Ontario Community Newspapers

[Protection for Mills and Printers], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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E (By Our Owu Reporter.) ' l Februery 10, 1888. -, The Speaker took the chair et three o'clock. _ CORRECTION. _ Mr. BALLANTYNE,rising to a question of "dime, called attention to the report made Ar I morning peper ct hie remarks on the {motion of the member for Meetings (Mr. (Wood) regarding the cheese and butter in. Ltdlltry. He (Mr. Ballantyne) was represented it" laying that at the factory in a. German "ettlemeitt 70 per cent. of the milk sent in awe! found to be miultureted. He did not mention nor did he refer to a German settle- .ment. In the district he referred to he doubted punt there wee a single Germain contributing imiik to the fectory. He had the tnanNtenuutt ;of two factories in a. German district and he ' believed there was no place in the world where purer milk was enpplied. (Hour, hear.) . NEW MEMBER FOR lDITNllAS. Mr. CREIGHTUN and Mr. FRENCH then introduced Mr. Whitney, the newly. elected member for Dundee. who took his seat amidst the cheers of his friends. MUNICIPAL ACT. Mr. MURRAY and Mr. CLANCY (for Mr. Wood, of Harding.) introduced bills to amend the Municipal Act, which were read the first time. r PRIVATE BILLS. The following private bills were presented and rad the tint mm, '. - . Respecting the incorporation of the Village of Eail'oronto--Mr. Smith. To consoliJate the debenture debt and ex- tend the limits of the Village of London West --yr, To?lry. _ _ _ - _ __ - Ilo enable the Orphans' Home in Ottawa to borrow moey--Mr. Drywall. - - - To 10331355 a certain by-lsw of the Town of g1iIlt Stet Mtsrio-r.1i r, Loyal. To authorise the Culliedml of the Holy Trinity in London to sell certain huuis.--Mr. Meredith. Concerning a certain railway debenture debt of the Township of Laxton --3Ir. Fell. Respecting brlaw 402 of the City of Brant. ford-lion. Mr. Hardy. The bill respecting the debt of Brussels was tend the second time. PAYMENT or' CROWN ll rrNr:gsEs. Mr. INGRAM presented a bill to ntuend the Act respecting the payment of witncsws for use Crown, which was read the first time. Mr. GIBSON (Huron) presented a bill rc- gpgcting the plwmcut oi grist miners forgrind- itiaplftylt was read the iirst time. NOTICES " )"Yl'lON. Mr. o'Cottnor---On Tuesday next-Will to amend the thtcytiort Act. WM}. Monk-Tuesday next-Bill t the Assessment Act. _ _ o amend page: Act. . r. aNairn--'1'ueada - . the MayieiptleV't. y next Bill to amend Mr. Meredith-Tuesday next-Inquiry of the Government--) Whether any journal or other record of the proceedings of the confer. cncs of certain members of the executive coun. cilq of this and certain other of the Provinces, held in Quebec in October last was kept. 2. If any such journal or other record was kept if " is the intention to lay a copy oi it before the Bottse., . V . r ... . ... Mr. French-inquire of Mi . , in fun} (3f the recent ':r,t,fiiei,,51t,r'i-,-drl hether 'urudie.tion,tr the iy,vision Courtsqeaso of urqwmg down thereby of the 'i1'1,1rtt'l, the tnc bounty Lam-ts, it is the intentio " ton of Hovgrmnant during the present n of the "helm: the present juriSdictiol1 JIT/ol',', to (parts, an}! transfer such juriadictiot ounty Diritiot! courts or, on the other 'l, tad the largely Increase the present jurisdi ' . inn , to County Courts. ution of the is House adjourned at 3. 50 o'clock. Also. Bill to 'unend the General Road Cont. GRitiT M l LLERS' G RAIN. Parliament, Second Session. GISLAT/URE. Osmium AND Queue ..--.Tho Attorney-Geu- ', eral's bill respecting an arbitration with the i Province of Quebec authorises his Government f to unite with the Government of Quebec in the appointment of three arbitrators to whom shell be referred the questions which have arisen ' between the Governments of Ontario and Que. bec T'" the construction and effect of the awar made on the 3rd of September, 1870, relating to the claim of Ontario on behalf of the municipalities to the Upper l Canada Improvement Fund, in respect of col. , lectious trom sales of Crown lands before Con. federation ', and also to the period from which Ontario, under the award, is liable to account for moneys received from school lands since the 30th of June, 1867. The award must be made within three months from the date of the appointment oi the arbitrators. It shall Le tiual and conclusive as to the questions in dispute, and shall be binding upon the Pro. vince and tho municipalities. Tun Cum"? Plums" ..--Mr. Meredith pro- sented u. petition from the Ministerial Asso- ciulionof the Methodist Church of London, composed of twenty clergyman. paying for the passing of Hon. C. F. Frtsse.r'a bill to re- gulnu the closing of shops. l'no'rxcrxox you PRINTERS ..--Mr. Murray has introduced 3 bill to carry out the demand: of the country job printing ollicen. He pro- poses that all per-on: or ngentl for pernom not resident within tho county, city or separ- ated town, who eolicite orders for printing to be afterward delivered within the county, or any person not o printer or publisher who solicits Inch orders, shall be required to take out a hawker": or peddler'silimsrtser. The gen- eral feeling of the House is that it is an ex. ceedingiy narrow-gauge bill. It in likely to die young. "'5 ANTI-Busts ..