*# Fifth Parliament ------ Third Bession. (By Our Own Reporters.) Tnursnay, Feb. 25. The Speaker took the chair at 3 p.m. Mr. BAXTER presonted the first report of the Committee on Printing. Mr., MEREDITH asked why the report on the ventilation of schools had not been printed, Hon. G. W. ROSS said that a worlk on the yentilation and architecture of schools was being prepared and would be distributed throughout the Province. 'This would give ; Aas much information as the report, and in a | more popular form, | FIRST READINGS. ; Mr. I\Iurray»-Respccting the driving of sawlogs and other timber over lakes, rivers, and streams, Mr. Murray--To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Caldwell--For the protection of game and fur bearing animals. AMx'. Ferris--To amend the Division Courts ct. Mr. Ferris=----To amend the Registry Act. Mr, Clancy--To amend the Municipal Act. THE LICENSE LAwWs. Hon. A. S. HARDY, moving the second reading of the Biil to amend the Liquor License Act, said :--We have for the past few years had so much legislation on the license question, that perhaps very little remains to be done. Many suggestions have been re-- ceived by the Government through letters, addresses, and deputations. Some of these sug-- gestions it has been found possible to adopt ; others while good in themselves, appear better adapted to localities in which a pro-- hibitory law is in force, than to one in which | licenses are recognized, and recognized as n j source of revenue. It may be stated in the ; tirst place that the clauses of this Bill do not affect those Counties in which the Scott Act is in force. The law provides that our license laws are suspended in such Counties during the period that the Scott Act is in force,. | Many complaints have been made that the Crooiis Act ) was xor vicorousLy ®ExrorcrEp, | and there are, or have been reasons which have tended to relax the stringency with which these laws should be enf:,)r(-e({. One notable reason was the confusion created by a conflict of jurisdiction between the Domin-- ion and Provincial Legislatures, I think I am not going beyoud the mark in saying that much of the. laxity which has existc({bdur- ing the past two years, was dus to the pas-- sage of the McCarthy Act. --It was assert-- ed that the licenses issued by this Province were not good or valid, that the only valid law was that administered by the depart-- ment at Ottawa. _ With such assertions made by the highest authnorities, s vx:ith diferent legislatures asserting conflicting claims, it was not to be wondered at that peo(flo be-- ame greatly confused and perplexe l as to what the law really was ; and this confusion was taken advantage of by those who de-- vired that no law should be 'enforced again. it was perhaps assumed by some Provincial License Boards that if they refused licenses to certain applicants those ap')l.icants had only to appeal to another Board in order to et the license ; and perhaps some Dominion %oards were influenced by a similar t'ee!!ng about the Provincial Boards. 'The confusion and uncertainty extended even to the minds of the ofticers and the courts who were to ad-- minister the law. Happily that state of af-- fairs has passed away, and the department over whicV\ I have the honour to preside has been endeavouring, since the decision was made knewn, to "tighten up" and to call upon the officers of the law to renewed ac-- tivity, and as far as possible to carry out the somewhat stringent provisions of the Crooks Act, notably against illicit selling by un-- licensed persons, and against selling on Sun-- day. I believe that public opinion, both in Scott Act counties and _ else' where, wiil go the full length -- of upholding the Government in secing that nothing in resson shall be left undone to ; prevent sales by unlicensed dea!m's,umi'sales | on Sunday, therefore the measure which I am introducing will aim at those two points. Mr. MEREDITH--Including Scott Act counties ? Hon. A. S. HARDY--No : the law does not pretend to aim at Scott Act counties, for the reason that the courts have held that we have no power to legislate in respect to 'icenses or the enforcement of the liquor law where the Scott Act is in force; that virtu-- | ally the Crooks Act is suspended where and | while the Scott Act is in force. 1 A MEMBER----But it is in our power to|