e * + C Ateee" snn erale nds ~Su¢.* pesks -f-"'~ d C o fi%g esnt 142. 4 $ ' 3 <Ay s u+ . y e e vine M j c o nn n1 3 § on en ) Loi. _ _ --** * E P _ : .stand the line of his hou. friend's argument, under the present Commissioner, these & Supposing that the partics in this House complaints would be attended to, and all j & were about equal, and the Dominion House, fi'lfhculues, so far as possible, obviated . with a view to influencing the vote ot some There was & complaint m.a,de, kowever, that member, should offer him an employment the supplies for the dxt'l'?rcnt roads were involving a considerable sum ot money. . | purchased in the city of 'Foronto, and not Did not the hon, gentleman See that this in the vicinity where the work was being p would be most improper ? done, _ Hs quoted from & letter ho had re-- | . & "+Ar, HARDY said whether correct or not, ccnfiw"e.d (tio the effect t.h:t an &\'.'tl:?ll loss vmsf 1 ' % the Government had several precedents in s 310. :l: ct.)mp.atre f:vhl * k° pugse'o & the Government of Sandfiecld Macdonald., goods in the YISIARNT OF MAE TONES 51 Mr. MEREDITH, in connection with the Mr. SCOTT thought the remarks of the J & item $4,000 towards expenses in re last speaker should receive consideration ..tl & Femperance Act of 1864, desired to call the the hands ot the Government, . The addi-- : attention of the Attorney--General to an im-- tional expense of material sent in this way f : portant fact. All municipal by--laws as to was considerable, aqd' thg system was an the number of licenses, &¢., in connection injustice to the municipalities in the neigh-- ( with the Crooks Act must be passed in the bourhood of the roads under construction, $ month of February. The voting on the re-- He believed that a great deal of the expen. f peal of the Dunkin Act in Prince Edward diture upon theseroads was made by political f would not take place until March, so that favour. He had a letter which stated that | C §f the Act were repealed the people would upon one particular road,though $1,000 had ' be loft practically without either that or | been appropriated for, it not $300. had gone | . the liconse law until next February, It ' into the road, the rest being paid in various P + t mighs be well to introduce some special other ways. , ie legislation to mect the case. w Mr. PARDEE said, concerning the pur-- m Mr. BETHUNE said there was a section chase of supplies, that gentlemen opposite : in the Act of 1874 which provided that had insisted these should be purchased by mnder special circumstances the Licenso contract--the flour and pork at least, aud Commissioner was empowered to issug that policy had been adopted and 'lcted Licenses. 'This would meet ail the circum. upon by the Department, For several years -- stances of the case put by the leader of the pasi! tendors had al ways been asked for and Opposition, the lowest accepted, and the supplies dis= u2e a Mr. MEREDITIT desired to know why i tributed to the various works going on. It yo4nd F mothing bad boon asked for this year in would be entirely impracticable to carry *h ! counection with the Boundaries arbitration, | out a policy of the kind indicated by the }q | as he understood that sotus amounts wetro | last speakers, 'There were 40 or 50 works ' still due. \| going on, and if the foreman of each were "}.;; § ! _ Mr. MOWA'T replied that the amounts | to buy his own supplies, a cry § w | due were not definite, byt in any case would would _ be raised ;nnt _they _ were ¢ be so small that a spocial appropriation had acting improperiy, and calling upon the <3 (cuary Department to give up the system, The w ' not been deemed nocessaty. prices paid would be 50 per cent. more than y 3 1telx::r' ffi"o'l"l'_dcsl'f'bd f:l'\ rxl'}:"'gg?& :f 2;: those paid at the present time, A : , «To reis burse John A. Y -- _ MREREDTT 4 * "expenses in Queen v. Curl, and Quecn v. r lgl' M:-'RL.DI,IH--.YJ?" hav?elthz:.lt l)'s:)elm' | * McRory, out of moneys recoycred under ;gati'zfiol::: in connection with ue pubie + recognizances," | d i & Mr, MOWAT stated that three mon | it ?'Ir. PARD.I"'E said they had §o adopted i 5: ; were tried in Napanee for larceny, | 1 o on each '.""m'u:.'on bgug!'xt t YobU, Ar. Shibley prosecuting. One ot the priso-- f'"f"' 'g'x_lfmuty 6f suPp xcs.d h° ':;r Ns du"' 14 ners was let out on bail, but failed to appear, ':;O:ftll?m (','vl?' couc,ci't";)e 1 d° emc'_ 1t , '? and his recognizances were forfeited and . 'l') .Ul"" 1OTs l( c.:elrs.) C on swe{)c being ; paid. As Mr. Shibley had been to actual turl Ftsgl?'