--Mr. Genoa presented a peti- tion from the Villnge of Betunsviller,'.for the re. peal of the clean of the Municipal Act em. powering municipalities to grunt bonuses to and to exempt factories from taxation. FLOUR AND yEstD:-.-.hir. Gibson, of Huron, has a bill to amend the old statute which de. ciares that no owner or occupier of a. mill shall demand or take a greater proportion oi any grain brought to be ground and bolted than oue.twclfth part thereof for grinding and bolt. ing. Mr. Gibson has discovered that this Act Was passediu 1792 in the hrst Parliament alter the dissolution between Upper and Lower Canada, and that during all these years it has never been amended. is is said, however, that the roller mills contend that they are not affected by this statuto and re- fuse to be governed by it. These mills, it willbe understood, simply exchange llnur for grain,nnd but rarely, if 'sver,grind tot the farmer the grist he takes to the null. It is whispered, too, that in note few cases the mills of a district have entered into arbitrary and unjust combinations against their patrons. Mr. Gibson proposes, theretoro, to make the old statute apply to exchanging as well as to grinding. lie seeks to put no unfair restric- tions upon the mills, bat simply to ire the public a fair measure of protection, antfhe will welcome any suggestions from the Assembly that will assist him to oifoct his object. Tutt Cos masses ..-Mr. Meredith will Ink if any record was kept of the Inter-Provincial Conference at Quebec, and if so, if it is the in. tention of the Government to lay it before the Home. FROM DUNDAS ..--.Mr. Whitney, of Dundas, was introduced to the Speaker by Mr. Creigh- I ton and Mr. French. He got a. round of up, l planse from the Opposition as he moved to his . seat. He is a. comparatively young man, who [ follows the law for s living, and is entitled to rank as one of 'Jhe b_eat-rooking men on Mr. Meredith's side of the House. He tovk his Beat in tho back row. (in the principle that they laugh best who laugh last. the ibersls will go the Opposition one better when Mr. Clarke takes his seat on Monday. I jLiiiuinseBraY NOTES. "i' Registrnnhfp of Kingston, vacant a " days. County Crown Attorneyship of. Prescott. Ind Russo", vacant eight dark. Registrar-ship of Peterboro', vacant one your. Ptegistrrrahiis of Peel, vacant eight mouths Sllricvalty of Essex, "cant one month. Registrnrahip of Perth. vacant a. few days. Shrievalty oi Elgin, vacant twelve days. 8ltrievalty of Leeds and Grenville, menu: tive months. Shrievalty of Northumberlaud and Durham, "fun: one day. ACTIVE Hoermcs ..-..rt in oxpectd there will be but a. short sitting on Mona'sy,tut the Budget debate will come on on 'Iueaday. and that the rent of the week will bedevomd to the consideration of the resolution at the InusrProviucisrt Conference. "Fumes or' Vatuscata ..--TU Provincial Secretary laid on the table a return showing what oflices of Registrar, Sheriff or County Crown Attorney became "cant from Jan. 1, 1884, to March 23, 1887, the date on which the vncnucy occurred, and when the new appoint.- ment was made. Canines-ran ENGINEERS ..---Mr. Carson's bill respecting the examination of engine" and inspection of boilers provides the; an ia. spector shall have a technicel tad practical knowledge of steam used tor any purpose, and shell have not log: than live years' experience " 3 working engineer. He proposes that there shall be four grades of certificated persons, first, second and third clue engineers and firemen. The license fee for persons operating engine. or boilers when the Act takes ethsci is to hes-1 To persons ul'terwarde seeking certificates the fee will be 85. The fee for the ennui inspection of the boiler is to be $5. The penalty for using e boiler before inspection or placing one in cherge of en uneertifUd perm" is to he not less than 810 and not more mm 8250. The inspectors are to receive as coin. pensation the fees paid for inspection end for examining candidates for certificates. An engineer will have to give notice when repgin are needed, and a proprietor [tiling to make necessary repairs will become liable to . fine of not less than 8100 or more than 8600. The provisioutstd the bill do not Apply to my boner operated " a pressure of ten pounds or less to the square inch. Mr. Rube. Holmes. of The Clinton New Era, has A neat in the preu gnllcry. Mr. Holmes conducts one of the tine» weeklieu in Western Ontario. The Liberals of Huron owe a great deal to his splendid advocacy of their Catl8e and the prosperity The New Er: enjoys is good evidence that his work is trppreciated. Tur. Covet-Mr. French will " ii the Government, in View of the increase of jaris. diction of the Division Courts, will move to abolish the present jurisdiction of County Courts and transfer such jurisdiction to the Division Courts, or, on the other hand, to increase largely the present jurisdiction of the County Courts. Miss Freeman and Miss Farley, of St. Thomas, in charge of the Liberal whip, were unuug the lady visitors to the Chamber. The return shows the duration of vacancies to have been as follows _ Mr. Clarke, the new Libel-:1 member for East Northumberland, will probtbly be intro. dupgd ty the liyeflosr otl yonder. -- Pausoxu. ..--Seruvtor McKindsey, of Baton, us about the house tor tl short time.

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