Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Feb 1889, p. 1

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. - . dubs P', . ". S _ _ TCC= =-'. ' _ '1 "V 'N ,1 ' I I8P?, -, W., , SATURN . _ _._..___ D " "itt1N , "" . WE . - ae, a... . . t . . ' _: . -.-._.-'_ B EBRUARY 16, 1889. Mushoks, Parry Bound Manitoulin, guns- . _ , m--MW~~ _ sing, Thunder Bay and Rainy River, Were " _ ' Bl, ATURE. were " 1t11'th'tf', together they should read a second time., ' : ' tL' tT/'i,'S1t,'/',t,,', Ir,,", dthis question of i ierAFerg'iwn'. bill to amend the Muni- as, -------- e an unprovt""T un . . . . , c pa ct re sting to arbitration was taken . .7 ON THE LAND IMPROVE- Mr. M.o.wat., .Who_had not quietly smiling l up by the hon. member, but on the sugges- ' , , KENT FUND. and stroking his chin while Mr. Meredith , tion of the Government was allowed to was dealing third "g,yue,",', at him, I ttei Elise/I bill byl the some gentleman to rose " remnr e I new were some amen t e unici s. Act was readasecond , . 'lddfgg,tge,nu"afg',a,eg,ag?" things on which he and the Premier oi time. P ' troaumsa.-M . . Quebec were agreed and some things on Mr. O'Connor moved to amend the Muni- 'f21t,'c,fgf,ue1'll"ldf,'.'" which they were not agreed. . cipal Act by changing the law in relation to l ed in the Lobbles and . Mayo (it'r"i,g,',,'trlCd, glint TIf mqu- municipal tire protection, so as to enable cipa to, a een anyt ing ut justy certain towushipsrtow unabletosecuresuch Espnrtments. treated In connection with the affair and protection to be so placed that they may ' he thought the Government should do do so. At qumARY Mth, 1889. ttnt/gt a? ""11. 8509;" j.,"/,e,f,i,11',t't .in The H ouse rose soon after five o'cloek. ter th b , ie orucy' enora . w nnin " " ities - iced d estorm, the ctlrn. Thors was . , and felt that he would win if '/lfdlldllll,ek' LICENSE COMMISSIONERS. b es] of business done to-day, however, t the cue of the Province, believing, as he ', NANES'oh" MEN WHO win. ADMINISTKR run " none of it was particularly exciting" (the speaker) understood him to believe, CROOKS ACT. Mr. H. R. CGrko had .c. v ' . _: that t e Province was more" entitled to . i - . . . . . t co ered his aqua _ . . y Prince Edward ErmuuudEhsvis, Picton, enmity. the Treasurer looked "rem, Mr. l the money in question and that that right W. H. K. Allison, Picton; Mathew Bea. Meredith was com ltsc t 1 M ii, t eouldboenforeed. Bon, sosophiasburst. was exceedingly 1r',,'t.'"'"Cyl' r. 'd Iry, timid A.' l Rouaild Mr. Creighton and Peel-Wm. Golding, Brampton; John . . ,. no a num er ' r. ytie iscussei the subieet brieiiy, D. Hicke Cook-ville . Wm. Cl rk C l . " bills came up during the afternoon, and l Ind the resolution was carried. J . don. I y, , . , a e he handled them with his usual ability. OTHER BU'S1NEtits'. Thunder Tur-Dowd) McKellar, Fort Petitions were prenguted by Mr. A. P. Mr. "'ators then moved the second read. William; W. J. Chwke,Port Arthur 3 Goo. Wood, Mr. tlilmour, Mr. Allan, Mr. Gap. " and the reference to thes MunittipalCott" o. P. Clyttt, Port Arthur. , . Met, Mr. Clancy, Mr Dtvis Hon hlr l Rimes of his bill to amend tho Ditches and hLE'lNk bduthhdJOIinS MCC'fnai Perth, In . ' . . 'atercourses Act. He ex lained that it t eroom tUI tste o tunu0 arrett re. Mowst and Hon. Mr. Hardy. They con. wt" the old original GY tuul it went to I signed. , tmreusd ohiefly subjects already before the committee. , "Halibur_.ton-.-WiWm FuldingdMiuden; House. The following bills were then in. Mr. O'Connor moved the second reading Ihome Howie, Burry'a Gnu"; E. B. Le troduced and read a. first time c-- ot Sis bill tobamend the Assessment Act, ROY. Coboconk. An Act rust tti . . . . . . an that " e referred to the Municipal Lenuox--Milee Fralick, Napanee; John incorporhmdL '1't',t,ipinie1i..1eUial'iliotti.e, °f Committee. He expliuned that his bill, too, Webster, Napanee ; Juniors C. Huiiman, Generiil. y was thodsaiiie 1;th he had introduced last Nupunco. An Act r '1. "" an which ind not carried. The bill Middlesex East--J.W. Robson,Vanneck; Manhood :iiiiiagi," tect/d, Ttiust.'