Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1889, p. 4

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a 1"net-"es would ask an eq s. eut. he " masters. Mr. Marci" only ' from ESTIMATED Rump," - _ '" w" preposterous and inadmissible. Legislature power to rater the Common Following are the estimated receipt. for Ir,, tario and Quebec do net ask this as a! school fund. It is unfortunate that this $8831; ' _ .' . tor afavor. We .elyun if as it right ' ditferenms has arisen. " it would be 'tth i'l1t'l'/Wrcrr,ara .1o196.3720 -. e",,',',',',' by the Dominion, including the, better to settle .11 these matters ya held and debts tttaq N ' ', other Provinces, for which they have re- ', ' friendly arbitration than to have recourse by the Dominionto - eeived full value. They have had the use , l to Y.w: As Quebec has tttrl/tthi/ttit, Jl,',etPi,ii,icccc. $279,111 10 "l 3 to! our money for twenty years. All we 'Ithnik the Dominion shoul are hit id T ments.............. 5000000 a "' 'claim is that for the use of that money in- amount to Ontario and charge t . lo ...; 329.In 10 . h terest at tive per cent. shall he added yearly Province of Canada, " 1.rmvyettd them to Crown Lands Depart. ' _ to the balance at our credit-bearing/y- do three years ago. .y"ly.,e,rdrl, to Il',',; crJ,'vr,""iind, ' 83 000 00 c, tersst. Ontario will never consent to bribe teat .the charge, if so me me . is Clergv 1/GiGrl'.'.'.'.".' 5:000 00 C , the other Provinces with her own money to Dominion has in other matters assume Common whoouand' 10.000 00 ' secure her just rights. If any idcahof lit',",',,'," t? and?! claim:h /,Ir'u,?g,rete,',, "lf, 2'" a: "itll',','.".', s c. h col 2 an 00 J . ingaway to make grants to t o other o sin a wi 9 . wGiirrdiiriGisiGy. 100000000 - Province/s at our expense is at the vinoes, and I thunk she would-have a better 1 .. _-_._.__ _ p _ bottom of this strange proceeding, I justification .ie.thiy.tl"' equitable chum. of "tum", Ityrtitut.ions-- LINUX". . , F- can only say tor mymslt---od I think I the municipalities being. so strong. homing 1"l"ii'rf.t.".l1ue'eitsy, ' 38.50000 , L' express the sentiments of the people pt to other matters, he said he supposed tiic irt"ttTGLuGtie%"si.: . . _ Gitario--1 would not accept our claiml House would be pleased to. learn that the _luni................. 10.00000 upon such conditions. Now, Mr. .Speaker, Pruvmce had been successful, so far, at any hipgslion Lunatic s'. my justification for referring to tnis qiics- '. I rate, in its sdl','ilht,'ricnitii 3.500 on y tion at such length is that it is a serious ', V sun WiTU T'.""'"""'"? coxrautss Atsylum............. 7.000 00 . r question for Ontario. It involves adiilcr- " ', to "CW." the losses tsustaiusd by tire at Orillia Lunatic Asy- It. once of nearly a million dollars to the Pro. ' the London Asylum last year. lhs House 2tgacti; 'v'Ydi."ii/, 1,400 no 2 Vince. The dill'ereiice according to the new was.inio.rtuod last session that of the com. 12fl'lle.o.r.'.1'.'."Hr 4 000 (il _ 3 "counts submitted, " they moire t.i"s.tn "P Po"" interested 24 resisted, while only 'ystt/rtt.hiili.rriirruiii, "jir, 00 ' , on their plan of five per cent. simple inter. two acknowledge l, the liaLility, and judg. Soulful dl'rlipon ii/if. 32.000 00 est, shows a loss to the Provineoof t3857,000 ment had been guru in favor of the Pro. 'i"1'lll,' um In. 150 00 useompared with their f"'". accounts as wince. Most-oi them "on: aware that in m............. -.----- ".250" formerly rendered. Ontario Will never Con- accordance min the announcement made l Education Depart- , sent to this injustice. 