Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1889, p. 1

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' . "'4." I,!.!,!!.!)),!!!'..!:!,!',!!!,',')).., . Ir) ;|_l-,":.!1~'5'7"" _ i s , i 1 - _ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1889. '" , " , '" , , tehad r f rred to wait until ire" _ i l . P e e l Ill] L LG IS LAT IJM. . n should warrant them in asking --r---------- pendent Jr'g',Irt'io/r,': That popu- how exist , ant the Government in A DIVISION' OVER lee TORONTO . at bill was only doing it justice. REGISTRY OBFICE. "rArtnytrotu also expressed his warm ------ T--"" . al of the bill, which then passed its Nlplsslng to Have a Btergn',er-tro- l "reading. meat Bills Passed'A Lively Even-- J' THE f5PT", DO'P3r0N. ing' Session -- Appeals on Pro. Att.y.utyeueral .moved.tto ttond locations - Workmen's Com. of his bill respecting registry voilitie.iy, Damnation Bill - Railway 'iited out previously, while the_bill Debentures - Vin-l- various, amendments in matters oua Notes and to the present law. the most im- Comments. change proposed in it is the making uporate registry divisions for the Toronto, to be called respectively Fsiiicvam' 26, 1889. d West Toronto. The Attor. , Tho House metshotaly after three o'cloek, l al showed that the great _ and altern few minor petitions Hon. Mr. ' '3' the city had render. _ Fraser presented the report of the Com., change necessary. The l mitten on Railways. a of the city in this respect is l The following bills were introduced _ 'WttgHMy. Tlie registry build. l Mr. Wititney-Nurptctiug the Act of chinond street west will con- _ Seduction. . offices for both divisions, i Mr. Mcnuhon--To amend the Munici- dit.ioms being provided, l pal Act. _ registrar will continue to I The House then concurred in the third wetgtern slivisiou. The! ' reading oi the following bills v- . ' "l. present attpior I To amend the WorLincn's Compensation deputy-registrar shall be the abstract clerk . Bill. for the two divisions, half his salary to be Respecting certain railway debenture paid by each of the registrars. 'llie At debts of the Township ot Somerville. torney-Gcnoral pointed out also that the To amend the Act incorporating the present emoluments of the oliice are sulii. Township oi l'clee. cient to furnish reasonable salaries tor two Respecting a certain railway debenture vflicityls. of the united Townships oi Luxton, Digby Mr. Creighton condemned in unqualified and Longford. terms that portion of the bill making two ' To confirm it conveyance made by the, registry divisions of the city, and claimed Town of Barrie to her Majesty the Queen. , that there was no earthly reason for the To enabie the trustees under the will of proposed change save that of giving a. good the lute Hon. James Morris to sell real place aiidagood salary to some supporter estate. l oi the Government. Instead of making two i itrrspccting the Town oi Port Arthur. good places for supporters at the expense of ' To consolidate the debt oi the Town of} the Cl y, the Government, he said, should l Port Arthur. I have cut down the fees of the present oili- To consolidate the debt oi the Town of l ciiil to such a point as would have allowed Ainlicrsiburg. l ;hirn a fair salary. lie concluded by an- To enable the City of Ottawa to issue de. l nouucing that though the House would not beutures for waterworks purposes. l be divided on the passage of the bill at the _ Reaper-ting the Town of iiravuuhutat. I present stage. that step would be taken The iollowing Government bills were I before the hill became law. read a second time '.