Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1879, p. 4

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3 .____-- / Teland than any other road that could be Ailowed to convert the ground into a publiq, _ _ bailt. He would heartily support the mo. park, no longer being.used by the township ' _ tion of his hon. friend for East Muron. p or én'ly purposo.'{ + p¢ * 545. j_s-f j Mr. WOOD sard that when these lands h | Mr. MEREDITH said that the Private s were administered by the Dominion Bills Committee hbad no right _ to . twenty per cent. was allowed for collec-- 'to pass . the Bill until reported upon * B anirel tion, but now that they had come definitely | by the estates commissioners, es . l under the aqministration of Ontario only i 'Mr. MOWAT said that the facts narrated |. -- of I!x per cent, was allowed to be charged. | in the preamble were. not disputed upon 3 * Uvery person would acknowledge that as a :s any good ground. The Bill was reason-- | matter of principle Quebec should not have l able, and the purpose to which it was@ % | * any right to lands in this Province, and he | prop'osed to put the land was eininently a s claimed that in this arbitration an injus. igood one. 'The Private Bills Committce 3 tice had been done. 'The lands were sct bad inserted a clause that if the land at : apart for school purposes by the old Pro-- any future time were sold, the township C vince of Canada as a whole, but when the should shure in the proceeds E Provinces were septrrated Quebec was al-- The Bill h il 4 Llowed aun interest in them though they were e Bill was read a socond time, in Ontario, and yet no equivalent had been SECOND READINGS. a. CR given this Frovince for the advantage which The following Bills were read a 'second f Quebec retained, time :-- : Mr. LAUDER pointed out that these To revive and amend the Act incorporat-- ~A tands, having been set apart by both parts ing the Ontario Mincral Railway Company NB Ot the old Province of Canada, each of the --Mr. Deroche. s i Provinces when separated had au equal in. C S s . terest in them, and it was a perfectly fm.l;(,:':}:g aeol:;':; theMBral{;ffi":&d 4nd« *A equitable reading of the law to allow Que. o pany--dt« 85 s | 3 d bec still to have an interest in them, befi:gfic?;"f n_.? ag:cel;nen:retziteredd lafo | . -- Mr. WOOD replied that the Crown a un halmar Commanye--MF t k Lands had been set apart by | the old Pro-- oie Tunk . Hellimeys Liote ppeg on t 965 | ' vince in the same way, and yet Quebec now | | i v f eraam s o ' held no interest in them. lle did not see } To gnc'orpora'tg the Industrial Exhibition | ' why if Ontario had an undisputed right to | Association of 'Toronto--Mr. Bell, | one, she should not have to the other, | Respecting wa.ten:-works for the town ot | , Mr. LAUDER said that the arbitrators Guelph--Mr. 'Masslc. e F 18 had acted under the statute in what they INCORPORATION OF TIVERTON, | ! did, and were not blamable f« rely in-- Ti' | W teri)retilug u": i w & or merely in f Mr, WIDDIFIELD moved the: second [ h h w reading of the Bill relating io the incorpo-- Mr. :\t(l)lo'D (:ul nolt selt mgl_ludgment ration of the town of Tiverton. : , against that of any legal gentleman, but § r £ P &7 a6 looked at it purely as a matter of n'ght. Til\\rderr.t(())lf'h l\sfv[lggxrgxli ag]t;edtl:'ohl'i:le'ebmt:n io C ' After some further discussion the motion the Ridh;gs of North and South Brucce fi:?i | N f was carvied. not been put in the North Riding, as it | \TK" LIQUOR LICENSES, Zli)?il:il:d :;atv': bcetnh; and why it had been 3] ; e Mr. TOOLEY moved for an Order of the Mr . 1 pidogs tw? o kt. ' s \ House, for a return showing total num-- i rremn SINCLAIR explained that owing to | 3 ber of tavern licenses granted to each :rre[?ulnrlt}es m_the elections in thp vxl{agc,, municipality of the West Riding of Mid-- 1t.\:us decided in the Private Bills Com-- F dlesex in the year 1878 ; also, total number imillce to .d'l"de the village in the way pro-- y shop licenses, total amount of money re-- ?osed. The gencral Act would come into T ccived from each of the said municipalities cl)xco next year, and the villago w'ould €or such licenses ; total amount received for thenceforward be altached to the North ' t fines ; total amount deposited in bank ; date Riding of the county,. 