I -' bm V i - - , . ""arrT'r'5t?sritTt'" "'7 by _ 35,9"ny "'3,_ . . _ _ ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. "some a m .7 --.--_--- " 1'2,rigtitg, ',',tt,tlut' mm Life Amr- V _ - ty respecting the Waikerton - 'An Act respectin &thool Lands. THIRD PARLIAMENT FOURTH SESSION. . '"'Ato1rl,','gg, 0&3; Georgia Bar and w... ----""". n a ttispeedlt.yr the Whith p . ' ' ort LsmsLu-ws Assam", "iAe"t,h'lttattitN n Wrrr, "a _ ' e . Tuesday, March 11. "ut1"1'g2,t,',1','y2d 19',,t2t'"" and Bobeay geon ' r"Dec ing the township otHAr e .' The Speaker took the chair at two i "233% 2,"g,ttrQ A ' n in ttm o'clock. i attmttrtf G" Comimnr 1"!roArtho'.t""g the Gut.. RETURNS. I dhst,t,ti?Tr""t the Ontario Centre! Reli- r ' _ _ Mr. HARDY laid on the table the follow. ', atetttJoo'tttrl,'t 'h1,tt', of mm" htttdg ht tpg documents s-Return to an order of the i Methodist Cemetery. ' entotore known u ttttt ' . guise for all correspondence between the 1 oddtt. to incorporate tha Ontario Veterinary As. rovmcial Secretary and the Ottawa Gov. _ An Act to incorporate the w te 1 . ' a} nment reSpectmg legislation in coulirma- and 0oorttitut Bay Railway LIWf//"" Wellington, tron of the award of the arbitrators respect. 3%; Md', 1'T/,TI, the Power' cr the Head-in- 8,li the northerly and tttl', boundaries l An A1lh1,"x1diiitd,'"l"g'yeiPt',1,ed',,'/ _ . eturn to an order ot the curse tor all eor- °ffmmmy~ r n brltw of the Town 1t',,el"t'le between the .ao"rnPtet, and A,euAahlu'"itrrr,'ntf the'hdu'm'l Emilia" , ames Grace, formerly it license inspector An 1'Ttyi'lgrop2na'l'a' the Sn in ht South Riding of Brant, relating to "Y; A owdon Branch mm the Orking of the Temperance Act 0f1864 n ct to legalize certain b l g . . . of the can t . . . r- awe and debentures t, that riding, or him position as n license Railway 82c'2t"r'" aid or the Huron and Erie mmlsstoncr or list resignation thereof . _ tt Actforthe when: the i ' arton 8 and the Public Accounts for 1878. (Cheers), "jef1y,ti.p,at, ti M _ and manford i ' .. 1° . e tr Phone being no other business before the d/ef 'til'x'iii?ii,fe'r,l, 'Ae1'hee,i,l,rg1i11,"ai,ei ouse the Speaker left the chair, Ji(liiifiizr St. James' Church, Toronto, th%'li; ' n Act to f . ,1?fl,eof,1,tT,1,t1: the 'l/,efitda/dlehy"tetdule Acts intsonrorating At three o'clock His Honour the Lieu'. f An Act to amend the YI/J/e/lla, to th B nanMorernor, aceompaniod by Capt. H, Ti 2Wititian',',d, Port WW6" Railway 0:11:53;- ', Sing? IT,l', ()lt"rt,'i,tQ) ,COI. Alger, "Eur-(on. l g to the incorporetion of the village . t r10, an o . enison. left Govern n ct respecting tite 'debont C - C are d merit Ileneennd proceeded to the Ihuslia- "i',"M? 31%;," of Toronto. . ebtand other gen; 1'tltnft', where a guard of honor "tttt rporato tht, Poultry Association of . e ovals, under command of nAet rtspeetinit the "a" . , w M r Capt. Thomson and Lieuts. Furnival and t%'rdi"tt,e,i,t'i,, the 9 tserltetormtr. Smlth, was drawn up, A salute of thirteen An Act to amend the 10u1'fdru'/s2.1f/',y,"Aey "an. WM fired by