Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1889, p. 2

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3 -- ts M ' P e N " fhimaltin 3 , oi e ns SE t M e n M now before the House, but he came to the || poferyed to a spesial cominit P s ) ons ns o r o o en erre * conclusion, from the fate which his bill || By :{i:o 'ti:rl::ni'tl c:':;m:f::; upon 6.30| 1i hal met with last year, that petivions were of : ; en + iquor shall be sold i 1 little avail. I¥ton'. he tht?:ght,- of the peti-- || K::';Ck'bbut tinle dSp et;lker's attention not hglid")'s- Pss o4 stafy oE tioners had formed themselves into & live | p, h:g t:l::nc;oeacttiz: e;Ia.ct tl;:t if whk o« *4 BOILERS AND ENGINES. | stock association they would receive more |} oalled to the hour and the Hw & e:;!:lon To . A deputation of stationary engineers also M Uscleration than all:/"the potitions they 1| i oUNSTHE ouse adjourned. | waited on the Government and urged th | could present otherwise. _ For himself, he ?,{OUSE' passage of Mr. Garson's bill providin foe was strongly of the opinion that the Pro-- A LARGE uum'ns'a oF DEPUTATIONS waIT oK | the inspection of boilers anu licen'xi# ; Yince is in Tavor . of 'the . Act, its only op. THE GOVERNMENT, engineers. They were :--Robert f)icEeO | pouents being those * who said they tried The Government were again waited on| %0n and Mr. Morris, of Huwmilton : Georn. l the Act and it had always been a | by a deputation from the City Council, sup-- White. William Sutton, Frank F 'Sultoge | failure," The speaker maintained that ported by members of the Board of Trade,-- J. C, Mooney, M. J. \Vallbridge. \\"llt:'t x -- * live Stock inslirance company || regarding the conso}xdation of the deben» B_lackgrovc, W. L. Outhwaite, A 'M iVi A | C ould" 'be ~made: n succoss 'on " the {| ture debt of the City of Toronto. 'They ;éms, A. E. Eakins, James Qilee!'l .ug(i | mutual principle, provided the provisions | We'*® J. 1. Davidson, E. A. Wills, Hugh | | Valter Lewis, of Toronto. | of his bill received the sanction of the || Blain, W. B. Hamilton, ex--Mayor Manning, | | DRUGGISTS ALsO THERE, | . Assembly. The member for South Huron || Mayor Clarke, Ald. McMiltan, Ald. Roaf, | | Influential druggists wont also down to | then referred to the Lion Provident Life & | R. J. Jaffray, City Solicitor Biggar and | |S58° the Attorney--General shortly after ('; | ' Live Stock Association, and in ringing '(/'ty Treasurer Coady, 'The following facts | | P:®--» and after having waited patientl | 'terms denounced its management. e || were prosented ;:-- until the other de I agh,.| . g f putations were through , understood that it was resurrected out of Present debt of the city..........$10,449,000. they were permitted to call the attention of | the Industrial Union. He had two reasons 'R'eqmrcd for present work.......$ 2,775,000. the Government to what is considered by for discussing the association--first,to show This wou_ld br'mg the debt up to $13,224,000 themselves and others certain Obj"*ctiop(%l)y y the necessity of his bill, and, second, to give beihg &2,%~,QOO beyond _ the pOWer; features in the Act now before tzxe Houqz . ; publicity to the assqcintion even if it of borrolwmg 51~ven to the. city by the rggnrding the College of Pharmacy, in sh;;ld getl' free advertisement. ?l'n':s;:::sl?;:; 6f 4:11'1: Ddepptatlon also urged :'l')"\:tt;f tzese tl)bjections raised, they urged ' e read the copy of the certificate of in-- | i on iviprovements, ask. hat the Act should not be passed this ses-- 'COIPOFntion. which is as follows :-- | ing tor power to borrow $125,000 without | | 8!00, but be left over until mnext ses-- lOnLnrio. County of York, Cily of Torontd going to the people. All the speakers were sion, to? allow a conference of druggists Co wig. unanimous in urging that the Council should which will meet in this city next Septe j ul. lfdwm-d '\[r°§gan. of the City of Toronto, in 'g"; ol pO:VO;' ?sked for the Don works, | | Per to consider its provisions. M | the County of York, the Junior Judge of the || PB several of the members of the Board of 8ST. ANDEkEw's sociEty County Court of the said county, do here T > jec isi l i der i i pekevd Iccrtit'y (hat ho within decistation 'l)u}lsb{:ggx{ llg(::;]e":?euou"c"d the project of raising : the 'Sty'll the deputations flocked in before i produced before me, and examined by me, || ; owing powers of the city, believing that the Government, the St. Andrew's Society I under the provisions of the Revised Statutes | it was a.l.regdy too high. 