Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1886, p. 4

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" a," i Fs" r . l l [Changed within last sixteen yeah. An ex' l Mr.MtlAUGIlLIN said that. when the l 1 i ciiiption of 8400 at, that time Win of much Bill came before the Committee the pi'oinot- , more l?ettetit than it, is to-day. in consider. I't'ts were unable to explain fully whv the in. , ttrA this "Hitter it must be remembered that _ crease of the stock was required. but. thev . ' persons with small ineomee bore " much had now aletter from England with full ex: - tttTr,t'r share of the indirect tnxat ion of the pianmiong, t _ country than those With large inenmes FH. Order discharged. and Bill referred back to I pent-nee showed also that persons with small Private "up. Committee. l i p.e?mef TTe always taxed Pl), to th" Vet?' The following; Bills were advanced a stage ' l l highest point, lset.ause t.'ntiy 1tu'0tttes' were ' in Cointuitteo of the Whole ".-- , {Wily tvwertained, while in the came of but? Mr. MrLArTHiLiN-Wrspecting the town ' . , incomes there were much better opportuui- of Bowmanville. I . tics: for concealing the amount. lie mu not Mr. DILL--To incorporate the Nosbonsing l, ' t.lt iiivour ot personal taxation at all. rcgzird- & Xipis'sing Railway Company. , '"f the. principle. ran an unsound Pl?."' Mr. BAI,poL'It-'iio authorize the Law So. ' i, - fr. HEREIN"! opposed the Bill, at it.fa- [ cict.v of Ontario to admit Delos R. Davis as a , l , " voured bank clerk? and persons in similar ibai,i1sreJ-,a/il,a,pi:, . i , pomitiortu of lifeun air'ly. Mr. WiDDIb'IELrr---T ine i, y l, Mr. 1"'o?ih.1MrsupptTtyt1 the Bill, while King Loop Line !tailway 'ldn"pe,Tl/."at" the i g rl "Mr: thin-y said IL would operate unfairly Mr. BILL -'l'o incorporate the village of ' ! agents-t farmers; H Huntsville. l I Hon. U. MOW AT tltoy,sru.t,the, change pro- Mr. WATERS-TO incorporate the town of . _ _ pit-it'd wan greater than theCotntuittee would Parkhiil. c, =v yyyyp'y',t,lttt lioiise cutnvtion. lie "Y? in Mr. 1WERET0N--Respectin the consoli- l a . [1v/,',t,1Ji/t'f, the, L'ilt going to the Municipal dated debt of the town of '/iy)idl't '5 l e. , v tr vi , , r i , l IL'. YOUNG was in favour of the. Bill. At ADMIMM'lf-UlO-'i or 1'HE LAW. ; r pvt-went skilled workmen, titvtnen, school ' Hon. o. MOU ATinoved the first reading ' teachers, and others of that chug could no' of a Bill to provide for the better administral l: avoid the lax, while many better able to pay . Lion of the law. Curried. i ; taxes' could: , , . DIVISION COURTS. l I \lr. il. -)'l?f1ti1.'",.'i1"t1.:1, this: It: "M the Hon. C. F. FRASER moved the second E 1 "mm" l'" ',' Ill" C",',',',')",".',',"".. 1.. poor. reading oi" the Bill to amend the Division l r llon. l . F. I, ItAHrill " .iile lit liiiom of the Com," Ict '("irrieil F ll ' lilll mine: lo the l'omtuiitee WIN not Jl"'- . . , I ' _"" , , ' _ qfN t , and to an) that the exemption sliguld I'RIVA'I Fl BILLS -SEC'OND READINGS. _ 1 ll" b1000. It ""13 only fill? that thc . The following Bills were read the second T ' , Mill should sro fo second reading. ' time I-- t l Mr. iiriiForm called the attention of the Mr. 1hur,serow -l'sespeetinpr, the Thunder ' ' l House toihe for: that the Dominion Fran- I Bit) Colonization Railway Company. ' chise Act had been objected to becauw it I Mr. r'vll--Res, ii-cting the Irondale, Ban- t' i tixed the "age-earners" franchise at $500. crott. & Ottawa llaiiwuy Company. which was said who tun