I The Roan settled down to bin-inns 10-day I In earnest. Two sessions were held. most. of the time bolna'uken up with the debate on "emotion to go into Supply. A number of qlmwtnnt manure- Wort: introduced by tho ' Atm-Goucrnl. among them being one tor new" the "envy of the ballot. i-u'rrrmxs. Tho following ominous were printed c-- From tho Cumin Council of Wc!llneton. premix fur certain nnmndmm-Ls in the Muni. cinnl Act respecting (once: Along highways- [MI-.(lulhrjcn __ ___- A _ _ _ - Important Amendments to the Ballot Act. Debate on the Provincial Finances THE " or sumo 'Esmis mum tam Insurance ammMtmssrtt--Baw Lotttt cud 811d. Companion-County Beisttt"-- Petition. pad Motions -%iiiruiistvatt Woodcock and others, ot Dmronlo. making tor nnu-ndmeuu to the gum. lunwI respecting the shooung of ttucks-Mr. In son. - - A -.__ __ _ -i'iar Town Council of Walkerton. prttrlttr.r for an Act to consolidate the debt of the town ...).lr. O'Connor. A _ -- - Fron; tiariiatr Council of Itcnfrow. pray- in! (or amendments to the Aasoumonl Act a acting rent property of rauwe--Mr. Nur. raw. "From County Council of Kenn-cw. askin for the establishment. of n Practical Schoof of Science in Kituttott--Nr.Alyrryr. . . _ ".1533; baai yaénirncil ofitenridw. asking tor HEW"! ,1drrMr.. Irturtar... .. _.- _ . "iii/iii' iVaali0,aiiiiiir Farmeru' institute.for nmendmenu to the law ruspccling dogs run. nies " Inrqtr-Mr. Morin. . _ - r. - I -1 'I'_..A_..~_AI. ., "iTGi -caintreaiiGr of Wentworth. for amendments to the Amnmcm Act respecting the nucgggneytgf .tolu-Nr. , wrey, .. .., ""ii'iGiWrtf.Tvuitdti mid when}? Hamilton. praying that nn Act "my wtsstoitscorpurqte the llnmllton & darlon Incline, Itailwug'-Mr. Auto}. Respecting tho old cemetery and tho new he."."'"'" in the Town ot sunn- -Mr. Mockon- I e. To incorporate the Town of North Toronto-- Mr. Ollmonr. ReopocllnT the Town ot West Toronto Juno- tion-utr. u lmour. To amend the Municipal Act-Mr. Ostrom. To amend the Municipal Act--3tr. Struuon. To authorise the In]. of curtain land: of tho 11503.13.qu Cpnrgh. 9uts.ty.t.--y.r. Bronson. . "a r motion ot the debate on the Budget. pr, liiRil'?l to the order paper. on the mm but the Home do again rmlvo it- ul! 2h' the Committee ot Supply. was tint on the furor. and the thread or it What taken tabby r. (Janey. 'l'hat ff,"lt',e',', said he did not intend going over t no whole ground of tho Treasurer's f1tttttteial statement. ut there were tom. thing. contained m it that he rally could not allow to pun without comment. He reiterated the plea that Ontario really inns no surplus. that the Dominion trust. (undo may not be con- vertod into Insets. and that the Treasurer "any did not know the dliferenco between unmet. and surpluses. Ttutt he might not re. main in Ignorance tn Iuturo. Mr. Clancy 1mm him that. a surplus consisted of the on bounce on trunuctions between one and all!" your and the other. Halo-laud that m of the interest paid by the ..- in not. on} Af the entire "an mums". The following bills wen-o road a first time:- An Act to amend the Act to human mo tax on dmtr--Nr. Prrdety. _ . . _. W "A "i7irtCiaFociTrttio powers oi Coman done" In taking 'undavits-'i'tto Attorney Guard. A _ To inoorporate the Town of Chester-Mr. JI. Elem-kc. To amend tho Municipal Act-hir. Meredith. To {ammo the 'uimuttatratiott by the synod of Huron of certain funds relullnx to tit, 'l'h_omu' L'rtureu._ltovtrr Eau-Ole. Meredith. To amend the Election Act with reference lo the may of vot1utp--'rlte Attorney-General. To amend the law rowing lo the release and "19 of untied costa-r-Tres ArtorniLUttorasl. To amend the 't'imbor and. Company'l Act -Mr. Bronson. To amend Ibo Act. "meeting the driving of - but}; lukps. life". ctc.