Ontario Community Newspapers

[Provinces Budget at the Close of the Year], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 5

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I The natimaud receipts nru Ina-.16 up hf I 8i,i96,872frotn subsidy. $279,111 from inter- (iii.': on capital held and debt: due by the Dominion, $40030 trout interest on invest. Inan. t?1,399,000from the Crown Luvls he- i pu-tvnent, 8123,000 trout puulic institutions, 1825.000 from the Education Department. £855,000 from cmnnl revenue, 3195.000 Prom "can". 860.000 from law stump", I 85,003 from Algonu taxes, 821,000irom drxin. 'nge ataossrtu.'ut, $4,830 from the municipal /iie fund, 55,000 from insurance cmnpanics' assessments, and 86,000 from assessment of l counties for removal ot lunatics. - y 7,, V,_.VV. V... rv.,.... "J . ' In." P"" cued! from tho timber go into permanent im- provmneuls. A: the Treasurer hinted, we are doing quite as much for posterity as posterity is doing for us. and it is high testimony to the wisdom and prudence of tho Crowu Lands De- partment that the 3qu was held just at $1" I time that. it Wag and that tho result w" what it "as. ' it was satisfactory to learn that the osti. I muten for the Agricultural College and Experi- .meaml Farm had not been oxhauqzed, and Ethan tho cremucry at the farm WM self-ans. mining. it is well that Mr. Catutegio is out lof Parlutuvnt. Ho would irot himsuli to ideal; in the {no of suchnn exhibit. Who ; shall say but Mr. mutton has saved him from f an untimely exit? Tue Bum" ..--Tlu, galleries filled, the Home was t tannin, sad the Provincial made a clear and ou speech in of the Budget. There have bean The estimated receipts for 1887 were 85.846324. The expenditure was $3,405,233. The estimated expenditure tor 1808 is 82,088,724. The estimated receipts for 1883 are 83,403,233. This allows lor a sun-pins on the ordinary opyations pf the_year of 3114.509. _ - The settlement oi Culmnrg's indebtedness under the mnnicipnl loan fund for $25,000 in wash, and with lit,. Cntlvaritws for $4,030 of now debunturan. ins-ulna a mull low "lulu!" the demands oi the Province, but is, perhaps, us Iatialuctory A settlement as could have buen effected by a liar-liar policy. and, ucrybe, troublesome and costly litigation. The sale of Dominion bonds at toN, and of unnnities at " rue below a}. are trnnucziun: Entering to the Provincial credit. The snrplm of $556,000 over the ordinary expenditure of the year is as tlatteriug to the Provincial Guverurnent. Mr. Ross, Ly citing u few powerful hots. showed how greet are the tuwritiee, undo by the Govertunent in behalf of the Scott Aet un.l how much more homily the burden of euioree. meut fulls upon the Province than upon the municipalities. For instance. last year the municipalities received tor tines under the Scott Act 894,000. They contributed to the cost of the ettloreetttettt ot the Act but $14,000. The? have tho u clear surplus from lines oi 850.000. Oa the slime account there "an a clear loss to the Provincial Treasury of 825,000, Then the municipalities lost in license revenue $155,000. but against this they have the surplus from tiacs of 850,003. 'i'msir total loss is therefore bat $85,000. 'l'ue Province. how. ever, loees in license revenue $124,000 and about 325,000 on account oi anigrccmeut, or n, quug {'w'vvv m... ..%f9N.h...m. v- v---v-vv-----.