Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1885, p. 2

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,, __ _ _ a my. oped. took the oath of al science to er test-emu Imlly and cheer-full Fd . gift" mambe.sr tor entwort 9' f at, of the Majesty, became a member of this Legislature. a the defence ot this Province against the 12%;: aloe Opposite. and none of his TtOtt 3 wen, lo 1 a bee and used the respect of . large hordes of intruders who then threatened our ' hanged. He was quite "tiafiod that the motion " n J ht. b}; t tl . Province Then shares with trsvasion." WM brought out I0 that there could be thoae "Ember at t 0&1! lechao ti 118 H WIS il, "tad This was earned unanimously. loud-mouthed Oil" of 10""!- The hon. member t gr: wastir for? "i ter. h l ca ture . Mr. MEREDITH then Proposed to strike out for London was very fond o tholovalty cry. but 'f' ° an a a; or, of; wd '"he "forward. the portion of the amendment proposed by Mr. 1 . had he "" touaht for bl. Uqreu or country.' wry large "Mn "It/i in: . d rs held a Mowat, and add to the amendment by Hon. G l ',', Whom had he been loyal tot To his Province? beey.atts o.'"' of " . ar" V l th V1" .and was w. Rosa the following word, c-- . No; but to the Chieftain " Ottawa. Was he ootritiott m it" Cotyt.tti.l toe many y ""3" t w d " And this House feels that this may be done one of the men who resisted the invaders in honoured tq the highest Itou.our ehror ' o e withot linonznlu; the conduct or motives ot . , ct w an t h 0 iti upon a Colonial subject, havmg been made a those who by constitutional m one contended for 1866. He didn kno yo t e ppos on , 1 Dr . . who did but its hrdor. baroiiet of the Empire. I'here was also . _ those things which they thought best for the Mr. 'Btlhhhltc'l was ther. Rolf, who was a leading man in the Rebellion. i, co'Il'nuySPEAK , . Mr. citEiGHT0N---1 was there, After his pardon he became it member of the It: ER ruled that this amendment ', Mr O'CONNOR. -a can well understand why Legislature, was "Md. bo t.lsy ("Wells of the con not be put, " "Would strike out a portion th F inns retired: the, must h", seen the Queen, and was a confidential adViser of the of the amendment which the House had already minor; for North Grey, lie condemned the Goveruor-Guoral for several years. It trust be declared in .favou.r of. 'l9l'l't' which had caused the motion to be intros remembered nlso that all the men engaged in the A long disciisuon ensued, and at the end the duced and also w. words of the member ior rebellion became loyal, and that their descen- 1 Speaker stood by his ruling. i7C'i"YirrTr. iii". fl,'," ret,' most logs} If?" in the 2t'f"r,'; i "if; t 3:23:31" appealed to the House _ . ' . t e renrnis W 131 use men ougi o i r. lt being "I o'oloek, the Speaker left the chair. have been obtained, and it is a mere matter I The Speaker then submitted the question to _ AFTER RECESS. of conjecture to say whither the reforms the H?utset.at.ti.i his ruling was supported on the Hon. o. MOWAT resumed the debate on Mr. would have been obtained at an early day or not following diviaion c-- ' Broder's resolution. He said the question is by if the" In." had ttot taken up arms, but there Is o,,Y.tttz-a'/de.'"t,1'; 1rgf.'al':f/ig'f."t Baxter, Wiv. l no means cleer that it is proper for this Province no doubt at all that after the comes for the rebel- l R.'ie1'zhr/yd,'l,t1,i',' an" P"ht; Colok, Howling. to take action in the minor to which this regal". lion had no longer aii'existence the men loyallly iiiGia. Gillies. ?,,r.dltln'Ts,.e(oe.l',1ilteQ,f'i/',r,? tion refers, assuming that oc.iuu all-cu I be taken returned to their. allegiance to 'h.o Queen. t law, McIntyre. 