. related to the sale of lands for talcum, and Adam Nicol, Wilton Grove ; Thomas Bedg- . (ieneral. Y has beenI previously explained in THE good, liebecca. l An Act r . . . nLonn. t was discusscn hriefly by Hon. T Victoria West-William Needler, Patrick , the Land "rl/filly 'j'ctt.lifo',t,"ttrt under Mr. Hardy, Hon. A. M. Ross, Mr. A. F. Curtain, Lindsay , Donald JacksOn, Wood. General. C' --- m torney- Wood. Mr. Balfour and was carried. ville. . I An Act res e ti . ' ' - .M.r. Wtsters moved the second reading of _ nartdasrrclohy Sullivan, Mountain; Hugh , At"d',dTat,"t'll'.1"l. mg registry offices The his bill to amend tho Assessment Act. re- harm's, Winchetster; John c. Munro, , An Act to . . . - specting assessment of personal property, Grant y. Mr. Ingram. "mud the Municipal Act etc., and was proceeding to explain it G Pertlt 1,attcdyt't, Kollmnn, Millbsnk;' An Act t . . when Hon. Mr. Fraser remarked that if "'org,e McP arson, . F. Goodwin, Strst-_ "1°"Kl'ge: dl ttT,"1lt)1,','rd1c,1 1325::312 Mr. k"'nters had no objection he (the "t l S 1 Ed d Di ki Mr. Chisi l " spea oi) thought that it would be Very entwortlt ouP--.-1f W" 10 tt"ott, if": IMPROVEMENT FUND much more convenient that this particular North Ulanford; Arehibtrld Jarvis, Wood. Mr. Gibson (Huron) moved G' airoturu of bill and the various other assessment bills burn; Closson Vansickle, JerseyVIlle- copies of all correspondence rclatin to the. should be discussed together on th day _riutttilt.ou--t.J. w. Murton, John Proctor, Land Improvement Fund betwaen the Gov. I which the Government would promise to sNeitson Humphrey, Hamilton. " "' g endeavor to make convenient for the nir- o'imcoe Weat--Geurge Watson, Coiling- ernmehnts of Outaiio and Quebec. The mo. Po" Mr Wat, rs thought this it s l, y wood A B McIntyre John Reid Stayner ti id . .ti y .1ur. , ' seer ;--~"' , . it . . ttiet,2nairdi:Tc,"hoou1,it,,tit/t'Jt tiot t'v1osstm','ti aged m... and allowed Isis bill to stand tot. Aliwuyy--.iyi,llit1,m A. Quibell, tiault s... for that reason a less important one The t e present. Mme i David Jail-kw!" "in" Mine" Alex. ', . . . . . . ' ' . s. Smith Sault hte. Marie. i trtoner m uettuon WM owm f r ' . b: k Immediately, however, he was on his feet 2 ,. Cr , ,. . , . . to the Jldlll.'i'ld'li"t'uC,1','not 'dh'/.'Ui't'IC', "a?" Igain to move the second reading of his l "",',,',ria Jcert.--i.i ill,iy? r.'ie),dine, ?,ii.n.- unable to settle the affair between mum. second bill to amend the Ditches and "'ster- 'len i 11rPyv' Howie, Barry a Green; E. B. selves. Souielield that tho Dominion as umrscs Act, viz., that relating to the ap' Leltoy, Loboconk. , trustee of the fund, was responsible but he pointlnent of drain commissioners and the , Halt.ou.rrJuh.y R. Barber, Gwrgetown i did not quite egrre with these. He "and" reconsideration of awards when drains or traputs.l PM; Donald f,Yepbeh Milton. the Dominion would cause it to be paid if it . dud"? do ttot carry otf the water origi- r.'.u0yriu---'i homes lull, ueorqe Dodds, could reasonably do BO under the present iially intended. home of the. diiliculties of D. b-IL'""?""'v Oe,ugevi,lt, _. circumstances. He thought Quebec was to the hill were pointed out by Mr. Meredith . oriryrd south-Edward dorland', 1'iuoy blame. He suggested that the Ontario Gov. and Hon. Mr. Hardy tusd it thou went to lung, in the room and stead ot " mum s. eminent should Pay out the funds duo the committee. rcrguspn, "mined. , municipalities and charge them to Quebec "m" IN.qt'RANCE LIMIT'. Livy.th,to.tt ll eSt_IMWMd'-M" Proctor, Province, or, M an txlteruative, that they Then came Mr. Bishop with his bill to alrclmahll, Wilma. M.D., harms; vivid should bring suit ageinst the Iuxvniniou to amend the Act resuectiag "swam" rotter, etioca. make it, as trim," of the fund. compel Que- companies. The amendment is to lengthen l SONG" or MOTION. boo to pl" up its share of the same. the maximum term of fire ri-Irs from three Mr Drurv Bill t , - , . . . . . - tect the beaches 'lho Attorney-bencral said " was a du. years, as at present, to live yours. He read ' t o.pro . . inuble question whether or not the l'ro- letters from several iiisuraiire companies 2:3: shores of the Provmoe ngalnlt depreda- vince Was entitled to the particular inonevs 'spproving of the tive ycars' term, and . . . "terred to here. In relation to "chum argued that there Was no good reason for' c?