the Toronto Field Bat. ootgdt'uu'g'/re,1, the Act rngiefiiitite'tii'hti, of _ erg, $23" 139mmm5ded by Lient. Mead jawed. er otheerg In the administration of n mmou . The allcri " het m M . the chamber were filled to 2ggiti2t,1',hf "ttl: P we Public, swarm, ttnd High , t n c t . ' zine members' seats were largely occupied of _l'laArf1//,'d'cxo',t,'gi't,.riirht of taktug the "curio y lpeciatOrs. Upon the floor of the House An Act to. authorize the issuing oft ' f ' Were Archbishop Lynch, Bishop Jamot of wing??? incertaiacaseis. mp " mil. e C r" e . ' 'lt"'?) Y. Cf. Rooney, Rev. Father Con. Boundaries Jt1"jfittig'ii,.u"'. Northerly and Westerly ah. ev. Father McCain), Rev. Father te ttt amend the Jurors' Act. ttit; I.iev. I'M. Topp, V. C. Proudfoot, an d pr, (jl//yl'sni'lf Urns Act respecting the income r. J "Si-ice Cameron Mr. J ust' 0 I sit. Cone uirersity ot Toronto Uni e " , ice I er I ge, and UpperCa d , y ' Mayor Beam B. Homer Dixon, F. 0., l,',' Q" respetTirtg 1rdttn,,r"etdoillet/'at f d 9yrtol, Dr. Kelly, H.H. Cook, ex.M.P. etc. o.e,u)hf't'e'e,iitlg,r,e,.ie Variations i'na'ldl'i, to Big Honour being seated on the iiii.'iiii' An Act 'ryt1ri",'t,1)'ti,ti/it the Clerk-Assistant or the House read 0 ' b m and Library "ma 2if, of Mammy but th ti l . . yer realestste. a lot" to deal with their ' o it on of the following Bills _ An Ame amend the A t l ' . . = tin to C An Act respecting Billings'Brid o tt d ' ~An- Act to make f 'Jil re s , . Owners. tt gamma thereof to the (Rings, 83d t'deee, '1t'ft'ci' take 'i1'tiiisllltfefrAd"io,l'b1iT"' respecting W a mpnny. L give to M , ' An Act to consolidate the debt f new ettmtrtpttly imiorted moan,"es certain powers Middiesex o the county of An Act for the prutecti s'l"'itfh",1',' e b 101) I hggnAti? tweet??? an tgl"1',tl" entered into he. "ra, to sine d th I o "um and Cherry e l l . n . . £1"ny Curran". rant ord and the Grand Trunk 'jtd"it, re. ty ti 10 aw as to the Limitation of t n ct re sting to the Toronto General B it . p c in" t IC, Registrauo E Pt An Act to legalize certain lay-laws of the 21?; ozi'lst de, kr, trf',',",'.,',?),','.", payments undo? 2:33:33. . al I ii,att'tttrt%tht,Tpd Se', tstsvttral Acts 'ii'i'Giir' An fe't"t2fl'tggig,h,.ep Indians are I'dlld'l? , a - or so sai cit . . . _61nvcstme t . ' . . 4yti to incorporate the Bgmtford Street Rail- 1"11"itit,'ti12titf, 1.eit,t 'tstd/ent/tfail',.- l tawny. An A te ailwar Act of Ont . . ' an: res cct'n th . ' ct tomend theA i tuno. l tui'r,T p I g 0 Grand iruttetion Rum" fdht t ',"iti"l, the tafttlf'Ltf Arta Attt. I . . . or . . , ' mun??? respecting the Water-Works of the city of "ttr/r, end Eitzgfi'3g'gg'g'mgiguum in the . ' . . c o m . . . ,4'hti')ii.'i1tlf,Cil. bho Yorkville Loop Line Rnil- WAC"? of the Co°u:::tain provisions "wading the Ap Act respecting the Brockviile Mutual Buildin in it "for the further mmmm of pttbli Society. g Au le',? a1 "image debentures. c money od/U,','.' Impacting certain drums on Beaver Crook Oirig. ot to eMablith an Industrial Refuge foe tg/lt/l/IL'."""" m the counties of Hastings and t'l If?!) amend the Assessment Act. "AaAguurpJ,',Clt, the Lake Season Marsh "New chili: make further provision. roq'eting _ .nmpany. AttA t L, . An Act res netin th . c tespeettityrruqn and m . . .