ment w created and administered it. He 3 said that be was struck with a paragraph which recently appeared in a St. Mary's Tory journal stating that the Mowat Gov-- ernment sustained a defeat in the educa-- 'tional debate of the earlier part of the week. Amidst laughter he read the extract. He did not know but the same paper would tell its readers a similar story next week,although there was not the smallest foundation for any such statements, but the cause of their appearance was quite apparent to all. The intention was to do injury to the Gov-- ernment on this; as on other questions. He ] maintained that the liquor license law created a revolution in the character of | hotels ' and the sobriety of the people. He ' had occasion to visit all points of the Pro-- vince for many years, and therefore spoke what hbe knew in declaring that the Crooks Act was a success, and that it would be w calamity if ? the licensing of hotels were once more given back to the munici-- palities. If the Scott Act were not a suc-- cess the probable reason was that there had not been a strong enough public sentiment to back it up. He closed by predicting that the country would not sustain the policy advocated by the Opposition, be-- cause it was not true that the license law was administered from a partisan stand. point, but it was true that it was aamin-- istered in the interests of the public. Mr. A. F. Wood argued strongiy in favor oi the motion of the member for London. «_ Mr. Garson said it struck him very forcibly that if the Conservative party | were the Temperance party it was peculiar | | that so many Conservatives were to be / l found in the ranks of tavernkeepers. j | _ Mr. Rorke also spoke, after which Mr. ; | E. F. Clarke and Mr. Ingram addressed the | House for a short time,. | ) _ The House then divided as follows :-- l ' ¥Y®asg.--Blyth, Claney, Clarke, E. F. (Toron:-- | to, Clarke H. E. (Toronto), Craig, Creighton, 'Hammell, Hudson, Ingram, }gcrus. Lees, Moacham, Moredith, Monk, Morgan, Preston, Rorke, Smith (Frontenac), Stewart, Tooley, Whitney, Willoughby, Wood (Hastings)--23. | Nays.--Allan, Armstrong. Awrey, Baifour. / Ballantvrne, Bishop, BRlezard, Bronson, Cald-- well, Chisholm. Clarke (Wellingtom, Dack, Davis, Dryden, Ferguson, Field, Frasor, Free-- man, Garson,Gibson(Hamilton), Gibson(HM uron), Gilmour, Graham, Guthrie, Harcourt, Hardy, Lyon, McAndrew, McKay, McMahon, Mack,. Mowat, Murray, Pacaud, Phelps, Raysido, oss (Huron), Ross (Middlesex)}, Smith (York), Snider, Spragne, Waters, Wood (Brant)--43. The following paired :-- Drury.--Marter, _ Master--Cruess, Morin-- Miller, Dance--Wylie, McLaughlin-- Fell, Conmee-- Metcalfe, Loys--Fronch, Evanturel-- i Hiess, Biggar--O'Conmnor, Ostrom--Stratton,. _ | The House went into supply and passed | a few items, i ONTARIO APPOINTMENTS. | WILLIAM PARKER MADE REGISTRAR OF HAL-- | DIMAXD. ' There were few appointments made by the Covernment during the last week, the most important being that of William Par-- ker, of the Village of Jarvis, who becomes Registrar of Deeds for Haldimand, vice | Agnew Patrick Farroll, deceased. | James Sweeney, of Montreal, has been made a commissioner for taking affidavits for the use of Ontario courts in that city. NOTES OF THE HOUSE. A bill introduced by Mr. McAndrews provides that the sheriff of the County of York shall be entitled to the same tees in respect of business hercafter done by him as sheriffs of other counties. amonmen en commmmmemnnennennemne