Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1879, p. 3

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" C e is se o e *41 mt o C y c "4. ©J4 n ies reaca dn Lk " e Mr s [ A " f w_:; ;;":, dutics n;'u(»)p': ;} i{ljni(':gm::h?o portorm all the | into the hands of cvery man in the country, .l the question arose the 'l'm oftice, but when There were ofilcers in the country th{ough : ik his feet to say what 'reaw"r got upon whom this n. zht.be done,and the difticulty l bebalf of the" Gover was to be said on might be practically overcome. -- There s the proper oflic,rb tnmcnt, and he was could be no reason why this should not be 4 this --maitet® had 1 0 do so. _ When done, even if the details could not be given forn 6t scen brought up in a --and he could not see why they could not rmer session he (Mr, Mowat) had pointed to the House before the adjour t | out the constitutional rule that ._1 nte _----bo journment. o K the Hou«e should be brought '('iO'CP('lf" :0 The amendment to the amendincnt was , House, and he recollectcdg occasi'tv)fi olt i glun ALU bad losk on the following divi{ ~ the members of the Assembly lmds 1:;:;' glon i=« #5 fested considerable indignation th. $ Yeas.--Messra, Baker, Rarr, Bell, Boulter, Broder I w ; naignation that reports Brown, Caivin, Code, Coutts, Creighton, Currie, Dea-- f ere printed and circulated before being con, Flesher, Grange, Harkin, Koan, 1 afer, Lone prescated lo them. One would imagine McDougal!, Meredith, Morrick, Monk, Morris, McoS® | ; from the epeeches of some hoo. gentlemen, tyn, OSullivan, Parkhi11, Pregion, Richardson; Rowp. 1 in that the people were not in l;osse.ssion ot" I * ied as onmiope * White, Wills --2%. : H -- any information whatever as to the rovenue 1.011".,':'1"1'{;?'5'{1\93{:51?} h&t:fifé Baw't?{-' Plehop.Chis-- U I f or whence it wios derived, what was the ex-- Crooks, Deroche, Ferris Finla . eFmg:(_)m,: fogg! . yb h8 > * ; _ * + h 1 s yson, Frasor, (Gibson, , tC ues | penditure, or in what direction it was T auten." j"*a'::'i';{f::"('m"a n}:i;r';t;-mflalie;afi, Hay, : oh. ; z";qf'.' ,j,h\e_w "'as no reason for such a Craney,g Mclaws, hl(xfich,"bi'cnqai,of' "lfi'a::i;. % ? | belief, 'There was the statement of the Master, Mowat, Pardce, iaxtor, Robinson, Ross: $ 3 * | receipts and cxpenditures which had been Sexton, Sinclair, Snetsinger, Springar, Striker, Wat. | brought before the Houso a fow days bo--. terworth, Widdifield, W!iiliams, Wilson, Woud----45, J 4 . f | fore, . It was all very--well for hon. mom-- Mr, MEREDITH said that the hohk. mem. e | bers to speak contemptuously of this state-- ber for south Perth had voted, althougl: it | | ment, but, as a mmattor of fact, it was more was understood that he had been paired I useful as a book of information to the with the hon,. member for South Essex, who p general readoer than the Public Accounts was not in his place. | would bc.l Not one man in a hundred wips Mr, BALLANTYNE said that hbe had would de hLetter informed by reading an voted on the understandiug that be had elaborately detailed statement thau with not beon paired . , | this review of the totals of expenditure. Mr. WIDDIFIELIH said that he had ap-- + |__Mr,. CREIGHTON--Don't give us any plied to his hon. friend the leader of the ' i\tn(_n'e.l'ublu- Accounts, and save the cost ol ()pp()sitinn to get him three l';;girs) one printing, ecach for the hon. members for South lich. ; 1 LG Mr. MOWAL said if the hon., gentleman frew,8tormont,and Muskoka, but he had not | } believed this to be the correct course the beep able to make such an arrangement. | P Uovernment would be glad to have him The pairmg of the hon, meinber tor South | & submit a motion to that cffect. What he Essex with the hon. member for South | -- es 7 was saying was in answor to the suggestion Perth had not been rieported to kim,. He : % that it was necessary for the people them-- would suggest that the name of t_ho lu!ter y selves to have the details of the Accounts | gentleman be struck off the division list, ' . before they would be able to judge of the | In making this arrangement he hoped that ; correctness or otherwise of the expenditure, no pairs would hereafter be made without | U Aud this statement that bad been submitted the knowledge of the party whips, as the A was not by any means without details. He | reporting of such urmp;,jcmcuts to thein | p then proceeded to quote trom the state--| | was the only way of avoiding confusion,. ; o . _ ment to show that the particular nature of | i Mr. MERRDIUH said that after the ex. j P : receipts from the Domiuion Goveromont iplanatlon of his bon, friend from Notth , C was shown, also the amounts received from | Yorls he would ask that the name of the % | & each of the public institutions, &¢., and kon. member for North Poerth be allowed | | e k. | that the expenses of the Works aund Doe-- ] to remain on the list. | | 1B 1 -- partments, particularly as regarded salaries, | _ The amendment was then cartied with-- | | uB were given in very full detail. 