'They were willing | | being also worthily represented in behaif of of Ontario. chapter 167, entitied ** An Act re-- || to have it increased, however, considerit | a worthy cause. Dr. Daniel Cl: a ;3f$'t(lm: i bcn&avctx:cm.' proviqent and other | the cireumstances of the city' to 12 p:a% Miller, D. R. Wilkie, l)tmel' en l{ugh :ieties," an 1at the samo appears to me irst & * 4 MRedor 7 o e tev. to be in conformity with the provisions of the /| cent L r% the first $100,000,000, and to 8 per D. J. Macdonnell, W. Williams "'"{;' J-' D Iu\.t'l'i.;\nc;. esd thi cent. after that, and to leave out of consid-- Henderson were there to exhibit to the AD.4 33;? my hand this fiith day of August, | eration the amount invested in waterworks. members of the Government a mammoth K. MoRBGaS, f PRIVATE BILLS. chart of the Bible, which it took John |Junl°é Jud$°'°f the County Court of the The Private Bilis Committee will meet | _ Stevenson,of this city, forty years to;finish, | ounty of York. to--morrow morning, when it is expected and to ask that it should he purchased for | i elmnseinied wordy warfare will prevail over certain bills | _ the Parliamentary Library, This cbart is | Office of the Clerk of the Peace, County of to be considered and reported on, certainly of wonderful proportions, and [ 4 Tl\ ork : A |__ THE CLERK oIVvEs A DiINXER must have been worked out with a patience Lana rl)«;n:z.ls I({enry l}ull. (:ler!: of the Peace in _Lleut.-Lt;l. Gillmor gave a very enjoyable and minuteness of detail rarely exhibited that l;w nl::e\:z:},;'s)n olt \})_rk, hereby certify dinner party at his residence Hur SIX HUNDRED poL EXEMP t f X duplicace original of the t s 6n Alufon i ait o e 1 Os gzfi?rfl;o'zfllfi{'Cogpurt":" ofllhc ioi Provh: ;rruot :u S:ctnnl:m\yl night. 'The gentlomen * Tl;e number of deputations was complete e & Live Stock Association, with the esent were :--Mayor Clarke, Mr. H. E y having one before the Gov | i 1 3 MLr. H. Is, 2 ie Government certificate of his Honor Judgo Morgan, & Clarke, M.PP., County Crow pleading f h i 1 oving of same. as t : Morgan, ap-- C + y Crown Attorne ing for the six hundred doliar ex-- bephilng ut tont ts Hentitiafo dioHam *>" || Badgerow, 'Sergentiat Arms Glackmoyey, | | Smption_ The gentlemen represeuted the [Soal.) gus '"..U.l'llf)li'l. Dr, Gilmour, M.PP., Mr. Mortis, Rev. A, jJourneymen plumbers of the city, and read Clerk of the Peace, County of York. J. Bruuglm]l aud Dr. Preston, M. PP. ; a statement of the reasons which appear to Mr. Bishop maintained | that the Legigls. INCORPORATION or VILLAGEs. 4 t!nem why the measure should become law tur"bncvcr intended giving any such p:wers d M:i. in ang olf is to the Manigine w | | }hv wore'lB. Sieel,I. Roberiegy I\Iiller: as above to provident associations, it bein uced an amendment to the Municipal Act | | Y; * ount, T. Slean, J. Robertson, T. Bro-- understood at the time the General Acgt. | providing for removing existing doubts as thers and 8. Lyon, who accompanied them was passed that it was aimed at t? what class of voters have the right to | to mssi¢t in prestoling the case: ifw'mtg w cu\r\P°l]'h:e standing to benevolent :(::P(f:ltl:clluie a w"|nges secking to be in-- Nes ocieties. Th regard +0 the directore of t rated by popular vote. His amend-- 1,'1.,'0 .[_10" Provident Life & Live Stock Asso ;nent]gn'ca this privilege to freeholders and :(l)a:;:)':x';' h:i rc:m:'trom four (llifl'crent returns t:::: :)(;_ltxl;:)l': l:';lu::she lut;se exteudfs s dats 1at the personnel of each direc-- A 'ss than five years from date torate given did not corres rit of voting. ¥ poud with the other. 