&y ;V_" * "" "e&.:; t'ho det" lll:. | A expense to the amount of this item, it was | . C c(; o t'e ";"':m':;' 4 I "':"'1': o t i" P deemed on!y just to afford him a sharo Of | t04 fmen lo;xe 6 {f "}l "r 'P"" er&ul .t *; s the money suficient to reimbursge him. ::')?k :Ef'u?s,'%o "' :x'ill:.toozi'i l:n' ': al: | % Mr, DEACON desired to know, in t.'nc! through such a country as it traversed, it F case of a prisoner under bail who--leaves | would be seen that more than $300 m'ust 7 the country and forfeits his recognizances, have been put into the road. -- Letters such | us and subsequently either returns or is recov-- as this should not be too quickly accepted | ered, w'uether}hc Government ever retunds as truth, as they might be written by some | $ 'his bail, or if they ever instruct the Crown interested supply dealor, orsome man jealous &f Attorney to not prosccute ? because he had not been made foreman of | t ' Mr, MOWA'T replied that ho certainly some particular road, It would be a very | | $ r_ercr'did the second. With regard to the popular move for the Government to buy | | ' first, it would largely depeud upon the cir-- its supplies from the country dealers, but it | cumstances of the cases. He had not not being in the interests of the Province, * | known such a case to come up,. they would not do it. (Cheers.) | Mr, MERLEDITH understood that in some Mr. BOULTER asked whether the con. | cases of serious crime the Province bore a | tract for the building of the bridge across | large part uf the expense of prosecution, as | the Madawaska River had been let by | for instance the Dain and Young murder ; tender. | K. cases. HMe thought that all such expenses D id i e { * | should be paid by the xnunlcipalitiesl: of B{Eepgelsg%nfe?tuilx:tlel::%g tile)e'é):fif::z | The item was then passed. for bridges was to apply to a certain num-- | With regard to the item Colonization ber of firms who were well known as bridge § Roads, $96,300, > | ! builaers, and to ask them to tender for the Mr. PARDELE stated that the amount ask-- | | ;v ortl; War i ltlenders' mhich were. Fenelved | s | ed for last year was $85,700, or $10,800 leas | tfi 18 twu'y lt e lowest was accepted, and ; | i serefmg ' than the present estimate,. 'The iucrease | t 8 dcon ract let to the firm handing in the & > f was caused by the tact that new townships ; *udets & | were being opened and colonization roads | _ MrMEREDITH said he did notagree with | 3 had to be built, 'The amount was framed | the remarks that had fallen from some of the with regard to the demand of the settlers | members that the expenditure upon colon. [ i and to the settlement of the country. ' zation roads should be guided by the re-- } | § _ Mr. DEACON said that there was no | v;;nuu derived from the part of the country | | & item of Provincial expenditure trom which | | through which they were built, He con. T the Province at large received so ' | t{epged that that expenditure could not fi much _ proportionate benefit as . that | airly lbe classed amongst expenditures on f on . colonization roads--(hear, hear)-- | capral account, as it was largely on ac-- 3 therefore it was unfair to say that | count of 'repairs, | 'The system of conduct-- f only the districts immediately affected ing the buiiding of the roads was not, how--| reaped the bencfit. They had been of value ever, the best one. Me did not accuse the | f | not ouly to the seitlers but to the lumber-- Government of shutting out any road tor men and those entering the country. 5;:;":;::;1':?&?0!13, ba: l(x}o thought that in Gelticrars Mr. BOULTER said t ul cases the Government would | sentatives from the oldelll'o::lgllllnt';le!: :;?Krt :zlx]vour M ies Nont ts ib epanidered T object to thi s ho {!t » at the articies of supply should be pur. | xtJm ight be :o;fgfififfiufi.i t(tho' no "), yet chased as near to the sections of the coun. | P 1e money came try through which the road " f from the unsettled count i Gihle. h E s wore made as | & * was taken from the Crov';{x "l:.{x(;.ay' 'i?lfe:: postible, instead of 4n Forouto. ! [ $ 0 had been complaints mado concerning y Mr,. MILLER had formerly been of | 6 the expenditure on colonization roads opin d in Fibplies should be purchased & % in former years, but ho trusted that as his hon. frieud from London had sug-- / * ;) 168 . 194%, gested, but he had had his opinion .r N 5 ° " = U s mm (Wk us s s oc oi thics 13e ingeiiiithelitwins Abitandctioncoocr mm mnonts: oc m ® i e