hrcrh. If thin Were Mr. "ad,wwow -'l'o incorporate the Riele ' l so. then the» worLUtgttten could not be inju- mood llill Junction Railway Company. riously iv:'lru.turl "V the income tak. llr. Few?» 1'vrespeelingacertaittagtvernettt ' l Mr. )llilililt'li objected to the Bill going iii-[Ween the City of lhuutford and the Grand , , to ('omniitieia Trunk Railway Company. i Mr. rtNttlul'T "it" in fitvnlll'iil' the Bill. Mr. Carnegie-To incorporate the Nieoll's F g,oitiuio i he ,'w'llilt'lzliili"lllllllll Hallo knew in. Hnspitul Trust. J Ito "lass of WOW" is' ihe "uuntry "o, WN'.' Mr. Neelua-To incorporate the St. Cathar- g ' worm-or lens able to pity lil'u" than inwi- min; Club. ; ' tllel,i't",', of t.ltir-; with an income of "i400 per Jip. Carnegie-P-peering the Town of ' year. The class of people who "stutptul tow.- I'etvrborotigh. ' lion Were mm.- v.it'n lav.s:tx inc-mm". . Mr. Balfour-To incorporate the South . Mr. Wilt)" " .l\' oppouul lo the Hill. Essex Gun Club. , l Ily. i'l 1"i"/i) li'):.'"',?,.:,',',,) syy:.ic.";1/u',.,t 3:31:13 WOMAN PRANCHPirR. l II c. 't it , . . l'l' 'ttlltturth , rrt , . r Split. 5 him... ll"... '/f l?-,',?),'))'?')') ii" 1t,"sU/,),C,/ I MI. \VAllillb on 'lliOVlllg the second "than of 'i'mnziiw whori- the lttiill s"ti',','_lil IH teadiy-.t of the Bill .t.o grant _ the , l I was iji.v-toui'ui"tln'nim. All he I' mid my was I franchise to women, said he Il!: happy 1 _ IN the asses-301' taice a little mom care Lo l _ (applause ana 'aug.y.t't)-ror, thin 'sa- I 1 ' "r'oittyit4 the Irrttsoual mommy my} inpmnng of sou, that QlICll a. Bill ' could be dis;- [ the wcllhitw 1lu-.lu'rities it llMiklM'l \Vl"'ll cu-sl, by the L,v,'riiilaru7C, wi.thout.. being _ t'oui' und tire tummwl ("Hum a H". tobarriy treated Cts' a joke. The 1.y,1alifi.ea,tion.r) fixed by keeua {mum ulive. . the Bill wer:x ttlrnout identical with those wr in. i-Iiixijt'i'ixuicn. without imminent; fixed for mule volt-rs bytlw Act of ly?! sei- himself in nu :ippi'ov.il of the Bill. thought ii sion.. i'yltli.e.op.i.tiioy. had been rapidly ad- gum" Mo to H... Ill-hr:" Vulnmim...' vain-int: in this di.yeel.ion.. In 1876, the mem- Mr. M \t'!ilv'N/fl: will thu! in in till" rural Jul' for North Perth introduced .a, Hill tnu:niiirr..inis Illi'l'i' Wi'l'r' Illi'll living: Ice .._,_ giving the franchise to women. which was iiig taiuilio,. und "dttrat in; tiieiii,on llli'tnli L; deii-iiteil. In a raubseguent, session. lir. oi l,s,c, than {our liiinili'ml dollars a year. lie Clark introduced a similar Hill, which i thought that the city people with "small in Wttu) n'..',0itt 1lti'y..t.e.d. .1n. 1332. Mr. Lees g ('Uillt'x should move into the i-oiiiiirv. iuivoducrd " Hill ' going women the l Mp. A "dilly iiii1)i)~.:- l tho "ill. The class tirth'. to vote on money by-laws, i of men who v,oul,1'i,. [mounted liv ihp ex. l which one curried. This. he regurdcd t ciiiption would not be the h ll'tl working peo- ' as a .1no"t important f'o.ry"""en.. After the l I le of this (unlitry. 11.. in" no o!ruunioti, elections ol 188a. the fall municipal franehici ', l " ( however. to the. lilll going lo the Cointuittee. ""4" given to NNortli'U. . H." now asked the i o l Mr. GIBSON iiliri-nni said he would allow House to follow the principle ll the liill logo mine Co ninirti-c. and help to To tr" LbitllTIMATr'. CONCLUSION, , , vote " "m" "WT." Ccaut,rhrvt'., . _. and grunt to thi't'n the right to vote at I '-'r.' I'l: ',ll'/y..r' rlirii,l;td 1ylt this 1ltCt',ort, with eievcious l'orilie Legislative Assetnlrly. In T l '..' , '1' the 'ojowt r; ii-<iiii : - the Canadian Housrsof Commons last 39+ i 'c- if AA.