'The operations of the c y ROYAL TE MPLARS also exposed Llo show that ll';lzolll';)nl?)"wgrc A large deputati 1 ch i sured all auestional f company in-- adep ion from the council of Y all questionable articles and animals. the Ontario Royal Templars of Temperance it was shown from the report of the auditor | interviewed all the members of the Govern-- lo':t Lhcrxe.lwlere onll), $1,750 54 to pay for | ment in the evening, with a view to get losses, while it toolk $7,002 55 to run the : C@"t4in amendments to the Crooks A instisution. 'The auditor was the clc'-- and changes i p ds obech. fesiosution i rk of changes in the present methods of con-- 'tlil:. sc;rétury'of the company. (Laughter.) ducmu'g hotels, They were :--A. C. Steele e last five of the directors were to Rev. IS. A. Stafford, D. D., Rev. W p' f 89 trustees. _ (Laughter and sensation.) Parker, D. D., Rev. W. L. SCOtt'.Re\: ":'. }{I these trusteecs, one of them was A V. E. Puttyson, Rev. T. W. Campbell, bbert© Beith, -- 'who --repudia [" Dr. B. E. Mcenste, Dr T. Figheor) . a s 10 repudiated _ in . B. E. McKenzie, Dr. is. J. T. Fishe the public press that be had anything to do Dr. T. A. Ferguson, Dr. E. (Jlo.uqe. W l;' ,':(,l:]h'"w association, while three others are _ HOWlavd,J. E. Armstrong, Frauk hl'lcllfl.nnn' Jonil;lgl l'no'ro" than figurehcads. William VW m. ;\lun:ns, James Hughes, John \\'hiw.' l9 m nanaging director, some time in' Robert Rae, P. McSwoeyn, Isaac Lennox the month of February, 1887, continued *A¥ C N®F, W. W. Mason, H. T. Wo l' M:'. Bishop, bought a safe fromJ. & J. Taylor, | 1.. D. 8., Isaac Wardell, l).,l*'uiher.'inghaol;' t sate manutacturers, of this city, and agreed W. McCuilough, L. C. Peake, J. E. Kerr, 5(())\&1\)( 3]30 for the same, aud paid $5 W m. Parsons, W. T. Ecclcs'tor'le' J B.' stalu:;ymsunlcs was to pay the $120 in in. 'I\'Ienchum, J. M. Depew, W. C. Murray. l , but he did not pay the first in. | _ Nhrough Mr. A.C.Stecle they asked that the s.::'z:l n:m';t' and they sued him, and got | | law should be changed as foltows :--Two ho-- jJudgment on the 9th day of August, 1887, | | tels for each thousand of a population and one for the sum of $1408, but thst is all | for every additional thousand ; aboliti the good that it did them ; and now t} of bars, guests of hotels alone to b old said firm of J. & J. Tay! Ne liquor 'hb i Nedosals so!d judgment of $14 08 for aylor ofier their auor to be druuk either at meals or in Mc Bs .for. $4 and no buyers. their rooms : shops to be allowed to sell out ;..]"SI"'P'PU"B"'V'goroustermat.hrou(rh- from one pint to two gallons, and to be ut his address, the House being so quaiet drunk off the premises ; that if the majority t'uat a pin could have been heard to fall, as he | | oi & locu.]ity. whore a botel is situated pc;- c'xposed the company. 'The climaX® was t_moul against giving it a license such c'l'plped and the House became convulsed license shall be refusod ; that the people with lnughtqr as 'he read the following at municipal elections be allowed by vote fi)enca'l efflusion, given under the name of| |° declare for license or no license ; bars to anaging Director Jones :-- be closed from 6 p.m. on Saturday to 7 a.m. | Man to man should act as brothers, oo N ouday, and on orher days of the week 0]1'.;9&.3:(]'10:&(] ease his neighbor's load 7 tlho hours of sale to be from 7 a. m. to 9 p.m.; l i's denends h * N .m.; Noh depcx:.dl:;}l(zl:) 'llhét :';'hcr. the age of minore to be raised to 21. and no (Laughter and cheers) The Provincial Sec i m I retary, replyi Bishop, said there was ng',obiEc{i:E t:ol\tllr. second reading of the bill prov'/ided it we l: then to a committee. _ If it went to con s l_mttee he would suggest a special one "]]f it was fol{nd impossible to proceed witl; the :;l::er(;hls session he promisod on behalif e Government that i up next session. it should be: taken r s 8 s The bili was then read a gecord time and ie -- V « ~ -- Setuatndtentemmn ...

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