-;.lr. INtront. ' To enable tho Trauma. ot tit. Andrew's Church, Chatham. to sell col-tun lands-Mr. Formuon. To amend the Manhood Sum". Aett--.Mr. Macbnm. 7 - _ ___ -- -- -'Fefiiriiiiihtiti.niitys Act to lecqu to wives um! children tho benefit. of lite 1naur--Tttt, Aktorttcr9en1tttt.. . ., - A _ . - _r__9 "'56 E3386! {Eli-rm] orrér in the Act relating to tho Dmtrlcls of Parry Sound and Muskoka-- 'rherAuortterGeuel. _ . n - . -iiiGiGaiiiitiarl documents when rsquired in ,rriiieneer--'rty, 6ttyrney9snyral, . _ uky/re'lri?iit)i,tr /ffl., m BU DO IT DEBATE. IVERN Iwi'? MEASURES. Pf n' up way. mi antici- "an; Province the pooplo were th'glit at Mr. new feeble attempts at f",t,t'gg,tlef,r, cry. the violence of which remark evoked u nearly man from the Government side ot the Home atyi.a tesrocttu1.o.tMytr from M." C.krtP.orrtyti.te.tr. Mr. Clancy said he must be in the right in this contention. because in Mr. Ross tirst ansnciai ststemont he had himself counted lh" at this interest as a. Dominion subsidy. 0 used the usual argument in is Crowu Lends revenue. claiming that it wee over] {our diminishing, owing to the extrst'ngnnt shit the Government. has of using them. and that every renrthe Province tt"eg,ttt'tt,e to meettts obligations. Then he tone ed on the present liabilities of the Government. and said that pmong these should here been included the erwsg aid which the Government hurt your determine to give. In regard to this point, he insisted that the hon. Treasurer had tricked the people. and ho would be tricking thorn worse than ever it at tho expiration of the present {arty-year annuities he intended re- nowinn them tor forty yenru more. " Why, you are civimi us a very long lesse ot power." remarked Mr. lardy. Well, said M r. cutter, he supposed the hon. gentlemen would not live so long. and thut wus his msin hope when he entered into this forty yours scheme. 'l'ho 'l'rcnsurer interposed the remark that Mr. Clancy would tittd that. his next door neighbor "Mr. Halt. Clarke) hlzhly approved of t o scheme winch he was no vigorously con- do_I-_Im!m- A. . . * Mr. Cumcy wee apparently greatly surprised that Mi. Clarke should have ventured todo this without consulting him. and. remarking that ho did not bellow the House would have voted the money had they known how the Government intended to use it, ho dropped the subject. Hc wound up with an nil-round con- deuinattonottl" manner in which the Pro. vincial nuances have been mannxod for many years put. and with a serious statement of the weary old Joke that the Province is going etr-mht to taxation.' It is duo to him to etatu that ho not down amid tho eppiuueo ot his friends. A . - _ _ _ -- n Mr. Awrey continued the debate, He first devoted his attention to some of tho remarks of the senior member for 't oronto (Mr. H. E. Clarke). whom he complimented upon the ingenuity ho had shown in mtuupulntimr figures with a view to deceiving the people or the Province. no glanced tor a moment " Dominion tinances. and show ed MLClarke that it they were looked at through the some spec- tacles as those with which he regarded Pro: vincitutiuttucettthet Dominion would be con-l Vic-ted of having had cverv your a detieit instead or what they had cuimed--a surplus-- and thosodeticits "uecurding lo Mr. Clarke's system of computation) would, at the present time. have been enormous. lie reminded Mr. Clarke of some remarks he had made in 1884 tn rogard to the estimates. none of which he said at the time