Ontario Community Newspapers

[Motion to Amend Multiple Acts], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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'lSixth Parliament, Second , Session. Mr. Gibeon (uamiltott)--ou Friday s.sext-rr, Order of the Home for & return, lumiehiug la) , copy of description of that portion or the ' Queen's Park appropriuod ior the purpose of r, the new Parliament buildings; (b) copy of Ll correspondence between the Government and the authorities of the University of Toronto _ regarding oompenution for such land ' (co copy l of all vnluetione of such land; ' Mr. Clarke (Welhugton)---tiiit to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Balfour-Bill to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Garson-Bill to emeud the Municipel Act. Mr. Freueh--tJrdor of the Home for e re. turn from each registrar of deeds in the Pro- l Vince showing the number of instrument, re. _ intend against lands which purport to have germ made for the purpose of procuring credit, on the mie of goods or whereby a purchase of 00an merely represents that he owns certain I funds. By Mr. Ntsirn-iutosetiug conditional "us of chattels. By Mr. 'F'atam--ro unend the Municipal Act. Also to unend the Assessment Act. Also to amend the Ditches Ind Water Course. Act was to nuke it applicable to waterway: in the lands sud under the roud. bed: of railway companies. By Mr. FrGeh--fo authorise the Appoint- men: of fire guardians for tho plantation of bush tirea. The Home uljourmd n 4.30 o'clock. WOMAN SUFFRAUE. Mr. WATERS pmonted . bill to authorise unmarried Woman and widows to vote for members of the Legislature. (Loud cheers and laughter.) The bill was read the tirst time. OTHER FIRST REA DINGS. The following other public bills were intro. dueedyvtd rent the tirst time _ Mr. McKAY presented a bill for the prr veuzion ot accident by tire in hotel-I nnd other public buildings. The bill wu and the first time. it was inn-mdodunot to 1sinuttprtho Int. but more}, to declare ita moaning in "spec: of the pvmeut of interest on monguu in certain can. .Tbo bill was read the. first time, ROAD COMPANIES. Mr. LENS (Lunark) presented . hill to amend the General Road Companion Act. The bill was read the tinst lune. EXAMINATION OF ENGINEERS. Mr. UARSUN presented a; bill respecting the exattuttutionot engineers and the impec- tion of boilers. The bill wan read the um time. February I, 1888. The Speaker took the chair a than o'clock. Law RESPECTINU MORTGAGES. Mr. FRENCH prewhted . bill to amoncl filo law respecting mortgages, oxplniniug that NOTICES " 11011031. 'ARIU LEGISLATURE. (By Our Own Reporter.) HOTE L Fl R ES. Juu THE Hm :--Mr, legislator, introduced pointment of tire u To FARM Etbs..--'rhe organisation ofthe farm- ers of the House, which didgood work in watching ' legislationintheinterestsoftheagriculturalcom: ' munity, will continue during the present ses- ' sion, assuming the form of a. regular associa- . tion. A meeting was held yesterday morning, with Mr. Drury, the chairman of last year, . presiding. There Was a large attendance, and ' though the proceedings were brief and of the r character incident to the preliminaries of or. ganitsatiou, there was every indication that the new institution would be well supported. Mr. Drury was unanimously re-electeil chairman I and Mr. Awrey, secretary. A committee consisting of Messrs. Fell, Sprague, Gwen and n I Graham, with the chairman and secretary. was a appointed to draft a constitution. The next _ , meeting will be held at the call of the chair. : _ THE Bouts MUST Got-Mr. Balfour, whose ' measures generally till the historical long-felt want, will introduce a bill to repeal the clauses of the Municipal Act which enable municipal; ties to bonus manufactories. The system of i granting bonus has been very liberally l shunted by moneyless speculators and more i subsidy-hunters, and there are a good many 1 municipalities that would be money in pocket [ if the bonus system had never been born. l There is n good deal to be said in favor of the , View that "very industry should stand on its l , own bottom. Tm: N'BW Mmls'rm t--'rhe grows that Mr. Drury, of East S the new Minister of Agriculture. ford, has mule some material changes in " bill relating to tir" in hotels and other pubiio buildings. m proposes that all such buildings over two storeys in height shall have permanent outside stairways of iron, with hand . rails on either side and shall be able to sustain at one time . the Weight of at least six full-grown ereons. He also pro oses that the esoe to beEept in each room in" be but a singltstrand of rope three-quarters oi an inch in thickness. The doctor has had extensive correspondence on the subject and has Witnessed many tests, and he has convinced himself that few of the fancy escape ladders are of much practical use. He has information from New York State where a bill similar to that he is promoting is in operation, and he has telling statistics as to the necessity for legislation in the direction he desired to go, and he will, no doubt, be able to make out: strong case in support of hie measure. At least he deserves praise for an industrious effort to stay the slaughter by tires in public buildings. and it is quite likely he will secure the enactment of some practical measure of preventative legis- lstion. Association have uddreuod speck! circuit" to etrah of the mambo" of the Homo. There no Worn fUlds for minionary effort. Who aha]! uy but that the members may become no libel-dined and evangelism! u to be willing to admit the public to payer-I. - . -.. . bill to _.. and Wetereoursee Act. ,... upeeker, the Clerk and the Home recognised an old. friend and extend. ed the orthodox offiuia1 end