Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1889, p. 1

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Mot-chm. 1883. when the Home met this liter-noon the "unity of the members expected that their time would be mostly taken up in Iupply. but Terr unexpectedly. so (or no the House wne concerned. the Government was met by an. other vote of want of eontidenee. It would loom " it the Opposition did not consider that ther did justice to them-elves in railing extinct the use of French in the wheel: of Ila-torn Ontario. during the recent dvbate--at least one micht be led to reasonably inter tlmt from the oecond deliverance on educntionnl mutton presented the "one. by Mr.Crnig. The" ore nanny reasons why the House and llte galleries have no cause to regret the intro. Incliouot' the motion. The Attorney-General unveueom-iae. able and eloquent. opinion on the constitutional aspect of the right otthe French schools to exist under the British North America Act, and Hon. U. W. lime " rain mm bailed upon.nnd in n litsarrni.ntindod 'ln'lhlli'ldi'l't' speech ridiculed and rebuked those whoare trying to prescribe the mo in Ontario by French Canadians of their mother tongue. 1mm) ltBAleu'tm. The following bills were rend it third time ..- To make further provisions respecting the Districts of Parry Sound and 3imikoku--Tho Ayyrrueruet1etuti. vet, of Want of thtnmutteq Propoi- Mr. Clarke mid his reasons for asking it was that he might move, an ntuendtttont which should have the otrect of nullity-lug certain Acts Mills Pavitruio Councii.so tar as they bore on [ton rwulem. betzwwn the Lwomuni- cipalitios. [fr understand that tho l'ukdule Council had incurred sever-l debts and voted a cooiderubie amount of money by way of increasing minim. emu, since tho agreement beichu the [no municipalities and he wanted the bill so amended that it would not control Toronto to incur any liability nururrcd by 'arktialctrinco #1: date of the agreement in question, March t . The Provincial Secretary said he certainly had no lynlunxhy with lzny such "tterupt as that. suuueulcd by Mr. Clarke; nud hulhongllt it WM reasonable to and: tho deferment ot the third reading of a bill. The public would probably 'war of . Clarke's ullt-gntlon and intended 'clior a thone interested Would have All .mnuv' of ditw.ltsimintt or explain- lu . . at?" Home went Into committee and advanced several . ills a Mug». _-.--- .m... ....V...,x.. To amend the lsuilding Socictlcl' Act-Mr. Meredith. IAYOB cLAaxl: AND THE Puunnuc ANNEXA- 1'qu mu. When the order for the third reading of Mayor Clarke's biltrortrectintr tho City of To. 'onlo came up. Mr. Clarke moved the din- ttutrtte of the order and that the Home ttointo committee of the whom 7 -'f'hrt'rGvGk,iirgctGur, objected to the "93180101133 my; g'gmmluoe {new l'? thy bill. In. can" AHSt'.ttKM ms or." rosrrmx AND lulla- "sour Asu'rmm "any"; Mr. Craig did not have enough of the debate on the French question the other day. My reading the letter written by Mr. J. J. Mac. loreu. u.e.. to Tim "LUBE. apparently. ho won encourngrd to rt'new his ul- tock on the Minoan-r of Iuiucatiou. It wus done by way ot n resolution moved in "mend. mcnt to the Treasurer's motion to go into com. mittce of supply-u resolution with the, larger portion of which. on the Attorney-General and the Mil-idler of Ethical ion concurred in all ing. the Government could have nowptud had it come in any other manner t han on u Yul not want ot confidence. The amendment. moved by Mr. Craig)": yytrded "donow's _ . . k To unfcnd itil. ict respecting insurance oom- ta_nies--Mr. Bishop. _ - t', THE FRENCH QUESTION AGAIN. Io Attorrurr.aerusrru Row-w. tho Britt-h Noun America. Act- Speech" by the Miniature! Educator: and Mr. Evan- tUrol-D-ttons nnd Notes. .1W En OPPOSITION AGAIN angel: FRENCH SCHOOLS. E LEGISLATURE. aid during» the race quqttlon. He would: schools in Ontario III] tn which English in I the "when are non ltruollon in [Jun tom li; by this awn I t em. As " Lo; ' but to accept 'Inposos upon 1 I Juan introduce , "I Is introduce" ' nd becnuw ttl the Iacgisitit O Voters. In) f to to form at I061"! 10 Inn Mk the ll n. friom' , THE 0 KS o, it In tFi0miRiEaiiUrara the Province m which mu"! is taught. lie believed that was the 0.... 