Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1889, p. 1

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" P,1l1eeere..".=..T.='7= - 1-... C T's , , '"-, N, PF"? ..." " h a... ., ;-. . ' . _ ' t' . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1889. W _ . _ . __ . v . - 7 no s and an the protection of sheep. r. , Phelps, Wood (Brant), Ferguson and Bl th E LWISL ATURE- Frgnch explained that his bill was really the speaking being generally against my ' intended for the protection of dogs, not Mr. Waters than withdrew the bill. . sheep. The gist of the amendment pro- , The House then considered the second ' ONTARIO FACTORIES ACT posed was to except from the operation of reading of Mr. Whitneg's bill to amend the PASSED ITS THIRD READING. the present law, which Mr.. French says Ditches and Watercourses Act. The Gov. bears heavily on dogs, cases in which a dog crnmont urged it withdrawal and several _------- does harm while in charge of some person ' members of the Municipal Committee plead- Sesslons msta--Boandary Bridge. other than the owner or keeper. . ed that that body was already sadly "over. "astred - Protection of btMMrtt Mr. Phelps moved that the bill be not burdened, and that, as in the case of the - From Dogs-The Anatomy Attt new read a second time, " but be laid preceding bill, the measure proposed had -Tite Parliament Buildings over for three months for further considera- been but u. couple oi yours ago very fully -atilB tgtawrratered- ltion." The bill was withdrawn. and exhaustively discussed and investi. Siiops Regulation Mr. Waters moved the second reading gated by tho House. It was unnecessary act U "n d e r of his bill to amend the Act respecting to go over the whole ground again. Consider" meitgaQes and sales of personal property, ' Mr. Whitney was very loth to withdraw , atlon. by having mortgagee registered with clerks the bill and was making some remarks in f ------_ of municipalities. The Attorney-General ; defence of it when, it being six o'clock, the T '. thought the proposed change would do .Speaker left the chair. February 25, 1889. more harm than good. He pointed out l EVENING SESSION e Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands. various difficulties in the Way of it, and , _ _ . I is also chairman of the Municipal Com. thought it an unnecessary complication of IMPoRTAtir "tffec1f.5ft?." A GOOD DEAL I . . . he ireseut law. Mr. Waters withdrew , OF ATTENTION. l ' timated this afternoon that the t l . . . ' . . . , , ' in . "tu, bill, though with evident reluctance. After six o clock Mr. IN hitney continued ' MI "ury ttot conclude quite 80 soon as ', Mr. McKay moved the second reading of his remarks, and was still indisposed toi kttornerGesnerid suggested the other iii-hill to amend the Act respecting the Withdraw his bill. A compromise wasl His reason is the very large amount may of anatomy. He complained that the fiutvily effected " the suggestion oi Mr. " the committee named have to attend edical schools of (.lnturlo are at adisud. Fraser, by several clauses of the l;ill.lieing Tl . H did a ood deal of work 'autago, m thits particular, compared With ttry" out., and the bill in its amended form b' 'h, misc. f/r,'.",,,,',,',"." and they ther medical schools, and that too many being read a second time and referred to the i g t l ram")? i ht "salon, by sit- iftieultiss are put in the way of bodies Municipal Committee. Mr. Clancy's bill! "dentin t. e if"? pig scoud time only ing secured for the prosecution of the to amend the some Act was read a second t ip,,?." owning or ie I tidy. The bill proposed to remove seine mg: \Vhtlhom cpmmcnt. l . . " , t t those ditlicnlties, the rinci al one bein , ": eredith moved the second reading h? following bills were "m tb first t which enables persgns mil: in any We? 12.u', bill to amend the Ontario magnum, " .