Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1889, p. 4

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Soske t * P y ' had been lately raistfg} _ afraid of the result. (Agphuse,)' We are :t:l.. ll)t); :i}:,?,';u':;l;:noction with the license n o ies ic Demimicn. " WR ue m} a':ion that the Conservative lisense--| ferest of the whole Dominion. Why, Wili fiul'd rs wore in a state of terror at the time 4 regard _ to half of them, you had pd wore in constant jeopardy of losing, nothing to say against them. Your op-- :l': ir licenses. _ If this were so, it was am sn wl n o4 4o mve Cenarad lfl)rf wc that there were at the presont than half of them. So far w:s the 89"""{ :i(mo sC sentiment of the people from being opposec 10NSERVYATIVE LICENSEES to the 'mOndm°E"pP"°P°"d' that I am A thore we :of\{z:o::n:Tlliceuseem If the convinced if we had no party in this matter than t'heyen:}vre.r exorcized their power 86 fho whole popslation would go for thes oo!t:"ltm::;lo and unjustly as was claimed, (Arplnuso.) 3 i ;r f :v;.s 1yt that they did not refuse licenses t had been hoped, continued the Premier, t:t nservatives and give them to Retorm-- that all parties would unite to remove the ; r0 Ahe truth was, that everybody who, defects in the constitution. 'The Quebec | ers fused licenso became a bitter ' Conferenee, as he had pointed ont . was Te l'lsel "- minissioners and a bitter _ | before, was_not a party aftair. _ There enemy of the uw ent, and went and wers some Conservatives thero, and some . enemy of the Governm to a certain news--. '\ | Reformers. Sir John Macdonaid himself poured out his story a f oth & T n oc .t -- _ paper. In this way and a variety of other bad received an invitation to be present.: papet. Bandling ' of the Doons§b.waSs The only desire of the Government in the ways, the '.mfl'mgd be Deveaumpivee. ) | matter was to have defects romediedl iu.'tho ;n:;tro.li'l;hl:m; :?Iizn'-:ltogelher, hy habd: Constitution, They had 'not made it or ia , and, fork # _ | wished to make it u'purty aifair, but since ling of the licenses, w:.b\:;)d iromdi:ug:::'- | the Opposition had done this, it must be standpoint, . was . rather s 4 fought out before the electors, and *' we tage _ than otherwise to the Govern-- _ | mean to do it" wound up the Premier,amid ment, though those who were conduct: a burst of hearty cheers from his followers, ing this agitation thought, or pretended ; The Attorney--General then touched on to think, otherwise. _ 'The Government took , THE BOUXDARY QUEstiON. over. the liceuse department unwillingly. | ' Mr. Meredith, he pointed out, had defined | pj, hon, genticiman says we took it for a | | the Government's policy as a jingo policy., political purpose. It was not. so, 'It w:ns{ | It was not so ; the jingoism was on the | nrzeq ypou the Goyernmeut by the Teomper--| other side, Mad they all forgotten the | ;;(q people, and was not tuken cover im-- time when Sir John Macdonald said thAt | majiazely upon being so urged, the Goveru-- | he would **compel" them to give up their | ment fecling that there were gre«t, disad. rights? Had they forgotten when he sent | vantages connected with it, and it was not --_| an army from Manitoba to take pOs§@s8I0A | q@fey over until it had been repeatedly of the country and drive out the 0,',""{" ! urged upou,thein by deputatious and other-- _| officers 1 * We resisted successfully," said | wiso. ~ Mr, Mowat, "*':;d now fli' l')"("{ Llonncll. ' The Prenmier wound up by referring briefly _ | says we resisted correctly.' pplause. ) ir. Meredith's fiuml criticism concern-- f 'Al soon as the propriectorship of the land j ;l':"f\::l.c .:r:m;mn'-'"l" for "the accomniada. '\_| was settled, the Dominion (%ovemmonti ti:n of the insane of. the Provinges> He claimed the ownership of the timbers andi ointed 'but thatk the Governnient were minerals in sluded in it, and insisted on the | Hoiug ull they could to provide suitable ag« matter being dragged through another slow ; commodation and otherwise to care for process of litigation, until finaily ?h.' these unfortnzates, and there being no _ | highest court was ron'ct\ed and a declaration | ;. _,, ... arguinents to controvert hbe quictly again given in Onturlyg tavor,. i sat down, only to rise a . momment later at b A ++ What we especxul'ly object to," cons hali--past five o'clock to move the adjourm-- |__| tinued Mr. Mo'\mt, "is that the bhou. Inelut ol the FLouss. |__| gentleman and his party throw as;de all prlo- j _ --_| tence of justice in the dispute. It was only _--| technical law that was against us, and the '| hon. geutleman took the side of te?hli', |__| cal law against justice to his own Province. _ --|] There is no doubt that, had the Conserva-- '| tive representatives of the poople in this _--|} House [z JOINED wiTH US |\__| in insisting that we should have our full _ _\ territory and the mines and forests within-- 4 our bouandaries, Sir John Macdonald would . | not have attempted to deprive the Province= , | of its rights, The trouble arose because f hon, gentlemen opposite would uot assist \_| the Province." (Applause,) +« Then Mr. Mowat met Mr.> Meredith' _ | criticism as to the appointment of a Min-- _i ister of Agriculture. He aamitted that the f ' hon, gentleman had last session taken the ----| position that the work of the Minister of ||\__| Agricuiture should be assigned to soms other member' of the _ Cabinct--and | _ |a very absurd position it was,. . It __| was totally untenable, for it was utterly '___| impossible that the duties of an additiona} department could have been divided up and distributed to men who were already doing \__| many times over the amount of work which ' fell to the lot of the members of the same \----| Cabinet in the days of Mr. Sandfield Mac-- --_| donald. _ The only way in which any addi-- tional attention could have been givon te & agriculture was by the addition of a new \__| Minister altogether, and that step was ap --__| proved of by the House last year and acted _ _| upon during the recess. TURNING TO THE LICENSER QUESTION, _ | Mr., Mowat remarked that Mr. Meredith had _ _| sald a good deal on this subject. "WhatIsay in regard to it," said he, '"is that it is very __| like most other large systems. It is noi _ | altogether free from ovil, The hou. gentle man has been too long in public life no\ _ | to know that a law dealing _ witk |--_| & great question like that of licenses or any _ | other of a similar character can hardly bw _ | prepared without having in it some litth 6 gi;uv. B_ut tne licenging system at presenr ' in force in Ontario'--and the Premier spoke here _ very emphatically--'*is infinitely superior to any other scheme in force in this country or in any other coun. try, and is far superior to any thing that is proposed to be substituted for it. (Applause.) If there are some evila incidentally arising out of it, my reply is y not that I am surprised at there being sc | ;l;;nz, but that I wonder at there being a¢ I _ It was said, continued the Attorney--Gen-- #

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