Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1889, p. 1

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THE BUSINESS or THE SESSION CON- CLUDED. MARCH 21, 1889. Tho Chamber looked very serene thin morn. ing when the doors were opened. The railway resolutions had joined the French school ques- tion and were a thing of the past. Before half an hour had elapsed. hon ever. the House was again piuurred into warm discussion. This time it was caused by an amendment proposed by Mr. A. F. Wood tiiastinxsi to tho motion to read a third time Mr. Balfour's bill to amend the Ontario Elm-lion Act. The mot ion was to the effect. that the House should go into COIM- lnittee on tho hill nud amend it by making the ballot secret at election: for the Legislature. The motion brought up the, Attorney-General and Messrs. Hardy and Fraser. on the Govern. ment. side of the House. and Messrs. Creiuhtou. Hudson. Willoughoy. Whitney and others for the "ttpositron. The con. tention by the Government side of the House was thut the hallo! is already secret tor all practical purposes. and that only through some ttltsdtrtueattur or In case of a legal and official scrutiny ran the tunntwt' of voting of Durtit-ular persons-t be traced. Various charges of fraud and ill doiue in respect to ballot papers were hurled at the Government. on apparently triviul ground; and one or two extreme ro- tnurks from Mr. Willouglms to that effect caused Mr. Hardy. in rebutting them. to re- ntindthat gentlemen that he nan not yet denied, in the Home at any rate. the .tutetueut made in tho House to titer-libel. that he tMr. Wil. loughhyt had been guilty of Handing outside a polliuy booth and bringing a wry-glam to bear upoutt in order to diatom the way in with in his consumer-tn cast their votes. As won as Mr. Hardy had taken his scat Mr. Wi.ioughuy {unwed up m if he had been shot and denied at mat the uliexutiun made. usuerting that there was not a Word on" truth in it Anot her putt". made by the members of the Government in reittsin.. the amendment or. fen-d try Mr. Wood wttsthat it. was itupuiui'olo to P.incuqa ~40 important an ntl'uir in the dying hours of the ,isrsion, and that Mr. Wood. it he had intended the amendment fur any other i purpose than to bring about tt rather aeri- l Iuonious discussion and to enable ruin: charges I of fraud and wrongdoing to be hurled at tho I Government. Would have introduced it eeriier i in the sea-don. or would hare brought in some i time before this a bill to the same ctroct. M r. woud'r, re ply was that he lad had the amend- l uncut Waiting for some ten ohys. but had not had it chance to more it. He thought there was ample time. .. Sens " and .. new ., were demanded. and tho vote resulted as follows. i Mr. Uarson being the only Government sup- _ porter tojoiu (Ito flpposition : l -- _ --- Yr.ss.--ltl.rth. Clattcy, Clavke. H. E. (To. romm. Craig. Creighton. ('ruesu. Fell. French. Garson. llammt-ll. Hudson. Ingram. News. Lcrshlart.r,Mt.uu.'huut, ahietcalre..Miller, Monk. Morgan. Gstrottt. Preston. Hark». Smith triots. tmmm. Stewart. Tooley. Whitney, Willoughby. Wood tlitcytiygs), Wrlie--a7. _ -- _ - NAN. Adam. Armstrong. Awrer. Balfour. Bailarttrue, Bishop. Ricard. Brannon. C'ald. well. Clarke tivellincutut, Cuttmuo, Duck. Ounce. Davis. "rut". Drydo-n. Frrgnson. Field, Finger. Fro-emu". Gibson (Hammond. Gibson tHuronr, Gilmour. Gould. Graham, Guthrie, Huruuurt. "atatv. Lyon. McKay. McLaughlin. McMahon. Mack. Mover. Morin. Muwnt. Nttrray.tycottnor, Pacand. Phelps. ftayside, itouiiutru. Norm tilurom. Ross tMiddlesex), Smith Worm. Snider. Stwague, Stratton. Waters. Wood ("Twin-~50. t'mvumzur'm Mr. Murray arosuto u question of privileges during thumorniux trrssiott. ll" said ho mu iucurruitly reported in The