ia'h- 'it'Tr'"""" V ""e"", d, 'l ' ' I IN , " . . A " I f,'LL, _M-,_-__ _.... "Ti" -' a. ' Iri2f'esrrfi'r'5'io1e5:a? '?'2?,1FF,., & ' (ASSEMBLY NOTES. I companies and for the pave" of municipnli- ",.v' o - _ l --'M. ties in regard to the purchase of their rights. _ 1MItt A I. l A Dar or Rr,coscaaarrosv--Tltore was an ci2, . , H G W "4"." IIB rl amusing explanation and "coueiliationtu y Unveil: CANADA CLLW2Et- on. '," . . "T', f House yesterday. it all arose from the dis. l Ross laid the plans for the new Upper Canada t , I _ cussiotioi the menace day on the question of I College building .ui".la, the ttb.le of the House ' _ uniting two townships. First, there was Mr.', yesterday. The building will 'uccommodato . Widdiiiold, who had occasion to repudiate a t 250 resident students, and is estimated to coat , ' ch erroneously attributed to him, instead i! $120,000. 'lhere will be 100 double and 50 y omit Preston. Then Mr. Wood, of Hast- I single rooms for the students, besules a study _' ingl. arose and said that if ho had made any I and bedroom each for seven masters. llie _. charge of unfairness against the chairman of prittuu'ptl'is house has ten rooms. The main i, the Private Bills Committee, he withdrow dining ball will seat 275. lhe housekeeper it. He alno intimated that he had will have two rootus,audrhersswirl be accomuio- I , already become reconciled with Mr. datiou for25 servants. .There will be twenty l " O'Connor, who had taken a hand in the .dis- bathrooms and twenty-five closets. mission. As to the leader of the Opposition. The main building will be 250 ttttlong, and i who had rather " not upon " him, he Was not the wings each 165 feet long and 4:5 leer deep. ' quite sure what course he would adopt with The front building faces south, tne main en- I him, and he suggested that it might be ueces- trance being directly opposite to .Avenue road. Bary for him to leave his party i and tiutally The elevations are designed in a morlifica. - Mr. O'connor, to complete thu bb love feast," tion of the Romanesque _style, freely treated. as he called it, entirely repudiated the idea of I The main entrance _"' through an arched l saying anything harsh about anybody. Mr. I portico 53 feet lung by 10 feet wide. oyy the I Fraser increased the resemblance of the Bettttet main entrance is the Assembly Hall, which is ' to a love feast by saying in a. low bat persua- l emphasised externally by bold circular li'eiid sivo voice, " Now, another." l windows, extending through two storeys. The - I roof above is steep pitch, the apex being sur- Mn. G. B. S.urrn's bill relating to the im. g mounted by " neat bell tower. . . position of an acreage rate was reported by the I TheI central WWW" tr"tl NJ??? up "She: G,' . , . . f L It than t IC other portions 0 tie lllit mg on cuci Municipal Committee in an amended orlr ' . ' side, which are three stories, bascunent and now provides that the Council of a township l attic may by by-law provide that the cost of certain I The materials are to be rack-face, random. works may be assessed by a Specific I'M-0 upon course stone for the lower portion, while above the lands benefited in proportion to the bene- the ground iloor the walls are to be faced fit received; and may make a similar assess i with red brick, the openings to have stone mont to raise money to purchase improvements l trimmings with term outta string courses and .which the owners oi real property may have 1 panels. The roofs are to be covered with made. slutc. . - . The fire walls are carried up through the ' A BILL introduced by Mr. G'atzott gtvei' roofs, dividing the building into sections so as power to municipalities to exempt income, to prevent lire .spread.ity; r.apid.l.y, MNMHPlU I personal property and buildings from assess- 2'14] fj'W "gre" " providud 1tl all ptxrts of the . . . . in t In". ment no y to pince the taxes on land values iiiiii"'ciass.room has an allowance of at only. 'l he ls.ylaw " not tu take etlect 1ytil least 300 cubic feet and 20 Square feet of floor eoutirmod by the clot-tors of the nuiuiripaiitr, Space to each pupil. A considerable ii.iIiibcr of petitions in favor ot The rooms "Ill lic amply lighted, almost on- the prunuple of the bill have been presented. tircly from the left side oi the pupils. The - . heating will be by tsteam and ample provision A itiz'ri'itx shows that the following muni. has been made for ventilation. cipalities are indebted to tho Province on . -." . . drainage assessment fund. for arrears '.--- 1'ur: Pitrntrrm has given notice of a motion Russell Township, $19,657 75; Soinbm Town. that Government business shall have pre- ship. ',7,010 64; Moore Township, $1,954 14. cedcnce every day hereafter. The indications l-lastnor Township is 3305 88 in arrears on are that iororoi,'atton Will take place within a drainage debentures. io tnight. Tin: RKTCH'.N oi fees and emoluments receiv. Tin: McNrcivArCouurr-. in: restoril v unani- ed by the Registrars oi the P'viecesl"Ts t _ nioiisly adopted the principle of Mr. Waters' that the total receipts oi the otlice ot l'oronto I bill exempting all farm live stock from City were 332.870 Zi, and the disbursements I taxation. were $24,505 11. in the East and Wcst York - division the race? its were $15 852 80 and dis- Tin: rim: 5 ... . .. Y. . . . cues of 'if i burscnients $10,'&40 75, while ill the North Ontario 131110; I Ac rC-hIll ttions finder the York division they were t?2,587 60 and it525. l . . .. f rte3 ct itaq "m isriuod. It -- I consist: mainly of a schedule of forms, to MR. Chm; is the promoter of a bill pro- wyclt are appended the "ppropriate sections riding that transient traders shall be required ot the Act. x»); _ ' to pay a deposit before being allowed to do ' . . I business. If they remain long enough to pay taxes the deposit is to be applied on account ' of the taxes . otherwise it is to be retained as _ a license. I Mit. WOOD, of Brant, has introduced a bill , to enable municipalities to purchase or acquire water power, to improve it by dams. etc., and to lease it to manufacturers. An illustration of the need for such a law is round in the Town of Paris, where 100 horse-power is re- ,qulrcd for the electric light. The building I of a .alay. across the Grand Rincr would gire this power and a surplus of 300 hone-power, and there appears to be no reason _ why they should not be allowed to lease or sell the surplus. Tun Svrr.CostsrrTrrw, on Toll Roads has adopted the principle of Mr. Lecs'bill and made provmoii for arbitration with the road