31turKenzie. McKini, iiififa'dfiiii;. eimewhere. r. " quits true that hue Dominion seems t.o me certain, under these circumstances, Master, Morin. Mowut, Neelon, O'L'onnor, Pardee. i Government in; chosen to throw off thomulv" that it is extremely unwtso. uiigenorous, and Pl" y,!y1lptclt,ttytilt, "use Ultimo). Peti1Middlyex). the burden on the Province, but surely the whole politits to brine up a matter of this kind which 'IW,, Snider. " 11h ll' idiliileld, Yryyurzr37. spirit of the British North America Act is that necessarily involves a tlur. upon one side or the c221'ri," ("Exam fining iltieirJ,i"t,re1i'Jrtit'i: all matters of national concern are to be dealtl .otlysr. Tl." Queen htus foutivea the men tsrtiratte.d venison, Fell, French. Gray, iyiGiii'a,' i'lifllltll', with by the Dominion, and not by the Province.. in it, and immediately afte.r.tho rebellion prove Kearns. Kerr, MeCotman, McKay, Meredith, l ,and it there is any matter that ll of "on was mudofqr tlteiaty!liett of those who were Merrick, Monk, Morgan, sign-n. Preston, Itosa I national, and not of Provincial concerml killed in the affiir,the wid we and children pro' Cornwall), White, Wilmot, A ood-AO. ' I " is eurely a subject. such u this that the ".01."! vided for, as well as those wounded and those The debate was then resumed on the motion l tion deals with. Passing by this View of the who lost property. Those who lost pro- as st','.y'tti"/: , . . subject, however, it loom. to me tttat it u not per;y had compensation if they were on Mr.. M IthIS quite admired the wonderful l expedignt to adopt . money resolution in tho the side of the Government, but those who "W In Whlifh the amendments had been prepared House. If this resolution were to be passed it were engaged on the other side had BO as to avotd adirect issue in this House. He l would involve the payment of money, and that none of these advsntages, either as regards their gave a histort. of the homily Compact, the is what the mover ot it had in view; it is what persons or prop irty. The whole people are new events succeeding the rebellion, and concluded was contemplated by everyone who has spoken loyal, and there ought not to be a line drawn in by "wetting that the.subjeet had not Been met in favour of the resolution. In its present forut this Legislature and areeord mzvle that we should In H inure liner}! spirit. . it .Will be held to b. . plgdgo to recogniZ) recognize one class and cast a slur upon the other. b Mr. YOUNG was afraidthat the country will the services of those referred to in Holding these \'lews, I would liku to move an think the House had very little to do when they some substantial "my. Now there is another "yl amendment, but before domg that I desire to spent the whole ot one afternoon and the greater in which so. would all of us be un'nimoug inl show some of the results which would follow l Pf" of the evening over Ae', dry bones oi the agreeing to mark our recognition. Wo are up from the acceptance oi the motion. We shall (Jonathan rebellion oi1837.38. He thought that T in sympathy With the stunt which animated that know something of what " involvodin the "WW" the hon. gentleman who had last spoken I volunteers of 1837. If for historical or tamilyl if we consider what was Involved in mwardina Gd not taken a J"ery sound objection reasons there are those who do not-share thatl the heroes of 1812. The ineaswre, which is genera to the amendment in the Speaker's hands feeling, I am certainly not one of them. I, til ally taken tft' We precedent for this resolution, , when l" described it ashot a {air and square young man at that time. associated myself with was passed in 1876, or 63 or ill years after the ' motion meeting the motion on its merits. He l the militia, and gave my attention to drilling toi WM. and the nuuttrt thun hviug would be very thought that the amendment was .tht.on1r me- prepsre for any emergency, and I hiya seen nol small as Compared With the number now tion Iyfore She House which does Justice to the " reason to change in my maturity what 1' living who took part as volunteers in Br. The y1t'lio,n raised by the member for Dundu, regarded as my duty tttatt, but while that population at the time oi the war of 1812 l bevel?" tmsmbers of the House said that not a is the case I recognize also that equal seruce Was it, generally summed to be about 77.000- The "will" dollar should be expended under. the mo- rendered by those who Were not Volunteers upon l movement is now made in 1685, about 48 Years .tiy'rt . thatit " tb more expreB'slott ofopinion ' and that occasion. It is impossible to deny that it I after ths "a" we "'0 "lied to reeoguize, Midi of if that be " he could not see