Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1889, p. 2

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"W, _ _ 1'ii'iiriTL'i','Tar"'d '2"? TCL: ' ' "i'.----. s'"-Gaaiau CC" r" '---dt2'.'-eem!!Se2rr . ' 1."? J, GiiFUw the" "time uld co'nio when . division" t--. V . A B ll ' --_- f it would be called back, when the people Jt"iiiet'l: . #r.','/h',t.t)'th,fvg1'i,:re1ll,tt gravel or. stones from the benches or water; t N Would become tired of the sideshow" of the ihiiii'er". Clarke. IE K. (Toronto). Clarke (Wei. Itt 9nttu,'.itr: por from any of the bars or _ I resent Exhibitions, and welcome book an linatoni. Coninee. Oral". Creightoui' Crness. flats tuljoiniug any channels or entrances "ii ' Exhibition conducted with the tsimplicity of Daek. Itttttce. Davis, 11,ttur, 1Jrydon, 1"elh.phas ' to any rivers, harbors or estuaries in ou. 7 l l . . l' ki ti ures ab. "1130", Field. Fraser. hrceumn. Gnrson. Gibson ttbrio N l . . . " Ithe old Pronuclnl. it Ing g . p (Hamilton). Gibson (Huron). Gilmour. Graham. . o person, tb " " aforesaid, shall l t lisiied in the morning P599" C0nc"urntng t.he, llammcll. Harcourt. Hudson, Kerns. Lens, . loud upon any such places tscifiedwith in. ' annual meeting of the Toronto Industrial Mack, Marter. Master. Meredith. Melon". Mil. tent to carry away any grtwcl,sand or stone: A.» , , . . . , -. ds ler. Morgan. Mowat, Murray, (lemon. Pocuud. ' . , . . . Exhtrbitiou, hold on the preceding y, Preston, Itoa.tHurout, RosstMiddlesoUsmiul can LRSiri reassures ACT. _. Mr. Waters compared the 8ntuto.itU statis- (Frontenac). Smith (York). Snider. Stewart. The amendment to the University F'eder. i' tics connected with it with those tn connec- 'i'ooler, Waters. willoughby. Wood (Hastings), ntion Act introduced by the Minister of F, . . . "' d I . d that Wood (Brant). Wylie-99. Ed ' . .- . l I . , tion with the Provuicial, an C mute _ . If Bi 1 B E i ucntion piiiiCipu ly affects Victoria Col, the tiruutcitd management of the latter. BO. m)igr-l'tRt.lt 1Q/'hl."tn/',o.hlif,"wn.t"g'l: I logo, the latter bei.ng empowered to retain "l cording to those figures, seemed to compare '. Mailed. Meat-ham. Monk, Morin, O'Con- I, its ftrgy"sconietriig powers until 1891. i very favorably with that of the familiar. i nor. Phelps. Robillard. Roche. Sttrarcois-tr. f At the hrst meeting of the Senate of the i The reference to sideshows Paine r. TH t Toronto University, after Victoria College 3 H. E. Clarke, and he rose and made a very . I AROUND E HOUBE. shall have placed her deg.rs"reoyierrirg _ side defence of the suns, contending, that I ITEMS GATHERED IN rim LOBiHEs AND FROM l powers m ubeyanee, the number of cradu- , I sidesliows relieved the . tension of the THE DKPARTMiiNTs. ntes entered on the register of Toronto l Inversge visitor to Exhibitions, Just as It I _ The followingjsretlielesding clausesot'Mr. , University and Victoria College shall be! ' I student's mind WM relieved by te omding Drury's Act regarding the beaches nndshorcs taken as the basis oi the second cloak," to ', l ofa novel after long 'stndy. Those wlto of the Province ..-No person without the I the said Senate. The amendment to the! , l didn't like sidesliows could keep "WW {20m consent of the Lieut.