Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1886, p. 3

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E s ~A C F ue Mee 7/ R wer s e E3 be afforded. Each County will have the observed the great success of Germ s ' f A s it : an farm-- privilege of making a nomination, and it all l ing, and he thought it was largely due tc;l lLi'lrxle E+ avail themselves, and if we have the same agricultural education which Germany offer-- E number of ordinary students, it will only eg. In Germany to--day there were 150 school § | make a difference of forty students. As it is of agriculture; 'Austriahad 70 of such échoofi: & ; . now, we provide that students who have ex-- with 2,200 students, and 174 agricultur'i { C " perience on a farm, and belong to the Pro-- evening schools, with an attendance of 5,5 0 3 $ e 4 + e of 5,500 f , yince, are admitted for $20, and those who France had 43, attended by 3,044 students. | ' | have no farming experience, $30 ; in the case He had heard no grumbling about the farm 4 § of those coming from outside the Province, among his own constituents, except f _ § those with farm experience will pay $50, and 1 p d inst and Parmand | 1 § 1 05' | ¥ menx who were politicians first and farmers those without, $100. Thus we have, as far afterwards. Two years ago the memb | x a * M er for as possible, endeavoured to make it a condi-- r Dundas (Mr. Broder) had spoken in t} : tion that students should have practical highest terms of praise of the institutio e .3 k farming experience before attendinfi there. Mr ML'L\UG!ELI\' reminded the l,l . 18 3 Reference has been made, and objection | bers of the Opposition that they had !le"fi E § taken to the non--party complexion we wish i uinct HI o i y, had: vots ~ Ap | 3 against the appointment of the Agricultural § | the Board to assume. _ It has been Eresumed Commission, whose reports had prov a o + ): ; ssion, f ed so f that we shall gradually compose the Board great a boon to the farmers. P . 4 , wholly of our political friends. 'The spealfr..r The Biil was read a second time. | i repudiated the idea, and referred to the parti-- A resolution fixing the fees of the members | | san character of the appointments of the of the Advisory Board at $4 a day was l eda DominionGovernment under the License Act. in C Mrimki ho Y passed 1 h in Committee of the Whole, | He was extremely sorry that the suggestion C | F had been made that the student who recaiv-- AUDIT OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. I ed the nomination would be looked on to that . _ Hon,. A, M. ROSS moved the seconc. read-- -- f extent as a pauper, HMe did not think that ing of the Bill to provide for the independent anything of that kind might be expected to audit of the Public Accounts. The present f result. . This was the course followed in . auditor was an officer under the consrol of | some of the United States colleges, where in the Government: 'The proposal was to make some cases each county is entitled to send him an independent officer of the House. The one student free-- The abpjection was also Bill was framed on the basic of the Domin-- . urged that there-- would "be «a great deal of ion law, but there were differences arising F wire--pulling to obtain the nomination. Both from different modes of keeping the Public o of these latter could not be correct. Persons Accounts, the principle of the independent would not be very cager to get a nomination ; audit being preserved. There were certain if it would make them appu?e:'. P,h('" there | restrictions under which the auditor must 4 were objéctions to the 'saiaries 'lplld by the | act. -- He had the power to say that no money E. Government to the professors, | This Govern-- | should be paid without the Legislative au-- : ment paid far lower salaries than were paid | thority. Me was to keep an appropriation in the United States, where in similar insti-- ledger, on which he was to enter all appro-- tutions the President received $5,000 a year priations, and against each the expenditures as against $1,800, and the prifessors only which he considered to be chargeable to it ; § $1,500, $1,200, and 8,1.10(?. Ha «pncludg(l by and he was not to allow over--expenditure, | stating that thé practice in the Uaited States | except in certain exceptional cases. Bus it 1 . | with respect to the creation of the Board waq' I would never do to make the auditor so § © to appoint thein. | independent that he would have the power | _ _It being six o'clock the Speaker left the to block all business. _ It was provided that chair, in certain cases of emergency his decision cxmmemomes might be overruled by the Treasury Board, _ After recess, but in such cases the matter must be brought & f Mr. MERRICK contended that the Oppo-- before the House by an independent report _sition should be restrained from criticizing of the auditor, who must include in his re-- l the acts of the Government, because it was port the reasons given by the department and | asserted that they were opposed to the Agri-- by the Treasury Board, lf a difference cultural College. He did not think the re-- Caroso bet ween the Troasury Depariment and ; sults to the farming community were at all the andiior as to che appropriation against commensurate with the expenditure. One-- which a certain expenditure was to be placed 1 third of the students were forgigners, at the matter was to be submitted to the % least they resided outside of the fi'roviu(-a. Treasury Board, whose decision wounld over-- F He thought that Ontario farmers' sons should vide that of the anditor, But in that case P f | be admitted free and foreigners excluded. ] also he mutst report the civreumstances to the { > | _ Mr. AWREY said that from the establish--» House. _ The principle was that all unusual l ment of the Model Farmm to the prese"[ time / ('\']Dl'"(l!