2h'l would assert the truthfulness qt an 3W! Mth own more force than he Nd ttyrinegl" men: debate an the same 0 . no won; again any that there are 4n Ontario ittttirorted by public [nude in . h 'llngtitrh in not taught. and. bumps. the 1tt,ttit It. not capable of 'yuiylt1ne, tu. "motion n that tongue. Instead of the Eng. lhh 1tuttttmtro_inereiiirttt in intiueneo in "new tliqtrigti, the French is day by day extenmAug .ttiiatttmrtteqto tho, exclusion pt tho, Emgli.sh luau". Mr. Craig attain referred lo the text books in use in these schools. and especi- uiy to the ono he called attention to tho other dir, entitled _"tVltatraire." The meaning of the word. he had discovered. was "spelling book." and a. perusal of it would show that " was certainly: text. book. He concluded by luring that. his Iolc object in calling attenxion to the matter was to bring about such a state ot "Mrs u would make English supremo in the Province. topposition cheers). . THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. u " related to Public schools. he thought that he hinrelt and the on- tire Home might, have acceded to it. had it been brought forward in any, other We] than as a vote ot mutt of confidence. llowevrr. the motion mu not eot:titsed to Hub. lie schools. end. as a constitutional lawyer. he "I. not prepared to admit that the Legislature had the authority to ptoscribo what text books Ihould be used In Separate Schools. The Luis. hture was bound by the British North Atncrtcn Act. and he was not prepared to any that that Act gave them the Dower ro. tated to. As would be well known to tho House, there never had been any juris- diction admitted to be exercised try [he Legis- "lure over the text books of the Separate outlook. Attempts had been made to get them to use voluntarily the text books need In Public "hook. but as to impoeing those text books upon them, he wu not prepared to say that the Home hudjuriedictiou to that extent. and he could not ad viso the House to that. elfoct. My the 93rd section of tho B. N. A. Act. it was pro- vided us rollowr.-- (2) All the powers. privileges and duties at the Union bylaw conferred and imposed in Vapor (Manda on the Separate tscuools and De ool nut-teen of the Queen's Roman Catholic luhjccu shall be and tho sauna are hart-by extended to the dissentient sclmoh ot the Queen's Protestutttand ltuman Catholic BUD. ice}: HLQttelycc. Wm . - _ Tmt PREMIER QUOTES THE B. N. A. ACT IN me. CARD T0 all-Mun: sruuow. The Ron. 4ttorruty.Gencrttl "in that if the motion of Mr. Craig bad beonatsuUstnutive motion. i? BO tar as it 'elated to the Public. Icnools o the Province. it did not occur to him that _he neo.d h.ave any 9bj_cgliou to it. tio tar - t3) Where in any Province a system of Separ- Oto'or dit,seatiernt tschools exists by law at the Untomor in thereafter established bv tueLogis- lnturo of tho Province, an tppvaishull be to the u'overnordhsuertt1 in Council from any Act or decision of any Provincial uuthority atrcct. Ing any right or privilege of the Prota.stunt or Roman Catholic minority of the UueenU sub- Je.?.' Ill r'elntiiin to gdncatiun. . , . In and for ouch Provinco the Legislature any exclusively make lawn in relation to edu. cation. lulfect and accordingly to the follow. lug plow}! ottrr.- - _ _ -- _ __ m Nothing in any such law shall prttjudi. "all: 'ttr-et any right or privilege with respect todetnatnittationat Schools which any class of tf,,','),',','.' have by law in the Province at the mon. .. "Now." continued the Attorney-General "it buttoctiy certain that at I he t hue of the Union the Separate sehouis luul the right in adopt their own text books. and that right is evident- by this section of the H. N. A. Act wscurvd to . em. Asa Legiahntnro we have no alternative t to accept whatever restrict ions that Act poms upon In. I liwrefom object to the mo. n introduced by the hon. gentleman b-wzauso is introduced as u votvof wan of routine-um, Fleptttatpschuoltsof the Province. He denim! this to bottle condition of things. and insisted that onooithe fundamental principles of tho I'otiiititutlon of the Province wns that in all matterrrttut of a religious nature tho State should he mum-me. No would not ask for political purposes any better or clearer line ot tictttarcntiun between the two sides of the lluusetlntnthe difference