Toroitto Empire. He read the roport,nnd cont inucd thnt whnt he did say was that ho was sorry to so» such an exodus of people from the Proviutw. which he attributed to amino extant to tho dissatisfaction of the trade policy. and the duty of tho Gov. ernment was to remove all cam-Lo of complaint. and to coronal"! the cloruiopmcut of the newer portions ol'the I'rovim-o in pttrticular by assisting in the construction of colonia- tum tutilwnsys. Ho para the Americans credit tor their enterprise III constructing railways and tor encouraging immigration. He thought. there was: some sentiment in favor of Annexation. and that . it, in advocating a change of the trade policy. and u Timon-ed effort to construct railways to keep our people in tho l ountry would molec- hint on Annexation- lst. than he was one. flcttijtnutednvrGiit deal hull boen done nlroacly in the "otcstruction of railways. and winning ot tho areal. odvnutnco the Canadian l'uptllc railway was to the northern portion at tho Province. The hon. the. leader of the Opposition. in replying to his remark, misjudged him and placed hurt in a tvttus's position. which he wins sure the hon. gentlomnn did not detritus. to tio. No would be the last man who.weyl.d Wllllllgly say anything that might be prejttttieial to " mtivc country. 'rumh nmtmxus. The following bills were read a third time nnd passed without any discussion: -Toamend the Act of Contracts for Insurance: the Mom. tr. Entour- Election Law Amend- mqnt--rtu, Opposition Have u Secret Sallot-amondments in concur. retteq--tNntters tor Buppi-- Buls musaad--Untrorn Mat- rioulatton E x mm in - tlons - Supplemen- tary Iiltttttnati- Closlng Scenes. 1h'l'b' RE. Gilt-ROE AGAIN? AN OFFICIAL. When the House "Mn was some into "(In)" Mr. Creighton. In the absence of Mr. Mere il h, mulled the Intuition of tho Attorney-General Lo the case of B. M. Davis. of Goderlch. who in the our 1387 wan assaulted by Mr. McDonald, the Bunny Clerk of tho Crown for the County of Huron. Mr. Creighton said that it wus alleged Dnvia was warluid after a political dis- pute at night by Mr. McDonald, and sustained such inJurles that he will be u cripple for life. He reseovererd 8100 umumgcs in a civil suit. but that wus not sutilcient to recoup him for the injuriof trye.ttcinetl., The. Attorney-General re- ijiidd that the evidence brought forth at the trial wont to show tint Davis was himself to blame. that he was not sober at the time. and thntit did not appear that his injuries were aitotrothor duo to the "quilt. t,tu'vCt:.uEN't',tttY ESTIMATES. Tho House then went into supply, and passed the supplementary estimates utter a few obser. unions by members at the Opposition. The chief itomu are as foiiuws '.-- Further, yoto Administration of Juss. tlco. Attruttta......................... Further vote for Administration of Justice, Dotrolt mrpr............... Salary or Registrar of Dead: and Mate. ter of Titles. Manitoulin. . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary of Clerk of District Court and Surrogate Court. Manitoulin Island Salary of county Attorney and Clerk of the Pence. Parry t4ound.... . . .. .. Salary of Sheri": of Parry Sound and Muskolta.8100 in addition to the 3400 already voted........................ Salary ot Magistrate at Sudbury voted by mistake at $1.100 instead of $1,400 as liorcloforc.. .... .._. .'............ Addition to tho salary of the Mastor in ordinary...... "..."......r....... Additiqnto salary of Clerk of Process "5m! Heir and vaiseo "0GtiUiisiG'r.' Aguuumu vote. for_!.ucal Masters of to rim-Jo 'e.'."....'.""............. 'l,50 00 Balance Cincinnati exuibi: ........... 700 00 Fur printing the nnrnpculed general Ausnut contained in Revised Sta. tutes "m""'..-"...'.................. 