more power than he ap-- pearcd to have. The House should have more information as to how the money should be spont, and some @uaranteo that when it was eXxhausted -- they would 'noL be applied fto pfor further _ aid. Concern-- ing the maintenance of the _residence, tov. more information was wanted. He thought it was at present kept up for the suke of_ a very few students. It would be more l_wucn'cml to the instituiion were it converied into .ccr!lro rooms. --Thore would be less danger to the Uni-- versity, too, if the residence were utilised in this way thun there was at present. If it were only kept up as a matter of sentiment and old ! associations he would say do away with it, for this was too practical an age to pay al tention to such matters. He objected on the ground of danger to_the holding of an annval conver« sazione. He considered, too, that the Minister | of Education should have something to say as to the noew structure, and that the House should have some guarantee against the building being subjected to unusul risks and so on, He -- wanted _the _ Govern-- i mont also to get some information concerning tho money expendcd on the Biological build-- ing. -- He understood that the (.iqvernmenb through this department was g1v¥iD0¢ undue assistance to the study of medicine by giving free lectures to the medical students. -- Let the ' Government take the Houso more into its eon-- \ fdence in regard to the money spent in con-- ' nection with higher education. s Mr. Wood, of Hastings. agreed with a good ' deal of what Mr. Balfour had said. He thought much of the sentiment which had existed in the minds of members on this subject when the bill was introduced had now ev:rorned. and the House was disposed to con der the guees . -- ootiins W S oi c aan o e it Atamet Ts ..