Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1889, p. 1

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a An Act respecting a certain railway deben- , Lure debt at the united Townships of Laan. i Digby and Longford. , An Act, to simplify tho sales of property t held in trust for tho Church of England In the l, Diocese ut Toronto. 1 An Act Io incurDorattt the Toronto Belt Line I Railway Company. l An Act to incorporate the Town of Went. To. I rontu Junction. ' te Act respecting St. Jude's Church. Oak. Til P, _ An Act respecting certain railwaf debenture I debts of the l'ownshu} of _Souwrvil e. An net to unublu the lrllsteel under the will of tho lute lion. J allies Morrie to sell real " ', tate. An Act respecting the City of London. 1 An Act respecting tho Boards of the Baptist i Convention: " Ontario nnu Quebec. g An Act respoctinu the ltiuoau Club. _ An Act to incorporate the Attthetrtscburtr, Lulu l Shore & Bicnhoim Railway Company. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Township of Pelee. An Act to enable, the Presbytery of Guelph I to am apart for burial purposes and to .scll certain glebo lands in tho Township of ) Pusiim-li. I An Act respecting the Yorkvillo Loop Line l Railway Company. An Act to incorporate the Ontario Inland Marine Mutual insurance Company. An Act to consolidate the debt of the Town of Amherstburg. _ _ 'An Act respecting St. James' Cathodral, To. Tonto. The Governor was received by a guard ot honor from C Com any, numbering 80 strong, commanded By Major Vidnl, Cap- tain Macdougall and Lieutenant Cart- wright. THE ACTS PASSED. I'll LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR ASSENTS so ACTS PASSED 01; 1mm THE snssxox. His Honor after taking his seat on the throne was pleased to signify his went to the following Acta pus-ed during the un- slon '.-- - hi, Aisi in eniabla the cérporncion of the Vii- lage ot, Wyot9itstt..to dispose of cerAtiu lends. - Aiuct respecting St. Andrew's church. Burlington. 7 7 _ - THE tamrzENANT-aovBRNOR I CLARES THE SESSION CLOSED. Few Visitors Pr-nt-tNet Manna Put in An Avpeamuuto-l my. Number of Bull Antenna to - The Vice-Rog" Speech-A Quiet . Reunion. The third union of the sixth Parliament I of Ontario mu brought to o clan by his 3 Honor Sir Alexander Campbell on Saturday " three o'clock. The" were few citizen: present and the attendants of members wan said to be the smallest in the Motor] of the House. The members present were Hon. Oliver blown. Hon. C. F. Fro-or, Hon. A. S. Hardy, Hon. G. W. Rotus,Hon.J. M. Gib. Ion. and Moran. Monk, JConnor, Comma, Smith (Frontenac) and Dr. Gilmour. ': - Atitct to authoi-ise' the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario to admit. William Walter Pope to practise in said court " solici- tor. An Act to otttttirttt a conveyance made by the Town of Barrio to, her Noir tho Queen. .. Minion id 1jiieit k 'by-law '0: this Tomi of Gull. gm! for ot 191' pprpogonw - _ An Act respecting tho Mann & St. Guth- armes Street Railway Companfv. An Act respecting: ttttt City " Toronto. An Act IO cotttirm certain by-lnwn of the City of Kingston: angle;- ottttr pgrppsps._ [In Ac. "ism-cling BriG/yG."iiiWGpro,m of Gruvenhurst. - In; 115? G" scum 'ceru'uu :mer'a upoi: the Board of Trch pt the City of Vronto., - --._ An Act respecting ihi, Loudih EGO" mu. way Company. _ - __ An Act to author-lac the Synod of the Diocese ot Huron lo sol! pertain lands. An Art "retistsvinit the Ontario and Souk Ste. Marie Water. Light. and Power Company, and the Town of Sam". Stu. Mare. An Act to enable the Town of Brockvillo to issue certain debentures for drainage pur. poses. An Act respecting the Port Arthur Water, Ugh:_¢ Power Comp", - -- _ An Act rcspvcting the consolidation of the dcbcnture debt of the City of Toronto.. An Act to incorporate the Town of Brace- brivixo. and for othei t'l',r'1"l,'l,t . An Act to amend t 10 Act. relating to the Land ticcurity Company. An Act respecting the Town of Port Arthur. td.','. Act respecting the Municipality ot Noe. my. An Act to incorporate tho Waterloo Junction RniiWuy Compa_n_y. _ __ A An Ad to oiuaid the Corponllon of the