Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1889, p. 1

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3'. . T k . . I "l==i"i't1'2"r_"l'I'N 'ill sl,",,."..",.'.] ' " " I . 5 i " , . RI I I' I , wt -j' . =--, - - V h u I " I " LF', ' V I I " i , - =..LdC.U:r=- - """':': "'""--'-i'-"r" . _A.. -e__._------ ---- .. _--- ""t -- -----_----- 7,,_ - 'A la ", T ll YI' yltll Y - JV Citi." ---i_er--- "'1 "'5 _ - -, -revm.-, f---Lrf-cca-. ~-' 'Ir 4 , ANC my " "clLt ---- WT), I) '05 (), ' ' JA ' it. 2.), ism ' ---"."---t i----,-, - _ . I . 13.1,; _ ""-e-- . . " .'I _ t , t " I "t . . . ' . - -. -"""'""""'"'"""-- , 'di In suihcient numbers to make thiucs 1 - . . ' viii LOLAL LLblbLA I IS, teresting g n I labor: have resulted in drawing a large Pt"} V . . . . . . . 't ' ., ---r---q----.-- Among those noticed in the demo throng I 333:8 /1c,"tt,1td'h It: gladgmcrsg at . were tl e fullowin ..--h . . . . , , PROCEEDINGS AT THE OPENING OF . . l . ' . g Mrs U APPWM' Mrs. have the Province represented at the Cen. I, ' w. It. Meredith, Mrs. J. M. (wioson, Mrs. tcunial Ex oaition oi' the C)ltio Valie and tri') THE ASbEMBLY. l G. w. lions, Miss l-iou;Mr3. Briggs, Kings- central gulf," held u, Cin (','/,"at'i"/d'h,l,'1u. »*'L. ' _., ton: Mrs. Monk, the Misses Monk, Missl '. . . u ' ' . . _.".'; buy - li , ' h / " - , mer: and, having in View the special It.i. ,. wuitbcc. ilir. Duo... Mrs. n. K. Chcuerou, _ tttttce ol attractin loreim cuter rise 't A Large Attendance ut visttorw-'Pha, sW.ssus, Larnard, Mines Hess, Mrs. G. B. Ivar-11;?" to our mug", ind'usti IT')?,' ' 'ct Speech of the Lieut.Wovtrrnor-. , with, litss Smith, Mrs. G. w. Alluu,Mtus. (1"l/il2','ll to cwmm' "3, 11hU'd min. l a . .-. New Mamoers Introduced-- ', Uiggnr, Miss Proudioot, Mrs. MeAudrew, . 1 Th _'. , .. t. JIT/ic, that tLei, - _ Th. Usual Formal Bush ' Miss S'proule, Miss Milligun, Musa Emma l, 'l'i,t1t, of "lel,"'/lll',"l""l,iihe' lf some ex'ent i -, , . , t _ X nt . t , . n."- The Address l Pcusostts: Mrs. McMahon, Misus McMa': ! ii2iii/i in the nearbfnturo It is expected l (/ to a. Debated hots, Simcoe: Miss McMillan, Guelph; i i the officinl rc orts on both subiccta wilt be ' _ T°'D'y. Miss Iiiimour, Mrs. Ciendenan and l , l d p 'd b i h . 'l t th l . Miss Fri" . IY T J . . comp are and red y e ore t e t. 058 o " , " q-----------.. 2 _ ' Rat', est orouto ttnction ' session to be laid before van ' ' av . Mrs. lliggnr, Arran . Miss Goodertisun, ' . . I' . Without pomp or PISO'DU'Y. In the plain, Meadows ills : Misses Douglass, Mrs. lGir. \Vitlihih: 1:35,}: :1 Etii,1i,c1T/fe'i'h,e and l b" . hmocratic style consonant with the I slough, Misses Marter and Mr. Justice the moron-int: competition in everv'd'eparl- , ' _ . . . , . l.'.' F , , ' x . ', ' ' march ot "WINS. but with the diguity tsud i Num'mtl'i ',"v?t'.1'i.'i ""05"" "at, Ln?" ment of industry, the necessitv for increased ' - , " _ order becoming th grave representative u- 11:13.1" 'C) Dr. I/It'.,". 12:: 'df.Tvi'/J.' skill in the various tieldts of labor is con. , . . . . . ' . . ., p.. . , v.nniiv, '9' rrrt Echool _ uinbly the third 80391011 ot the sixth Par. luv, Dr. Parker, Hou. Fl. Blake, Sheritf 'dii11t,l/eu,tl""t1es'cy:'."'i)'vie,t1o liil:liih.ii':d I .'- iiaincnt of the Province of Ontario was open Mowat, ll. ll. L,'oo.k, M. P., H. ll. Dewar-t, equip'n'cnt "It! staff , bu 'lh.a'rl met the de 1 . . . ', ' ' ' . I _ I . _ . ." _ . , r . I _ _ "1 yesterday h." his Honor Sir Alex. Usmp. um"? l'k" .ll [iii-till"; 1'": "ple,'::): Iron iimiid 'n!uiequutttly, nlthougli the school has 1 . ' ' rl, . y: . 