8heluusrigltt,jtutiet' lust year ail. policies wcrc allowed toospis , c1333: imam. 2? (ff), oo / and equity in demanding that _th.o agree- Since then inc had i ilicu pin. c."t the Agri. i 1"fc.1hl1l".'.'1'.".1.".'.r:: 233888 tl inent ot 1882 should be carried out in good I cultural College, which had involved ihe Law stamps...., 75:001.? 00 , faith, and I very much inisJuIlge the. Provinccin a loss. of $20,000, and some i,i1,'iii.iiii'irx'iii:,cic: 3.000 00 1 people ot Ontario if they do not unanimous might think that lilo sic-Lon okon w is not '; meat" assess- Ah000 :1 I ly, irrespective of party, It""! on tttt fu1til. justhhrl or pr' lif.\l'lc. lint, they liud an i VaiGiiirdaiad .550 908 , 1 ment. But, he asked, if, after all, the exprrricu:cw ot wriiiiccii yours in insurance -'l'oronio Asylum i Dominion was not legally bound by the iiciorc coming to that cotrcnrsiou. During dtt1tcar,dr,ica, 185.000 00 t . ogreement ot 1882, why should they 1 those novellt'ln'i: years they had puid in 1le,.'2's1',"2oJl1.".'."."'. Moo 00 i k" rush us to accept simple 5 per cent. premiums $133,864 and had only re- _ Amusement Cii/duii. ', _Y,"-' "risen 6 per cent. was the legal rate ! unwed sited-3, and there "as it Lu. I "E3 re removal ot _ , " where no law existed for another rate? If I mm, of prulil to the inaur'nucg kinetics... ........ 6,000 00 , y , the Dominion Government considered that I companies cf 5.5.351. Ill. tin-ugh; that "tt 'fottu.............. irEiar: aria" l _ the Provinces were liable to payo per cent. experience cf 17 years w", a MN"). m, It was possible said Mr. Ross that the ,z Cd |on sums in Oneal"! de.te imlividttaU, wa, lost, and it clearly dvtnonstv,ial that, for Dominion might 'iciiu, the ililérest paid ; a met that Government liable to pay to the the Province insurance "'41 v.u!"oriv+'ie. bv it to Ontario, but otherwise the titat j Provincesb per :elit. on some they had He would not [or r. moment. any that it was items would be unclarurud from previous , ' withheld from them? If " had to submit, _ noi; WHO ict. illl iitiitluai to insure, hut I venrs' Tue diairi2ii'iili',ir, of the Crown i ll I: was only been": the old law that the 1iovectitnrsitt, liming its risks scattered 1 Lands Department authorised him to ' b l might " . right M teral',',,',"",',, 11(be ovcr Llio_wholc province hero-"and there, 'estimate $1,100,000 from that department, .) L "ained. Continuing. . r. o". .'vu .- Was no; in the Bill"; pusl'JLUII. no loss the l in which he believed there would be 1. k' {Although this extraordinary position taken _ (hchriiiiiciit could sustain by fire Would in- _ $140,000 of unpaid bonuses of 1887, Th. .J lby the Finance Minister has preyeuted a voivc ruin, Eli; it lngllt in the cast- ot {receipts from the Education Department , ifitsU settlement being arrived " still I an individual 'l hcrefore the h. d . . , . . l . . 'Y t x were estimated at less than those of last I l 90"3 PR0GRE.vs.q "A3 P,EF.N MADE . undevtalicu to run t'ncir own risks. _ year because of the transfer of the exami- t towards it. I may say we hiive practically l Several large mcrcwtde cst:tblicitmcuta did I naming of candidates to committees. This l uttled the t.sld Province of Ctutada account. l it on the same gt'ousrl--thirt Lucy could would be a saving of expense but would _ ' i . I hty previously i_ntotyn.ed the House that ' ttirord to taku till? risk just its " oil 11.s the cause a slight decrease in the "i'G'iiniiiiii;i , .. the Treasurer., contended that the effects of , iusuraucv. oruip:rv.ics svuhi. If tiisilovern. revenue. In the matter of licenses . the Acts of 1873 tusd 18.34 wntt to cancel