. l I "m-, . .. " ri' and see if the Award is binding t" But then,as . . - ' _ al F, I .. betreepthehon.osut1erpan's leaderat Ottawa I 3:1 'ltihi',',tgtd2lt2t,,'tftld, have appeared _ , 'ar,' . I ,2 and as between our loader, there are a good b h t More been fo lowed ', . y t e assertion that we were 0 d _," B _. it I manyIrnore thing than that boundary. Did contention that the Pro . . Prose to the I ', i I not Sir John acdonald tell us that no had exclusive jurisdictio "he? 'e4tislatures ' _ I court, no lawyer would confirm the Award. was tl iii; . "it I pplatise.) This, . ' . sofar .. , y, amen Iment .- Inasmuch as thr. _ I as the boundary was coneernedt l House is of opinion th t th ' n t , a think Sir John qqalitled his declaration. and late the li nor truth-ab 0 right to "E" . said no court in the world and no lawyer of longs node? the ii NLA y lleetike laws ' ' , _ " any distinction would any that the boun- iirif'i"eiiiiiiapg; of. ti. . 13A°h exclusively to "d dary, givine to Ontario all that we say, was expedient iaiiiiii te invoices. .it 13 not I l correct. That was the principal contest-We l the Dominion Li: a .8336 ot dune." under I , were fighting tor the boundary, not tor a hit House believes to i,ee'"l,1.,tfi Ite,,' "Jr-Ich- this l. l I " giftlePaBSId [that 'taa,ot:,itt"' art" 13:: ot the Dominion 'iiih'i1i'l//en'tu.'rl 'ilr1flt"111, " ', ' JI Maedonald said we had no right to. He now wanted, of course, was -- I . ' I 'elk after we hlIiIIatve gh er, b'ocnglxxry. that I TO KILL THE HILL, i, ' i we ave no rig o t to ant . n t tervrore. ' . i ' ', " I contend that as between the hon. gentle. l, i 316322.12 tl,eueil,1dwotq",tgfuttitt. ltr, whieh I ' [ I man's leader at Ottawa and our leader. the y to kill the Bill and he Mrt Md. e Wanted I , leader of this Government is entitled to liliia amendment IV I. film?- to do 1.t by" , _ , _ . credit. But my hon. friend made some refer. , true, hut he should 'dog,' dl, dglihniilt 1-5 E i" I / ence to T thv~hc should have told the countrv gilt? i, _ . TMP, LICENSE QUEerON, Lie. 1,Inue; whose opinions are read. WVcalii ' l as did also the leader of the Opposition. My M),')',," 1,e,i,'g,ientl'"s House, he and hi? fol. l pl hon. friend from Le r l, " r' _ iv . " . a v9", large portion otl . -nno\. ttt moi tng the Ad the mice of public 0 oinion B l ' dress, said that the support given be the not mislead publico in l, . [in w should: . leader of the Opposition to the Government allow himself to be L l'10-'21. 0 should. not i " ion the License Questiox w f ' . . . . . quart as proof-positive; V. i t as o a halting the Liberals in the Home ' ' . . character. It was true, he said. that the, against the Provincial t the" entirely: . leader of tho Opposition. from his place in l more instilled in thin egg? erill 'f/h yt 13110 I I ?, this House, asserted that it the tTower to deal t instilled if I l noted a insightful] It,'ld be it' _ with licenses was not given to the, Provincial hind his friends voted a an yon B" m l he '1 Imuislnturcs. it ought to be given : but that thene very resolutions 'd "y. feed'? m V I. notwithstanding this, the Condirt of the devoted to this very" ere m a paragraph leader of the Opposition and his public nitcr- .. ., ' . t ant-es with reference to this question. made ."TTy OP JURISDICTION, it a fair criticism to say that his sin-our: was And against these resolutions entlemen op- . of a halting character. The lea'ler of the posite .vo.t.e/1. . And I would be quite a." IOppositiouap unis to a motion for which I much justilPd ill quoting that, and saving l hisfriends unthliimself voted inthe sessionoi' that my. fti.