Third eomla ns gani uns woels j { sam . distributed on sday, an e Treasur-- Flfih Parhament er deliver his budget on Thursday next ) a STATE OF BUSINESS. SGSSIO +« Mr, MEREDITH enquired when the Bill w mm mm mmmamncmommmas ! respecting the estates of deceased (}mrsons | would be ready, and complained of delay in (By Our Own Reporte rs.) bringing down Government measures. Moxn»ay, Feb. 15. Hon. !2) M()WA'I'-----Fortun_utely my hon, The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock, to Show what it is praghenbie for" is Gevenit STANDING ORDERS. s ment to do in th?s direction,. (Laughter.) Mr. Gillies presented the eighth and ninth Hl;t\iing lml«l tha,t'ex&riemlze, I mx;.yt sla,\'i thult ' M o ay* > is t e s & little in ad--/ reports of the Committee on Standing Onder®. Yance of 'other Governments in bring! e s ging Fhe Committee recommended that the day down Bills, (Applause and laughlvr.; 1 for receiving petitions for private Bills be ex-- ilavc m'xmu[i;(lad to do that her(j{u (;n-. and M ay, 22nd. iope to be able to continue it. (Applause.) hhde f°" londl';)'v\ll wWaAYS I\éh'.'Ml'JRl{lI(IK(I-xltluir(e(l whelx'll td;ebrepurlts e ( i isons w i Hon. T. B. Pardee presented the report of 3';'3".'0""" s andprisons . wou rought the Committee on Railways. Hon,. A. 8. HARDY replied that they were FIRST READINGS. :lll rtype, :;.ml hfe"lm.d alr'ewdy brought down A war ime:-- iree or four of the reports. ' io puppiene is anthnn the Paud Title. 1982 Mr. MEREDITIE asked why only one eopy | Mr. Monk--To extend the Land Title, * f the C 1 Pri f had 'be 7. | Mr. Clancy--To amend the Act to impose a of the Central Prison report h en sup-- x on dogs for tha protection of sheep. plied to each member. B Battour--To amond the Pransuice and Hon. A. 8. HARDY said that it had been Mr. Balfour--'FTo amend the Franchise an ) o & published only as a departmental report, but Representation 1}}}._18'85. CCILS that more copies couldpbe issued if they were | coUxnTy CoUNCILS. h required for legislative purposes, _ He ha(l! Mr, DRURY asked if it is the intention of | omered an additional issue of two hundred | the Government to amend the Municipal Act | copies, but the work had been delayed owing | --so as to_ reduce the number of mon'lbers of to the first few pages having been broken up | l)ountinouncils, m'l to appoint a Comunis: wilr{mu}l{ orders, xt ice | sion to inquire into the mauter,. The House adjourned at 3:35. | Hon. ().th()\\';\'l'~lt is not the intention ad) nimgnrednrendt, ' of the Government to appoint a Commission I NOoTICES OF MOTION. | to inquire into the subject, I believe it ml The Attorney--General--Bill respecting the | generally felt to be extremely desirable that | law of conveyancing ; also Bill for further ' the number of members of County Councils improving the administration of the law. | should be diminished. My hon. friend called Mr. Pardee--Bill respecting free grants [ the attention of the House to that subject and homesteads to actual settlers on public the session before last, and a committee was lands in the district of Rainv River,. appointed for the purpose of considering the Mr. Meredith--Address for copies of all matter, coming to some agreement, and re-- correspondence and reports with reference to porting to the House. Questions were sent, the claims of James Knott, for damages for a considerable number of answers woere re-- | the flooding of his lands in the Township of | ceived, and some progress made in analyzing | Chaffey by the construction of public works | these answers, In consequence of the hon. on Fairy Lake. * gentleman not being here last session that Mr. HMess--Bill to extend the operations of' committee did not report. That committee tb : Land Titleg Act of 1885 to the county of | is really the best Commission that can be ap-- 1 "th. * | pointed. _ It is a matter on which great diver-- 'torney--General----Bill respecting return ll sity of opinion exists, and T recommend my onvictions by Stipendiary nnfi Police > hon. friend to get the committee rmp{mhm-«l gistrates. £ * in (')'rdorllmt.theymay complete their labours AAll respecting the auditing of eriminal and report.. h k Juatice accounts payable to the Province. Mr. fi?-l.\TY'RE--Por an Address to His Bill for improving the laws with respect to Honour the Licutenant--Governor, ;')m_\'mg conveyance of property A 4 that His Honour will cause to be laid before Nerrin enc her on ierateds mele neie i rentomen en this House a return, showing the original ex-- * Meesuamersiedies mas neietimacis penditure made in the purchase of the grounds and erection of the buildings know n as Government House ; all expenditure since made in repairs and maintenance, or other-- wise on account of the same, and of any esti-- mate made, or to be made before such return | is made, of the value of the said property ; ' also the extent or area of said property and of all correspondence between the Govern--| ments of Ontario and Dominion, or any mem-- | bers of the same respectively, relating to the necessity for or maintenance of Government MHouse. HMe believed that the Government had been careful in its expenditure under this head, and he was satisfled that the Lieutenant--Governors had been moderate in their demgnds, and that the expenditure had ounly been commensurate with the dignity of | the oftice in this rich _ and import-- | ant Province. Mowever, -- he _ suppos-- l ed there was _ no doubt that the | management of this part of the public ser-- | vice was, and ought to be, under | the supervision of this House, and that | the House and the country should know -- how _ much -- Government _ House had cost in the aggregate. The public were | not disposed to carp at the eth-mlituru or | I enquire too minutely into it, but they re-- a quired more information than they had at present. Hon. C. F. FRASER--There is no corres-- pondence between the Governments of On-- tario and the Dominion on the subject, and I suppose the member will consent to his motion being amended so far as that is con-- cerned. Then I do not think that these grounds cost the Province anything. At all | events there has been no expenditure in the { * way of purchase--money since Confederation, so that that need not form any part of the + motion. Without entering on & discussion y as to (Governiment HMouse or the oflice of Lieut.--Govornor, T1 may say that I am flatlfi' (mposul to the _ discontinuance of the oftice, and I am prepared to give good reasons at the proper time why it should be continued. Mr. MEREDITH said that he thought public opinion was not in favour of abolish-- ing the oftice, whatever might be said as to | the mode of appointment, _ While they were on this subject, he would like the Govern-- ment to consider the question of removing the close fence which now surrounded the Government buildings. THE BUDGET. Hon. 0. MOWAT said that probably the +#