Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1890, p. 1

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-- $ gears 18so, 1887, {ooe i 00000 Ohrio each j , 1388 e *Aw , The inotion passed without discussion. % 'BECOND READINGS. + Mr. Stewart's bill to amend the Municipal Nok was read a second time and referred to ¥io Municipal Committee. f _.l-Mt. Forguson's bill was disposed of in a sim-- l.rmuunur. 1t provides that no person shall be allowed to withdraw his name from any pe* tition signed by him, soliciting the Councilt of any municipality to take proceedings under the provisions of sub--section ! of this section, ex-- cept with the consent of such Council. The section referred to is 569, ® MINING CLAIMS BILT. The bill introduced by Hon. Mr. Hardy, to | _bofuu as " The Mining Claims Act of 1890," . in@akes full provision for the territory in which | the Act is in force, the procedure necessary by { hcqmc_overe; for obtaining a mining claim, | he limit of rimber of claims to be held by one person, and 'the effect of not commencing ope-- rations within a limited time,. The lieutenant» UGUovernor may from time to time make regula« tions solting apart districts, townships or por« tions of townships, within which the Act shall be in force, and may revoke such regulations and pass others. 'The mining districts shall be designated by numbers, Any person having discovered a mincral deposit on any Crown | l..gn(ls not for the time being included in a mining claim or location may obtain a minin | claim therefor, and such claim may contain ES | neres or 40 acres, in the following manner :-- | _(a) He shall mark the claim on the ground by | placing at cauch of its four corners a wooden | post, not less than two inchos square, driven not less than eightcen inches into the ground, and showing that length above it. If the ground be too rocky to admit of so driving such posts he shall build about each of them, to support it and keep it in place, a cairn or mound of stones, at least three feet in diameter at the base, and eighteen inches high. If the claim be timbered, a line shall be run and well ) blazed joining the said posts. If it be not so Uimbered and the ground is of such a nature that any one post cannot be seen from the ends | of either of the lines which form the angle at wlhich tho said post is placed, posts flattened *\ on two sides (such flattened portions fa ing the directions of the line) sha'll be planted or , mounded along the side lines wherever neces-- e sary, so thut no diflicuity may be experionced Ip NC 4' | by a subsequent prospector or explorer in dis* f b 1 & covering or following the boundaries of any claim. (b) The claim shall bo laid out with its boun« «omm daries due north and south and east and wost, % Sh rt and the c!aimulxxl shall Ill:ll'kr()l,l lh;- pofll' desig~ | nating the northcast angle of the claim,legibiy, b A Thln House a'nd a 0 with a pencil or with colored chalk, his name # in full, the date of such marking and the letters SSSSlona M.C,, N.E., to indicate that the post is at the t northeast angle of the mining claim; proceed«= * * «* uooo m tm mm ingy next to the southeasterly angle of the claim he shall mark lhu}' post vllnnlml there * t with the letters M.C,., 8,E., and his initials ; | BILLS READ A FIRSI' TIME. | next to the soythwesterly angle of the claim, | | the post planted at which he shall mark with t We sure umss se serue qo | the letters M.C., S.W., and his initials, and * ' lastly to the northweste--ly angle l(l,: t.lu:]"r,luiml,l # the post planted at which he shall mark wit n\ A Discussion on the Ballot Post: the lesters M.C., N. W .. and Biginitihis. ic) If the corner of a location fails in a ravine, poned' bod of a stream, or any other situation wheta the character of the locality may render the tss smerse teee tua uies planting of a post impossiple, the said corner may bo indicated by the erection at the nearest A UNIVERSITY CLAIMS BILL sviltable point of a withess post, which in that case shall contain the same marks as those prescribed in this clauso in regard to corner sn a t . | posts, together with the letters W. P., and an indication of the bearing and distance of the , An Important Measure Introduced by | site of the true corner Ilruu'.lsuvh \\"nn--;a' post. !_-- Maving so marked the claim the claimant Mr. Hardy--How Olaims are shall within thirty days thereafter lodge with to be Markoed--Qeneral the agent for the district a @eclaration under Notes onth seiting forth the discovery, the kind of s mincral and the dimensions of the claim. On MA iecsievracm the strength of this declaration a certificate authorising operations shall be given by the agoent. If opcrations within the Act are not , February 24, 1890, commenced by the claimant the lauds may be The House was voery thin to--day, a good re--staked or re--sold, j many of the members not having got back nn'l\- ((}ll:lln:I;"lfil':l"(btillll' "h'm. 