-- , . . neoted with u arson deceased, and '01:. I5 reapeCis contracts of life insurance. ouinend ,tl111.,rrt'ei'/'/1'.'" the devolu ose body in ordinfry cases would go to Tlst mam point of the bill, and that to Ci ot ',',','ehe"rd. l .: 'r,,' "Ili, rotcction of ical institutions, to step in and deprive I l "huh .lus tuuinly devoted the urguinents he s Lt amend in. 7: /,io,'ul,l1.hr,? Morgtut. . institution of such body. There were' used In. introducing it, is that a con- 't'e"llS1t,tQ,rl1" illie (iff/rr";,";:",';.',';;,";, 0m. actuated from false motive of hu. tract is not to be invalidated by , in charro of Mr. Fraser was road a ity, who made a regular practice of do- any erroneous statement contained in 'd time "hum", comment. ' this, and detected the ends of the the application,' unless such _sturcinent .. f . ll w t i, to committee ad- . shall be material. These possible errors (ltd y11iLl','r'"li bills . stage and. rose he Attorney-General admitted. the in. fire to include any error that may be made in tadnce ofltlicre boipg ample Sicily; al- tnrfis5r,,t,lht,e', "Ede of the duppltig-nntxif tlie , '." , . " in tie stud o niiatom , ut i not s_iou _ "ma c in ttoo iii . I the ly y, 'seyy,',":/liicti',r, titrtit,uggt'll'sie t the law to bey too harsh. I'd suggested ' mum, "me the company is not to suffer from "Tiff, "" t "i,l1tl/,.1cie'/"l11','Jr'i't' of the " it be referred to a special committee. i any such errors as the last mentioned, the "'". t'ii,'"l),'sT')f'l1tj"t'n Act 'li's7iuilri's'l". special committee, consisting largely of I bill proposing to give the company leave to t,'10,i:,0/"1lt,'i1'j',1(', such 'by-laws were ' ore, was thereupon appointed, and the 1 I deduct on equitable sum from the amount J/i iu ririrriJa', of putitiotis therefor. being read asecond time was referred i originally recoverable byth.e.con.trtsct. hon. " the clues where bv-laws were passed, e .' ' Mr. (slim-min raised no objection to. the p limit petitions in "tuvor thereof C and Mr. Winters moved the second reading of l second t'tNM Ing of the bi". t.houp.nye.pointtd. wing "iso whiih of the bylaws have {his bill to amend ll"? Muyjyiwd Ajit, 00,1. autism:l or; two 11,1't'l'J,', in \vliichit would c2 , e. biiet, repoaled. coming the jurisdiction of County Councils pro "1' Y. ll", 'f,', '1 amended when i,t,,yaet,s,d, r. Morgan spoke briefly to his motion, Lover roads and bridges. The bill wus well "1.", {he "Null! o tho coiniiiituee. llic Ill y asiuiug thnt it was intended to derive known to the House and is equally well 'dr, t ion rent a 'tfs"") tune and sent to the urination. lie hinted, however, that known to the country. It hashiwnys been I tltd,'",,',.'),",' ou f "w Amendment, Ht fl"? i " Inninrity oi shopkeepers seemed to re- turned over to the Municipal Committee (il't l' pro.t"r.o 2e 1Connmsslriner of Puhlie u' _ ','. it us an unwarranted interierence nd fully considered by it. Messrs. ltne- l "or", who iusigted that. the number of l . their liberties. side. Wood (Hustiiigi) and Meredith raised billsunlooded upon that committee would #1 on. Mr. Frasct consented to the return, bjections to it. Mr. silrreditit suggested i euyl.iutlysiu.n.e.ralof somebody. suggested timt ii. few lines should be but considerable expoun- had. been incurred . Mil} Meredith "moved then the second M ed an, it, requiring additional informs» n different parts of the Province lost your t'etu mg fill his Jsill to tuneful tlte,revii,sed . " concerning the bylaws repealed. He n the way of uepnintionn, etc., before the statute Jt,sTit,,tf,, arbitratious nun pcher. so exception to Mr. Morgan's View that nnicipal Committee lust your has]. arrived [ t,'iril"'; l . '1: ir:"",.',,") out the object o. 