lym- pnthetic Welcome. Mr. Weters rose yet again, and with grave and reverent de. meanor presented the only one that was left 't ell the femily, a. hill to allow widows and "nine: ried Women to vane ior members of the egiehture; and the Speeker and Clerk re. ived it with evident emotion and the House th unusual demonstrations of enthusiasm attachment. It was not expected so soon. It. likol to make more friends than over betersa. l); is understood Mr. Waters has an arm) of petitions " the heck of this bill, and theta very vigorous effort will be made to have it accepted as a companion piece to mom hood suil'rege. Ihme 1iltmarru--Dr, A N new bheLm--Thes :--Mr. French, an industrious iluccd u. bill respecting the up. tire guardians. Hon. C. I" :e in public building; LIBS}. will secure the enactment of meuure of prevenutive legit- , of East Simeon, will be Mch, of South ox. he! Young Men's Christian The impreuion my... " want at courage the true ma ultude of Assembly ufjourns wi tailgate nuisance out of With this bill argue A want of l the true ma. ml Assembly rufjou ".3 v. ""7 Hull", n ary for the extension of the toll! Wm its borders, and may issue debentures thmiore at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent., and it shall not be necessary to submit this by-law to popular Vote. No municipality after the Slut of December following the putting of the Act may collect tolls on any road owned by it, and any nun/rr cipality having a debt incurred in purchase of o. tollroad may determine under the provision! . of the Act what proportion of the amount Ihall be borne by the respective municipali. ties. It in also provided that the Treasurer of the Province may advance out Of the public money the sums to be expend" in the purchase of tollroads, sad [ may purchase the debentures to bet ieyed by the County Councils, and may pro; vide the necessary funds by granting termini annuities not exceeding 30 years and based on . rate of intern-t -- __ . _ --""""r ....u '"'Pu'cuuty Mr.', [LOCI and Mr. Balfour, have renewed uni "Juggle year after your, and at last there} seems reason to hope that a solution of the; diiliculty is about to be reached. . 1 Mr. Lees' bill repose: that on petition; of one hunting interested ratepayers the County Cotoul shall appoint an arbitrator toact with the County Judge and a person appointed by the LieyteGut-Guvirnri' in Council who shall not be a. resident of the county; and that these shall form a Boardef I Arbitration who shall determine what lmunicipalities or portions oi municipalitiu would be benefited by the removal of ' toN on any certain roads, and shall makun i award to the County Council tixing the y amountsto be home by the several nu1nicilnli. ties to be no benesited. _ "e"V r"'" "I. Luv all the Act going into effect, but nc that has been in existence twenty-one year: shall be oblige than the par value of its stock u deude for the previous six years six per cent. The Coimty Council may luv for the borrowing of nm-m- --- " -- ' ' C"""""'"" 2105 Within six months {roadie date of the award of the arbitrators. In estimating the value of the franchise of: road company the arbitrators are to amide: the dividends paid for the six vears nrinr tn A], I . . ' Tom. ROADS ..---Tho bill introduced by Mr, l Lees, of South Launrk, to amend the Gemrul Road Companies Act is, at the least, a In". attempt to grapple with the toll gate "31...: wee. Session after session motion: In": been introduced and Tearing discussions ur, on the subject, but it seemed impossiblo toi, reach a basis of legislation. However, the opponents of toll roads, and especially Mn! Lee: and Mr R..u...._ L, ' uuuee, Mon. A, S. Hardy ; Railways, Hon. C. F. Fraser; Smuding Orders, Or. Widdj. field ; Private Bills, Mr. Gibson, of Hamilton, Mr. Fraser takes the place of Mr. PM... head of the Committee on Railway; h'o doubt Col. Clarke will retain the chairm. ship of the Committee on Public Arm-m»- Comu'nazs 01mm: committee: of the Hon with the exception of Committee, and have al follors:--t'rinting, Mr, and Elections, Mr. Hare Iyittoe, Hon. A, S. Har a wny whiEh mung-h votes to the standard neat. L V-l-v- IVIIV There was little hope, Chamberlain would ho is a. mNtniiieent own a good representative, but Tory from its cradle, and i; wonderful impulse of View AL, It _ IriiF "KM, " What about fire buggy»?! Me. French had retorted with the thought" his mind he would probably have 3&de pal the Scott Act." A Sun-run Orrosmox :-The ilppatita, no a good deal elated over Mr. Whig," victory in Dundas. They are not used to that kind of thing. They are much better used to tho 3." Northumborlnnd experience of yesterday Thlll'. ..., -- I ", a I . ween m existence for more yarn shall be obliged to Lake a .._l..' _e .. . ' my the sums to be expendod urchue of tollroads, sad at: the debentures to be County Councils, and may pro; ill-v ("HAL l __ . mans 0iuaasrsen..-.o a of the House have exception of the Pu Trromug of flu, tnorsir the extension of the tolls exceeding tive per cent a starting point, it will ge and an inditicrems to of the gricvnucaif the without legislatiug tlm " the Province" .I be obliged to lake " its ltock unless the diri. ,._.. J"'" "W the Dominion Government a Liberal candidate, "din have attracted not ate,, d of his successful om hope, how'eVer' I hold Dun - -, f the Public Accent. appointed Chaim... Ir. Balfour; Prim". hold Dundu. cunpaignér, Ind f the franchised: rs are to cotuidet six years priorto t no road compuly o-The tttt fire bug. P q with the tluqit ' IV have SIM, "'il.t Were less tua Dundae pass a by- pm. Iyiiil Railway; No the Chm-l , A--...._., more than ester-d". ' reorgmjnd; tUt 'lk, "

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