he would cut down in the slightest war. and the approval ho had oxprossod ot s lihcrnl hestowalof money in porinunont public buildings. and contrasted that with his criticisms last Thursday evening. Mr. Awrer insisted that Mr. Clarion remarks Wore generally untrustworthy, and as an in. stance pointed out that they were rely wide of the truth when he had made so simple it state-- ment us that Hamilton and Wentworth fur. nished lunch more than their share of lunatic: to the Provincial uylnms. Figures Wore given to show the inaccuracylot this. nullI ..."... _.. ...-.. ---- W . 7 a tow plenanntrles indulged m aerosi the ttoor ot the House. in which the point in dispute anvuently was an to whether from either Wontworth County or Toronto Cityaltmtttie hml got into the Legislature. Affisrthemsmild personalities Mr. Awrey re- butted 3iv.Cturko'o charges of extravagance inconnection with the Departments of Agri- culture and Education. Regarding the remarks he had made under the luthond.Mr. Awreyahowmlthnt in mulling tho bald statement that the tttn.ot.tttt. o/ money llu an" nun..-.-.~..u..-.un. u. -_.._- - _, __ Mr. Clarke had been unfair and had attempted to deceive the people. He should have mentioned that. the amount in question had increased simply be. "use the number of Sepanto Schools had In. um u..." ......, my..- ..._- .___ - _ apportioned. to Separate Schools lugd boom in- crexuod. and lhnl that was the mun duferenca he aw In Hm ampules 9! that Nngnrunontj creased. and the amount paid on their Account "In npporttoned on a regular basis. Comm; on to the quantum of the possibility of realizing or not on the Dominion trust funds. Mr. AWN! showed that the Dominion was randy. even nnxlous. to have them realised. and therefore thnre COMM be no mom tor doubt us totr.nt point, nor consequently as totlw wisdom ot equnltng them my neat-ts. Mr, Awtvy c.lot,ed with a reply to Mr. (Jimmy's complaint III to _ inrd to the rntlwn . aunutzicg the Government . ad issued. 'll/ Hum-y womb! the I Government should htn'c paid this, my i nutty out of Its surplus. Now WM " reasonable that the Government should 1 take money tor which tt WM getting tive or N." i trrr vent. nnd pay " awny when they tvttidi, borrow money numcient tor their pnrDOlO It.! Itouror tour and a quarter per cent. and so It" 9 l th_o_usnnda 'ttf dollars to the Prpvir.tcyt fm.s.v.-, l 'll'luxnllua "I \lUlIHI. l" tub I Avv ...'re' - Mr. "Mod, of llnslillgb. twitted the Govern- ment with havlnu found It necessary to put lUt two men to answer Mr. Clarke. the liyst of t.hems hm inc mm the o portupity ot reading his re: mark! in prlnt. I?" would not pretend to rep!) ttt Mr. Awrey. It the towns of .(hu' two speeches " ere compared the putslic maul?! judge rightly toritselt between the two. Mr. Wood then vigorously attacked the railway annuity scheme. said it wus u dead schema) nnd that ttut pooplo were kept in the dark m regard tott. A. . It- 1"...) kn n-lrl 31L G. B. Smith replied. Mr. Wow. ne um. seemed to be under the inmrcssion that tho railway nunullws were not mentioned in the public ncrmnns. He assured him. and "verybody else " ho labored under the munch"- prvsslon. that hr. was wrong. and that it up- vnrml fully up: forth in the public nccounls. Ir. Smith indulged in some gentle chaff in re- gard to Mr. Clarke. whom holormcda Heaven- "rn tinanrier. And then ho proceeded to don] wuh the Hunvun-born tiruoieier'a melhooln of argument. Ho charged Mr. ciarko with luv. lug misled the House-at lent. his own friends In the Hou.ts-in regard to the railway annuuy "ghouls. .yhloh, M. (Mr. Smith) defended Ott