'the keepers revarticul the bill 33 an inter. its decision, and he thought it harlly 1 him" is, in . ,riei, that an inward or ' '. ttue with "fair liberties. His conviction air that they should be subjected to u re. lu',',',')),',')".,", of parties ty, an arbitration may that the majority at shopkeepers favor- tition of these expenses cesium. iton.. Mr. " filed in the High.Court of Justice end i the bill. it was natural, howaver, that ardy agreed with Mr. Ncre.dith,.. poiut.ed ' ah" the time of moving against. It be lun- c, . Moigzui, who had originally opposed t the very full and exlin'istivo discnssmn had to fourteen'duys from the filing 1.treoi': measure, should insist upon retaining t the bill had several times received be: The AND! y.y-1nener.tl. accepted the bill and oriuinni views. thp Myniciptu..Ccytmi,,tteu, in view or it Wits rend " second time, Mr. alleredith seized the opportunity to oh ie thought it ban-ill)- necessii-y to At the suggestion of the Attorney-Gene- l IN' ttack the 1lovorvuucnt and call the meas- ' it tiMe again this your. The Munici- ral My IN "1'ny Willldrefv, filter an ex- , to in question 0 failure. lhe motion then 2omtuittue had P. uvrnturdous aurouttt of planution of it? nature, his bill to amend ; ed M amended. before it, so much that he was 1lotrbt. the Act respecting mortgages and eases. of I . Mr. Harcourt moved for an address for hey could get through their work so personal p'ioperty, chietly "by requiring l I 00py of the argument before the Privy the _gSttoiyt.y-1i.ett.twa,l had recently chattel "tongues: to be registered in tliel ll, uncil as to the boundaries of this Pro. . This bill of itself would. add "silty oftiee. . i - co; the case submitted to the Privy _ to the work of I," committee, i I le second dog bill .of the day then came Minion by each oi the parties to the refer. 9 he asked Mr. V. More to with- 5 1','21','n","11t, h',"','.',?,',,,,?:,',' lamb of his . 1 .- I i.. . . . l. . opposi e tggt,t,h',cleirsoo,i, let/yt'? 1iit.fot:acuil n was continued by Messrs. i {felt to that introduced earlier in the day intents on the recent appeal to the Privy yghlin, Duck, Balfour. y hu,"ie,h; It propose: mainly to , Council respecting the io,.):,"::,?,'? of the - ..'lln1"h,T.. 'IG, 1C1yte,'t",itritrt)Ttlt1x. da in the former-l dis tue, territor . : 'r"'." ..r' 5 I.. ' Re motion was carribd w'itliout c'.),',',',',',',',',,',','. 'i1r,1ht,rit',tcs1,1 dogwatter tot, iirr.t,8,4., and tor Mr. Willoughby moved tor leave to pre- '3" ittt 86. Mr. Dryden tiid his best to "at a petition oi the Brighton & Wnrk- allow 2t', dogs generally were a ntustuiee, we. llailway Company. Praying for the l ' t Hdtth ft 1"1','ih at"? on them was wasted passing of an Act to revive tho Act incur. an 'Jet,,":,','. ea oi foolish sentiment bruiilg the company and to extend the St,,,',' t',",,'d'Ci7 upon .thetm. His Guilty due for completing the railway ; that the t J TI th t1 I,,",' prolposinfg to P/r'1'yrr/ e pdtien be then read by the Clerk and re- tl,' d3". 'lt '1 tt 'll'," er o dogs Leptmight dyed, and that the rules of the House be 0 'd'l"lllQ . k " referred to the large "pended and leave be given to introduce ll? g 0 P) apt in the State of Ohio, bill entitulvd,"AnAet. toi'evive thocbarter all, 'mwe( rom statistics tye, during V the Brighton & Wurirworslt Railway ew, " yearsd J" gulch .83 $12,000.Q00 a». .pnny and for other purposes." was expen . t era In the mam. T:';;'.on. Mr. Fraser, after listening toqa planution by Mr. \Villoughby of his E'a ion, asked for time to consider hflt E Aiou to stand meantime. Mr. Merci ith l i tin the plea of exceptional urgency for " case of his supporter, Mr. Willoughby, [the suggested suspension oi the rules, Bf Mr. Fraser replied that paveral such nests, cquUiy important with this, had I n alreadv refused this session, support. _ of the Government having been the k sfferers. . ' Mr. French moved the second reading of ' r t . bill to amend the.Ac.t imposing a tax on - I." "..a f . w T f

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