-, _.. .. ross to the Province of about 8149.000, uguim: . loss of 335,000 by the tnuutcipalitics. In the Line oi these facts the Federal Government continue to force upon the Provincial authori- ties the burden of the enforcement of nu itn. perfect. Act, and to order the tines imposed umlor it to be paid over to the municipalities. The municipalities interested in the pro. jected arbitration between Ontario and Que- bee will do well to consider the Twagm-ar's nuggestion that they should ",Poiut associate counsel to watch their inter, .323 during the course of the arbitration. A more painful subject was that hriefly touehed upon by the Treasurer in rcicrence to the error bt 314,000 which has crept. into rim provincial necounu. An uxliausiivc inquiry has been made into the accounts by exp-rm, and it has been concluded that between' 1875 and 1879 thorolnny have been Tjsappropria. tion to the amount om" 35.000. The sm- ASSEMBLY NOTES; :mTho galleries ware wall Gum, was deeply at. the Provincial 1'reaauter l much in presentation havebesn during the His of lug: fuuutc'uu im. pecud.St8tti0 "I . . mp,- . '. array, J. R. Summon. T. M. Nail and on being hadgegml ', UU" s i; More. l Natalie, William Kurt", John Drydc Llith. Mr. Ross explained that% in! how in (l, hrnry, A. H. Ingram. John Blym the employ of tl"rl'ederitl Government. (, Imiiuntync, Josmph Parker, W. P. The speech of Mr. H. E. Clarke, who an. , IytuielHil'iuui, C.C. Field, J. S Cvue ulm'touk Mr. cryightou's hung for the surplus, 'l Full, Dr. Meacham and Wilii,vn Max-g The speech of Mr. H. E. Clarke, who un- dertook Mr. Creiglttou's hunt for We surplus. cannot be called an oratorical or critical SttC- can. Mr. Clarke is amiable. He seem anxious to be fair. He is rarely bitter in his personal references. The fact is, Mr. Clarke would make a mag- ntlieent Senator, but he fails to win distinction ns_n_ respogsilde legislqtop _ A - - - _ Mr. Creighton holds his lead as the chief fiuancGleritie of the Opposition. The men for secundplame is between Mr. Craig and Mr. Clancy. Mr. Clarke cannot be admittud to stand better than a good third. staffed on III aggressive cunpaigu Apuust, the ,otrlfun, and wtli break ont into iimuteial ill. humun at Intervals all through tho union. Bmwx'rutq ..--Atnottg the Visitors to the chamber were Mr. William McCraucy, cx-M. P. for Halton. crtull. Mr. J. M. Ferris. exal.PP. tor E at North. luuhcrimul, who was cordially Welconml by nmuy old iriends, us also was Mr. A. Pattullo, of The Woodstock Suutiuel.Reviqw . Hou. A. ti. Hardy will so to Brnntfnrd to. day to attend the Rum-mi of the late John 11. Stratford. Mon. C. r', Frnsoris at Brockville attend- ing the funeral oi his niece, achild of Mrs. Shzehls, the Minister's sitter. Capt. U-mghu. R.N.lt., and Ilia niece, Mrs. Kennedy Douglas, ot' London, England, occu- pied seats on tho floor of the Home during the debut: 3ir. James McMullen, M. P. for North Wellington. Mr. D. .\I:Kay, High schoolrnaator at Walk. A dx-pumtion from Silncoe and Musical". an: in the city in beinuf of a project to form a new county thh Ul-illin us the county town. They had u consultation with Mr. Drury last night, and arranged a plan of campaign. They will interview the Attorney-General this alter. mum. It is will the House will continue in Com. mince of Supply for molt of the week and that the debate on the inter-Provincial resolu. tions will not. come on before Tuesday next. Arum A CANDIDATE r-Advice, from Hines Edward County any Mr. J. S. McCuuig has issued his addreo, to the electors and in in the ticldas a candidate for the Commons. Mr. Nccuaig is a chronic seeker after nominations. It is not thought, however, that the Tory convention Will adopt him, nor H Mr. Robert R. Clapp. who opposed Dr. Plat: " the last election. likely to secure t'e.ttotaiturtiou. It is believed Mr. W. Puote, Mayor of Pieton, or Mr. A. H. tiaylor, a mill. owner, will he the Tory candidate. A duper- ate etfortis to ho made to defeat Dr. Pratt, but his friends do not think it will he any more succenfui than the many previous cllorn of the an mu kind. Tur: Spmxnn's Guam-s o-The invited guests at the Speaker a dinner last night Were Major "alumna: and the following members of the Legislature ..