t.h.e l "WM had tiucucd fr'oeit' risks they would the estimate was put at 8260 000. Of this ' IIB "will? debt of 810,506,088 with y,hic:hl haw had to ask the Home tor a vote of amount 8240,000 was expected to come i - Ontario and 12rislrere lyu.1 under the B. N...A, l #313,031 Then ho funiil tho tttuiority of from old license districts, and the other . Act entered the Dominion, and upon which l t.hc.hcutcis of up, pup," gown"). insure $20,000 from any of the counties in which r' '0 had been charged interesat . J". other I tlicirowii public 'oilrihrit,s, and he instanccd thc Scott Act might he repealed during the - words, we contended that the Dominion by mm", thunt Michizan Ilaiu llliviois _ _ _ _ . L ' ' .. .1 . . n i A ' t . ' year, it being reasonable to count on seine 'v' the. Acts assumed that surplus debt " . liidiaiia, Ncur l oil. illl'l Ohio, and he thing in this respect in view of the incidents T, " the due of Confederation. rho Act of illiulglz' the ccpruicucc oi the Province had f 1- . . Tl . 1 'v b1 f ' 1875 usurped the principal the Act of 1884 _ . ' ... l I , 0 at your. " Pe"" rerun e rom . p . , JiltiLlllCIl the course they had when. Cum. the sale or asylum lands, it might be urged, .97. us the interest. It was sgrecd at the m to thu . . _ . . g A should not he counted as ordinary expendi- r Ion-{creme that our contention should _ _ t l 7 . l h H ld IL he curried out in the accounts and that Esi'rl3rATr.D I'Umm'" "E are, rut he Pf"1r.'P.t. t e ouse won _ . . . . . ' . . ' ' 'mit the tuivisability of this in the debt with which Ontario and Quelree for the tlT',r.,i',,t,,b, my. wr civil huvqlmnent tu. w ftl ' ct th t the mone w s to be f" jointly should be entitled to enter Confevl. , they "sic/yi 121.F,u,(l,'J: lt "as an mm" vie ,-°d . ld' . ", m:,,, "3', e21," i kt, Mon should be placed in the accounts at l ' Q,1'i/i1rt,"i,y y) >15.OJU,Iliut tlou. 'ta'..:,.'),.):,",.),"] iii? Isiseldlh 1h1""tCtrd citiiimted areceipt: ", 'Mi006,088 instead of 862,500,000 " in the f Wott t "f th" "l"'".' Wm Wits ttausferret b . w 2Zr 'e .. . ."., - accounts. As the amount of linbili- l fro.tt.t "gr.icultyc.to civil goverumeut. como Milfrilted ti,,'?,,:,';',','?,))-,?,: 2,100 st.t2"i'ei _ "Assumed by the Dominion according to l prising the siilarics aid expenses of the staff 'an'll'i'.1,edr,'in,l!li'g'."1'tl'i' 35'0" gar"? ex It'. c mimgnce sheet of let July, 1867, w." I oi the Minister or Agriculture, formerly I/r/pl'." link in 'aulditioii to this She 'd',') I ".7235me the old Province really m called the Vlilll'eilll of iuuuesiics. die "it! . l i . j . 24,, 9?,2 t t . Wendell accounts enters Conioderation now it Minister under the civil gov tei"/Ja",)tcie1t')1itue, Isl) f 'lei'-,)'.",)')? ','f,"'tel',', 0 - F. ucredit balance oi 8771,50182 This arm-lent. and It we proper . t.o 'il" 'ayf".'r "if: 1'1,'iT'Jtlf:, ou "if?" '- b,', i [ 1, ment tsimplitied the settlement very ttnttc,ttet' thu, , "xl"'."""."'"'. P Civl. 1t1d"'11',"pdv l": wot": .'. /t'r/,1'/','1.y, it. ' , 4- ' y. As the Dominion. having assumed I i,'o.v"r,utiy1t: _ I'h"u. lot' 1e,.ihtiyy they 'l (C'., 1g)"'ea d"" y?,',",,",," ' s"C,hj.'dt l Rl8, Sttm0 charged Against tho old Pro- "iii?! .c 20.000.11K'itl'll3t an c'xrtc'tyl.itttro in Tit",',,','", mt a": ' (l.?"?,',,", 0. bl littl- . u up to 1873, the Provinces had no 'i, 1.