1.000 00 Special expenses ro diphtheria epi- demic in Parry Sound and NipU- sing Districts '.......r.m............ 1.20000 Ito-tiring nilowunce to Inspector of Registry omcosv..................... 1,500 00 To defray expenses of legislation. public institutions maintenance and for salaries ot the Minn-rs of tho Govternment and Civil Service for the month of January. 1890.......... 31.000 00 IN ('om-t'nnrzst K. In the course of u'1""'urren1t', Mr. Crolzhton moved an untendmonl as follows:--. .. Thttt the following words be added to the motion 2. _* But while willing to grant all neces- sary sums torthe maintenance of our public institutions. this Home is of opinion that tho syuu'm lu-rcmtoro pursued ot purchasing large quantities of supplies for those institutions without public competition opens the way tor sttorsiavoritisnt and extravagance. in not in the pulbllic interest and ought to be discon- unu u . " "TItat all after theword 'that' in the resolut lon be struck out and tho following inserted in lieu thereof:, Thorn be added lo the original reso- lution these words. 'Aud, whim concurring; in such resolutions. this House dcsirt_ to vxpress its opinion. that in regard to the suppiics for the institutions which cannot with advantage Mr. Harcourt moved in amendment to the mnuon:.- c, -up 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 450 00 250 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 6.000 00 2,500 00 1,000 00 1,000 09 2,500 00 1.003 00 250 00 400 00 in"? be supplied by tender. the 2l,'gi1tte,t otiicers should insist that where w otoaale quunuLies are purchased only current wholesale prices shgulq'bo ctysrged.' " _ A Mr. French GTE exception to the price paid for vnrniuh by the bursur ot the Kingston in. sane Asylum. stating that it was too high. The Tteusur'cr said that Mr. French never min-d one single question regarding the matter or the bursar when he was examined by the l'nbtie Account. Committee. It was unfair to bring it. up at thin time. It was allown by the e.vi. dence of the bursar that supplies were pur- chased at thelowest possible price. Mr. Inlet- cnlfo defended the bursar ot Kingston Asylum, claiming that his salary should be raised. Mr. Hardy ridiculed the proposition of the Up- pesition,nrguinx than: was iuipussilslc to make it practical. Mr. Clancy said the proper course to pursue was to purchase all supplivs tor the institutions by tender. Mr. Harcourt, wound up the debute. lie took occasion to say that the members ot the Opposition I'l'i'SCliL :tt the Public Accounts Committee Wei'c thor- uughly tsatistied with the .hr1i,thlh.T.1r,,e" mi. dance giver, by the bursar o the K ingezon Asylum. The Mouse then divided. the tuHeurd. ment being carried on the lullowing division: - _"--""' 7,7,- "m," n m- -_e___. .... -......',...~ ScAs.--Alluu, Armstrong. Awrey, Bumm- tync. Uishop. Bio-Zara. Bronson, Cnld well, Chrishulm. Clarke iwoniuirtotti, (Mum-e, Duck. Dance. Davis. "nu-y, Ferguson. Held, Fraser, Freeman, Gannon. nilmm aluminum. Gibson diurou). Gilmour. Gould, iitulmtu, Guthrie, Harcourt. Hard); Lyon, MnAndrcw, McKay, McLaughlin. Mu.udtton. Mack. Mus- ter,5leriu, Mowat. Murray. U't'onnur. P.vvc.ud, Phelps. "upside, Pouis (Numb). Loss mumm- next, timith (York). Snider, Sprague. Strum)". Waters. Wood (B1v,ut).--'i0. NAYH.-Blyllx. clam-y, "'larke, H. F.. (To. ronm), Craig. 1'reiiiluun, (fumes. Fc',.'. F'rtmcls. Immune", hudruu. Ingram]. News. Luca, Mar.. ter. Manchu"). M me "In, Alon-a. Mng m, 0:- Iron). Preston. borkc. Smith druulcnam, tsuns an. 