--- l Mr. H. E. Clarke also protested strongly y To amend the Unlario Shops Regulation 1 against the bill, and claimed that the city 1 Act, 1lT38-- Hon. Mr. b'raser. , treasury would simply be deprived oi the To amend the Pharmacy Act-Hon. Mr. salary of the additional otticial. He was , Gibson. / anxious to see how his colleague oi the: Respecting the limited liability of incor city (Mr. Leys) would vote on this ques- ttoruted millipuiilos -'l'iie Attotndy-Gencmc' tion when it came to a vote. The hon. Respecting will" under the Manlioo gentleman also pointed out that in 1858 the Siiil'rage Act -Tius Attorne.iencral. " I Attorney General had strongly opposed a Regulating certain matters under the I division of county registry Unites, proposed Laud Tit-vs Act The Aitorueyuieuieral. I then by Attorney-General John A. Mac- Respei'liug registry otliceir--'I'h. Attor. donahl, and insisted that his action was in- ney-(lciicral. consistent. Ha argued further that [has Toeive representatiotsin the Legislative had been no demand fur this proposed Assembly to the District of Nipiasiug--Hon. ' change. There had been no public meet- Mr. Hardy. i ing, no request from the City Council, no TLI'. ttrn'I'.r.m'r".NTA'rloh" or NlPlSs'lVU. , signs of overimrcicuttagr, and one might very In urging his bid tor givmg a member to 'oiteii visit the oilice and iiud the presmit _ the District of Nipissiiig, lion. Mr. Hardy l registrar absent, a pr iof. to him, that he , described minute-y the progress oi the could not have too much lurid. territory coucctuwd, and showud conclusive. . . Hon. Mr. Hardy pointed out that there ly that it was entitled to a representative was no parallel between the cage quoted by in the Legislature. ' Mr. H. E. Clarke in which the Auornev, Mr. Creighton, who was leading the ' General had opposed the division of couiiiy Opposition, said-be had no objections to irogiglry otlices and the present one. The tg; against Nipissing getting the proposed l division of 1858 had been opposed on tho prststsutativo, save the general one that Ill i ground that it was entirely unnecessary, additional places were to bo reprosottted tit I and could not be argued for on account iii ab, Lrgisoture, MI "rraugemertt tsltould be i any overburdening of ofiiciaU, But in the ads whereby such representation could be 'present case they had a letter trom the ured without increasing the present 'registrar urging that he was overburdened timber of members of the Chamber. On with work, and further than that, the re- a contrary, he thought the Province port of the inspector of registry oiliccs re- uld prefer a measure tending to rodueo commending the course the Government is number of cottstnttcttu'tos. taking. The Government had ample reason Mr. French said the Government had not for believing that the plea of the registrar a so anxious to give Nipissiug reuresenta- . was well based, and that the interests of the when some time ago it was proposed to city would be served by a division oi labor. so by way oi adding it to another con. As a matter of fact the City of Toronto had ency. l, for a long time not had an etiicietst registry r. Clancy said the Government were oilice, and this bill proposed to make it eth- ing the new constituency simply because cient. were on the eve of an election. He Mr. French took up the cudgcls against ght the population waninsuificient to the bill, and was speaking at six o'clock, rniit the bill. 'l'lusGovrrrntuont depend- when the Speaker left the chair. n despite?"a";lxl'l'fxlgfjl'"Sign? THE EVENING SESSlON. I'GCElltcultU. u,".yi ' . , . '" .r".rrprerrtR" , f to their 1'21'l1',' to gain an additional TH. Dun." 0N 'l",,',.',))'),',",.'""" easier. CON- rtr,r. Mr. Meredith otrtrosed the division of . Murray Ttstyyied that .the. popula- the Toronto royal} ollice, claiming that of the district amply justified tho the tt ti f l , . _ . As to tlt" olitical color of the c ion 0 tie (sovcllllllellt was dictated rs. P ' from a sole desire to get patronage and ct he could only any that there was a . _ . ' , ' ' . ' . thereby keep themselves in power. Le Itrong (oiiseriative element there, maintained . . . , . . that the new ofhce was createu pea majority. He congratulated the for the uriose of rivin an otlicat i nment nu introducing the bill. It . p l , h I: n c O a l . partisan of the Government. llie leader of . a measure he had urged upon th 0 . . . t .. t . t d l ., y for several years. The Government ' cull pposition spew "m; spiced 8". T" .heen willing, when the Population . iiisissm over the ounce: un er con-E . . . . sideration, and couciuded with an amend- ucli 'mudhttluurat present. to giietlie [ tuent to th tf t th t th bill be read i ', t'irepreosutuioy by adding it to e e " a e ex r constituency, but many prominent

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