Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1889, p. 3

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..tL-tc .- _ ' . - - . w... I ','.iir.i.Tira Watt tmule for "I "nitration -to Thee reparation of the accounts on tin?" and that recast contained .iie,i'leerfs"td'otilt divide, or trppurtioa the" "3°" ntul alt r )oEcd )lanwns at once put in progress' pounded on the some principe as in lie debts,liabilities and propertiosnot speciiicsu. i, "l'; Fii'l'lllCG Minister. The date of the former accounts. Is it conceivable that t is ly dealt with by the B. N. A. Act. That (h w it will L,' observed was November, l Finance Minister woulddiave again made n'yit,rttiotert'i'nJttif, 1870, and on the 1238130.." lune following. inquiries com- outthe accounts, "l)oyi.nt.r compound Y" ""5" dny of tieptember oi that year made "will?" to L' mtule by thu"i'reaiurers of the l terssi. without a wordof obiection,if that Itt- their award. By that award certain special Proviuces as to when the accounts in pre- l terust was aticeltteu' sy:rtaiscyrrtct byt iebov- or trust funds in the hands of the Dominion u. tion would be ready Those inquiries l eminent? Again, by referring to our ses- Were dcelarmi to be the property of Ontario, iii": re ieatud from time' to time. itnd Mr. l simml papers you will see that fromthe date and :ertnin other similar funds to Do tho 'lC/i'l2'j'l', replies to them all clcarly indi- E of the first furnishing of the accounts in pr0porty of Ourboc. This Wtttt cute that the. accounts could not be sent l 1883, a continuous correspondence was car. Tun FIRST s'rcr TOWARDS SETTLEMENT, until submitted to and approved of by tho l ried on between t'lie. height: t'l1, (ff and had the award boon accepted by all b"munce Minister and tlioiiovcrninent. l Finance Pyle"','-,,"')',)',':',' accounts but parties, proceedings might have at once . Mr. Ross read scveral of Mr. (iourtnty.'s: debit .an L510"! those sit ears in all been taken to settle, the details. Qucbcc, lcttcrs to this effect, and prrrctsediug, said I i there " not Twig . sinurle ob'ycctioii as to however, disputed the award and appealed -Diow, the preparation and transmission of that correspout 11,t' :lio bintei'clst has been to the Privy Council, and it was not until them "would". i" vicw of this cori'cspuli' t the mode lit .", "L I i' . e or an I'cstlon March. 1838, that the decision of the Privy deuce, cannot be said to be merely a mutter coulputc'1i_°'- any re Prue w ll K; til d Council cvutiruuug, the award left the Way of form for which the Government of the tlrat the ,iu2tl'0)1s,1ucl', 'll'." " Anne 6 . Till for negotiations for a tinal settlement Dominion had no responsibility. If i'. were, At last, on 24t ct. as ' _ V o the accounts. During all those years why the. nomessity of those repeated delays, ANOTHER. MEETING WITH TUE summon the Dominion has been holding and iising until tlicy could be submitlcd for approval, ay)?"),') _ the moneys rcprcsented by those funds, not oven merely to the Finance Min. was "rratrged, and "E" 1'retssurers of the and had been receiving and paying moneys 1utc'r, but for the concurrence of Provinces nict.Mr. It filter to fiutslly settle on account of the old Province of Canada tho whole