Ontario Community Newspapers

[Provinces Budget at the Close of the Year], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 6

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DWs °C oeeenmn o. gu o s aitt ' Coroner anl the County Crown Attorney, and that no inquest shall be held except by (:»rder the county attorney or the county judge f 'Or two justices of the peace. | _ Locar Orrttox:--The petitions prepared and | Circulated by the Auti--Poverty Society of To-- | ronto ask for the amoudment of that section | Of the 'Assessinent Act -- which pro-- | Vvides that all munlicipal -- taxes _ shall be _ levied upon -- the -- whole _ rateable ; property, real and -- personal, _ of | the -- _ _| municipality. It is contended by the petition-- ers that taxes on personalty and incomes are bfl]uontly inequitably nss_eused_ 'aml' often evaded, therehy causing serious injustico and Mhip, and that the taxation of buildings f ;Op«l other improvements to land is contrary to sound public policy, as it lays heavy burdens | 00 industry, from which the specualator aud | | those holding lands vacant or unimproved arc Y }tflnpt. lt is therefore closired that the As-- | Sessiment Act may be aunsnded so us to leave ' :é'h municipality free to assess and tax such f kinds of property as they see fig, with the J power of separating in assessment the valune of * _the land from that of the buildings and other |improvements thereon and considering them Fas distinct subjects of taxation. 1t is under-- _ stood Mr. Garson, of Lincoln, will introduce a u;* bill to give effect to the views of the petitioners. K shiw _ | . Bowataxvitnuesr's Biri :--The bill introduced _ | by Dr. McLaughlin, respecting the Town of Bowinanville, asks for the corporation power E" to issue debentures for $50,000, of which $20,-- _ JOOD shall be devoted to the ersction of now _ || sehool buildings and the remainder applied by _ ) way of bonus for the promotion of manufac. -- || fories or for the purchase of stock in auy manu-- _ || facturing concern now established or that may _| be estaiftished within the limits of the corpora. E | tion, [ _ Sanes or CitartEps:--Mr. Nuirn's bill re. | :1 | specting conditional sales of chattels proposes | _ | that all agreements for lions on goods must be _| in writing and shall be void unless registered | within five days from the date of the execu-- | _| tion of the instrument. Registration shall be | --| effected in the office of the connty clerk. Or t there may be maintained on the chastel from / | the time chauge of possession takes places un. | _i til fall payment therefor is made a notice of the conmditions of sale and the manufacturer _ _| must keep a record of all goods sold under the | Act and of all payments miwle on account, and _ | any person on payment of ten cents shall be _ entivled to inspect the record for any | desired information in reference to any particular chattel. It is also provided that a j manufacturer shall forfeit his rights if he fail: _| within twenty--four hours to answoer written _| inquiries acéompanied by a fco of ten cents, ' and that any person deiacing any mark on a : \| ghastel such as required by the Act shall be _ | liable to a fine not excesding $200 or to im. _ ' ]prisoument for a term not exceeding three ; months. 1t shall uot be lawful, however, for _ t the lessor to take possession of goods where _ | over fifty per cent. of the original purchase [ money has been paid except after ten days' ; notice to the party in possession, and then , it aiter repayment of all that has been paid on 'acvonu:. exeept a reasonable amonut for the i use of the chattel and for damage and de-- | ! reciation of value, and then the chattel must | . Re sold and any sum realised over the costs of | _ || sale and the balanceo due the inunufacturer | |} shall be paid over to the pirty who hired or '[ leased the chattel. ' ¢

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