-Governor in the l, Federation Act introduced R few days ago I 4 ', them. As to the 'tramtgeuteu' ot tho IU. case of land Irtluvgiur. to Ontario, and With- I by Mr. Harcourt is incorporated in the I I tome Exhibitiou, thero W" no doubt whu. out the consent of the owner as to other i Minister of Education', bill. It simply I ' ever that it was the beat "lunged "I" fy land, shell take or - away any sand, provides for the election by acclsmstion of l i all odds the most successful of the Exhibi. the chancellor and members of the Senate if I tions of the Province. the number of candidates are no more than : I Mr. Whitney could not agree, that tho l requisite to tiil the vacancies. , Provincial Exhibition had lost itslnscglul- ', THE avmcnmm ACT. I net". "Him"! :r.t'ti, 1',e1'"',"v', yiiS'r,t did , . .?.rr.cymeo has re-introduoed his bill pro. I Awrey ttg,atuBt it, '0 will]? W" would mu. , Viding that persons shall not be compelled _ , not pay, and he (.Mr: iitnoy) ' , l to arbitrate on matters other than accounts. , pose of that by WNW"; out tltat tircGruslph A(H'.XCULTURE AND ARTS. Agricultural College ditllnpt pniapd or: Mr. Drury introduced an amendment not expected to do so, am yet no 0- y J, to the Agriculture and Arts Act providing posed to abolish lit. . Alto lunatic my unis . for the machinery of calling the first meet- weI-g not ty/tttlt',?,,);',',',",,', and yet it was ling of o Lowulship or horticultural society. no propusm'. o lo '. , . n organiser townships the association Mr. Meredith dist'uhtch' Wltlll 362:1;110 shall be culled by the reeve, but in unor- the ittl:'t,'/ its toi w It; 'lt.'),,,',.':',,,' 1'Li'/'iC, gaiIiised districts it shall be called by the sgu 'aXlit ttitttt tt . C ,', . a jut e or tti cndiar ms. istrste " . the distinction for the " cstorn Fair. lilo "main. p Y g cting was inclined. he said, in part to 'G'reo Wil t MANHOOD summon. it,t,litt,tyit,,tyl,i'tt,1,t, We r':,t't1th,c1,',,o,i,d"..' Mr. Harcourt provides A slight amend l covincial lush Mann " tttg 1',r1 (ii'llly/,'i'd'. ment to the Manhood Suffrage Act, giving at the ".yf...y".y, 't'h"Y'5.l',f, 't JIM lie fishermen, in and out of Ontario, otherwise to tlie 1"T'l at t C mew" . . ' " entitled, tho right to vote. agreed with the mover of the resolution . . that if the Exhibition was to be buried a Y.'"' ON FLOOR. batter place than London could not bu Mr. Mack did not. as reported. support found, and " more melodious voice than the motion before the recent meeting of the ttsat oiMr. Awrey to sing in. requiem could nuders, asking the Ottawa Government to not be listened to. put " duty or $1 per barrel on flour. The Mr. Metcalfe thought that the Exhibition _ line of the remarks of the. member for Corn. nhould not be allowed to die because no _ wall was rather in the direction of getting arguments were adduced toshoiv thntitdocsI the Government to eqiislise. the duty not not in an educator in tlieeasteru portion between wheat and _flout',. believing as he of the Province. does that the present tariff discriminates Hon. A. M. Ross argued that looking on outline: the Canadian millcrs. the Exhibition its a purely business arrange- ANALYtMS OF THE VOTE. hunt the oroposition of the Minister of I The Provincial Exhibition will live at Agriculture that the grant should be given Ilenst one your more, the vote of the As- tics your was the beat in the interests of all scinbly having so decided. So far as the parties. decision was concerned, it was assuredly t lion. Mr. Drury rose again to say that ', justice tempered with mercy that was far the Exhibition did not die because it was I from being strained. The debate Was not not pittrouised by th.pulilic, but because , without excellent features, even if the death , it Wns dillicult to get sulliciont accomtuoda. I sentence was passed on an institution that l tion for it in the cities in v.hich " was held. . l had admittedly been a potent stimulus to