* @ s n aee e t e n > b had not been in opcration in 1871, | erecting public buildings, etc. 'The Sand--| * . :f'wfi;? * and _ for _ which, therefore, no -- sum field Macdonald Administration had found | es es | appeared in the Public Accounts for the the surplus rapidly increasing on their | . y year, cost in 1878 $28,009, Taking the | bhands, and deemed it wise to distribute it © o l toiar of the expenditure for the mainten-- lmoné the people for the purpose of en. | a ance tor lunatics, deaf and dumb, blind, and couraging railway . enterprise, building $ other unfortunates whom he had inen-- public institutions, etc., and the present ' tioned, the increase of exponditure by the Government had jollowed the cx-- # Province between 1871 and 1878 was 5195 s | ample set them in a hearty and f 225. 'Thenthere were theother institutions, l energetio manner,. . Genticmen opposite such as the Central «Prison, for which the seemed to think the great purpose expenditure in 1878 was $36,110, the insti-- | of a Government was to gather a surplus, tution not being in operation in 18 71. . The and the Legislature which could leave the Reformatory _ at Penetangueshine in l largest hoard behind it was the best. 'This 6 poks 1871 cost $21,710, and in 1678 $27,-- was not his idea: lo thought the expendi-- ? 3 569, an increase of $5,859. In 1871 tture should be liberal wherever this could 4 4 therao _ woere 150 inmates at a : cost be done without danger of spending more -- of $158 per head ; and in 1878 there ' than the revenues wouid justify, With | f A. were maintained 200, at a cost of $147 50. | reference to the surplus, he would draw | [ C He bad thus made a comparison, and had | attention to one or two points, Exception | f shown that in every instaunce these institu= -- had been taken to the $1,500,000 set apart | tions were being maintained at a loss cost, by the former Government for aid to rail. | x: proportionately, than under the former ways being classed as a liability, It was | JB Government,. In view of the figures he surely as much a liability as the' f f voale had given--and he challonged hon. gentle-- present Government's _ railway aid -- id Y men opposite to show that in any instance money which _ was not ycet paid. | We * .~ were they at fault--he wondered how they | The amount had been set apart by statute, | :\ conlid come forward with the amend-- and when Mr, Biake came into power it | mssy meut which had -- been -- submitted. , was found that nearly the whole million # He recapituiated the totals of items and a halt had heen pledged to particular f e he had quoted, giving the grand total in. railways as surely as if set apmt by Order f creass of expendituro undor all heads as ; in Council. Exception had also been taken ' $113,335, and he was couiident there was to the placing of the premium on Dominion m ¥ not one particular in which this could be i bonds heid by the Province as part of the Q Y p 5 condemned as extravagant or corrupt, | ussets. He could bardly understand the | : x\ (Cheers.) Other items in which tho Op. | ground of this objection. To show the ab. ! /3 ' v'mg_.e,. position ¢tlaimed tho Government had | ) surdity of it, he called attention to | 1 esd ) > whown want of economy wero mere baga. [ a discrepancy which _ had occurred | l telles as compared with the amounts upon | in _ Senator _ Macpherson's _ pamphlet, ' N the classes of expenditure they had named, | and which mistake had been foliowed / f These were the items which he bad in-- by the hon. member for London, | ; cluded in their resolution for the purpose In the last tables of cash on deposit and in-- | | -- | of swelling the decrepaucy which | they vested in 1868 there was an amount of ~] | | claimed existed. 'The acduction had | $9,260 charged as an investment, whicn | s been attempted to be drawna that the ; was really the accrued interest upon bonds, ' Province was drifting rapidly toward direct | and which did not appear in the same ac-- o ;J it taxation, -- Me could not concur in the idea count in the following years, the error § € ? that such a result was at all to be appre-- ; having been discovered and corrected. M bendod in the near tuture, He was quite Mr. MEREDITH said hbe had made al. S h certain that even if the Conservative party 'lowance for this iu the figures he had P Ki Were in power to--morrow--and he believed quoted. l | P dl :4 | they were much more extravagant ; than | _ Mr. ROSS said he was Bound to accept ' s 32-- | their op.ponmts--thvy \sou.ld conduct the Ith« hon, gentleman's correction, but the i%) ; (we~ : aftairs of .""' Province so that not at loast | fuct that the figures of the hon. gentleman "y k for 20 or 30 years would there be any fear | were corvect showed that the pamphlet had | 3. fp > of direct taxation being necessary. . This | given them incorrectly, notwithstanding | < B E* | Province was in & diffcrent position from | that members of the Opposition claimed | (aiff 8 | almost any other country, 'ln other piaces | that they were correct in every dotail, 4 ' § where the revenue was dcrwcd_ from cus-- In 1869 there wero 5 per cent. bonds pur. & t h f toms utles. the accumulation of s ' chased at from 83 to 85 per cent., and in ' : h surplus was not aimed at, but wherever pos-- | 1873 the same were credited atf par, thGs , U ) fomempie eape manemie \giving Ihe Runifeld Macdontld Gorem« i y# 4 * 3 * m j j j + t w . § ever, the income was mainly of a fixed char-- | | ment the credit of the rise in value, If he yig & . acter, and there was not any likelihood of ' were ontiMed to. this credit why horfle a v3 reduction,. -- The only item which fluctuated ! | present Government for a preci¢oly similar 1| : .» t oant was that from territorial revenue, _ Of | 'increase, Hon. gentlemen opposite had SS > «id EOursC & reduction of revenue Would" be 2%. tixkan excel';f.'mu to the :luuou'nt chgrg'ed' for . || d ~a0 pected from Freo Grant Lands, because the | (,'ommon buh\_mlblqncfsh j?m_{, considered an . | 6B h é favourable position was such that nearly all | asset, the funas being eld in t'llét"by 'the. 1 0 F82 M the best lauds had boeen disposed of. 'l'hqj 'Do'unuxop '(.:0\<:.nmc.ut.. '.l ucyiwe.e trust | § Py free grant system had been adopted , fuads, true, but tbc)' might \thvpcrlcg't < / s -- after the best lands of the Province ' correctness be credited as assets, Could it & o) R x had been®gtaken up, because it was ' 104 be realized u'por'x! 7(ruuld Llu; vominion g § ww the best system vnder the cireumstances, | (1:')\:'0"1!"(:.!1!. refuso to givs us &Q bet oent. 3| f 4t There had been a considerable reduction | } ug, @ 1or it1 ¢ l io ? | also in the receipts from Woods and Forests, | Mr. LAVDEIL--You can borrow upon 1 | u§ M ¢ | principally owing to the depression which | Mr. RLOSS--Then it must be to alf intents | O ; had so long affected the lumber trado., It ; and purposes an asset, and should be <ah .};\.', $ was quite true that they had realised counted as auch . -- e concluded by saving ; s.' $730,415 upon the sale of timbor limits, he had detained the Houso much longer . 5 5| o but this did not really result in an increase than ho bad intended. These figures were M . of revenue, for it reduced the receipts cor. not very iutcresting, but this was a ques-- l § : respondingly in subsequent years, They | tion of figures, and it was necessary f"r; 3 t had incurred a very largse expenditure in -- him to enter into them to show that the | ; 4 5 the erection of public buildings, They Government's policy would show "'"""" U : l onA had made ample provision for the | ably in a fair comparison bctwccn_th;' K= | i k s agok care of lunatics, the deaf and dumb, | penditures of 1871 and those of 1878. Te | ps*l!* the blind, and also for the criminals bslieved he bad shown that the hon. meme-- | 1 "a of the Province. From the heavy expense ber for London had excluded the same class | in this direction which had been incurred ofitems in 1871 that he had included in " there was every reason to suppose that 1378--in fact, that he had actually cooked x in the near future there would be so little the figures, If hon. gentlemen on the.fl f to provide for that there would be a reduc. other side voted for the amendment they | t ction of $100,000 upon payments to be made would be endorsing figures which were ab. tA in this direction, and there was no reason solutely wrorg and voting in favour of a .( ' why, with the present revenus, there should statement that was incorrect,. (Cheers.) W | not be an annual surplus of $100,000, Mr. MORRIS said it was not his inten-- 3 An Hon, MEMBER--How about the new tion to go more largely into figures than he Parliamment buildings ? could help, It was admitted on the other : | _ _Mr. ROSS did not believe new Parlia-- side that the expenditure had mcrc'a_sed, gud | | ment buildings necessary, but if they should different excuses were offered for it, One 1 | be required they had still a large surplus, was that the Sandficld Macdonald Govern-- f | t of which could be devoted to that ment was responsible ior certain pqhgl_es.i Cler oseo. "Thus it would be soen there was Another excuse was joint responsibility | . , gg?e&r of direct taxation, 'The Govern-- of Oppositi'onh for)expe_n_ditures. A tmr;ll F1 ment had been, ho might say, lavish--they excuse was that [ Opposition "motxong ba e f had been liberal in thoir expenditure in tacking expeuditures were ©" buncomibe " j P