ecause 1 offence was a political one. And that, it igsclear, is _the reason no de-- | mand has beeg made v, the Dominion Gov-- ernment, beea sa they fully x ownize the fact that the, fience was a political one, I | don't doubt that in _the North--west to--«lay _ amongst -- the Halfbreed _ popu-- lation, _ just _ as in -- Lower Canada, amoung the French Canadians, there is a ' warm and enthusiastic fcc]iufi over the mem-- ory of Riel however llliSPllidn it may be. My hon. friend, the member for Russcll (Mr. Robillard), will bear me onut in this matter that in Quebec and the North--west, no mat-- ter how much we may denounce him chere, that these _ people, in |-- their hearts and in -- their feelings, cherish his memory very warmly and will do for many a long day. And that brings me atso to the reflection that this Province, the foremost in the Dominion for wealth an 0. \ inflnuence, and which represents the largest ' Protestant population in the Domiuion, | might titly have asked cloemeney for the se ' misguided wen wiihout doing anything to | bring up harsh or unvieasant feelings. 1 uay to the mesuber for North Essex that it wonld be a far wiser thing for all concerned in the matter if he looks to the interests----the . . trne and proner interests-- --of those w ho are kin in race, bloaod, aad r ".':E('l'y with him if be had net insisted upou onng-- ing into his amondment expres ons .\'-'_hh"l were calculated to arouse harsou _ erthicism® with respect to his own peopte. | 3 he were only seeking for clemoney, and desirous of ' gaining his end in the way it wonld ie best accomplished, he would have left ont the proposition which has brought out this dis-- eussion. At all events, if this work had to be done it wouldhave been betterbad it been un deriaken by other hands. i wil not detain the House any longer, but move my amend-- ment to the amendiment. That this pragzraph of the main motion now under consideratfon and the proposed amendament thoreto express N0 opwnign W h respoct 12 the eanitso or occaston of the receni (sturbances ur 1e« bollion in the North--woes t¥ Lory, ibal auy cxprussion of epliuien there or i respect aof any of the mattors o~ proceciings subsequent thorcto, aud arising thereow. ofr connecsted or bearing upon auy eoxecutive goverun ental admin-- istration or other actions of the Federal aitihori-- i ties in the premises on the part of thi House, ; would be an unwise and . nunwars inted in-- trusion Doi the prone> domata in that bcehalf of the Dominio: Pxurliament. That this House conseqttcatly refuses io express or commit iitself to any opinion hbearing unon or \ having reference to any such matter or proceeding save to the extem aund as set forth in the said I| paragrapdh, and suid propased amendimeni when !:t.m-..\h-'- as -- hereafter proposed, and there-- | for his -- House -- resolves that the said | proposea . amevament to the siaid |:;|UL'{P'|Dh | boe amended only in this respost. namely, by ad ;d-v:-:.xnu'!'u' o the following : And this bouse now hopefully tru--ts ithat peace and tranguillity having been fully restored it may be foumt cons-- sisteni with the ppAlic Interests to extend the merciful consider#tion of the Crown to those wh# are now unmlor/oing imprisonmeni for oitences connected with or arising out of the rebellion. Mr., MEREDITH spoke strongly against the amemiment to the amendment moved by Mr. Fraser, A division was thon taken on Mr. Fraser's amendment, with the result that it was car« ried by 47 to 31. Foilowing is the list :---- ¥ris.--Messrs Awrey, Balfour. Ballantyne, BRaxter,, Blozard, Cascnuden, Chisholm, Conmee, Cook, Dill, DPowling, brury, Dryden, Forguso3, -- Ferris, -- Fraser, VFreeman, Gibson (urom, Clities, Gould, Hagar, HMarcourst, Hardy. Hart, Mawley, haidlaw, hyon, Melutyre, Mac-- Kenzie, McKim, Mciaughlin, MecMahon, Master, .\lurin.'.'.lm-..z:. Neeclon, Q'Connor, Pardes, Phelps, Rayside. Hoss dlurom}, KHoss (Middle=>s, Sl?ls. Smder, \\ aers, Youngy--47. NAYS,--Mesors. Baskerrillc, Blythe. Breretomn, ("hn.c;'. Orcighton, Devison, Ermatinger, Fell, French, Gray, HMammes:l. Hoss, Muadson, Kerns. Kerr, lees, MecCoinm:an, McGheo, Mcaay, Mere-- ('l'l'.:!.' .",'!-"r:i T;pf !): t« ilie, o Monk. Worzan, Morris, M 'ollane obillard l 'orn w 'hite \\"L'!lnu>" )'x' ;M';J ;;ll."..l' R (Cornwall), White, Mr, MOURURIS asked if the roference in the | Address to the uew Parliament Buildings conteinplated any extra vote of money mora than already voted. tion. C.2%. FRASER said that there was ' no inten# m of asking for an additions;. vote, | He would, however, make a statement about, ' the bailding in a short time, Alr. MEAHAEDITH said he should not move an amendment at the present time, but on a future occasion he would take some such means of juining issue on the timber policy of t'!:c Govermnment. The Address was then passed as amended, l and an engrossed copy was ordered to be for-- warded io the Licutenaut--Governor, sPECIAL COMMITTEE, Hon. 0. MOW A"* moved the u{)polntment of a special commi! tee to strike the standing | clg-??tlmw:":;oi?fit w"nl-"m"':' Messrs. :}wrcy, | Saxter, Creighton, Verris, Fraser, Gibson, Hardy, Monk, Meredith, Morris, Merrick, A, ' M. Ross. ~Carried. | SsUPPLY. ¢ I }!un. \ M. ROSS guave notice that on Mon-- day he would move that the House resolve itself into Committee of Supply, WAYS AND MEAXS, Hon. A. M. ROSS puve notice that on Mon-- day he would move that the House resolve itself into Committee of Ways and Means, The House adjourned at 11:30.