Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1879, p. 3

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V¥ x P 3 \\ + 1 A:" cording to the place in which the inqu * - ® s !was held. ytee* 7/ | -- Mr. MEREDITH said he was bo:)md to | s ' #BMr, MEREDITH said that + | refer to the indemnity of members because 7' | poses of the Act each city wi(:;ldt ht:o foou.] / | of some remarks that had been made b?"the f 4 § sidered a county, f cons \hon. the Minister of Fublic Works. -- That ' > r in o hon. gentleman had used pretty strong f ' The Bill passed a second reading, terms in expressing his opinion 0f the con-- f | _ The following private Bills were ad-- duct of the Opposition in the matter, aud E * . vranced a stage:-- t had said the Government, in making tfie ] 4 Mr. Cole--Respecti 5 increase, oniy bowed to the will of the e > Mutual Building Sgcfe:;E ts l.irockvule House . ' He (Mr. Meredith) thought it ' x s / Mr. Tooley--To co 'l'dat _\ hardly fair to put upon the private members T. the count iu, us nsolidate the dobt of of the House the responsibility of an act l: es e county of Mid lesex. -- _ that had been initiated and carried through 1 O : | Mr. Williams--To incorporate the On-- by the Government,. _ He had seen & P | es tario Steam and Heating Compuny, | lltlatcment in one of the newspapers t 2s ~. Mr. Williams--'To incorporate the Pru--| that the Attorney--General, in making 4 M s . dential Life Assuran ns % the increase, had yiclded only under strong a 1c w 3 ~, tario, ce Company of On pressure. If the leader of the Government p oo s e i v6s c on s§s had done anything contrary to the interests s o"lgfih f;&n---liespeotmg the municipality of the country because of the influenceI & ; £--¢ .M * * brought to bear upon him, he thought a' y r. McCraney--To legalizo a certain by. chance should be afforded for an explana-- | ' h N law of the town of Strathroy. | tion. He himself{ believed that the increase | F $ -- Mr. Sinclair--Respecting the Walkerton | was a proper one, and he thought so still, t A \, School lands, | | and was willing, as he had always been, to : s . Mr. Monk--Respecting Billing's Bridge l take his share of the respounsibility of his Lh hk z>3 and to legalize the conveyance thereof to aciion; 4 alalod M the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company. > Mr. MOWAT had not seen the statement ; ' 4 Mr. Wilson--To empower the trustees and did not know exactly how it was cx-- | o hok under a deed of trust made between presaed. Se.veml deputations of members | x : Thomas Keenan, of the town of Lindsay, from both sides of the House had waited | n [® f f and others, to sell certain land therein upon him, and their representations had | & f f mentioned. convinced him that an increase of indem-- | LR : I m «T01 & | nity was reasonable and just, and therefore > f $ oflhlil;;tlh;:(i?o':::; To incorporats the town | he concurred in it. * 3 e > ; t £1 i Mr. FRASER said no member of the t Aemnfinentantaninet Railway Compm;y . share of the responsivility, What he had | B ~(. 3 e $ o complained ot was that those who were | [ ' f 4 Mr. Lauder--Respecting ths Lake Simcose equally to blame--it there was any blame M c 'Ef CompanyJunction Railway . _--with the Government had taken every f y w 7 | ' Mr. Brown--To incorporate the Oniaiio occasion to deny their share in the vote, wHaR / . Central Railway Company. and sought by moving a vyote of want of 4 '.-""' Mr. Scott----Respecting the township of confidence to turn the Government out o({ T 29 Harvey in the county of Peterborough. \ I:K:x;:el?:s :;:;'ryo':g out what they ha ff: % aft--kHes ictori \ ¥ E Coli!{:'ven:trgobourg pecting 'the Victoria \ Mr. MEREDITH claimed that no mem-- P o on s 1 .l % ber of the Opposition had taken the stand f ) Mr, Chisholim--Relating to the Toronto imputed to them by the Commissioner of i Hospital. Public Works. --What they had attempted 4 it Mr. Meredith--To authorize the sale of to condemn the Ministry for was that they E certain lands in the village of London East, had not reduced the salaries, even though | beretofore known as the Methodist Ceme. they well knew the public sentiment of Cl s tory. the country would pe in favour of such & laily *« Mr. Hunter--Respecting the Georgian | step. M Bay and Wellington Railway Compauy, l Mr. HARDY thought there was very f .'