-- u"-':'?, Awtwv.ltvl,swrow.naltour.rt,dlan' sion. Sir John Mavdonald had introduced a i' ', i','ir1'r,')",'pfrl'.ih",'c:/,t, ""/1,.'.,'tl'l,,i/y,'.l"'iriry/':'i: Franchise inn. which gave the franchise to l +1:th brags: /U.i,l't"l, /ii',ie/.'/"l/c',u",/','i'jrr."'/'. y"1.!'uen, ani). cxptuassu'd {lllllm'ltl i"' personally I, Hull illni' I ll. (Zillii a. infill. mi. Hn Ctl'. Harcourt. lil favour ol female suffruge. 1'hat, clause ot 1 le. lltti'th. the. "il\'-lw., M 'llil}l'i" .iliirn. Mu. the Bill, however, was dropped. The , ',r.u;clcin. iii-Vi trori. \i..tv..,-. Morin. Mowat, sutl'tv,,rr hud been granted to Women - , ' Mrrvr,ur, tt't 'o'iiioi'. "unit: '. Phclp-. llucs illiiroiii. in the Territory of Wyoruinp: and i "'tc."/."h0ri',' :", nil. ', N Lott-1.5. "lu, F, ul illvthe Washiu.ser,tou 'llttitory, i'nited States. l ' v,ii,i.'J,',r,. (if/it.,, 'pii'clC,.l//."vl'/,)'1'/i',,1 i';|';,.,'.'\:l IThe mutter had been agitated in England l ' 1'iviAluo, "mm" Mm..." pp". F'tvrrrlt, "mild. l shire the liitteri-iiil ot the. 18th century, and I that}; thump-ll, llml'm. Kent». Kerr. Lem. i.yon, some of the greatest men m that country had . '; f'::,";".")?.',:,'.?,.,,?";,",,',',"'.,: fill lilo} '1"/',5.,rr",yUolyi": given the subject -5.:i'eut "ind" Mails-titres l I "li. . t't'rrcK '. "ls'it it. A "ith, - ""5"" " "W". rantin '" sutl'ru re. to women int wen t e eat- l ye,?,',','):?,',) 371'?!" 'str/i,",'.' (iyl',,illyivi/..'rr',p. '//ifl1l '/'iiea'lfjh".C, but the opinion "KR grow- 'a . '/r17'/"g." ' . lilt H. " I 'r. , ' A " ' int: in favour of thr-1 i-liuiit':rl. and he) believed , .. . . . . . __ that gt minority oft ll' iiieiiiiem 01 the on": "phi. 30:1:'il'ftlnga tie tho \pvukvl " 'AN re. of 1tllly/',', Wt't'e now pledged to vote '0: q "4 p. y, : ': '.. [emaili- Milli-ii re. its advocates in Fmglant Mr. 'u'riA'i.r.:!t -ht order iiigne an oppor had mum," FIN?" so far successful as to l mm." to consider the "ill I will Tote for the sci-uri- the franchise for women in municipal l 1"'/lir, /i,lt//,,h,",'p,; ":1 jiy/,9/,'.iy,.i, d l elect ions, and in vleetions for school [I'llhiiu'rzi l , ' y 's.. "? I','. " ' 5 1 l, And the tlace where women suffrage ha 3 lt. being six oeloi-k the Hpeaket left the been /yi,r","vrsi'l,' the Isle of Man, (laughter). 1 _ chair. AFTER. RECESS. and there the ierleyu,'? of the new pUliLlCliLl ' " v . . ' . , I element was most: happy. lie took t ie _ Mr. (-lBHD, (),iriiiily) timed that the brozul groiindthat women should have the ' . order ht Home iii l .out'ytt.!"1'.ou, Bill f',"W,t't.'l fvanchNe because they had a, right to it. inc; link" 5948034 MW?" Drain Lands t o. ho Women were just as much interested 391110" . [ l ui.,rhavsr,ty.1 1""! tlu. Iu)l pcierivd bait to the in having Wood laws carried into effect. They 1 l Private HilN l 'l'."'"" tA". were liable to everv law, they were subject l . w' Mr. MEltlu'uI i ll said he 'tnyr1tond that to New tax-but {llt'yllild no share. in saying l ' the Committee had rvfuued to lix the capital how the tax should be imposed, except so far [ ' stock of the conipiiiiv at the "WOW" desiivd av, the municipal franchise gem them that l by the protuolt'r?'. It s"'yrued to him that, this Win. It was absurd that a male servant, l Jac,c. muttel'ul the llltcl'llill mnniieement wC,ifliiiidiGveGvote,while the woman who I oi the conipanv. _ i, IL» F,

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