&h'i.ot 5127.000. livlily Wei-c :iiakiiiun rm 1 'W. 1'iu"tti2'),1')'C'ivie,? lea; "1: "mi; Ii. f' t 'til in examining into their eorreetneBa. I ,(lllCliIOIl, Hit would he soon, in connection tteposut "I w b": y in an B. _ 1th" i', . ' . ' .foro accepted them " correct and I with tsosaioual wtutu.tg. As to pl'illllllg hills, Ce')',',"") (lehtltllsy. were l"/'l,",'/,"t"r, d, 7 t!!S ' ed to the examination oi the charges ',', there wits some littic increase in that. That Shtilt'iihdi": 'C',1t"i'1Tinai,",,'"'/1 C/Ill",, l" r 1875 to the present time. Some I was sotuc'viritig tluy cuviid ttot CONN". T . i _ . . . J. "d ions were made, and this branch ; unless a rtruulrer wl't'e only allowed to malts tett,"It tf $443,921 Wino £0011 101013.11. '/ Writ'. accounts. with the '.'xcee' one "tttttdit"'?" .to. the law in .emih year. Trei 'i',fg. r1'1"p923:2' c:i::;ii::d t: . . tour orltirejtems, was settled and ' llicii lul' i"..'l"in""i".t"'u of Justice iney l as iii ti ii tat t _ e T. '0th all puritiets. 1 am sorry will: l l iskted .:t.e.bs'ir('/""sjr/c's".,ip,il (llll "x:,::,?,:,",',' 2"" the TI" a of'""),',-'"' "we :33; , ',', iations tin were opened wit _ as year ot 5.31338: . "or emu-a ion . J" ' I tor an arbitration to adjust some i l tho expenditure lust your wins 5457951125. On pated trtuttuustiott' of the future. We . , in connectiouwith this settlement i l nccmiiit of iitigatidn they "will $31,133,. ltture for l good "Hwy years. lieupl 'P- ' la. T the two Provinces have adverse , I ii herons they only "stitnatvd til2,000. This nual homiiies upon the i'l/jtc'ie,',':i,ty fl ""11" T U' - ,. havozlnllcn through for the pres. l ', year they asked $538,.)73. 'l'licy had to f,t1.,.eee"e.'.'y: "Pd pret '.c't10t.ii.'. a"; t 'l' " , '1 , appears that some misunderstand. l put. swimming in loi- that piirpu us this year 2t' 'f.",' We; rppidly hearing} if "d"",', up: l '. . taken place " to what was under. ; ' tu,uciu..tr'or piihlic inutitutiotts' ttiuttttu.uaiiee a "'3" "lbtt e' a pot"ttyn w 1.en l on ' I " ' a personal conference with Mr. they asked $750,084, against $721,003 ex- h?" to borrow to meet ttts ordinary "Pol," ;. and his Treasurer. Mr. Mowut, ,pciided last year. He had already reierred diture or resort to direct taxation. w, , ' ' I d other members of the Govern. 1 to the increase which had taken place from have "reogtiiaod the yce.saihr tor economy I', ' erstood that the laud improve. . year to your in that connection. Thea and have accepted m good P"t the t sn, d particularly was to be reierred, for immigration they were only asking rather g.".""" end d.trl.r-co1oyrd pictureso' , n. as the interest on the Common l $6.850. Last year they expended $0.052. spprouchmg "tut, wluUh '" doubt with .tht I fund and other matters. Mr. For agriculture they estimated $142,287, . .DOOII held up "a. . , it [appears, understood that the l against an expenditure last year of 8137,. We have, perhaps, some- " ' rr on tu.cunu.noa school fund only 054. The increase in this case was in con. " thought those piety", ovttra. fl . I be reierred. . To show clearly uection with the lv'xparimerttal Farm and i d that the hunguration oi.tho _ .0" understanding Watt, it was the INS caused by iirc last year. The re- 'rnemher for Toronto has sometimes . li , d to the llouso last session iiiaindcr of the items presented little occa. _ these with a tireP'"P'"1,',",'5. ll! _ the land. improvement fund sion for comment. (thy of the pencil of a Dore. "e l l ' ' be minted, and we took ESTIMATED RECEH'TS. tenth" that we have onrselyes lre- ', ,_' h the Act providiyg tor the arbitra. l The speaker then discussed his estimate, queiitly felt a good deal of dilhcully m i. "f" this questiou od tdi whorl ofthe receipts for the coming year, which i resisting the demand for new upen- 'l are as follows _ q. " ditures pressed upon the GoeertymatL - w . A

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