feepukonanienie mt & emee e emeiens tne semmene "1 o o s e mt Cmm F e 5 | vided for the prohibition of the runming of | o Mr. GIBSON (Huron) was in favor of con-- trains on Sunday, save in case of relief ié.'cau ] % tinuing "'9'8'?"" f'": another year. of accident ; the prohibition not to include ¢ Mr, DRYDEN said that some years ago he -- trains which had commenced their journey had taken a position adverse to the continu-- before the Sabbath day. _ The hon. gentleman | ~> Jance of the graut, and subsequent events had ; dweit on the evil of Sabbath work, showed strengthened him in that view. The work for | how hardly it bore upon the hands employed, «which the Provincial was designed was now being | and quoted extensively from railway officials far better done in other institutions. It was j to show that they generally favored abstinence 'bem? crowded out of the best cities into the from work on that day. It was so late in the smaller places, He agreed that if there was any session, however, that he feared the bill would % :}'8""}:"0 for tlho cqxtxtl;uanclc: l(:l' t:he Eexl;;l:ll- gmr«lly. hclai'lc to meet wiflx the consideration lon, it was when 1 as held in ILastern it merited this session. e therefore Ontario. But even the City of Ottawa had i Ats discharge. moved aa\i:ll tlilnt they did not hwant the }P.!"qv'incinli The motion was carried. $ and they were going to have an exhibition of ; WIDTH OF S * their own. The central fairs in 'Toronto )TH OF SLEIGHS. Hamilton and London were of quite as pm,' .Mnj. BISHOP moved t}_le second .rea.ding of viucial a character as the institution which h'e bill to regulate the width of sleighs to be was called " Provincial," and a prize taken at used on the public highways. The bill, he the 'Torouto Exhibition, on account of the explained, provides that the Council of any greater competition, was of more value than a county may pass a by--lay providing that no prize taken at the Provincial,. He did not sled, sleigh or other vehicle upon runners believe that if the grant was discontinued it (save cutters or pleasure sleighs) shall be used was absolutely necessary to give the money to for the cony eyance of persons or goods on any other exhibitions or to spend it in any other of the roads or highways within the county, wa\'_,i. MWREYC i Thet The ~rant 16 | ; ;l':llouf tl:'o yuqne{o thereof shall be at least Mr. .Y suggeste a e gra ree feet six inches apart. iven to Kingstofgthis year, but that the ; Mr. HUDSON nudpother hon,. gentlemen g'louse on concurrence should express its ; opposed the bill, which was read a second qpinion that the grant should be discontinued time and referred to the Municipal Committee. urtil good grounds were shown for renewing FIRST READINGS. it. i i & Mr. WATERS said. that experience had {a Di iplomns Aille were introdused and read | shown that the Provincial Exhibition was no $ sp 4 a 1 able to hold its own, not because of any fal:flt pri\n i;::,?:i:;tiifi ;{e zgefi': 8 ;;:':::: lencasd in itself, but because its place was being fakes | ',, To aumend the Act respecting solemnisation | by the central fairs. I of marriages. | Mr. RAYSLDE favored the continuation To amend the Act respecting administration of the fair in justice to Eastern Ontario. of law in this Province. | * ;\ltl.'. L;O.N \ll'(i'f :J::;Lt.here was plenty of room PRIVATE BILLS. ' or the Iair in 1 « + + s Hon. A. M. ROSS said the question mlu ';lt'il;efollowmg private bills were advanced | ring itself, for circumstances were gradually fage :-- ,f,z:\c :::'; Et'f,u: o?lc; i;wuce. The gen::'rfll opin-- To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. Fell. i & 5s S aut To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. Marter. ion of the House appeared to be that the gran io d the" A ing ditch nd should be coutinued for another year. Ii, o amend t \'le li:t respecting es a however, the continuance of the graut after W'}E"CON'WS--A r. Harcourt. f f rag i Provincial To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. Guthrie. that was to result in placing the Provincia a I the Muntcl & (nthE] Exhibition in a lower position than it ought to | 'o Amend the Municipal Act--Mr. Guthrie, occupy, it would be better to discontinue the | _ To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. Drury. grant. REPORTED DEATH OF EMPEROR WIL-- illlxe i;"e?l, in n.ll_(:wed tc\:vstuu(:i o passed LIAM. The following items were als 1==« Un the motion to adjourn Hospitals and charities, $113,277 24 ; charges m t hip: J » on (pfruwn lands, £101,900 ; refund account, Mr. HESS moved. that the House pass * oys . . wb «> oo agst vote of condolence with the Germans in On-- $27,054 24 ; statute, $21,500 ; miscellaneous & o i ~~penditure, §68,100, ;x'u'w in C(;l\"l}lel?mm "i'lm thekmpl?r'tet'ii deat,lh of * Phae FEnmil hok A 'mperor William. e spoke brielly and in u l';c items were then concurred in by the the most affectionate terms of the deceased ouse. Sovereign, and dwelt on his numerous excel-- THE QONTARIO RAIL WAY ACT. lences. f Mr. BRONSGN took up consideration of The vote was passed unanimously, and his bill to amend the Railway Act of Ontario, | The House adjourned at 10.45. He said that one of the chief dangers of rail-- en tm ie e aaen enaoie way travelling arosoe from the use of stoves for l NOTICE OF MOTIONS. neating cars. Many railway companies had o k es adop:c%l the plan of heating cars with steain The Attorney--General will move on to--mor-- from the locomotive boiler, which was not only row that Government orders may be taken on safer but less expensive. His bill proposed to that day after the °r"l°" of the day are dis. restrict the mode of heating cars to the use of E"s"d of, and that Government orders shall steam, save in certain exceptional cases named | ave precedence thercafter . 0; SYErs, d")f AAdd in "le bill. The bill also placed--restrictions upon --all other business except priv . WMs --4 the method of lighting cars ; and further pro-- '