Govcrnttuuit? The accounts the accounts,_if possible.. Then. were we and on account of tho separate Provinces; wore at last trausmtiturd by the Finance for the first time met with the intimation I in fact, had been acting its trustee for wind. i\l!lll\t"l' to the 'l'rcnsurcrs on 17th Deccm- that these accounts which had been fur. I ing up the estate of the old Pro, lryr,1W)3, manic out arcordingto the principle nished to the Provinces by his predecessors l Vince of Canada, and as bunker agrm-d: upon: at the mooting of 1882, and were all wrong; that the interest was made 1 for Ontario and Quebec so far as embodied in the 1utntioruudiiru, that is up on a. wrong basis! ; that the agreement 1 the trust funds Were concerned. A with compound interuat. During the thir. of 1882, which tor six years all pul'tle.s had joint examination of these receipts and ii-cn inoniiis that they were in prcparatiott been acting upon, would not be itilll't'r0(}'to, payments by the financial oliiccrs of the not a Word of obj 'ction was raised as to the and that the. Dominion would Dilly anew Doutiniou.aud the Provinces Wars IIeCthIJ'y proposod calculations of intcrcst, nor when , tive per cent. simple interest instcad of live I toaiinal settlement. l"rom various causes tlu, accounts wero trnnsmittod was any I per cent. compound, as had bum unit-d! of delay, which the. published corrospon- hint given that they were made out on a l upon. And what wasting pica. "DON this/t I deuce discloses, no intuiing took place until plan dis;ippi'o\ctl of by the Dominion Gov. tuis act of repudiation was ttry,':' 1: , Novcmbcr, 1882. when the 'l'rcasurers of crimicnt. :Do you not think it reasonable to It was _ that the ' incino. ot 189% I I the Province:, proceeded to Uttawa to meet lishcvo, Mr. Spo-ikcr, if tltnie accwits wat, without prejudice ; Wiis not ', , the Finance Minister. They Were met by "'ch sent in this form mcrely E13 a ur. signed by , the Dominion and that the l.\lr. Courtucy, the Ircputy-i'ittaucc Minis. ii-oun compliance with a ri-qucst of tho Dominionhoveriiiiicnt were tli'ricforc not ter, and the :ttrruv,,'clucu'ss for procedure 'l'rcnsurcri, for which the Government did l legally bpund by it: UNI "/ "1491114 out Clie towards settlctuunt at once entered upon. not considcr tlicinselvcs bound, and tliiit; accouiitsiin accordance .with the inc-man, The tirst thing that was reipiirml was a UleUl'Llull was coniisuipl:vtt)d by the Fin:uvu, I they were incrczy cornplying "?,tlr " tvtiuest statement of amount. and isup,gcstious were Minion-r, that ho would have taken care to I of the lreasurcrs, and that were wxs no discussed as to how that statctucttt should nccompiiny the ti'.tn.~miisioii oi thc uccounts E precedent tor allowing, con-pound inn-rest. be made out, and upon what principle uith no iutimution thot while the coconuts 1 sur." cod stated the rcasipi wuy tlicnicino. interest on the ycariy lininni-cs should "i'l'c inrniahcdas i'wpicstcd the Dominion] wnsiiiudn Without DI'CJHHlCC was tinttilic be allowod. it was holly sug- did not tcul itsi-lf bound by the mode of 'et,asy,rera felt Unit they could not loud gestrd by the 'l'rciisurcrs that a l computing the interest. No such intima. their governments without