T fie. yesrs instead of three, save in .r.i..s.u1rr present restricted to one year. This is liable to mm with . good deal of opposi- tion. . Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary, laid on the table of the House the report of the Minister of Education on the subject of technicel education. A large proportion of the information contained in the hook has been nlreedy given to the public during the Tttrtit year, Mr. Ross having on many coon- sions dealt with the subjects that come under his attention or the institutions which he visited in the United States early laat summer. It contsins the curricula, source of maintenance, buildings and equip. ment ot the seuntitie departments of Cornell University, Lehigh University, Columbia College, tho Stevens Institute, Hoboken. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In ali the places mention- ed the Minister of Education found moat liberal provision made for the comfort of students, Cornell having already expended ' 8185,000 on buildings and engaged on the erection oi additional buildings to cost $14,00i1 Lehigh University hes ex. pended over $1,000,000 on buildings almost exclusively for technical edu. t f cation. The report concludes with ' I TIIEGLOBE'S report oi the meeting of menu- i ifncturcrs and others who discussed tech. i nicnl education at the Normal subcol with ' the Minister oi Education Dec. 19 last. i The compilation is interesting by Way of showing the etrorts put forth in the United t 3 States to encourage skilled labor, by provid- I p, ing a course of tecltnic,al education in con- t nection with the lending seats of learning. there. -------_r-