/h,,1/y1yidlil,1,a,,rt,T::i,t,ioyd1ltma1ie', landsthe arbitrators to whom the matter "striding tie ttoiX,'r'i.lttt term to three; 1l',led,'.Lll11fl t tgI,1"jilu5l','l" f1\" 9 {uni had been referred decided in favor of the years. Ot course it would be still optional Mr j'jr,1','..'%oi/' t is "Cd (all 11Cf2i: ' Province. but there was no decision given with the persons Insuring to limit their in- turn |Lu] A/ts Act o amen e grtcu . in regard to the other matter. The Pro. sunnee to three years. Mr. Bishop asked Mr. 'c1t7'-0rli"er of the Home foe . . vinco dhad allwalys c,"":).;',)',.','), that the tor a special committee to consider the Iturn showing ._, I . (roan son wiici the ariitrators decided matter. lie didn't want it killed b the l , . . . in fave: ofdthe Proviip'o in respect to tho glunicipnl Cotntuitteo, as it probably 'CG' l "[9301: it: (31:;22? i,y",ut.le,ate,',1, 12I't', "noel an s Were sulicient to jurtiiy the e if it wcnt there. It may be remarked in . tl .m. , . ' . b "] " claim of the Province in. regard to theCrown connection with this biil that it does not in 1tt2l',reil'iy,y,",,1lti/,":,')lini", at}? work of lands dispute. Not hating been arbitratcd any way refer to the constitution of live t'2) Ayn" of the 'l,,'d bofks f,, a 1 n upon. t.he matter Was open to debue by the stock insurance companies, as Mr. Bishop my", other than iiiair, I d by It Doninét'nli. bit It bleep "pasted the mat- first had intended to make it do ', that wilt , imam, " er 1 use m Bucu tor we i e sette J " itrstion, but 001110 up iseparately. . Neither does thol, ': diirit.Ati'"t had prevented that, and it was proposed extention to the tive years refer to F .c,3,),arll",'A',tt1it1,t,tr, of scholars attend- rttl'N",,'1, "it."c'rf' would be brought those risks at present restricted tu one V) The number of srliolars in each of such It!" nit " oininion ioverntttettt. year. I schools usiu text book . l Mr. Meredith expressed Iritr.ryrret that Air. .Gibson (Huron) 1supported Mr. other than English. a w Buy IDgnge' so lolng standipg a lu':'",',',,', faiths] should Bishop 9 motion. The number of teachers in such schools i not on age ave eon sett or. 'hon he Hon Mr Gilson(Hamilton) said the bill who cannot use the Eu lish l . . . . i . an on e in 'drelngég ofu:eiii:: thoeitof, "is: titer-l'roz'gli- was a matter that Was certainly worthy of leaching. g g g I cl' one ' L', IIIUHIB at cot id ' . . I - . here I mysterious .rese.mrl.tu"io to those 'i,1te,Tatti1t/,t,i,t,ut1mtt), fgr'aastiycezodfd oie,t)dii't1,,edi" i.e';ei1tttdt,%'jt,t,', bill to . si,xe"tie'1,tttr",',f"11"g tfy,' jollli'liill ly ViEEU'III from insurance men generally, the Also, bill to amend the 'i2ll't,, and bu the tl,'1%' 't,e,iucty.ro1lit1 by his ifOOling wall largely against the proposed Watercourse" Act. IP'".' In"! . 'At Job rev'. It "a argued, lcliange. The Government were not com- . NOTES OF THE for "glance, it , ccause i Ii. '13,":'Fului Imitted against it, however, and it would DAY. Mr. . outer wcrcd 'Ill'"',!,' Lie" lovuicia. receive proper attention. He didn't think ITEMS GATHERED IN THE Lemmas AND FROM J,'.",',',',.'?,',",':.')',', 15:2: i: 'h,'",',':',)"):,':,',,'.:,',,:,.',',:: ' 'l special committee was necessary T THE D12PA1tTME.NTR. or , oi mung ut the bill could go to the Lani he bill for incorporating the Ontario that ,u"ic1""tlco' o',',:,','," 'tout/CIP: Atnety.htttytt, Committee instead of the Inland Marine Mutual Insurance Company thing nestion betweeii) the t I ignition Municipal Committee. will be considered by the Private BilisCom. zines? but, above all, this Ita'i'ticui: The motion then carried, the bill being mitten next Tuesday. Vessel owners are 'iJiii'on that Mr. Gibson had bi-ouvh: referred to the committee named. mud to be pretty unanimous in tlie belief before the House. n was really 'mt',),";",',':,',' Mr. Lyon's two bills to amend the Act tl"". they ought to have tut insurance BMO- that when Mr. Mercier and Mr. Mownt respecting the establishment of municipal glut-mu of their own to be conducted onlines _ . . _ - _ - . similar to transatlantic concerns. .

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