" comes poor: after criticizin the vagueness of this clause and of the 'lh generally. be concluded by stating that the Bill was utterly out ot question. and contained _ hardly a provision which could be adopted without public injury. He moved that the Bill be read a second time this day three months. . Mr. MEREDITH supported the measure. and contended general y that the principles contained in the 8th and 9th clauses Were Mood, and even if they might not be well ex. pressed the clauses might be amended so as to be more dethtito. , Mr. FRENCH replied to the objections urged to the Bill, and contended that the clause requiring a yearly return concerning estates was not. more unreasonable than the requirement that joint stoek companies should do so. A division was then taken. with the result that Hon. o. Mowat's motion that the Bill he read this day three months was carried by 33 to M. . t Following is the division list _ ' I YeAse.-Messm. Awroy. Budget-ow, Balfour. I Baxter. Helium. ifthtt.hdutj,i.t.tt Chisholm, . Conmee, Cooke. Dill, Howl . Dryden. Ferguson. Fraser. Freeman, Gibson 1Haiulltont, silt-ton tHuroni. Graham. Hagar. "only. Hart, Hawley, Laidlaw. Lyon. Mclntirc. Mackenzie. McKitu. McLaughlin. McMahon. Morin. Mowot. Purdue, 2ttt ltoes (Huron). lies; tMiddlesex), Snider. and Valenti". . l Nays-Me-us. 1tasakervillo. Braden 1-'arty.estie, iCreighlon, lit-nison. Fell, French. Gillies, "my. ilmumcll. Hudson Kcrns. Kerr. Let's, Mct'ul. man. Netlhee, Rickey. Meredith. Merrick. Met, cali'c. ML. k. Nor an, Morris. Mulholland, Neelon. Preston. E',lhail'/, Ross tCornwall), White, Wtlntot. Wood M. The House adjourned at 5:20 p.m. l NOTICES or' MOTION. ' Mr. Freneh-Hmquiry---rs it -intention of , the Government to introdu. during the present session a Bill to provide for. the til, ing or registration of hire receipts and receipt notes. or other evidence of conditional some. ot chattels t Also Bill respecting hire receipts, receipt ' notes, and other midences of conditional . sales ot chattels. [ Mr. Hardy-Bill to amend the Art respect- ing t he Ontario rvrotauatory for boys. Alto Bill to amend the Act to establish an Industrial Refuge for girls. Also Bill to amend the Act respecting Pri. vate Lunatic Asylums. Mr. Balfour -Otder of the Houne-For a Return giving the name: and salaries ' of the otiiccrs of the Univcisity of Toronto at the date of the Order l also I the names and salaries of the professor t, tec. a turers, tutors. fellows. and officers of tui. ' versity College at the same date- specifying _ in each case the subject taught or the ottice I held and giving the amount of remuneration I for each, when more duties than one are dis- charged by the samepetson . aluot'oru. return showing the " tal number u students in l'ni- varsity College at the date of the order l the number of female students at the saute date; and also the number of students attending lectures in each of the following subjects: - . Greek, Lat in, Mathematics. Physics. History. Ethnology. 1ingtish,t'reppruGtirman,itatiait," i Spanish, Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac. Logi l l' ' ental and Moral Science. Biology, Cheritis. I try. Mineralogy. and Lieologfv. ' Mr. Neredrih---Addre.w u or a return of - l l. Copies offall Ordersin Council relating to I the sale of timber limits which took place in ' October last. 1 l 2. The names of the purchasers at the said sale, the several limits bought by each pure chaser, with the area of each of them, and , the bonus per square mile agreed to be paid for each such limit. 3. The deposit paid by each purchaser, the amount since paid on each purchase. and the nature of the security, it any, given for the residue of the price. 4. The several limits which had been hid l " at the sale which took place in October. 1872, andthe price per square mile at which . they were severally bid utr at the said sale. 5. The names of all purchasers who have failed to comply with the conditions of sale. 6. The names of all purchasers who have transferred their claims to other persons, and ( names of the transferees, and dates of the ,' transfers to them respectively. 7. The several limits tif any) put up for sale and not sold, the disposition since made of them and the authority under which such disposition was made. I .8. The upset or reserved price put on each limit offered for sale. -t---ti---it- t