why the hon. Ren- q there was patriotism onthe part of the volunteers eour", a much largor number of people y"' Vim", refused Ir vote l". a motion thanking tho and those who ~ympathized with the volunteers, liviniz now who Would be entitled to receive 1e"',',P,'e.e of 1837, the Liberals of that day, and there was patriotism on .the part of thore who whatever is granted than the number 1mm: in We volunt, or! of huh . T took an opposite view of matters, and even who 1871;, when the voter ms of 1812:Weie rewards J. Mr. BRODER said he Inuit vote against took up arms on that occasion. Now thu, i, not What do we find that tho heroes of the war of the amendment of the Attorney-General be. a case in which the rebellious party 18t2 eost the 001mm}? In 1876 350.900 WIS cause it thanked both parties in the troubles was a party of miscreants. wt, all recognize "to l; in 1877,'350,000; "1 1878, 342.000 {In 1879, of 1837. Now both parties could not have the truth new that in the political contests which $36,000} in 1550. 350000; ttt 1531. $550000; m been right. What would have been the u. preceded the rebellion the 1882, 525000; and In We'd, $19,900. Irhe irreiitt suhif the rebels had succeeded in their object! REFoit3iiiltd WEB: IN THE "a," probability is. then, that it he paid a T"f?e'. _ What did Lyon Mackenzie himself "y "I . tug sum-and we con d not pay any Ittstt than 820 co . ti Ea 1 " . and the Conservatives were in the wronz. The ii "tbr-WO should have it formidable charge magma ton to. . , 1lrey P 1869, tel state oithings at that time made it difticult for upon the Province. I think this " an q!" by his "Fahd." Mr. Lindsay, initig men to be other than rebellious. We had no important consideration when we remember the Life "MN-$611.30? 1.re said: "A war" of responsible government then. The Executive many purposes to which our money could usefully careful observtttion during the last eleven year: was not in the hands of the people, and there be applied, and that it would be undesirable, ims has fully satisfied me that if the violent motfo. was no power of passing laws in the interests of politic, and unjust in view of all the proce hug manta in which f and others were engaged had the people. We had no municipal institutions, to pass tho motion in its present form. I move, proved success/u! that success would have deeply. _ and the governing parties were against them, and therefore,' iniured the people of Canada." (Applause.) [ rsioted every ,ttt,rort on the oart o! th? et.',',?,?) " That all tho words inthe motion after the ttret Pd the Government asked the House to for the establishment of those institutions. word . iinit . no omitted, nod instead thereof there thank the remoters ofa movement which it BG all admit now, there is no longer any Contra... be u "ted. This House cordially recognizes the . p, ld h. d l . . t ' l verey about it, that the people should have hnd! loyalty of the serum» or the volunteers of 183T8 '"WWW I mttt " eep y Injured the responsible government, that they should have who responded to the call then made upon them 999919 ttt Canada. lCheers.) . . , hail muniopal institutions, that they Were sn- bU,h.f,lt,,'ySi' 1'-,'ey/.?,,1,',v.'it,i, II.',?,:"",',,"',',' _,"t1r/v"itfi' Mr. BADGla'RtJW explained the position b','.'; titled to them, and that in wanting these they 'tei'.',',,',,,',',"',",,,',:?,'); in"? 'Ji'l"Q/fuersell'tl?io2'lfl, i had taken. He did not say that the volunteers wanted the birthright of every British subject. "wiod. who secured to the people of Canada the ' ot 1837 were to blame because the they 12e.r.'"r The point " difference between the two parties-- blessings of WH"' constitutional government '. and had lashed the people into a state or rebellion, those who sympathized with the one side or the this Home doettes it iuouimrtuiie to make autdoo ty"ihlioy? who took up arms against him were "thor-ua, as to the (iovernin -nt of the day and. clNa.tie.u.tiut,t, iuigltt 03mm humid aryl exnectutions jutrritied in doing so. The reason he had opposed i as to the shit and Rrievances of the day, but, which. tltitt House might "m be m a position to the motion in lib" first place Wlb9 because It vaisod those who took part in the rebellion the Govern-i mm" ANOTHER "mom", I en old question which had created a swan dad of ment thought there was no other remedy. A , , . _ " . heart-burning, and which would have been better Ilihoy WOI'O hopeiers of curing the "inting 'rvil Hon. G. W. l?