('l!'i.'h ('llli!"' '|11'll)l'\'. the House and be-- : ; it had received the hostile criticism of mem-- came a subject of discussion there. 'In Or-- i bers of the Opposition. 'They had made tawa -- they had lairge | spending -- depart-- i the charge that the _ institution _ _was ments, each keeping its own bank ac-- | not economically managed, but they had not count,. lt _ was _ intended _ that -- here $ | pointed to a single expenditure to which all the business should hbe transacted by the . they could object. -- While complaining of ex-- Freasury Department, and all cheques should § travagance the member for Leeds had pro-- I be issued by that Department, and not by s posed to increase the burdens by making the ; any "lh"l: ['QPH!"'H"'!H- institute free. ('\pplu"su.) Then the t'hlll'gl' I . Nr. MEREDITH ~Does that extend to the | ': was made that "foreigners" received in-- ; ' Crown Lands Department? | | struction at the College. _ Why, no higher | Hon. A. M. lNOSS--1t extends to all the | p | compliment could be paid to the institution | ' Departiments. _\ _ ,_ s | ' than the fact that foreigners chose to attend | is Mr, MEREDITIH --There will be a change : | the College. _ Nobody complained that the in the present system ?) i f | | university was not a paying institution. The a | , Mon, A, M. ROSS --Yes, No money is to | | one institution at which the attacks of the ' ','_f' spent except upon the cheque of the K | Opposition were directed was the farmers' ' [reasury Department, countersigned by the | E~ I ("olYege_ Me was in favour of the proposition | Auditor, The system would be .~ima)ler than | is | to appoint an Advisory Board. _ He did not that adopted at Ottawa, but equally striet, l t share the opinion that the young men who so far as the examination by the Auditor-- | f were selected by the County Councils to be General was concerned. It had been |. educated freely at the L'o?lege would be | reopresented _ that the Government had [ branded as paupers, been dilatory in the matier, 'FTheir ad-- i A Mr. McCOLMAN said that the farm was |\ ministration of the finances had, he be-- | : not run in a practical and economical man--| lieved, been satisfactory, but as soon | t ner. | as there was a demand for a closer serutiny | t Mr. CREIGHTON said that proper criticism of the public accounts the Government had | ; would advance the interests of tl?e farm. It |\ granted it, | ] was not expected that the college or the ex-- ; Mr, MEREDITH asked for an explanation perimental farm would pay, but the farm of clause 19, regarding payments in excess of ! proper ought m(&»ay. appropriation. k | H%en. A, M. ROSS --It's all experimental. _ _ Mon, A. M. ROSS said that this was in-- | _ Mr. CREIGHTON, continuing, said he did tended to cover a case of emergency, such as | 4 . not believe that the pupil who received free an under--estimate of the amount required to l $ tuition would be considered apauper ; but he carry on some public work, the stoppage of | was afraid that the result would be that the which woul_d 'bv against the public interest, young man whose father had the most in-- In the Dominion Government the financial | Huence in the County Council would be select-- year closed on June 30th, _ They took their . ed. He pmgog(.d that the young men should appropriation more than 12 months ahead, * | be selected by examination, -- and it was a customary thing to ask for a Mr. MEREDITH said that the Trea-- vote to complete the service for the year, but surer -- bad _ unjustly _ attributed par-- here there was no such opportunity. tisan motives to members of { _ _Mr. MEREDTITH said if the Bifi was to be the Opposition. e spoke of the records of of any ._%er\'i«'n at all the n.Ppoiutee to the place | the two parties on the question of the Model of Audttpr General should be one in whom | 8 Farm, and said that nine years ago the the public had entire contidence,: not a mere | Treasurer had voted against a proposition | clerk nor one of partisan views. He observ-- similar to that which he was now making. \ ed that a provision contained in the Domin-- | y Mr. HARCOURT agreed that it was very ion Act was omitted for chis Bil, namely, | desirable that politics should be eliminated the ome which stipulated that all the moneys | q from the discussion, but it was not right to of the Government should be deposited in ! say that the supporters of the Government | one : bank, He understood -- that _ this: | had been the greatest sinners in this respect. was the practice now, and although ' E One of the gentlemen oprogite had described l the Crown -- Lands -- Department had a the institution as a " sink hole." He had | separate account yet the money was l . f f l + f l . i

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