'tt 7 . I . . . - , _ - . . . _ . bell, tue LieutettautA,'orcrnor. Tho usual .'1 " 'Y C) , P )f Ill'" "1939'": "P been etlicietit Within the hold which itl ' I .. . I I . t tun (asst: s, to "330] Ars ney, Luptulll h; ' . kvl llc; .I, ' :1 l) . i. ., lintcrcst was manifested in the proceedings,;, lhughm Mr D r,' Cameron Hamilton lar,' "will": . - P'""","' Wli tt tiUtt l, . .. . . F . ' "w - . . " rk 4 , _ . _ _..,.,',... , italf W. the Visitors being largerin number-3 thunlor i ahlcCartlry mm many others. iiilc'rtdadsinw sy:"usi:Cc1't:i"Letl,'1'.lcio'ciali?, i . '. . , . " A A -. than )usl sessions oi the House, all ahow- Show at; three "mock his Honor, uccom- _ ._. L" . . _ .r. . , ' tt , . , yt ' l . s'., . l .- ' . C . -d .1. l lt'icltlioe Lomining matters, and cumming , gl , ing that the People are not by any means t j)",.'.'"?,'. I' I", {midi 1"l'/r',',1"tui,": IT, Ill the curriculum so its to include the study of 1 . '" retrogruding from the respect in which they I , C: Jl."tf"'ti11r,1ioul'i',' "d vetr11yt"d'l"iill"leu'), _ applied mechanics, uppiicd chemistry, and , > - . .. . :m ;.(-',-.' lt " "". .' , .. o-o.,',,.,, . ti f have always hold tlioir Provincial Parlia- i delivered tho following tuldress .-.. ot archirtcture. according to the iiictliods I k' ' ment and their a 'ci'adited re "essututives. C i . adopted by me best schoolsot a similarkiud l Sl l f u ' I i f I 1.. l FROM THF, THRONIB. in Great Britain and the United States. l " t _ . tott y uttet two .0 clock T"" a " M tel l '1 ilis yil'h'FA'lt lil.Ll\ in") PA' Lliiljl', GOVERNOR An agrconient ot the Chry Iof Toronto P l 't and gentlemen W'slided their way to the CAul'L'FLL, perni..ntntly endowtwo additional chairs in l i' b House. The only evidence outwardly there . Mi. Speaker ond Gentlemen of the Legisla- the l'IroinInciul LnivcrsiLy C',, settlement. of E 'I I q I I b" I ', T,' presented to them of what was to take place tire .'k-soinnly : ""3"" Itiyo.-red 'iuuu'WS etween pe '4" ; _ h, . .. ..y , ' , . . . and the Uuiversury, will be subinittedior i , were stalwart soldiers from G' Company, l Inn-c mun-n pleasure in ngain welcoming your approval and legislative sanction ' I I . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ ' who stood in line to receive his Honor. At l', Cj.'.' 51""? "WW duties "tit"eprerieuttsuvets (1.0mm; MEANT}:F.S. i ,3 ' . 12'. . '.'lu'5 u tLtyti _ , half-past two o'clock the corridors and ap. ' / It, I '.1', _ , t I.] rlxninent Ite/et/lr, Amongst the other measures to be sub- i i F' . Proaches of the old buildin s rosoundod ' "f'i'r"ittrvou on tue Tce'". ( 90mm." mitted iuryout cousileration are r--A new , . i . . . g . ' o', "W ""'"1":"1 t omniittoo ot her Majesty 3 Voters' List Act embodying with the pre- l, t ., with voices ot hundreds of Ontario a repre- J'ruxy ('vcn,u': routirtuiug the right of tho sent law 80 fast. 2, it is applicable the pro- ( y t, normative-s of btstuuy, culture and manhood. l" llturir '," tl/e Cows! Lands, including Visions needed for carryng into iull effect l [ An ttttttounce" in TM. GLOBE, a slight 'i/T"? _"',"', "iyrisls, tutuate litly'n ct,loi,1,t the legislation of last session in reference to ' . . change Mite made from tho forznor pro- .1 "-t-rirl's"oiit"i"t-i,ets. "9 "Why'd lit 1804 manhood nudrage: and bills for increasing ' ' . _ . I ' l-', ' .i-.:\Iii:l o' their Lordships and the l tlicie . l tl F " Ict 1 th _ 7 cedurc ol opening the session, this consisting . ,,'. , t' ' r 1,". Ni ,5 .4, sr in Council Tue pritr 