.i-: $ Mr. Hay--Respecting the Stratford and | little of that spirit in the speeches of the t4p"" k Huron Railway Company, | hon. gentleman on former occasions, for in ¥ ; ts > | not a single one of them had he frankly | ° [0Mi : é' it * _ RETURNS. | expressed his willingness to accept his B | ~ KE ' : share of the responsibility of the increase. -- Swak PYi¢ thy:(;]l(};:&ifi-?};;s?fi:'iied to the Ho""i i However, the hon. gentleman had heard ® ./ clagk l ep e fln | some expressions of opinion among his con-- * i + Oe '_Exl"!mr:tlurf-.l nn fl(;fotlr-tf Olf tlh'e Scttlt'_ment stituents on his return to his own riding, o /. of the uortherly and westerly boundaries, and had therefore chauged his position upon | / + Report of J. Korman, Commissioner for | this question. C §3 / the Provi:ee at the Paris Kxposition. |__Mr, MEREDITH denied that he had j:f! : (¢ ht Return respeciing the Registry Offlico of | changed trom the position he had always , . MB Welland . | occupied. ~+) C yed Return of alt----moneys received by t* | _ Mr. FERRIS wished to know if the hon | U % | Bursar of the School of Agricalture and | l member had always considered himself en-- t d ' N | Model Farm and the value of stock, crops, | titled to the extra allowance, why it was he -- |. Ne ] &c. ' boasted t}mt he had never sat with the extra 8P \ % Fourth Annual Report of the Ontario | amount in l_us pocket, but bad deposited it -' h Senool of Agriculture for 1878. | I ;4'"({ yearlmdwp pnm!s of the Treasurer of ; | | WB ; Orders in Council relating to the Ladies' ;ooge:;'e t: h(;gxléeltfl11:11hi(r\:11 :'ttemt['m:g \Ma 1 Benevolent anud 'Temperance Home at St, i Ne in ce aigd is > Thomas, * «;lxpense of every other member of the [F4 % naket o fantae Auy ouse. t W ' chi'i'rbemg six o'clock the Speaker left the Mr. MEREDITH said that this had been B s i ' < * stated to the hon. member privately, aud f t U i After recess, it would be a disgraceful thing--(order, 6 6 . _The House, on motion of Mr. Wood, went order)--for any man outside of the House | . § fi into Committee of Supply, Mr. Clarke (Wel-- to speak thus pub!lcly of what .hadv been F P lington) in the cuair. Upou the item $111,-- part of a purely private conversation. When & % is old > 250, for legislation, he had placed th}; money in the hands ot fo e l k . =4 M ; the Treasurer of London he had taken that [ + i ¥¥.% r. 8CO h a 36 : -,? amount of LII'? tSl?eua.il::t;'? s?l'::yg:lrx]x;':dt?: gntioman's s worl se e ie woith 4 q ho the statute ($1,000) had not been kept to never b'o"ment:loned in connection w1tb.xt. es instead of making it $1,500 as it was in the Mr. FERRIS stated that the conversation estimates. -- Mr. Speak'er had no dutics de-- referred to had been held in the smoking-- ! volving upon him except during the ses-- room of the House, and that two of his con-- | 3 ;k sion, when his time was not so much taken stituents and other gentlemen were prosent | | * up as those of other members. at the time, and he was sure he heard per-- | * Mr. CREIGHTON thought the office of | isctly ynell what the leader of the Opposi. | [ 1| |\ Clerk of the Crown in Chancery migth be l t.o: :M o ai : P P | either dispensed with or entrnsted to some | f t.(l:ng iscussion took place upon this j | officer already appointed, because this clerk | poan t"L"w"el': Messrs. Meredith and Fraser A had nothing to do except during a general ";'. C "J on, members, The former ' election. He considered also there were claimed that as he had suggested the reduc-- )b y too many scssional messengers employed. | tion of the indemnities to the then leader of 7|E Mr. FERRIS agroed with the last speaker \| the Opposition during the first session after -- i [ 0P | ds t or'the Clerk o'k" :he Clx'own o CB ;f)ncery ;hg mcr:a:e,ho Lheretorfi occupied a position * ifferen He would support a motion to abolish the | House, anrt;m:b:rl::{'ox?: ':om;l::ern:: ft.:l[: | 6 | office or amalgamate it with some other. ; justified in keeping the money. In answer | f s to a question as to why he had not refused s | t

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