City of (Mums to issue debentures for waterworks purposes. An Act respcclinz the York roads and the surveys thereof. An Act respecting certain ,',',ff'ifirkr of the Fresh) teriau church at, Vunkleex ill. An Act to grovide for the isxidGiiin of the wnierworks q the City of at, Catharine; and tat other purpoxqs. _ A - An Act to enable the Town of Cobonm to am certain railways. An Act. respecting voters' Huts. - Ah Act respecting tho Toronto, Hamilton a Buttuio railway. ' MONDAY. MARCH' , Illll LliGISLAT URE. ' "T,', 3133;333:335 _-----. tip_n, fur. lujqrio: Act. . ,--tNgt Mambo:- An Act to amend the Untmio Shops' Regu- lation Act. 1888. An Act to incorporataltho Village of Butt. dridgo. An Act to amend the Line Fences Act. An Act to amend the Pharmacy Act. An Act respecting couu-amo of lite insur- Nice. Cid Act to amend the Act respecting assign- ments and preferences by Insolvent pI-rsons. An Act retmcetinrtutciittiartutcc oi' hm stock. An Act respecting the limited liability of in. eorporutcd communes. * _ . ..- . . An Act rcwoting certain matters under the Land THEN Act. An Act rcsocctiutt registry off1cets. An Act to give rcptNvwnttttiott in the Logis- lntivu _Atsacittol.r. toyto.District yt. nipisaiux, -....., .. -._--.' An Act to amend the Ontario Election Aer. An Act to amend the Act impacting insur- Im-o companies. An Act to amend the Acts respecting Muni. cipal Institutions ip Rh" caching (listrict'a. Tiiit.et to amend tho revised statute respect.- Intt ttttiid, hug tsocieties. . -cir, In tGiedtinstGttts under the Manhood Bulrratr"Aet. . . _ . _ _ -hu Act H) nulku further provision "re.sirciiins,r ttr, Districts of Hurry Sound and Muskuka. An Act to amend the Act respecting the federation of the University ot't'oron'.o and University College with other univcl-siuos and culltwys. _ . . . _ - _ The Franchise Aloe-ulna! yt 1889. An Act. to amend the'lnw o launder. An Act to amend the low in certain mutter: of legal procedure. Au Act Vor the protection of lnoectivorous autd other birds. . An Act to tacilttttto the purchase of tollronds by municipalities. The I) wines and Watercourse. Amendment Act. 1839. An Act to amond the Act respecting the study of anatomy" . A A , m . A "-31; 111i]; amend the revised stunt. respect- ing nrpilrgtions an/l _rct¢3rqnces. r . An Act rcspor.tink appeals on pvosoeutions to enforce penalties and punish olfenoes under P,ovmcial Acts. An Act to revive and amend the Act ineor. porutlnx the Sarnia A: Lambton Southern rail. way. An Act as to conveyances of lands granted un :cr the Free- Gruttts and Hulnvaleuds Am. An Act to nulhurise the nopoinlnwnt of Hire guardians and for mu bettci. prevention of ush tires. An Ad to amend the Public Health Act. An Act to amend the, Liquor Lacuna . Act. An Act lo rum-nu the l1uu. Lilirnrics Act. An Act to make further provision respect- intt the mummy of religious institutions. The A.wstetsgtncnt Ainundnn-nt Act. 1889. The Municipal Amendmenl Art, 1889. A n Art to nun-m! the Un'nrin insurance Act. An Art to amend the Pub ie. Schools Am. An Act iv an] Iul (hunter Ito of the Revised Statutes as resp"cls investments by trustees. An Act. respecting aid to certain railways. An Act to amend the Act. respecting the otlico of sheriff. anwAdl to amend the Agriculture and Arts ct. "Ail Act to protect tho beaches and shores of the Hroviuue iu,raltttit.depreiiatiop. _ _ -- A ing in the new districts. an AM to an mu mu Division Courts Act. An Act to cotttirnt a curtain agreement be- tween tho (7izy of Kingston and certain rail. wny companies. _ _ _ _ -- - - An Act rcsuectintt tho powers of electric light mummies. An Act rrwm-ling the administration ofjus- lice in cv.rtnin c 151-3. Alt Art to prevent tho spread of contagious diseases among horses and other domrslic animals. ' An Ay f "' tho enforcement of orders under Um nc.' rapt-cling master and servant. An Act respecting steam threshing ma. chines. An Art vrliduting a certain agreement be- tween the Lymwysity of Toronto and the Cor. poratlpn of the Guy of 1'oronur. A _ - Tlik SPEAKER TO TUE GOVERNOR. After his Honor tsignified his muons to the above bills, Mr. Speaker said..