'tl' ',1','fiCnT-'d', U " .m' o/g. f, f r.muA 'l", i . , . . . . ' k) - .' "I"", ' , . . _ or' menu out ionisation to nu res c . I l ' of ctCling ElleVuouu mum" '",',i,,ot"r,the til". , '1' l """"""S " ltlcit have hitherto retarded and tor further iiiipi'oving the last respect: i " " I; 1rriy ut "l." _ .icy."'st1t'yty'. "'0 tiputticer t ..» will. mum and development of our I in" land titles and the regiscrationof dceds. . , took thc cttixlt' at. (oo Irmo said prayors, :i I,',icttt ierrirory have thus been tNV I 'k second report of the Municipal Cons . .. ' "1:: ,t/':",1 "it, PU'MK', me {"922 as"? ttld', 'nt"'l . . l missioners collects in convenient form a i i 'L P. " ins WI lou tht'tt' m tttt e ."' ly, I "M" the, 1,5,". urn of informing you that considerable amount of interesting and , huto.r.ic chamber. I. twenty minutes ti:-re lt, " "L" Itrospcct ot' out' northerly vainnble information regarding municipal _ t'", tttsud/tt roout cuuld no. no fotytd.oa the Louuriccv it; ""11 "" our wt'ssterrtr boundary I matters and will I trust be useful in deal. 1 bror ot the House, while tho galleries pre- , .tevt, " rict' . cl, ' led l F I .; 1 _ " ' , ' . . . ., ' l,. ' . f f .r.s t I , . . frt'l'o 'ettd Dim" l 1u'tt U i) iiipeiia . mg with the municipal legislation which , " nun a he" o m" tro or t lee P"""" l ts'sivi tttc' "J t, " "W" tgefiilott of Parlratutsut. l mav be, proposed durum the present session. " 7", L' 'f.ter the ImIdor .ol gem-ml tulinit.ssio? Was At -'-1""U'l'l'~"" AitVANCr.3lENl'. l ' This report and all dcfinrnncntul and other - FY given. l m" his Honor "rriv.tsi. .the i l mu :1 .ul to know thatthu agricultural in. usual rcports will be laid belore vou. _ Y. Icenc borc all resotyyat"ot to n briIlliantl dn~irim n, 1he country ha", been inirlyi .' ANYLUh, rricc,w;rasrrrs1." ii r",' 'lt';',,"':,",:;',:'.',,':')':)' Ministers ofI the l ron'n l"""'l"'1""l" during the p," yor', that During last summer the south wing ' ' born; esisec,i'.d ntwiitivo to their numerous "mu", "I" "virly part of the "aw" was Im- of the new asylum at Hamilton F 'r,. visitors. non. Mr. iiardy entered the f"vor,tFlr/, and tlisottte' localities crops and was completed and accommodation I - chunhvr clad M co his hed. With , plug litlhilll't '-, Wore lmdiy allotted by drouth, yet was tlicl'uiiv afforded for 150 addi, " union toucrcd upwards, giIvnIig himI the th st, m." the HW'WT pvrtiou ot the pro. tional patients. For the new cottages . appenruiicc ol' 'lvery "W." , Cabiutst Mlliil- "new, rum-n13, roots and fruics have been at Mimico in connection uith the Toronto ' I' y ty. lie stood iorawniloI taking th the nisuntlain, and Di 'supel'iOr quality. The Asylum a more eligible site than the Gov. "r. ulnatmu. but known " lu, " tor gnllautry, t-itrsnsiibe ttrea.'. ol' lnud lrroitgitt, under C/il,',',',',',',' property atrorded was obtained in '. FP _ ' 'h'. . uell as mat-class .yittuuystrativr I .-m:i\;.ii..u during tho but 'ii:ute, in India, tho vicinitv throuelt an exchange of iaud; f . , - . . . - , _ , -. . Ib|:llyI. the hy. W" In"? as.ule, tyd. I .\oni.i Airivriva, tho i "110d Ntuici and our and a contract was let ior building the cot. 