()bb*" The amendment of the left t1nresurrected. . in any other "y. I think they ought not t hon. A.ttortysrNetural. is a very good one. It Mr. ERMATWGER. spoke agiunst the'mm _ have been hopeless. I think ultimately that by lays what shouldpo said concerning those who , tiou as amended, arguing that it was g1vinlr pursiiinc . constitutional agitation the objtsc stood up for the troveriimeiit of the day, and also l euutttetttutt3tt to rebellion. . would have been attained, but do trot let us for. for "PM? who believe ttet/hey were fighting for I Mr. BALFOUR explained that he iytemied get that the evils were such as would make us all I?.rovi.ttoial rights and privileges. But the resolu- voting wsth the Opposition on tlus oectM5tou, not rebels it we couid not got rid of them 1t:c.'i:d,) ti.Ht does n.ot 'PeotrttP's the cour+ of tlee wito because he condemned the men y.ito were tstruir- ' I any further, that the evils of that dayi riaiTd their lives to defend the British fuyt glintt in 1837-8 tor constitutional liberty, but on . were in greater than the evils for which atpsinttt the invaders of the country. I think, account of the gallant sei'Vices which the volun- the people of the United States rebelled. thoreiore, the mottoudoottot tro far enough. I tears of his own county rendered them in re- There is no comparison between the tspprematts the ln'm'" of the hom member ty. polling the attacks oi border ruilians. cases. The American rebellion proceeded Dundas, whomsid BO much that, oturht to be aaid Mr. WHrIE opposed the motion. . _ and was successful, but if it was juqtditble about the volunteers of 1837 8.. Bu} there I" The vote was then taken on the motion as l it is prettty hard to my that, holding the trtewtt those ,1.to.wyo not volunteers in 1N7:8. who have amended, the division boitur as follows _-- l Which they dd, tho oc.ion of those who took Wk"! their livers l" defence of British ln'hm' i 'YEAs--Metmtu. Awrer, !,3iuiyf/.e,"v/, Baxter. l arms in 1887 w" not yutitiablts. I am not pre- tions, and for the interests of the .py Bishop, Be,zyflftsgiylt,ty, _c1',:))1",yifei,'aei//'. l pared tossv wheie th line should he drorn but intuion of Canada. If I remember righG "WWW" Frtu!ete.. Freeman, y.uee. " um} tout, , v. tt . . ' 1 h t bl 1866 1 Gibson illuronl. aillies,uareouIt. Hardy. Laidhiw. upon the princ Dies recognized with regard tothe r, t 15rs was rou . m not Uc1 b . ht K ', 11elCo McLaughlin ' . he were called out then lo all obs ed A L' n "e. f tte enzr, -'.1 '." I . ' a Amer-can rebellion, it Would be very easy those W . . , Y y F Mostchllorm,MowahUW'mUI-""100-Phell'i- ' indeed to any that the rebellion her thqcnllnnd thy,ir "we" art "my s.rf PMP.tt- ism-ids. Ross (Huron). 1.Pat, (Middlesex). Sills. [w was justifiable, although I do not say i n.i..ti?nt I think,Sr., you occupied anosition in the I Snider. \Vaiers. Widditield, Youre-M. L Nam" " m TO BE RFMIMHERED affair I .htsvts.smptityysd, and I think there are I Nuys-Messrs. Balfour. lluslterville, Braden j . . some others in the House also who were present. l Carnegie, Clancy. Clarke l'l'orontol, Creighton, , that whesn the rebellion wan over Hey. Mum: I beg to move that there be added to the amend- lleiiison, Krtnatirtger. Fell, hll'enCll. - Granuln. '. vim" all 1u",',t'gg,t'gt',', fi','.,:",',',','.',,"',',','),,',") if: m, 1'iy,aeegrtu-t,r..t' i,1j,irei'itn1fe3r,e,sprir,t/,"'ilf;',l-) ') . A nicely even per one the ca erso ere " l . A c 10inan. lu' Lay, Btere ' A Ct'...'.' F ' _'?.' _ hon. . William .Lyon Mackenpe, who has been its 2Mt'Jopit'ilr'gtiT"iir'tl1.,1fr1 o1lue'ef,t,'ol'.' 'lihrtt,N1'gg,it st/ttth?""'"" 1loas tcoruwtil0, 'r, tnentionttd "bum! coneerned ttt ttus rebellion tunity to lace on record its high and grateful I is. met, oo , for whose capture a reward of k'L000 was ottesrod hppreclstiim ot the services of those other volun-

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