-y,ds opposite voted again/it it, I 1884. But I don't think he quoted that and leaving it ill tliutIlmld form to mislead . A I motion Very fairly-he did not quote it verv l prople., t."' my ho.n. friend. the leader of the ' ! rczisonublv against this side of the House. ! OPKthh.' wasjutstitied in the course he "t'a ch'. The motion was an amendment to a set of ("U-2 I will Tyd the 1i1tj)tT,yi1s,t in the reso- T resolutions. introduced by the Provincial lotions y--" , herons the .egislaturc of this j , Setwetary, dealing with the liquor license I [rm-[nee claims and contends that the right . ' 'lt. question. And I think that this vcrv action i to legislate I" respect of the aforesaid li. "I of the leader of the Opposition. in presain': c"!"."-"", and otherwise as to the sale of ' that amendment.madeit plain that tin-sup spirituous and fermented liquors, and to ' port he gave to the Government on the regulate the sal.e thereof, and the houses in ' "came Question m" a halting SHOWN. winch the some is soldusI, by the B.N.A. Act, . viii. ' What TT'fts' his purpose I We wear standing conferrchIupon Peuvincial Itegislatures ex- l "t "n tstoutly up for the Provincial contention. I elusively. (Hear, been). Now every one 35% ff" .Mlii11u1l,fl1lii,1kriT hear. tf, tjy'se gentlemen opposite voted against ' I". on. L r. , .- Sl'IR -- hope betore I " I . , v _ I: throule to convince the House that a " lit-fir, i Mr. MERE"! Nr-Read IMI. Doesit not say ..I, . .i hear." delivered in that style is cniirclv on. l that doubts t,x,i,Ir i ' called for and unwarranted. Mte were stand- l Hun. NH" It HAym--:0yseetin.q the para- l ink up stoutlv for the Provincial contention. graph) Mine word used m Ab exelussively." - I , . ') [would like himtostate here fliotime.or the do not see how anv resolution could be il place, or the occasion when we did :inv- st Tlv-ret.' than ty.?. The paragraph whieh I thing also. We did not think nnvthin'r follows is :--" M hereas, nevertheless, should _ I- ., should bedone to make the Dominion conn- the sand Act of the Parliament of Canada _ f ' tention t"c,tllhse'niltg Ithe said claim and conten- c; _ I . tone the .cgis attire of this Provi, ' ir, III: . I Mom, RAsILY C.\Rl".ll~.l) OUT. iii-comes necessary, in order to the midi? (I); r. . I That phrase exactly conveys mvmenninc. a.reyenue, for Provincial. local,and muni- if. I We believed we had a pcrfcci' riuht to c.ipa.l.purpo'tety that a duty be imposed upon t" at make it impossible to carrv out the McCarthv the licenses, "foresaid, which tttah" be issued . 'I. Act. I do not deny it. "l suv it was our underline authority of the saithAct of the '.' I bounden dutyrrnmintaining us We did that 3 Putiianrmt, .of Canada." I do no not Fit?e - . i i our Provincial jurisdiction was exclusive, or I what dou'ot ty', "xurcssed there. Hat the Pitt'- . i should be made exelueive,--wr were bound. ' i" 3" and "has" I ot' tho "ill wctre to dis. _ i a s" farms we could constitutionally, to di, ' I I'Jili'al'JQ the taking out of license until the I. I courage the taking out of licenses under the I ' 'lncl decision of thi- highest tibunnl . : McCarthy Act. I ask anv gentleman l I would h- had. We don't .tiwavs gar Ill' I . whether that was not. a rt'asondble'course. l . and tell cvcrIrthing chat we are thinking of. , L 3 Mr. MEREDITH-'nmt was not your amw- ', t (Uear, tsud Lvaginur.) Why, it Clte hou. geutlc, _ - it? .I ed object. mm though! thut tho Provincial contention P.' . Lion. Mr. HARDY-you said that was the