-.1lessrs. Guam} 1'.vuuud.Thoa. Hour: RULE t..--Nr. Clancy is asking ii Mr Gladstone or Mr. Parnell have acuowiedge;. thoroceipt of the Anti.Coercion Resolutium passed during last session of the Legislnzme, Ltt'ritistts t-Ae.eor Hug to the iicense r pay; 11H an the table by the i'roviru-iai .s-1icre'scti, there were "tissued last, year 1,4% uruiiuayy tavern license», 72 beer and wine, 367 shop, g?, wholesale, nix tavern vessel "PEP-sea, s,"., beer and wine versol licenses, and 26 six _months' licenses, a total of 2,000 of all kinds. There were 27 calensious, 245 transfers and (54 removals. There has been; docteaec in the munLer of licenses issued, com. paring 1886 with the preceding year, of by) Luann. 150 shop, 4 wholesale nmi six vessef yfl'to in all ; am; tlytyraring 133] with 183:. a? for I'ciifi were less than in 1836. in "mm, Brucc_Carle.tott, Frontenac, Lauark, Lennux and A-ldingmn. Midd'.usex, Stormunt. Dunks and 1x'ieugarry, Victoria and Wellington the commitments in 1887 exceeded those of 1880. ()i timse counties and districts in which the License Act is in force---A'wrnu, Essex, Urey. Huhiimand, Hastings: Sipissing. Thun- der liny, Watcrluo and Tork.-iad a greater number of conunitmnnti for drunken- ness in 1837 than in 1885, while. Peel, Perth, lVarceott an! ital-nail. Prince Edward, Went. worth atrl Wehnni had n less number. To snmnmrise '.--O'i' the Scott Act counties 3 had the amine number of commitments in 1887 as in 1835: 10 had a greater numher in 1837. and 11 at less. Ih" the counties and districts under the License Act 9 land a greater number in 1887 and 6 had less. o.' the 10 counties under the Scott Act luring a 2.e;it"r number oi commit, manta in 1337 than in 1385, Brant, Carleton, Frontenac and Milldiescx, the county gull therein reeoive prisoners committed from the cities of Brantmr-i, Ottawa. Kingston and London, in which the License Ast is in force. le'ns'rs ON Fume-Hm": "M:- Stewart, d Dud'orin, has a bill to provide that when I Manner die: in g.url the gaoier shall notify th' 'ia. Ross .u AN OPHMHT ..--A general Pt pose dissident says the statistics oi school population as presented in the Minister of Education's report. and the famous speech of Hou. G. W. Ross at the Board of Tank's banquet to Mr. Chamberlain, ought to be "Ir. mitted to the Board oi iusconcilution. Mcstciest, FIVAXCMI. 8rxrcstEsvt:-3lr. Nairn has introduced a bill closely on tut lines of that of Mr. Wood, oi Want He pro- pose: that a week be'ore. the municipal nomination. tho treasurer shall make out a autumn: oi the receipts 1:"! expenditures for the year atrl of the general financial condition or the iuuuicipsiity. and that it shall be kept in the nilicc of m municipal clerk. Any mmpuycr "lll rt " liberty to inspect it nr to inuLc extracts train it, but no person shall be allowed to 'l?,'."')),',. line it for more than an hour. Under .t 'd clause the chili becomes a sort of otiicUl tint?» keeper for the municipality. It i, also I? vided that the summon shall 'oe open lot Inspection on nomination day. av.d the "it? nrvr in "mile liable to a line at $100 ii he mm to nuke oat a statement or xviltully unappro- Ionts the tinnucial condition. Then if the Council In dsscide they may order the my? men: to be distributed throughout. the innum- pulity. l mm 'dem mm

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