Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1889, p. 2

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_ V "w '.7 pet -'r""e'". " T """""'NeP'"""""r'-'Nr"""-7r"- rought " ttur fonurntiout "PM" of the swsonA AND PARRY seem): nrcbsses for Government institutions. The Attorney-Generel's bill, "making was and other questions were asked'in a further provision respecting the Districts of ngue and indefinite manner, and the Gout. Parry Sound and Muskoka, has been print. sitssionerr' of Crown Lands sugges.ttd tut ed and distributed. Its salient points are he questions l" "lad" 'more weciti.e. At that the powers imposed by the Assessment he some time he did his best. to give the Act upon the treasurer of any county 1 niormution asked. Mr. MTslrttpvle.'y.),t iregsrding the collection of taxc'e and the . i but his friends and followers _Wcre .utter.y sole of lands for taxes shall in these dis. msble to cope with the 'sa.O.sct they had triots be performed by the sheriffs of said I tinted, kindly came to their rescue and districts. and that the deputy clerk shell is. l enonnced the Government vigorously for sue writs of actions in the district court I' tsing in power. Ti"sy would ill-VG been on: and in the High Court of Justice in Mus. i i power before n"? he argued, if they hm koka, and have similar powers as those now l 0t used the people's money to strengthen possessed by the clerk of the Distrietof hemselves with. Hon. Mr. Fraser insisted Parry Sound. hat no Government had ever attempted to , "m "mun BILL. urchase all supplies for all institutions by ' M E t M was uske l wi stl ti ht _ nder. Some monstrous frauds had been r. van "I . .. . l. l ". "out! I ' , . ' tsiuthiisuttsuner. of the Pt"".?. tvs'.i"liott In Untario anunt I erperrated on Goverutuen '. the Jesuit Bill at Quebec and h r ii i 'he Government have pursued the seine; . ' , V e spiel I ourse in the matter of purchasing supplies ' , that p, P"" " a .lom' to see "too ', s the Ottawa Government. Natural y, in'. ltylisrtyius,r tentures of thiss movement. the l ' If u V Jesuits had been the very first pioneers of . he case of those goods not tenderer or, " p -, G . , . . . . . , rgt I ,- t . h heir friends when : Liiiistnu. eivilisation in Canada. lhey had l, I ovornmeut dealt Wit t . fo md Nia are Falls and re h l ti i hey were able to make the besthargsinsI [fl 1 It: I l 'u - Opt at; "1d,1'.' j , rith them or ereo equally good Immuml. 'ospo on e )allCSO our u srio .ites. I t . t b M Mor nut Mr I 1 hey never hold an acre oi land from either X" final spur et.'.'"."" A [l 'il li is',iit'ii, to'iprmach Govortunent or any other Gov- I {nightlife iidiidii)" libel-ion: when the I erllllwnt- People who had no nstnrsl heirs I ' C,)',,",)',';',', chairmen reported progress to I have left 'ptyi,'it,t f', 2110.33"th Tiler the l 'he Speaker and the House adjourned. I limbo" o f. "P' op"T. ei' one. ion. us was I one by will in most 'rritaticos, and no man I NOTICES OF MOTION' . I I of sense can question the right of an indivi- Mr. Ustrom--Un Monday. next-Inquiry I dual to Will his property to whom- the Government have "curio" 9' copy of 3 sncver he pleases. It ie the very essence of I tt petitioa of Charles J. Matsson and, British law theta mun enjoys the right of there, respecting "I? removal Of obstrnc- t dis with: r us he "Wises of his estate When ions in the River 'l rent, and what is the h! g '.', in C' [ 1 . Cy, r, it w I Ltelltloll of the bovernnn-nt with regard to t ". order "as '111pl",""8e/ Itt till-113:. I..' -h a: . the said wtitiou? Also, hove the Govern. ' claimed that tttts PM" of. the WW" 0 , I . -. lietion in the romiges? Rome should have fallen heir to this estate. [ ,hient ""1.W"","', I i p . . l This property was valued by many at two I _ ML. ll 'lla/oy-tht Monday ue.x.t-- t millions, and Rome expressed the desire I [mm new be granted i? present " lie-"tum I that a large portion of this property should , t! the lirghton & ll arkwortlt -Rleny ' go to the most important educational estab- t tiompany,, praying ,,ior the "Hang of it" I lislinicnt in Que/trec-Laval Uuivcrsity-- I I Act to T""' the mm company l Act ot p- l and to the Jesuits for the support of their ( l corporation, und¥o extend tlie time if" i colleges in Montreal and elsewhere in I: completing the gait railway; that the said ', Canada. The $500 000 vii/on to the Pro- petition be then read by ti": clerk at the i testnnts of Quebec, by ir/ Mercier one a. I 1tuble, and that tho rules ot the House Iso I more not of generosity. and a pure donation I kuspoude'd, and that leave may be given to I to give another tangible proof of the liber- I f hm." to introduce a bill Minimal] I,'.' act}? I "lity of Quebec to the minority. They had not ' Waive the Lharter of the lhigytou & at . l the slightest claim to the grant, und the I worth Railway Lonipany