w" ' vir"nt "'3" '.'ct 11omruion IV W wrong. whv .ng .. object at the time. (Hear. hear.) dii h" h". cr,' 9*" l"""-3." ttnd plainlr ant .1fsi" lion. Mr. FRASER-That, then, was the {WNW-Y to i"? I' _ li'it' I' 1"". h , "'35 atlrevcin7, 1h. . l 'r'///1.'tr-2 discourfltgge the taking out of Ho. tinmI: 1.ly,' didI ilv rm "i. Ottawa to have a on". Humor. ceases. ecause. of course. it sci-re / con no with Sir John .' Wc remember ft.v1 would be a discouragement against tnkinz the i'uvmmi's of a coalition. There Wtt'4 to be I 5'" out such Ilicenne it the hotelkecp:-r {mind ( a new Government. with a certain number of I I")... _ that} It) cost the','.""",,,,','"":',.',' sum thin LiberaIs. Ot coInrqc, tii/ll a coalition. there i i . . a teen'" um er 1 e Crooks Act. must J: 31-1.": ling tone with reference to ' . ( Now the leader of the Opposition this License Uiii",rti'i'd And no mutter what I T knew that it the Bill founded on these rcso- y the coalition "as. I don't suppose they ex- i . r lutions became law- -it that splendid ma- Wetturl that We Liberals wlto went into it _ chinc.the veto power, wore not cu-rris-'d - were going than: Intenr would belvcryi Tif, (who would TO EAT THE LEEK. a con menses um er t te . c Tarth' Act , c -f w .. ir,, ' .and pair the higher fees. The i'liil'ig'),, the in: t'hi'rLII'Liyi-mll Ch" {If-hwy o'/.'.1'tipe.1, l Opposition saw his opportunity, .. I will no who month: :1 I: halibut-.21 . T/il I ' ' fess to be as good asnnvhodv so for its i'ro' irav1nir.iilui, ' :1. t gl.' "1-041." h Elk ll . vinciaNtirr,htrg are concerhcd, 1rat lwill do inv 1-lr1l'i)r0t'l,"/i1'-a, I uid ' " Tlf'J'ii'//itt e- Jid little best to depreciate this legislat ion and am- (lid 'i'o-moril'gw 'il)Y/ C' must Ro att,, ' ' prevent its being carried." And then he not xiii-9pc] These "box; 1 16 f0: '5"? won t only quotes his amendment as n positivc 'ru1"i1r1:ns,.,1'iC',r/o' Mr}: '30:!" fl', aff..,','.'.! proof that he was not giying ttrg a halting tin- 1'iill"il out" "rt [on h'lr -)L 'l1 1:0" "1-". i so port, that he and his friends Were l 'C,' t l .y, f'I . c.,'e.l1lys1sele,!1,,c see Ie.' , - I) . ' t.. " . V . ' ohn. it m- hut u csmth tho mind of nu high": Jazmin?" 2gviigii"lc'"yc,1it? : friend who negotiated the'troaties it would , , . F _ , ttot loo 's' t . .. ttt rtt* : , . ' m l on this side of the House. because Jd',',?,'. ml..- 't.tietilti,', 1, (t'ih1yt'1 be! , stJey,t', fad flttyt, , of us voted against it. Now my hon friend i A F . 1 I !utrsr L a con et'enc'e. on t say I? for East Toronto . ' to: salt win. so many words. ButI_ recol- ,', sl .. lent that it was a common thing to . , I, TALKS anon? FAIR PLAY. soy how he negotiated another coali- - j, He counsels? us like a good, old father, and l tion, how he brought contending parties F _ hopes we will be better burs. He is very Hin- to:gethet', and made quite a. chapter . a cere in his appeals to stick to the record l in the history of our country-l heard that re- _ I ' fairly and aetrurately. and to give fair plav to l tutwk on the floor of this House perhaps, half _ _,lit' our opponents. I hope the lncmiwr for East I a dozen times. And therefore I am all the I " Toronto will take his leader awav, and have. more persuaded-the more I think the moreI . I 7.1 a conference with him. W", he did about the 1"t py:yta)ercthat mv hon. friend whonego- C i, a" II License Question. and tell him how unfair it I tinted the 't.t1tisti.'es.t.tty.le up his mind thatuu- T I I was that he should have just made that one l lch these little irritating aTairs were settled I"t _ _ V I" . u , ' _