Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1886, p. 2

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r = ' m _ .I-h . I I t f L I . , ' "I!" v I I f i V l I I 'd l was ' mittee rise) f :31 l . \VITHXN HIS RIGHT i 1 Mr. CALDWELL supported the Bill. and . h"; l m disallowlng the statute. In the flrat said that it was agreed that the Bill now b':, l', i place he objected to the faculty being con- before the House TH the best 13ill that r. '; Stituted as aselt-governing tsodv." The reason could be y.wsteyu.r,c1 after long and careful , t V _ give? for this action was that 1here was no consideration, both by the sportsmen ' of the [ _ provision for the law faculty being vepresent~ Province and by the Special Uonnnittee. . ' .. ed on the Senate. Now this was not a Mr. CLANCY supported the. measure, and T i "r' reason for making the faculty a "elf-govern- thought that member" were opposing it for V . l , _ ing body; it mi ht be. a reason for asking the mere fun of obstruction. - _ i legislation by this House.and so far as he was 1.loi).. C. F. FRASER said that, many of the _ Ci, ' concerned he had not the sliglitestobjectioiito oy,iecti?ns to tlie Hill were desceviny,t of con» it, "t the Act incorporating the University being Hidcratwn. He agreed in the "hill-ECHHUH ' - amended Boas to meet that ditticulty. lie of the member for Essex that a law should ' . also objected that. the statute assumed to be framed to tneer the. necessities of the dif- : _ _ confer upon the faculty of law powers which ferent parts of the Province; that llicl'c h' by law are vested in the Senate, namely, the should not be one uniform law for the whole , , power to appoint professors, examiners: ctc.. l Province. in some places lying close to the " [ [and the Tower to m uiate the t'ourtw, ofi United Statesthe lnwin ()iitiii'io was more: i . , , study. 'he Act. vesteg these. powers in the I I stringent than in the. adjacent parts of the , I I Senate, and the Senate had no right. to dolc- United F'states. Thu "huh simply' "M lll'it J gate. them to any other body. A ain, he did the, Americans got all the game. and those _ " not stiee how the 'ii'Qitp'sittt" hath power to 1 who lived in the, country where the . t crea e a corporation wit t ie ri rht to hold _ , .r., wt. ' F, property, etc. Then the Act l'il', tliethw- M0REh"rf0NGFcNT LAW !. ' , , crnnient power to order the \h'ostern Uni- prevailed were placed at a disadvantage I?' . . ' yersity to aililiatc with the University of Mr. Wool) said that iiiir/c,iit"//.1'r.Civ -re . I Toronto ; but this statute said that the generally in favour of the, Hill but tlt ' . i . r, _ school should not be aftiliated with any other pointed out that no one set of iv),t'lat12,'. (. l l university, except on the written request or would suit the whole Pvovinee lie we" with the sanction of the law faculty of the afraid that the Bill would require a {f}: . ' ' IN estcrn University. It was an attempt to deal of amendment before it could be iil'hll- ' r enact. that, despite the Act of Parliament, satisfactory. and he must, oppose it W e t' the faculty of law Mr. GRAHAM said that. sonicuneiiil'ers r" MIGHT STILL CONTINUE had undertaken to make ducks and iiriiirc, ' is ttfexist, although the Western 1'niversit,v of this 1ml. (Laughter, and cries of "Take i ', k ., ._. , Fe, _ ' "b"sa ' r'. _ . down his words. ) lhere We i 2 _ J were attiliatcd. llnst wvretlu Hounds upon . , . . L." Solne por ' _ , , which he had disallowed the istatutc. lie "0"? (3531:2th t,0 "1mm. he objected. I l ' was willing to assist inobtaininxr any rcasoii- . [i ' $33.10) th.ouschr that h) Striking i l, able amendment to the law which the statute $11.2): 'oeii's/g',t,i.o1t1,/ic1a,tiipu to frogs, and one or i r' ' might reclluire. but he thought, ir, would have oiie ot iers. he Bill would he a vcu'y good i en neg igcut on his art to have allowed G . _ . l Ut the statute to become hi)": y/u1ip', ER9.W said this matter had re l, i Mr. 1Ih'ltEDiTi1poited out that astatiitc .fie/cil Illt ,ty1.t't.lete.tci1tn. hm" had been I f. i, creating a faculty of medicine in exactly the in Y,', i?" session latter 'ielhiri0n. Delhhh' . l same terms as the pueseut statute had not trons o sportsmen had attended the (.oiiniiit- r l been disallowed. I (he, an u. would. be iintair_ to .thent to ., Hon. o. MOWAT said it had probablv . l t l?" T". 'the PI The ohjeetions to a ' J I been overlooked by the late Minister of Edd- 3 pint orm au for the I rovince would apply to l ' cation. but that did not allch the question i w pi'csent law as well as to the proposed - 1. of the \alidity of the present statute. The l "'t.C?.11y,y/r,, , I _ Senate of the University had no power to in!" _ b'ON also speke. . . assignto another body irrevocably, powers F . m lnotiontliaL the Committee rise was . 3 ' vested in itself. lost. . . The motion passed. m,kf,,tlefo,.c",',1',t//it,eih,?' distiussiiin the close . ' ' , T " '" . 't coecwasv . , ', HOAI) COMPANIES. Jauuar . to 15th August. p ace at from ht ' t , Mr. HAhtCOURT moved the House into Mr. hALFOUR moved an amend I , ', Committee of the Whole on (he Hill to makin r the ,l s q , I', input, C l . . , . . Ar t use season for ducks from May . l amend the Joint Mock Conmanies Act forthe l _ lei to tirept. Ist. rr t construction or purchase of roads and other ' , 'rue amendment, was lost. rr .. C, works. It relates solely to the calling of _ 3lr. MERRIUK moved that the clause l ",' 'spccial meetings. lowing, woodduck to be shot bets-vieS 1a F 2 The Hill was rppopred. January and 15th August he struck t , It '7 i f Mr. MCLAL'GHLIX moved the House into that woodduck would be placed in "low. tit9 Committee on the Bill res ecting snow positioitasotherduelc.-Cwried esa1ne I fences. it enables municipal) councils to Mr. CHEIGH'i'ON moved that'tlie time ti ' allow persons to occupy six feetof the. public hunting harcs be from 15th March t 'd, t I' , hijit,y?,/11'4l1ed they ereclt "lire fences. l ST/i. Carried. o st l ' - r. , i. N ', " suggests that sonietliin Ott. C. F. FRASEI t , a ... ' should be put, in the Abe-t by which the by-lavfj I I sion and to frogs be. strddliciiiflil 233d 1tayott " _ ' l could be repealed, and the land vacated by l l hunting vt' fowl be allowed for an liourli -f 1e. _ F the occupant. , sunrise and an hour after suiisel 'rfhr',e1'i"'ll' i. F i Hon. C F. FRASER thought there war not ' prohibited "limiting front sunrise lo titll l'? , . .A much weight to the objection, as before the. l Carried. I I k my" . ', "T J. bylaw could pass all the owners "my 0.x". i Mr. "A..rar',0iH.'s moved that the season for k, V T bit-is ailected must, petition the ( ouiicil. lle huntiuy,' futlcavitw; animals be extend d f I , . suggested that instead of the provision that I a month, NO as to extend from lat-kWh it: lor T no bylaw should be in operation unless the December . also that 'lic words "C' i'lo't' It. i ' 7 road were 66 feet wide, it should be changed I the speariir' of iiiii,sdi.h h i ?, '1 fe, ly/ 'dt' _ - 'l thigh" 1t1'tyt'ii1ivi'1veLe, be reduced to less " on t. n . i . UL huts Je bum I ian o yet w t e oy-law. I Mr. G ' d rl, Fr . '. .', . Mr. WATERS considered the Bill from 'Siructionodf] I,,',,,,,?,.',.",:"""',,,,,)';:),); the de r, tl e, found.ation a bad \one. There. was no I coin-aired as the": "animal ,0 Ill, u, , cn- E, . rcbasoii giveili for the Bill exiwpt that iten, deal of iiiinrv. . t b l a great K. , 8. ac counci s to give away twelve feet of The arniindidenv- wasl 't r , the mad allowante. He contended that the i T ' '1 'sga r" ... w" o5. " . . . . _ law had all the machinery for the construe. l l ponihr 'i'),',1,1i.tcry'iipey'atlgic1T1t1,inir, duffel? [loll of wire fences. It might be said that in) to the 'i/tiiya1't't'i',i, ',hli,1, "d ' ukm" ts Md b', V. ice: was wide crougli, builit was not so in ', clause. JI in the old {ct 't N "h All" ou " an I his part of the country: 1 lion. C. F FP. i)iicii. I")??? i at .1. T V Mr. MEREDITH contended that the l subsection .1 hi; .fifr?///div),r1 l, 1:1" a'u'sel H: / _ general policy of the Muncipal Act was l follows . \'o. ir,.', -l Cl M? I" to In" AS i ' , auainst Croads of his" h: 'so, _'. , r . "rg . L..,; itison s hill at any time hunt, " , l a . . . . . t ian bond wide, and hilt. oi kill, .nv deer ch: moose reindeer E; i' c, giiezcliore this unlimited power should not be i i iir cariboa for ic' purpose of , exporting," , j . ' . l ie same 0 1' . ,'., . . . .. '.gkc_ L ( , thin-1.3m EriMQT slaid that Frontenac, wanted onus of Jtla',l/.",C,f'fhaariit/r",'1.'hp:,i"rsetdi,' .'" m" s a sum arone. . u,,' Hf ..- l _ F , , ' l Mr. )IEHRI'.'K was opposed to the Bill 1't'itii,Ci/,,1lc'rt ortaiibou so hunted. taken ", i _ I and moved that the Committee rise , ' ir,.'),', .. ii; is not intended to be exported as ._~ I The motion w " l T . . .. .i5.ilt.s.iitl, shall be upon the person hunting. "a8F1 i The amending t3}? ll C F , killing, or taking the some, or in whose pos- A 3. limitiii ti I c". y on: .1'. FRASER scf'bion or cu dolly such deer may be found. . ..= i roads ('vf/u7doi,'.gSif,'," of tin Act so that the llie sub-swim" prohibiting the killing of , i * . . ' I ' V. [ I I . c I. I V I. ( were carried. einain at east 54 feet w ide, , (vivid: 111.33;ka or other waters at any time, _ E, The Bill was reported as amended. The Bilhvvdiiilien reported as amended I I' Th THE GAME LAWS. Tm'd)UGH COMMITTEE. . 'rl e House in Committee on the Bill 0 The llousv inc,, . . '" 'sb . i t , g; 11te tilie law for tilie protection ot quiitie i lowing.r Hills : -_ J tttttit A tt reported the tol. , ant ur- mum raniina s. I 1ir. Gihrirm . ' - tcr ' . " 'i. Mr. 'Jil',f/l'ill74 opposed the Bill. i veyances made i)I\kiil]:lli'l)dii, -,-,.11, wetting con- _ _ ' 1Nr.., HALFOI'R said there could be no I Air. "In" 1'//.a'//1)frirdvf/d.,)'/J,:,,. Act I i ', if. y,Itis/aet?ry aprwoa,yh. to the game laws until i Mv. "who" (liatuilton). 'ro "'T'hh'r the let hl t' "r'. the Province was divided into districts, as it l t"',s,',ly-'r't.iiw,' hmslcl' and servant i l Bl N was clear that one law could not be passed l'he Lattvvl',itl Wits' amended In St' ' "l1 ' A IW, 'rl . which would besuitable for the whole coun- i _':11rt diruutrision, so thin. a control-l 1'd",,l'ly),1f',1t". T ll my. He concluded by moving that the. Coni- l 'i',1//t',ep/,,yio, shall be voided only against the. vi 2 t l "yet and not, against the Mir l I i a ' t . - rm r'" ... J. -

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