consulting them, balance should bu struck yi-arly Con one pircu. llut not only Wi.'t'U tho and this "it; for tile purpose oi 'Aivllig than and theittturcstcarrll into tho account, l'roviticial Truicuurcrs lid to believe that, time to Scoure their '.u"lu,""ie?'t""J. Um: l either debit or crcdit,ysulryunri'y ; that tin-so accounts and the crcdits for iutrwest I "e'iyu"y"'fnc"'-.'""a" gimii by t'it.'vcrnu,1erits I is, the inicrcst, Wtiti to b,., roinponniloiL had the full approval of the 1iosertitncnt, of both Provinces:, Tho riro_rt'irl to them, Mr. Courruc.v, acting ior inc Finance Miu. hut tho wholc pen} lo oi Canada View pnh- and the words (' wuhout pix mince) cruised e but approved of tho "u,W,ctstioit, and said li-ly liiiorinod by the l, inane: Minister that thrn to limo li. I: t to Mr /t', 'l'nrd roviin-es the proposal Wthti a rcasouahlc onc, und it lll"iL samc accounts, With the compound wi-rc con 'ct'tli' :. ll til (no lm minim: hour lwns at Ull\'(9 put in Willing in the sinipo of titruurst pluiuly shown, wt're, tho :tCCUlllll-'l l innit con to in: A'Jii ', ", ll on"; in» it memorandum and Signitil by the, trea- bctwccn tlic Dominion :tlltllllc Proviycets,- accounts werts in prcpnratim. or "ion l tlt'tt'o. Mr. t'iiiirtncy to 'k thu- incinori uduni iui'nishcd by the ris,vucc Minister after full submitted to them before being l into the adjoining room to show to Sir i-oimirii-rntioii and uppi'ovnl, iii-cause thesue. ts 'lit to the ri'ios-cu, i1.:i'. iii.3 Leonard Tiisy, and g We thc l rozixiiri is to sum" accounts were, iii tltuyris.iou1y"tC11'o'4, l mo lo oi computing . Ln- lll'. Hint crud Fiiidcrstand that Sir Lcouart :ipprovili of piwrscnled to l'nrlinincnt. if the Dominion I iioi in. ilgl'cci: to, 11 tti'itt in. A, i. we he. n t. Mr. ('ourtncv vromiscd to have the did not iccl bound by tile com- oi/c" t i {Min in my "on: i..;.n\: 11,3): .. nccounts suarltt orit in itcroidnnco :licrcuith. piitzition oi interest shown in those I' the pi'izi' iplm' but Winn thrw Ts innts _ l The 1'rcssarvtssclorl up in Sir Leonard to accounts, wa, it not the '[Ilillll and ob- I "the st1uyt:tri to than 1' ~r 1',.-t'it' -.; ','."lr i ; iii) their rcspccta to him lieforo leaving, vii-.14 unity of the l'inuncc Minister to have below . Iwiuz; sent in'. ". "With .L'" y w. it? i .nnd Sir Leonard cxptiscsrsrl his plr'aaurc sit informcd l'ii'linmciit iliatt, although the no linn~uni§u~l to 1m Provi:,crs out". ."' " _ E the guiiicanie natur-r oi tir,r uuruhuiuco i'niilils slioWod compound intcrcsi, the (to. proud on l without, a nun} in mi; F .1 1y." ', liiiih Mr. Courtney, and his grind ininioii only iutcuslcvl to allow. simple at orjccti-n to the intcrest shown: \vin'i : r1 (cation that tiny bud ('i'lliu to nu live pcr cttut.? lint no such intimniioii was six years ilioy have, w:lhrtH iaisin: tr-c, iujrlfi'lll"lii. The iorogoiim is the substnnl-o l given. 