lIt is impossible to continue the Exhibition l the development of the agricultural in. I until public opinion so changed that cities dustry of the Province. The Conservatives I would provide ample accommodation. were generous, only four having voted ', Ilr. Grahtun found fault with the mom . against the amendment of the Minister of ligament, stating that the secretary cou- Agriculturo,butalnsithirteen of tlieLibsrals trolled the directors instead of the directors wished tokillthe "Provincial"Withoutgiving controlling: him. lie opposed the grant , it any time for repentance for its back- oight or nine years, but would consent to it sliding during the last few years. Judges being given one your more and then to end. I will differ in their definition and interpreta- ' Mr. Awrey replied to the speakers who tion of crime, and the majority of those found fault with him for consenting to the who voted for sparing the life of the culprit amendment, concluding by saying bh that he I on its trial evidently felt that there Was did so because tho Minister of Agriculture j "much to be said on both sides." The and the leader of the Opposition stated that l, analysis of the vote is as follows ..--Tlte, I the honor of the House was pledged to the I total vote recorded was 76; for the Govern. I Exhibition being again held in London. i ment's amendment, 59; against. 17. The Mr. Wood (Hastings) would vote for the I Liberals who voted against the amendment _ amendment, but preferred the origin-t1. 1 Were Messrs. Balfour, Bronson, Bishop, 1 Mr. Straittou was opposed to the Exhibi. Eventurcl, Gould, Guthrie, McAndrew, I tion and regretted that the motion of the Morin, McMahon, 0'Connor, Phelps, Imeniber for South \Ventwortli could not Robillnrd and Stratton (15); Conservatives. I (undor the circumstances be pressed on the Ingram, Monchnin. Monk and llorko (4), , I Home. _ . . . ' . making in all 17. The sbseutees were I I M r. ll' aters again. jPstiiied the news he Biggnr, E. F. Clarke, French, Leys, Lyon, I HIGH as to the Fhthilsition.' McKay, McLaughlin, Parties and Sprague. I 2 Mr, Phelps would ratrher 'Y.'. LOP'lOD cet _ Mr. Whitney paired with lion. Mr. Hardy. ' the $4,000 than hold the Exhibition there AT GOVERNMENT DINNER. I next W"- The followiu l 1 l , . it gentlemen had t ie ionor At this stage members showed "Y"?P'WS , being invited to dine at; Government of that woaruiess which brooks no lurther ' . . discussion and loud ll f " q " House hutt night ""'" fill ltl . '-l I l ca B L question Hon. O.Mownt. Dr. McMahon. MP.P. ttt " C "u,",'"". , . Jae. u. Morin. MP.P. Thos. MurrarMP.P. F" Hon. Mr. l'rnsers amendment to con. A. S. Allttn,MP.P. B. Artttntrotur, 31P.P. tinue the Exhibition in year longer Wits then {Ime 1'.sr,'iiJly.'"?. J1,h'ri'g,n,,cil',; Bill?!) . . ; _ . ' N. wrcy. " . . . . woman, . . . voted upon and coined on the tuliuwiug w. D. Balfour. Map, Hon. C. F'. Fraser. T. Balhrutynv, M P. P. W.lt. Meredith, MP.P. Licui.~Uol. Gillmor, U. U. Field, MP.P. J.W. T. Blower. MP.P. lion. Jacob Baxter. A Bishop. Uri'. It. Ferguson. MP.P. Thos. lilcziird. MP.P. John Blyth. MP.P. J inn Fell. M P.P. E. H. Bronson. MP.P. W. C. Caldwell.MP.P. A. Evanturel, MP.P. John Dryden. M P.P. K. Chisholm. MP P. James Clancy. MP.P. E. J, Davis. MP.P. J. C. Dance, MPH'. charles Clarku,MP.P. F. J. ulaektttcyer, Hon. J. M. Gibson. E. F. Czal'ke. MP.P. w. M. Duck. Y, P.P. J. T. Crucss. MP. P. H. E. Clarke. hip P. V D James Ctmmtse. MP. P. 'i'hos. J. Craig, HEP. D. Creighton. MP.P. Chas. J. Campbell. . , W

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