between thom on thNnttcstlon. Hm side of tho Houteerecog. niscui that their Human Catholic fellow.citizeus htttlnrtyht undertlm British North American Act to exams-ire iurisiiction no tar as the rrliuions tout-hint: given In the Shout-mo schools was vom-t-rttctl. but he entirely repudi. ated the contention that under the British North America Act there was any further surrender"! powers. Had tho Attorney- General ever declared that the Lexis- h.turc had nut this pom-r to declare that the election of Separate school trustees should be by hallott Was the Attor. ttuy-(lo-ncrnl Itumgtoodmit the truth of the princinlo laid down by the lute Archbishop Lynch.' There could be no more dangerous doctrine than that advanced by the Attorney. General, and he ventured to any tinting Ivuihiule in any tieparnte svhuo nu [ho law was It mum remain In thnt "use. continued Mr. Meredith. " Confederation the pooplu of Ontario had prac- ticum Immlcdovor tua body beyond the con. [rol of tltlmtisltunIrtt full control overtho his ONLY ON Till-t uvusnux' or .ctc'lit. A'tr'. bt "hum. _ ith said hr 'l.t,ll_1hl the A',tortot" "Lulu n Slum! d .II',;:'l'ula1 " uc..', H." intern-nu of the pauplu ox canny by tho stun nu-n' 1m hml ilvst mum. .. He has.,' mid "r,"-')',':":',; deiiaruul rim: h H min") hymn-I lin- un.:r.u1 of Hm Hnum- to .'sv..'.si,sH. ill any 'svrty \\ havwor in rn.utrd In tho hcpfnntc m-lmoisq ot Ih:, Pro, nm'. ii" my: that The AttdAidi.trenoral-so tar as any privi- leges are concerned. Id Moan-a also it sllppOHus u Fish! on the part, ,tho Legislature which l mu not able to my Wis. but which. so far. ttA I have bet.u to form any opmion at all on Ilm subjtvt, ml to mo we do not pauses-I. I must. titepc. "k the Home not to accept the motion ot' . friend." lADphLum-a. THE OPPOSITION LEADER. l 20, 1889: .39 itt the Lune of cmifeiieritioiGd RtllMr8RW8JlNiu1Wi0"y_tr,tri such wow; "and by him. He hoped the Premier wo drocedo from the maiden while thcre was time. that. he would no: ttllow it to go tort!) as his opinion that the Province could not control the "choolsit was called upon to help .uopport. In conclusion Mr. Meredith said he had hoped tho AttornoyA'jptmt'ttl would have seen his way clear to ask the House to join in support of the resolution moved by Mr. Craig. M r. M credith sat down amid the cheers of hi: party. ANOTHER CLEAN AND VltloltOL'S SPEEQH FROM l MON. (i. w. "OM. Mr. G. w. Rosa, amid tho cheers of the Rouse. rose to reply. He began by pointing out in tho clearest. and most emphatic manner that the most important part of the resolution was one that the, Government nideot the House could very well vote for. seeingthat it. asked the Home to declare in favor ot principles: already reeqitn.iyed and acted upon. ne. had pointed out in his sneer-h of the other day. so clearly that evenu wayiarinir man could under- stand. tho policy of the department in this respond, which was that the English language shall be dominant everywhere in the Previous of Ontario and shall be taught in every Public school therein. Helmd stated the other day that for over thirty years under Dr. ltyerson there wanna rule whatever in respect. to the touching of English in the schools , of Ontario. There was no rule in regard to the l matter until 1885. The hon. gentleman was well ) aware ot that. Why, then. this motion of con- sure! There need be but Very little did'erenee l of opinion between tin-m "-310 MW rrrsoAttion. It really in the main nftiyutot the excellence of the policy the (iovornnunl and the depart- ment were pursuing in the maltcr referred to. but the UoVernnirnt, by vol leg torthe resolu. non. would be by implication condemning themselves. on account of the manner in which Mr. Craig had introduced it. Was it fair for the hon. gentleman to avail hitnsrlt ut the privilege of a. Parliamentary tpick-if he might so term it-tho better to get ' blow at the Government.' Let him bringthis m'stion before the House in sucha way thatit ouid be employed as a vote of censure. lApplnuse.t Moreover. he would 1m willing to accept the implied censure if it were substantiated by any evidence whatever. Mat, it wastrel. Mr. Urutg simply placed in opposition tothe ,stetomentsot the ittmprctnrq ,nnd other trusted Ulllt'lnlr of the Education Department the remarks- of n sinstlv ltt'wqiaput' Correspondent. In the the. clause of the rt'so. I lution. 