'l'iten from Docciiibci', 1633). to ()c. (illif:litili, pc: iniitod corn 'po::il.'m,~c in g i (a: iolyiv. Wood's cvuicncc, gin-n at tho late Lulu-r, lollll, numci'ons let/ers.w1re, continu- as to ull other dispuici points ; ul.r-;. our l inn-vanig, of what took plum at this intrr- ally parsing lictwccn thc.l'rovicrtl'l'rcyyr- linvo thcric,cives, inndc in" :lil'ii you: L vb" t is,iw. llic iiiciiiorriinluin, :iigiivd by tho ura and thc l'VllillliI'l: iscparttuurtt, asking tions or rccustsoi lllt'SCSdllli' 'ic otl.iic, Hiii 1'iu;v,yrscr.:; "ud "pprovcd of I y mi- Lcoord and giving explmat oils ol VarHttls' items in the some hues, and sninnilicd than to il. y I and Mr. Courtiii-y, "its us follows '. - llio itccounb'. in all that ccrrrcspoudcuce I liarneut ; when tlicv have inc: in iozizirii. v i 3Itruol.'ANl'l'ht lh ll'iliit T PM! JI our, not A whisper oi any objection is made as to the 'l'rczu-zurors and lll;5(ll>."t'~l .ni'; 1-4: < . Tlr" Fri-.mir-i-ioi' tho l'coviiitr,w ol irt;turio the inti-ri-nt shown in them. Then, at last, Ul diilercnco sligguici \\ll.l!nt'.l tr'-'- liinii'hlr'iw' i..-.\o.,; no t lutll'n nu ttre au'riccl in ()ctobcr, 188-3. n couiercuce of the l ing this question : omit, l MW, tuiv $0! -I-='-""""" oi "'I'oun't """"_°"" tu"fwo 'li~c:.rurcrs with tho Finauci Minister at have by those rcpt'dl'hi and '\-i~i;_;i,,:. ' 1'rovittcia and tit" Dominion. din of opinion 7 A n ", _ . . , . _ 2 tlm' FUN." prom-mil"; ilioi-oio it is cxp...1u.m lltlauii is urrutrged. lilo rryasutirt' Wci'c oils acts given taut and nt'tfVct a 'Ill-"-""'-"""' i inni " mill-"Hull of W "mm" 1r'ttvycit "W ll": iu-couipnnicd at the c'otrtereitu'tt with in the ngreumcnt of 13c; wi:hot nnnum' i ' :uiulHH ttitd ",'tc'lt "til": it"? _l.":'l'""";'."" "My." some of their assistants. The " hint oi objcciion. it is too 'inte in {hr '1.) to tu?""'.:',':,",)" tlht,'w",t,i,"/Jsc"r1oyur'iu/',, mind's: inincc Minister, his lb-puiy, Mr. (burtncy, my now, s' Uh, this was all Limit v, .:.-; gicrttrt ilnic or average dity', nun rill" Vlli'loiH and scvcrul ot the stall of the propuln:e, ninl we are not lcg.i.iy lv'l.2ivl. ' v.rnouts'o ointi'gunbm town-n l'i'm'iiii-c. find on l"l|l:lllt'e 1reynrttttu'tit were also present. As to there being no pi'i-ccdcni [or "honing "f"'lec'lf'alliltii:{lili'ill'ili'f'i'liaiiiygiiiilIf,mint"? 'Oc I'innncc Minister placed before every compound iuturest, Winn rim p1 ~.i u. 'i'rri'i'hr'1l/ir/y/i"r',', l'pnor i%/iTi and Lomi- mebvr ut the table it copy oi tlicsu some urged by Mr. Foster. i, irom invnn ry, "us 1"!lilill3l. on ilu' union"! "Olllilliz lo "or" accounts, and an examination and settle able to quote to him at illu ilno- a zoo l'.. i: l'tuts inco undoi- the nwur~i brc iln- 11lrtury ninl mum of dotnils bop,iui. For two days that in which the lloiiiinion l'.il-.i' Aci'w":,t~ on Common school initial niid (i'--\-..i Linda, . t . . . ' ti "l l) tf 'rt . If i _ J "l " . ' .. . ' xt' .. ', imp-ovum ut Minis und minor A-t Vii ' 't lln y H'-""""""'" u'ott Ilium . I IT.'nc""Y 12put Fi 10wet coyipo.uud Milt-lent .iilm. all. "r' . e' arc [manor ne'opinlun rim! n I t',it,r,r, noun w ion ai'osc its to li'uliy items; discussion took a search in the Public Accou:c, li.ts' ( ','- Sim-l.- s'1i.yi.rctr'y,' iil'llnlil _',:"','",,.',",.',"..:),',',; place, ninl' information was asked as to nblod inc to quote to him Show mm. l 1'//f,'.r,/','1,1 nh': {ii in. t'il , b _ s-, st ', /',, {up points in dispute, lint not one word was said. As inninnccs ol this tile n. noun. "Li". no in ("and to n.