's' x . . _ , . - , r, he "Had himself Ht ("xwudil'g a cydin..l l tp'ri ll -\"'"|"'('5l. tualic ','l '"to"iy Ht produc- tags: for which an appropriation had been fi _ w.elcyy.e J:,' many y the rumors, in all I ""1. "Imp essential r. thi- Lu mom of Uttttv. J7iG'd Two of cluacottagess will be ready 1 . of WINCH 'f was Inctivoly "Y"" .15. the i r tF In ~n mw-r before : and ciiililmii" the an occupation before midsummer, and it is ', ., 1t.t/y,tiT/",1"t':,'i,' '. l:,') G. NN . Ross ' ll'iPUl tance of giving iiicrmwd attention to coutideutly expected that the others will be P, dInitiUd ttS ttttl",',','.',,' i,",),':'""! the oduca. l Ilu, best "mm" "f Itt'trrrsovow t'no agricui- i ready bed,re tne and of the veitr. ' ttotu:;ts 'll", the l/Jr/I'.,".'") lion. A. y.. I rural interests of the country. Increased l . uninxiox v.ru.aridss. .' k Ross "Poo" erect, w." '. his hands tbehind Isis f t'lii-Jiclli:}' has becn given by the legislation i I roarct to my that the accounts between [ ' back, l" It'.'.' Ir/e',,',',"','] to. Mr. hiuralccr. (ii lust session to the Despurtruent of Agri. i the Dimmu," a," the Province are still u... ' " This m I .Inss 'ane ponc_ when culture throughout tvil its varied "Wicca i ttl, id Since the last session of the Lenis. Fr»: " leased with hinicoil and the "arid hm I . . . ' . . . " IV . " e .' ' mF» . . " _ t if? I... f 'oasura til th ttit I . l ' i,'] unnI "r".""""."' is already justifying the laturencoufereustte. in connection with the t, C ", w' 0 " Pl . . b ." 'IC', 'f/Y that. Pc' poll-y of assigning to the department n accounts took place betwocn the Financoi I ','.'2'1rd""lal""ly'ec,' {:9 e,"o','.o'12'i' 'uluiNCtrK' freo tin devote to it his whole N1mister ond the'l'rozisurcrs of Quebec and . won ' t overnor ta . ,nvtcies - . . . . l . _ ' l . . . . . . ' . n . Ontario . the coolerence lasted several _ ', .." 'lt receipts Je"rt',t,"l,. the Haunting" l MiNtNU COMNtrqiloN. days, ,and considerable Progress had i 7 _ . ,'ll',', "tl, C,') 1""'1l'du" y u. te. Acting upon u reconunetuiation of the been made Whit the uork of - mar s 1 Iii-ougtm'r t "'"'. '",t/',re",l',,tiyi' "MM" I appoi:ttcU " commission hut yo;"' the conference was interrupted by the 1 -" T unfil- . . cm a sd.', pIIoniItI w lore he . ... .x-uuire into the minernl resources oi the . representatives of the Dominion Govern. ' ' k' w tsimld . "P l", Ill onf l'), "rug Ton} who i" ' il',t'e trud the "Ht "H'ittitt lor their. de. _ ment taking au entirely new and unexpected r' ', ','lh.tt"i',C' ',',yJ,'llato,. ' le-tholgsol "Airing . i 's jv Pisiurk'c. Much valrrtdslo infornustion hats ' position with respect to the interest on the ", tlti1'l',7, A'l2r"T/','l, 'T/h',?" 3:" Hole); t he." gathered by this commission, and. 1 naiunces at the cradU of the Proviau'os, the ' i i to: hfd the horn ..handod BO 7; (i bots "M" to bolnv. that "in", "' new contention involving a difference to! i I l at W.iV€N and 2'C'i'lltitll, under iT, :pQCOi'ai l , this Province of a large sum. Representa- i l, - ,, . ' ' . u v riuee been made to the Dominion II t. omen IHon.IJ. M. Gibson "as also Inn l, Signalling": b the 'rreasurers of the two l l d, looking paused and Interested. 'ihe I it vin which I 7 ii " that induce a '. a" i 11f ot '3ch 2',','voi',iiion, "uhxed 'l',tlo'l", his 1 ' trd,'J:t,'i11','rdrdl1, iii the iniattery and the hi, I: ' I r I am o owers. exc ringing warty l i . . u II. . . . I . . . _ , . 'ttii, : tings with Liberal oppOuents, nod up- . I LTI',,'",'.',',',')"', of "I: fh"//,ut1'Jeg.""'"'" a". _ _ . tly quite careless for the time about i I in the Jun emam a o in t . ces. kN _ of the Liberal majority. Tn. "um. . ', I:,"?,,',,':,,",),) imIioM. sti l " pi member" ot the House present was " j I rear",t ",'e t°.'°y 'ltat t " mi," P" "r , tl I utively mnall, but they "I". there I tween this , rovince and the _ ro? "19%. I "ti "P Lt. A ' _ t

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