'Whe donon. | t 'e division, after which the original | : ks tions to Mospitals and Charitics were stated | ©sian as nmended was put and carried, . | im in a--tump sum, tut the special amount to | THE O'CARROLL CLAIMS. | ¥ € « each was fi"d. ',"" fitaf.u't«", " O hh eb n Mr, WILLS moved for a Committee to | f Mal o | knew, 'The cost of Colonization Roads was ina t Le clal 1 the heirs of t! | | ated in the same way, but tho report of | engquire mto't e c zumu.o e heirs of the Ww# w paagks*" s ® 1 | late John O'Carroll, of Belleville, for losses | oc ®f tne Commissioner of Crown Lands showed | ine irred by bim in the Rebellion of 1837--8. | 64 3 the der>is. All the information needed by ! / :;-xw.ried Y j To ' i 1 4 nuon, members was contained in the docu-- ;/ s ( F uts t thres AAnarara Atipics 4 . mentsalready before them. It seemed ratho EMPLOYMENT OF EX.CONVICTS. - i s strange to hear kon. members opposite asking | Mr. BELI, moved for "an Order of the | l ,' tor details, when their practrce was gener. House giving the details _ot thp cmp'loy- , { h 4 ally to avoid anything of that kind. 'They ment in the Central Prison of any indi. 1 4) were in the habit of bringing in statements viduals who had former}y begu incarce-- 1| "? | showing that the Government were spend-- rated therein, and gapecmlly the circum-- / 0 i ing some maillions more than their revenue, stances connected with the erxa'plo;'mcni of i i and this without giving anything more four mon, napucd rcspectlycly t,',\lh'x:gwood. / i f than the h-wt of ex;wndituro, 80 Eat. uo Morris, I"arkm'son, and W c?sh. 'Fe made 1P 1e fair comparisoun could be mads. fle had | the motion for the purpose of ascer. || 3| h€ o m betore spoken of the constitutional rule itmnmg the xm.ll?'bml' 3{1')pplrl'30n0ll§ Cm(; | BP 1§ upon this matter. A constitutional rule | ployed | as clet "'h""\""trf' ': o t ies ; <} UBH y should not be retained when its effect was Ewhether, it was. C f"'.' m omou '."':iw 6 io ol bad, but it should be retained unless it was gx--prisonare to bave N06 RCCCS <a sortlt olE h - a r 5 remises, 'The statements ombodicd : 8DbW shown to be a bad one. The amendament son p C i A lap t d" : f [ in his motion had appcared in a letter to ] 4 . ; of the hon. member for London asked for 18 L and Lad been contradicted by uo t & | the accounts to be placed before the people :'#:m'{»flfi' o?ltl s '('lur'vver.nmentv * Hs thgu"ht \| C a ) P | before the uext clection. As it was impos-- it was p"'.siblf- that tho Coverutacint mi;ht g. E1 "lmc to say when thoy could ba %'Ot ready; be misinformed es to the facts, and his > 8 | it was asking the House to bind themselyes moljon was made to obtain, in the interests d H § to iF at which might turn out to. be an fi: of tlll.o ublic, the fullest information. | If 8 ! 4 poss} ifity. | 'The ronsons for the delay the the sta& of things mentioned in his motion | Ee i 'l'rm' rezr had ful}j: and frankly exp_lnmed. existed, an expl:natiou was afforded of the A t kn view of "tiie Comsons he had given, he | fires which had occurred in the institution: + | trusted the House would reject the amend-- | t s o d had «l 4j : ment to t'xo ameuadment, | _ _Mr, WOOD said his hon. friend ha 4 | B 5t c i w | cithor drawn largely upon his imagination AP J _ Mr., MORRIS said it was desirable the | or had been intormed of something which $ \ House should have the fullest information | had never occurred. -- He thought that f when they were called upon to yote sup-- l when the returns were brought down they l f plies, He was garprised to learn it was an | would show that ex--convicts had some-- ' [¥ f | unnecessary thing to have the details. A[ ! times been tomporarily employed in the , 11 ' it were not qccgs?x-uyhy were any v..lgl.mlu Central Prison. He took the ground that 6 given in the 8 altement of receipts and they were justified in so employing them. k8 | cxpenditures? ln a mercantile house at The justice of the law was satisfied when ~ | the end of the year they not only looked theoir terms expired, and when private | t \ over the details, but l_nado also a general | establishments _ were open _ to them I th | statement ot the position to show the loss |\vas it to be said that the Cen-- | i ' or gain for the year,. When the people | tral Prison was too good a place for them ? B [ , were going to be asked to vote upon the | The hon. member tor West Toronto ought | | conduct of the Government, they should to have had some evidence before bringing i B have full details of their career, The Com-- | the charge that fires in the Central Prison 30 missioner of Public Works saw enormous , had been caused by ex--prisoners. An investi-- | 1 UV difficulties in the way of giving a statement | gation had been held after the late fire had | 18 ' |= U

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