and tor other pure ' leading members of the Protestant hier- l poses. . Inrcli iuf,ruelwcicwctluvnkevitlteGoverttrneut I Mr. M.oren-rott. Monday '."rxt--rBil to for this generousuil't. Ifthcreprcsentstives . . l amend the Act tor the Protection of Game ol the people. he": not the tCrist of dispos- I "nd rh1,r:1tariug animals. . ing of the public funds of their respective I Mr. yciiay-,lli,l,l,,_to,. amend ths Joint Provinces, continued Mr. Evauturcl, with. tStock Company 3 IN inding-Up Act. out being vetoed, then responsible and con. _ AROUND THE HOUSE. tstitutioual government is a sham. Should _ ITEMS or THE HOUSE, Tur, LUBBIES AND TUE Quebec- evttt' attempt to question . DEPARTMENTS. ' that right in Ontario, our whole press null 'r, . Mr. Lyon has introduced a bill to con- legislatorts wytld properly t1lvtiWrt', "31ind I I firm a Ly-law passed by the Corporation of _y.ey/,"vt,tA'..es1tyy.:t,yyi let.. Ity', man-age 10'?" i. Sault Ste. Marie for the construction of own. ..I" " mousing to iind people if": [ _ water-works, electric liulit,uinl for utilising Pt"'"""""', to know. be"? tisan the 1 mi 3 r' the waters of Lake Superior. The Town of ' testnnts ot Quebec tncnisoives how they are I Sunlt Ste. Marie has guaranteed the bonds I l treated. . .. " -t .. T 'of the Ontario Water-power, Electric & I I JOIN'? 1Tfl':-'k L0?""'~'".*"~. . ', 'rwater.work, Co. for five'per cent. for I .1Jr. )lrhnys bill, notice at which 'ly twenty years on $160,000. An agreement . given to-day, is to anicnd'tlio law respect- _ has been entered into by the Town of Sault I tng .tlte yut.diug up of Jomt stol 00'3" Ste. Marionnd the company to this effect. II'Mlles' It '3 m.eynt to prevent a gym"? , . The Americans are constructing water. ', will" of I",, Joint tstock company Httii . I power at the American Sm," at a cost of i tuting proceedings to wnnlr'np 1clPlll1l',l'. I tive millions, whereas the (Jammie. water, I unlesstncro It' good and "diluent grounds [ 'power can be utilised for about 8100,000. for doing i".': . . . , ' ' I .I'l'he millors in Minneapolis and Itrrluurapolis ' I , "ue") o"')? Fo," "ry.'.?," _ 'l' complain that the supply of water is getting I . The member for South 0*;'l'r'l has. tle [ I short, the streams drying "p. If this power t introduced an amendment to the Municnps. . 1 were developed these miller: would more I Act applyUvg in}? principle et oxtetuliug l their mills to the Cum-dim Quilt, which Wilton-works "" our? and P.""" " well as r would be is great benefit to Snult Ste. Marie. to ctttu.q (fl Ove.' a),00?.iuhal,'.ite,ytts. l I _ . Tgy . H. J. biielgrovo, editor of Tho Cobourg i . . tpA1lAGli T? LANDS. , World, was With his coufrcres in the press I The ym introduced "Y lio1y Mr. Hardy gallery all afternoon. The World occupies Il respecting .datyge to lands by.iloodiu, Ju I a high position mnongst the 'journals of the ' the new di1tri.cty of the Province wdl "9 country and in Midland Ontario holds on the means oi glving ample ttttd an?" reliet influence corresponding with the merited v to p"pertry"v'""u there. It provides tly" ability with which it is conducted. when any Incorporjwsd f,o"nrratir. Working The Misses Rayside, daughters of the ', u.nder theTimbor Slide Cotupimies Actor popular member for Glengarry, had seats _ ll sinnlar powers. lumber compsny or mill, on the "ml. of the House during the ulter- l I owner causes damage to the '1',"105 any lnoon and appeared to enjoy the debates person,.ailte/l, to amount to 820 tunl not arising from tho coiisiderution of theI eXceedinu tr300, such "person may apply estimates. They are en route to Western to the judge or stipendiury magistrate of Ontario to visit friends the distr.ic.t to 1hsterutine the claun under The following had the honor of dining ll" P""""??, of the Act. 1'h.o yeattsnivn.t with the Speaker in the evening ..--Messrs. Governorin council may rippoint ll coinnns- Balfour, Acland, Drury, Tooley, Lees, I sioner to investigate chums uuder the Act. Lyon, Unrson, Miller, Reverie, Bishop, I?!" PROYI'i'TMI' ExulBr1'1oy. . i Hess. Notinun, Armstrong, ~Muck. Davies, I l Mr. Graham, wno "fade a_very settis.i.1o1e , I Ustrom, Hudson, Waters, Field, Rorke and 1 'speech on Mr. Awreys motion regiuding lb'pruune. 'i [ the Provincial :Exhibition, amongst other l " 'e'"Pe're1'""'rr"'rrr"r'1"eLe I! T things, said ..--"Eight or nine years ago 1 Ii l moved in the direction of discontinuing the l I grant for the Provincial Exhibition. 1 took l i the ground that the Exhibition had outlived I its usefulness; secondly, that the manage. I I , ment was bad ; that the secretory controlled _ [ the directors, instead of the directors con. I trolling him. At present there is no coni- plaint of that kind. I believe the manage. I ( ineut under the present Board is unexoep. I f tioual/'

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