5§ | of deposit ; where and by whom deposited ; Mr. MEREDITH said that he considered p amounts and dates of payments to treasurer the division of the village an attempt to fix & of each municipality ; expenses 0t Commis. | | it for the purposes of the next election. ' p sioners' and Inuspectors' salary or fees ; | Mr. FRASER pointed out that if the 0. balance, it any, remaining to credit ot | Bill were thrown out the village would be j f %;: l'::'"c tund of the West Riding of Middle-- in the same position as it was at present. . Che * The people asked to be allowed to remain Fo The motion was carried without discus-- in that position until after the next elec-- «on . f tion, and it that privilege could not be ts Mr. BISHOP moved for an Order of the grautfq. they did not want incorporation at House, for a return of the decisions of the all. The village would at the end of the : v--~ "ourt of Appeal upon the cases submitted year be incorporated by a county by--laW, < B a~ to them under the Act of last session to ' - and they merely asked to have the incor-- j a wive finality to voters' lists,. / poration come in foree a ycar sooner. J The motion was carried , ; I:lIr. DE;'ACON saic(ll tlmt;dthol village llmdl | ¢ F i« A'/* r1ad an election, and evidently considereC t The Speaker left the chair at six o'clock, itself incorpora{ed, so that they-- were put-- After recess, + ting themselves in a: position -- other ~than hi * The Bill rospecting the Leamington that in which they would be put by the 18 Comber, and Lake St. Clair Railway Com-- Bill. t ?'flfl)'--juh Wigle-- was passed through Mr. SINCLAIR said that the County: $ sommittee . Council of Bruce had in contravention of $ (8) THE CITY OF GUELPH. the law assumed to aunex the' villago to y8) Mr. MASSIE moved the second readin the squth riding, contrary to the WisAh'es of; #008} * Sf the Bill to incorporate the City o% tne MiAGCEE: nc 8 Guelph. Carried. The Bill was read a second time. i W GUELPH BURYING--GROUX TOWNSHIP OF COLCHESTER, 4) D. 4 § Mr . MASSIE moved the second reading Ar. DEACON moved the second reading 3 ¥f & o( the Bill respecting the public burying. | of the Bill to provide for the division of | «J ground in the town of Gucliph. | the township of Colchester. : Carried. e 6 & l'il; B{EREQITH contended that as the | (G. B. & W. RALILWAY CO, ° |_ +# w ® R Estates Commissioners had reported on tt The Bill respecting th (ip} & 1 Bill upon the understanding that tl;: and Wellingtén Rafilwa: g:&lpgalf:;: E':i | :utemun(:s ttlslct. out in the preamble were passed through Committeo, $ ) | 'a ruc, an ere was a contest about th DP ig , truth of those statements, he would nslt % ,H,ORSL THIEVES, ' that the Bill be allowed to stand until the Mr. BAXTER moved the second reading ; member for North Wellington took his of the Bill to amend the Municipal Act, . We apracrnnd srnine relges oc d Mr. FRASER said that the facts of the M O Oetont lien ba pAYADIG f 3 sage were fully stated in the preamble, The 3\{';3; pounly( in: Which. the animal was T piece of ground which was the subject of Mr . ¢ M ga; ® f the Bill had been originally granted by theo cntl' MOWAT said that the law at pre-- a "anada Company to the town and township gouut m}ulo fle seward payable by the +8 f Guoiph for the purposes of a burying y in which the theft was committed, : grouud, to be jointly used by both, 'The Mr, MEREDITH thought the chan ; is township had loung ago been prohibited proposed an unjust one, 8e d ' «rom burying their dead there, and the onl The Bill was al | t nuecsétion was whethee the l,(l.wu should b{ *umvarstrn 4 M CURRTEa lowe--d-'Eg!t-qu-'-w mm cem m ues upuaienictiomnuinmmine f . ; of tl'n c Bil moved thefsecond reading :k' mscc t ) [ Cl respecting the sale of land | \AAA Ark N ko s s f s $ ky -)'('; &K}' t *kXA ¥ ¥4 C f se . MiCqQ

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