Gibson, M.PP., died at Wroxeter on sunday. ComurExsatIO® To WorxuzEx :--Last session the question was discussed whether the Grand Trunk, by reason of the establishment of an Insurance and Provident Association, should be exempted from claims made by its em-- | ployees under the Act giving compensation for workmen. . A cireular with a list of questions was sent to the employees of the Grand Trunk railway, and the 2,979 answers are neatly con-- densed ind arranged in a document presented to the House yesterday. There were 1,660 for and 1,289 against the continuance of the society ; 1,034 for and 1,590 against the continuance of the company's \ exemption. _ A majority --1,448 to 850---- thonght that the association would continue in spite of the abolition of the exemption. There | were 1,407 who preferred the provisions of the | | Compensation Act, without exemption of the \| Grand Trunk, to their membership in the so-- \| ciety, while 1,176 voted the other way and 396 made no answer. A decided "no "--2,057 to 802--was given to the question, ** Do you approve of being compelled to join?" ; 1,173 were satisfiecdd with the management of the society, and 1,570 were not.