* e e 1 C o mm' N inooeomm. agecimcnts _ ' s k * e > CLOBE TORONTO SATURDAY MARCH 2 1884 w4 s smmntwees cceeaunan zes im S Mn ectacrenetieeanacaos ies icccvencaasaatateenanaetieactietnnegennaones on Snedinnates tarinanette iss ns 36000 io ty en mm on cmamt 3 s * +3 t ; fhenetntpums camirment," jpoc x * y s eeeeaiiiinaan ay HC TR m enniinnmemmmeass id s sc3 0n 4 j The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly then _ said :-- DNT ARI[] LE[}ISL A URE His Honor the Lieutenant--Governor doth, * by advice of his Rxecutive Council, withhold wmame _i _ her Majesty's assent :o thilfbil}:ln.lhtiufie the ® * assing thereof it has bsen found that by in-- Sixth Parl tament, Second }:«lverteuce the bill gives to the company MR | thereby 'proposed to be incorporated im-- SeSSIOn. | portant powJ:: not mentioned in the published Mssc esonterveihreee lt ies notices of the intontion to apply for thg + | Act, which powers may seriously affect, an (By Our Own Reporter.) it is a.lsertafi do seriously aflbc);, the rights Frioay, March 23, 1988. of persons who, before the passing of the bill, There was a very slim attendance when the bad no notice that such powers were to be Speaker took the chair yesterday afternoon. applied for, and it is contrary to the intention & bill to incorporate theiPork Artiut Water ol the Legislative Assembly in passing the bill e ut tolpet T * that the same shouid give such powers with-- Light & Powert Company had been introduced out all persons interested in opposing the same and passed through all its stages, when it was having an opportunity of doing so agrecably discovered that it conferred upon the company ; to the practice of the Legislative Assembly in sertain powers which the Government did not th';: be{lalf. a lv Bil deom it just that they should havo. _ It was | ;," l'..bpe'aker then presented the Supply Bill, J o Y s | to which the Royal assent was announced. therefore demdetl that the _ Lienutenant--| SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. @overnor should withhold the royal assent to| His Henor then delivered the following this bill, and that a second bill, embodying : speech :-- the unobjectionable features of the first should | _ Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly,-- be introduced and passed through all its stages. | In relieving you from further attendance This was the ounly business transacted at | upon your legislative duties, I desire to ex-- yesterday's session. press my appreciation of the diligence and At three o'clock the Licutenant--Governor, I zeal with which you have applied yourselves without any firing of canmnoun and without any | to the business of the session now about to military display exeept a guard of honor | close. faurnished by **C " Company, entered the I trust that experience will show the wisdom Cuamber and took his seat on the Throne. | of the bill which you have passed for giving The Clerk Assistant then read the titles of } (with few exceptions) to every male citizen, the bills that had passed as follows :-- who is twenty--one years of age, and a resi-- 1 n Ast vcacnestinge Frinitv alinrch 'Po. } dent of the Province for a specified time, a s vote for the election of members of this As:-- * sembly. I have noted with much satisfaction the bill which you have passed for the early closing of shops and for the limitation of the hours of labor therein by children and young persons. I am sure that the powers conferred upon municipalitiee by this bill will, if carefully exercised, promote the physical health and lt,he moral and mental improvement of many | whose daily tasks, unduly prolonged, deprive them of needed rest and relaxation, I am much gratified with the measures which you have adopted for the more convenient and efficient administration of justice in Manitoulin and the adjacont islands and in the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound. As the settiecments in the Districtsof Muskokaand Parry Soundnow | cover nearly the whole area of these districts | theirfurther developmentcan best he promoted | by means of the ,onl[inury municipal machinery | | which, in the older portions of the Province, | has been found so useful to all ciasses of the -- * community ; and I shall be glad to learn be-- \ | fore long that the inhabitants of these districts \ | have availed themselves of the municipal % l powers which you have placed as their dis-- posal. \ j The measures which you have passed relat-- ' | ing to our educational institutions, to tie \ municipal and assessment laws, to the transfer l of personal property, to the administration of ' justice throughout the Province, to the Execu-- _ tive authority in Provincial affairs, and to ® various other subjects, will, I Nave no doubt, subserve the public interest, and facilitate the ends which these measures were designed to _ promote, ® The large number of important private bills which you have passed, far purposes not pro-- . ] vided for by the general laws, manifest the ? | ever--increasing nceds of an active population. i observe with interest that the resolutions adopted at the Inter--Provincial Conference € held in Quebec in October last have met with \ your approval. _ While it is not desirable that constitutional _ changes _ should be made, until experionce has shown that they are necessary, it is unquestionably your privilege to auvise such amendments asin your judgment are in harmony with the Federal character of the Constitution, and are at the same time calculated to remove friction be tween the Province and the Dominion. Your proposal to inquire, by Royal Com-- | mission, into the extent of ourm'lueml resources | and the best means for promoting their devel-- | opment, is a movement of which I heartily approve. 1 trust that the inquiry will result in the introduction of new capital into the Province, and the establishment of prosperous settiements in districts at present unoceupied, | I have assented with pleasure to the bill for the appointment of a Minister of Agriculture. Theo large export of farm products, and the | almost illimitable exteut to which the soil | may be made to contribute to the wealth of the country, amply justify the most energetic efforts on _ the part of -- the Legislature, as well as a liberal expenditare of public funds, to promote the development of the agricultural resources of the Province. | I thauk you for the liberal appropriations | which you have made for the public service. The supplies which you have granted will be | , expended with care aud in the public interest, | wtopesmnieteennamennecaieecunenteeenteecemene |