-- A n pun tr An May it please your Houort--We he: Egan's A n A r" r(-~nbm Am'mumond the General Roads Com- 'ry'". damage to lands by flood. most dutiful and tnithfut subjects. ttt,t2thta,' lutlve assembly ot the Province of Ontario, ttt session assembled. approach your Honor " the close of our labor»; with sentiments of tm- feigned devotion and loyalty to her Majesty's person and Government. and humbly be? to present for Four Honor's acceptance in bil en- tltuled "An Act for granting tuber Majesty cer. tain sums of money to astray the expenses ot civil government for the your 1889, and for other purposes therein mentioned." thus glue-lug at the disposal of the Crown the means y which the chrrnment can be made em- clent for the service and welfare of the Pro. vmcu. To this bill the Royal agent was an- nounced by the clerk of the Legislstivo Assembly in the folowiug words ".-- His Honor the Liouten ant-Governor doth thank her Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjecis. accept their benevolence and assent. to this bill in her Majesty's name. THE SPEECH. SIR ALEXANDER CAMPBELL DISMISSES TB! FAITHFL'L LEGISLATORS. His Honor was then pleased to deliver the following speech t-- Mr. Fipehkcr and Gentlemen of the Legislntivo Assembly: In bringing to a close another session of the Legislative Assembly. I desire to recognise the earnestness and zeal with which you have dqypted yourselves? {gum work of leglinlntion; "Hm... .-.-.V.-..W .- ...V V. ___"- -- -'r..- - _ The measure which you have adopted for developirurthe unsettled p rtions of the Pro. vince by means of Colonisation Ruilwaysmeels with my hearty approval. I am glad Co believe that the revenues accruing from the opening up of tho mim-ml and other lands through which tho projected railways will puss. and tho profits to be derived from the sale of certain classes of timber not at present marketable, will alone reimburse to the Provincial Trea. sury the oxpenditure to be incurrcdin carrying into elfect the policy which has received your sanction. - _ - . . ... - lam glad to give my tassent to the bill for creuiing the new elevtorttl District of Nipissing. The large territory embraced in that district, and the new set: lcmans springing up within its borders. entitle thc district to a voice in the Legislaiivo Assembly: the etttct will doubtless be to direct pablie attention more fully than byfore to this important section of the Pro. Vince. The measure which you have passed for affording an expeditious and simpleremcdv for domnnininu the claims of seniors in the new districts for dumumslo then-lauds by flooding, will, i trust. materially aid in accomplishing the object desirad, - _ _ _ _ By the Voters' Lists Act and the Franchise Assessment Act. you have atNrdeiilinerettscd facilities for "ttab/init every quoUitied elector lo ha ve. his mum,- placed upon the assessment. roll and voters' list. Thu important amendments made to the Shops Regulation Act. the Factory Act and the Worklmn's Injuries Act will, I feel as- sured, be nppreviulcd by all those who are fonccrncd in the beneticial operation ot these nws. . I mn I,u,2,fr'g1/icd with the measures you hnvo adopte toe the itnprovement ot UN) Pharmacy Act. the Act. respectingtlte Study of Anatomy und the Free Lib: mics Am. Each of these Actg dunks mth important educational interests, and the amendments you have made cannot fail to exorcism a saiu- tury efrect. "Pun tho special depart- mnnts to whielt Jhe.t respccli\'9ly___rclnto. l iGviiGreniiit wivujuet.tytiy to the" bills ydii have subuutlcd ty.""' tor the furthots improve. ;ngng of pur municiptyl my! usspssmcnt ltgws. I thank nu tor the liberal appropriations which ymxlnve made for the public service. The supplies which you have voted will be ex- pcnded with p.udence and in tho public in. turn". The Provincial Secretary then said '.-- Mr. Spcukvr and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly: It is his Manor's will and pleasure that this Luaislmive 1itsvttrlt!.r.bo prorpguml. and this Legislative Assembly Is accordingly proraguod. £363:

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