{nxheATgwn 'c'lrfd,'ll,'h.' It public burying Found "$2,313st provide for the 1fdeltit If 'ill',',',',.',",]',,',; II e to itteorporate the City of Guelph Att Act £0 . . . 8 e t . ttdt/tlt'."";;",',";,',' the property tor the Congre- Institutions {etc 9:153?) t,R1,itttpgt, of the Religion. monte . _ any 3 Roman Catholic Church, Al- AA',', A.et "Wading the our: 'oheyirtipt"i' . a on An A ct to Ineorporatts the Town ' , n Agt to amend the Law of Dower. . An Act to ninendthe Aei2g,t,oor'ad',rltl/'lf,'u'nt: oh'.uPattfixtg,gi, the Act respecting the mix tel',',)":,',,',',',',',',,'," Street Railway Company mi All Act 1'tl2titytr2,'ttl?g'.e,y t c rerpcctin ti o . . an ttries. Indra St. Clair "Elia"; cet','l,i,'.'/rto", Comber, end To these Bills the Royal Ass d,'t,'2r,tttt' the stritioil and Huron Rail. tir,utteed br the Clerk of "we? Wale an- . . e is . P/lt/ref) amend the boundary lines of the Town ' 1',1t'"i, as iollows I-- g "We _ . n -r Majesty's n A A .t . . .".t.n" the Lieutc .. 4ieijiritc'i',l,!l(,'t,t,t,t', Hamilton and North ww- 'trt', to thege Bills. nant 1hmmtor II Act t i . . r, '. , . C°X"1R""a a is'"igrl'f,',ra'ft','. the Windsor and Essex u I "P h', IKER then said '.-- tt ct respecting certain to art i t "' ' "' Your Excellen . 1'thrl'gt,tihsed. to "Feds: I'd 1/t'dltrgntg', l We, Her Mnieat 'tt 'f.'. An Act 1ljl'i'l'il"l 't,i'/,"tT Company. i lects, the 'fdl'i'l//dliTi 1",,'e,2fytl, and faithful 'tttr- being. tr t e Victoria College n Co. f/et,t" ti? session t'lei',','ntre,f.'r 'e',d?g,'lt' of An het to give f . _ our I the does ofour lab I ' P. our Crude Oil and 1'f,'atQ1tgmpg,t" to the Petr-elm ',f.,ugfh'grl devotion art 1ljart1'1l,"d'htn'ltat,T,t,t An Aet t00mp0wer the trustee . . 'i, on and Government, and humbl tt "our. ThAomaX Keenan to sell certain 1:113: d6r a deed by 2:33;? gowns-'3 acceptance is s"litll'itl1,'fgfi"At n otre teti .' antrng ton . n Beltway Co $21233?" the Lake Simcoo Junction if money todefray the 955833??? 89:31am sums "it: Act to extend the limits of the town of Walk 'ttleigh',',','.,',,,'"',',',?,,'?),',,',,, 'ed for "a; J',ggt . . . t ms P scin . 0:313:40 provide for the division of the township fl"'ctt", 'hllar/,"y2,y I high 'tffatvuliget2,f - ' ,i s er. . errictt end . it An A l . Provmce, e are of an Guelph? "efpecimc Water-Work: for the town of To this Bill the Clerk f l T An Aet to ttmond "I. Aet into ti Alsembiy b o the Legislature ownhrrmon Sociot t t'l'lfd we the Bt. , , command of the Li . An het 2btt"i',it'ttodtlr,'cii,tt fh'"g't; Governor, did say '- iettteaant. was Railway Coin an 15 tUI orth Hut- Th I . Att het to . p F. o Lieutenant-Governor dot! Railway Com 2r,'.'P""u the ilror and Walkerton MAleatrudutifal and low Inb'ectp thank ?rtr p r. benevolence, end smut tom J t t1ecept theie T V um." ' Biilin IUr 1Liletrtru t