'Llf?l;'fl t'o}ll'?'l'\l :"; from their Friday to Monday trip. The busi« two five claims, & party of three s ,\.u"'(.m',"i' ness was light and disposed of in about half AB _ | anpg@ to cach membor of a party beyond three * hour. The day of petitions is over ; not one | one claim only for each additional member, was presented. The only return brought down --| The Act imp w heavy penalties for removing was one asked by Mr, Meredith, and consisted ; aiterit4 :"'f .',fl'. ES OF MO" g of a written copy of the questions as to the Mr. Fell \i.("'" "\.U' N "lm-'\s.'l to amond & P s ML-- 1 ?BG i XL-- 1 interpretation to be placed on the Separate the ":'."_'_'"NM";":": li':':\ncn(;:.nl ".'\l('l. Schocl Act amendments, as submitted for & Mr, Ingram--Wednesday noxt--Bill respect-- decision of the Judges at Osgoode Hall, and ing the relations between employers and work« the ful x C i s men. P & L'\ereu:l le'l';.' :f- \"',.,l < ('lc:lw.l LE 9( llmi l.:nuge: Mr. Ross (Middlesox)--W ednesday next--Bill I % erc as nolhing in it that has no! respecting the practice of architecture. been already published. Mr. Dack--Bill to amend the Ditchos and FIRST READINGS. \\'..lx.-rmm.«c'\.-\.-t. Bill t Lthe Act ro ing bil re i Mr. Smith (York)--Bill to amend the Ac < + tTr};? f?.l.l.fl'flm' bills were introduced and read specting nssignments by persocs in insolvent T icing t« imi circumstances. FRF Frl':m:lx:'nlc:ul.nho Municipal Act--Mr, Smith, A""rllw'\ l;'";.l.",;_";" ul,'l'f,:lnhp{. 'mcnhtau To amend tho Act snecting 7 proceedings under the Lan« itles Act. K Light & Power l(','on?&:n\":)rpg:tulak.Slt.z-l.e.\'l'u:i"::! Mr,. Hamimnill--Inquiry whether Mr. .\'la'll'.nn'lr. Mr. Lyon. 2 who is teas l._uui' in .'"hl"Mll :"',,'("."". (.'\\?'lxi.l'll(l"l'l:: To amend Voters' List Act--Mr. Meacham ghip of Sarila, is quaiified 10 00 & «CLCC j The Mining Clair p i M Puvlic Schools of that township. . If so, how it Hnr,nlLy. ining Claims Act of 1890--Hon. Mn he qualified and by "l,m'.'",_mm',.'l', y,"-- To provide for vacating ertific DITCHES AND WATERCOURSES, PC v:()!-rf,us---'l'ln- ;{llo:'snl-l\?(kiflrlc(l_':i"'knleu oc t '.\lr. Dack, of Centre ( es M g;\ 0 nm'lC(; To amend the '\t'LiflCurpul'uttillg Huron Cols ofhis intention to l_lul-ml\u-'; a biil to Ill'llA?,ll\ legeo--Mr. Meredith, the Ditches and Watercourses Act. It has en been found by township engineers that in some | sEcorzEcy or tH® Barmor. cases the natural course of the water has been ' Mr. A. E. W ood (Hastings) moved the second changed by pathmasters digging a ditch asl0oe»-- | reading oighis bill to provide for the secrecy of side tho roadbed to convey t!= water off, i-- the ballot." He was proceeding with his speech stead of allowing it to run through one or more when the Attorney--G:neral pointed ount that culverts in its natural course,. _ 1t is claimed to the House was veiy thin, and asked if it had be a disputed point whether or not a township not better be posiponed for the present. -- Mr. engineer has authority to order a culvert to be Meredith objected that if it did not come on ynlf(vvd in the roadbed to divert the water from now the Attornoy--General's own bill dealing the roadside ditches to its natural course,. in with only a branch of the same subject might order to prevent the great flooding of water take precedence of it, The Attorney--General along _ tho _ roadways _ it _ is desirable promised that Mr. Wood's bill should either that _ the engineer _ should _ hare _ the take precedence of the lGovernment bill or be pl»}\ ilege of re--opening culverts closed by the 'n(:fsi":'ttrgrl l:\ll' he same time with it. probably pathmasters or by order \Uf 'lh" ("'.""""k'"l' rreg & Whereupon the, noti ning iew culverts, Another point asked reading was w ithdrawn, on for second 'r'.f;(:::lm;g:lll ';s tha: in case of an »ppeal from an M+. M CcROWX Lixps FEXUE, engineer's awa-;'ll. li'i-l! the "Dlll"-'i}l;::i'"'("f;)'ll(l)"rvcfi Mr. Meacham 1 re ¢ c the privilege of calling on a id e | House for a ruturnmz:;;t)(\l\'il'r trll::a t:::llcr ie h ex'"'"i""' se se cain cear base oree. nns Tamis ceived from the sale of woods and 10:_';2:':'":"('" neer with his men may Da§8_0"°l'k{\n3' lands |f / of Crown lands respectively, i t lec c i that he may deom n@@@ssary in making his ex-- ¥> m 'Lhe 'efectaen aminations without beh!fi considered a trespag-- '» sor iu the legai sense of the term. i\ sailliwemsiwe _ MA _

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