'l1eler, Whitney, Willouisltbs, Wood (Hastings). W yne. --23. EVENING SESSION. Tau: nous: WINDS up THE nusxxuss on THE Husstttx. There were a few tiuishing touches required to put the legislation of the session into a hat. tuouious sham-mud that Wan done by the mem. bcrs "gambling at the usual hour utter ad. journntcttt. There was no disposition. Itos. evcr. to exhibit that (-urcuorn and anxious look which could be seen on the faces of the legislators in the middle of the session. in fact. the House resolved itself into the custom- ary and time-honored unintuitive on "paitct' throwing." Some members. noticeably lion. Mr. b'ratser, betook tltctt",elvvs at an early hour to the sate rutt'cnt which bats benches grant. while when. perpetually pelted beyond endurance. withdrew trout alto showers of bills and pamphlets. The Minister ot Agriculture retreated utter receiving a char othnt put "Eli hat itipoasclsapcala hir. 'l,yl,'ldt'dys'.' Others did likewise. t'xu-'otm MA'1'1uCULM'to.N E.YayHNAiloNs. The tray ceased tor a while to give plavu to an applause that lasted long. "hen Mr. Met- calfe. ttttey mount-lo of bills were disposed oi. rose to more a motion. it ioukudful't'oltlu tint. us it the tncutborl'or Kingston would no: he allowed to give it expression. But at last he got. a hearing and he moved the foliowiaz motion :--oiucr of the IIouse tor a return of copies of all correspondence ne- twocn tho authorities of the l'uivmsi'.y of To. mum and the authorities of any other unitar- ttity or utsivcrrsilie.s in Ontario, relating to uniform matriculation examinations and a uniform scale of toes. The Minister of Education said that the mo- tion Was oi grout importauce,it being dcsxuule that them should be a uniform tmitnculation examination tor all the ttuiversutics of the Piovinre. He doubted, however. whcther um universil as would be willing. even if thus! could agree on a common basis. to rive up I hair privileges in these resp'ccts. lie It Quid gnaw-Al information as to the tsteps takomo b: in); about this desirable end. The ordvr was tlsvtigrautcd. LAND tNPrstrvi:3uih"l' FUNir. Then John lilylh rose nip! received a bundle of bills on the back of the head which almost disturbed his gravity. the applause a: thu same limo indicating how popular a member be. comes at the close of the session. This dues not mean that Mr. Myth is not always popular; but last. night he was received with a lasting ovation. He spoke in his own racy styio, but, not sriiltstan0ing his strung voice, he couid no: be hand. He moved the following motion .' _ thuct. of l he llouso for a return nliowing I ho amounts due to the Land Improvctuvnt Fund arising from the sales ot Gmnmiur school lands in tho 'l'ownrhipnf Proton up to the 53th day oroctotrcr. 1858. such return to include all col- t let-lions up to let July. ltd. i The motion was granted. l LLOSINU st-mxns. , The Attorney-General then announced that I tho Housn would be pron-ogucd on Saturdnv ' and inovod the atijouctttutusr ot'tlic House until three o'clock on that din. 'lhervupou the _ members rose and sung the National Atitlictu l loyalty. closing with three cheers sud a tit." r. The scene then changed." if by magic. rc- sserubliugthe stun realities of the bat,tieticld. Tito pent-up [culinxs or the [numbers found wild isxprestion in the twinkling of an "yc, and it did not taku many tttiuutrm tor the cushions to do duty in possibly the wildcat and moat. I anitulhg scone that ever took place at the ', elosin of the Legislature. The wrt-cx was as f 'iell'l,f,, as the combatants Wore persistent and l courageous. The poor old clock was tlie iirsc I to co. then the lamps. after which hon. gentle- man canto to close quaruTs, tho as§:iul.. twin; l protracted and dntoriuincd. The tralicries new I crowded and enjoyed. presitttruyl.t,tlit' sin-he ; more than many of them did in listeumg1o.' long speeches. l"areWcll.gcntlemen. you'fuuuht 3 nobly and worthy ot British representuuvus. F

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