'Mitt matter of fact. thcte was no vell- I sure. The G't,repttutcttt. as Well as the House, l tuinht-Volofor it had it come in a tliffcrrent l, manner. There Wt'i'ff no teachers in the Public I schools of Ontario who could not "punk ling. lish. L'o:retrpoudenccr or; the department would show that certificate; and even temporary l permits. had been refused to persons tunable to teach the English language. He did not any that in all more lingual] was 1't).l,'fy///t,?v'fi'iet,)'is':,'. Home Was not built in a l day. rm. Cruitr's political reinitation even was not made in a day, and did he continue to t use the tactics and policy he was using at pre- sent it would take many only: to build it. But while the departtturu. teqnired that every teacher should be able to numb the English laugnu'ro it did not intend that the teat-her 'ii0,tiii"iii, proscribed. if he happened to be teaching Front-h children. from giving lllSlrtlt'- tion in the French language. (Appluttste.) Would the hon. geullenian ml; that no grant Ihouldbo given by the Govctntiutytit to any Fchooliu the P1ovince in which the French language wasnsed in girinu insli notion .t Mr. Craig said that the Mullah language was being driven out of Eastern Ontario or the Front-ll. Mat or had given no evidence of that, and he tthe speaker) Would tell him that ' bewns Ink-taken. He rould not produce any t ovideucooft'nc truth of him assertion. As he _ had pointed out tho other day. there were in 1887 as many as 27 schools in Eastern Ontario in which the English language was not taught l at all. and on the 25rd of b'rbtuittt.V. 1689. on the l word ot a truotwortlty inspector. it was shown ', that there was not a single urn-h school in the l Province. Whcre then did he tind ground for [ hischargo? Atstothjouutyerfr'.y ,ex.ofthetiftr 5 French echooia t'ncre.thure " as not our in which ' English Was not taught. He believm as much l as Mr. Craig or anybody else that this was or. 'i Anglo-Saxon Province. but he was not afraid it of the supremacy ot the Anglo-Saxon tongue. " not even in Eastern Ontario. He believed they i should pay all respect :0 the tongue of those who settled amongst them. but rngiish was the tongue of the 1horiuco and was and must remain tirst. on He programme. it "as the i only language in Ontario that was obligatory. and the resolution of Mr. Crsig would seem to imply a reiisttre on tltvGovvtmttremt because they bud made that language obligatory. hur- ng all the years in which there wasnosut-h l t'iut'ipleue this it would have been inordor 0 have moved a vote of censure on f the lines or the present one. but hon. l gentlemen opposite had Walled until the pol:' .y of the tluvurntucitt. had "tisusuccd toapoint I equal to that advocated in the resolution ' before they attempted a veto ot censure. " i would have been in order lo have moved such I a vote from we? down to 1371, when Hon. Mr. John Sandtleld Macdonald was in power. and immune time after that. It would have been in order as far back as thctinioof the uninno.' the two (founders. but it Was not in older now. it was not only an anachronism. but it was a proof of the exceeding anxiottsncsg of the Opposition to tiud innit with the Government even when the circumstances had so changed as to be 1tt,It'tit't"', in accord with their l views. i ow u to the spelling. book. which Mr. Craig had admin introduce into the 1 discussion. ldrun now Mr. Craig was not pre. l pared to say that that book was used in boon other than those prescribed tor religiousin- situation. It unlikely enough used t'orthat _ purpose. At an ratehe was tolerably sure it 1 was not need (hiring ordinary school hours. l 113 nao would nor be itiiowcd in any other way i than as he had suggested. . 1 Turning again to tho resolution Mr. Rosa . -..:.i n... nmvor had more in at the .. heel of Turning again to ttto rosmuuon am no" said the mun-r hau vo.uc iu n! the "heelot the hunt," when the game was run down. He mum, in with his vote uf censure when most of what he wished had been "named, The Government had accomplished what Mr. Craig wanted to fave ut-complmmd without the kid of him or his_ NEH; THE MINISTER op EDUCATION.

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