- in» .i .l, lit' .. A rt in "c, .i by the l'innncc Minister or any of his stall oivwtiocii?t.v of Uppcr' ("d-Mi p thc. l to". r tsi.t.e.iics,'gl t'ot', "l-""'||"'-l_ ilt Il" HUN. that tlicsi- same accounts which at his invrta- ('nnndn building Lillli. tin: iii 'ro.' r an Tr" '11:. honoured "widow bug to Wilde-3': iion we \vcro then examining and discussing fund, the aproial "NM-Mt "up c, my; .1, that Mii'l- '/i'y')t,1"/"',.") It.', Ir".)',.',',',"') y"h"y,1i/i ll ore iiiiproporly made out, or ii-tcrcst im. school lands, tlu, lirr.u)tn.vt' who"; 1,3,1, I itf i Ip,),,',','.,')':?,,)),',')' _ci,'i.'i,t"/y,','ii"/1?,, "i"ll."'/i,'i'il1', properly crodiit.cd,aud that notwithstanding _ tuipcrior elwstion tund tl.owrsi' Cnr, Ir: _ l,, Will H Hwy i'win-"HH'E'~' lll'l'I'l'UHI. Ai on at that an almost dirrct .iuv.i_tixtio" was. xiv-NI the ttiuuicipali:ies fund (canola i". a . ', s 3 Jul). ir..'. yi I' "yum yiyttotuahc.oatobjuctionitlc.etrtuutainurlit: Highnrinl ludcmiiiiy itt't"'lill'.l, tho p.35," 1 br, l Iii." l', m, ttn', trio l have said it wus urrnngcd that a recast of trust, lndiun land milldgvm ,m 1",, i, My. J. ST; ti', fl, . the accounts in consequence of tho Act of in" banks auc'ouut, u, .0 "not", T. o . . iriai th'l'lll' (Jul-bro. 1834 should bu prepared. That recast was pructico. also in iii"); .viiiii 'iv,.u s',rs", (H,',twit, 'c:Ud Nrryrvn'.. 1" , l ', priarcd by the. Finance Minister under his uties was to con. ,o-::i_l the inn-xv " how, tlie W" ty srtab:tl "WWW" of the i own full d'roi-tion aud control That recast all "at i . ' " T . "t l .. ",, . ., , V . '., v. t 4. . in owed on snvui"3 ham. or l.li(l.'-i-ih alll H r main-o 1lin.i:it.'w. and lib. lli-piiiy, hir. was lcnt to the Trvasurers on 11th January accounts halt". ' 2'i, Mic-v l"c 'l "N," c'. Courttwy---sxhiO H not dcuried, and In"). inn!) That this rccastlttul not bc ' . , . I in Juuriy. . q '. l I. / tr. . . . . ber Fe, _ . _ UU- ' - . L'0'n tyettt Ontario vino lion. gczitlcni.» >.._\, Isa' any llLl'U llcctll) nil tin ttt'uocI"t1'y,'sttt""rr- um" it was subiiiit'cd to and approved of ipiwiiilv I tiid/hi/L" of t!r,e " WW" rcsppiidciico l|ltV1)'lii'l'li wttu Mr, l "urlyy *' by the Dominion Goverumcut is liiaiiiicst of the Ihr, tini tlt To 0 ward in my Would lit: accepted by "Rial. {lump c, us Inlliil' irom lir Courtue '.3 letter of 19tlt De' lil . .; u Ol , / b . ' ' . '.t r' in" tho Dominion in mood faith to abide by _ 'lp I. l . l . "V. u., "Mill cous,ilcratron _1n linciir-l l" "". I iiolmt the mlmuncm action of tln, l)..' bled:'), iii'rcply to mine outing for the ro- 'fuiids used by up, [inn-Juno. h" im- "'4. 'd'idiJ/, Government nnd its r'iurtuco can't. llin hon. s.tiyy..yy. iced the batter. norinl lords ol Loivurtlrn 'Y or tiu-'.v/u,uvi.t r. i,., .. which was a diioct intimation that tno m, Indian up." Hriorriw' to its living Department in»: ratilied and con- l 'utr' ' ' , '" . . . '.b' . . , a ' .atwt ' . . recv3t could not be sent until it had hinted lat if mu mum lll.t'lts{ "on armed, that . ti,'.?.'.?'"'] d t ri-pcntodl been submitted not only to the Finance allowed "l, Oiit'ii'io 1and (jr.c;,ti the. othcc acts .of concuircnco nu '""lutc"sct'uSe. _ Minister but to tho Premier. It _ ' ' __ Was sent, no doubt, with their approval, I

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