public accounts of the previous ® Sn «9 s ho a / year should RP f 4 ' :'l:atp"l: entod. with the esiimates, in order | charge ho was imprisoncd, when discharged 3 hat when they voted the money for thig ' therefrom, and how long after his release 3 year they mignt know what had beeu dons > he was ongaged in connection with the 4 with that voted last yoar. Central Prison as Clerk, or in unfi' other ; t The House adjourned ut six o'cloc capacity ; _ what -- cinoluments e -- 1e 1P | [ ©0l0¢hs ceived, and for what reason ::lxst\':rmll;{';ed CBP J * I [ tCr ¢ r te a person namt lliam H | , NOTICES Oor MOTIONX Also, the date a p an . | | C k a!s Wolsh was imprisoned in the Contral Pri-- 3 l{ 1e l gon; stating upon what charge, whnen dis-- ; it M,r' _r:"d°'T9" lh"_"dfl! noxt--That -cha;ged, how long he was uttet'hls time ox-- ] | iulfi:img;' thai.s:' un'ge portion of the public pired omployed by the authorities of the | is bw t ts t_l'o\mce were set apart for the Prison, stating in what capacity, and when f | :: w l(:sg:m:n : '; :r;):mcl;_\l gr;:votslty and bhe was discharged from said employ, Also P } » rge fund has accumu. the names of any other ex.--prisoners em-- | : ;:tsgss:;;minu::- d:ifl':h"'; 't'lwhb l""g:n t" li)" ' ployed in connection with pthe Conteal \ P | nec s at the bencfits to be | Prison, how long, and in what c i f ; tt'ilenved h(r(;t;lh s::id fund should be within | the emolumont ér,cceivcd hxt capaolty, Snd & - | the reach of the largest possible number of | m Meing a | | the youth of the Province, that in no way f l Mr. Mervick--On Thursday noxt--Order 13 should the liboral and broud bases laid | of the House for a return showing the gross | down for the management and adminisira. L nds received from the municipalities on j |tion of said fund, and the institutlons | gecount of tavern and shop licenses; also } , aided by it, be doparted trom ; and | showing the amount paid on account °f| it is the ' opinion -- of this House, ;;x.[.)en?es of Commissioners and salaries ot i & C 1. That the University of Toronto should | License Inspectors for the year 1878. § not only be encouraged, but by statutory l sntessermr menenamomemeanreceniatuememermnt d | enactment compelled, to grant afiiliation to | PUBLLICG ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE.,. ; 6 the several Colleges throughout Ontario , To 4 which may apply for the same, 2. That | ~ Toroxto, Feb, 4, a such r'Viliated m"'"'t'ou'f should have | _ At a meeting of this Committee held this i sgcuced to :1""&; eql:'ul t;ndl "g }'eprc.senta.t | morning there were prosont Messrs, Clarke, A f "'lo" u;.yon 16 he;na c 0 txe' .ulv;:mty 0 | of Wellington (chairman), WoG@®#l, Lauder, | $JF : | Toronio, and tha ","fh measures should. be | Marcourt, Striker, Ross, Deacou, Morrick, o No | enacted by the Legislature as would secure oowi iIve "prior 6 | to the government and administration of |pWHis, Haidy, ahd--Fetulss 3 ' e i is | lt Rimadents 3 $ | the University a thoroughly Provincial i Mr.."Julm Smith, Ef.ll}gllltlflti' Agont mt . \o charactor. 8. That in the government and amilton, appeared before the Committeo . I w 'administration of the University and en-- Being sworn, he stated, in cxamination by 8 | dowment" tund" avove. 'mentioned,| the e en on on «i ; apt ; o 4 £ P3 p 2:"8': e.v e:fed t';rz?:?utogm:r:;fi:x{cu: hf(zz:g | duties being to recocive immigrants, e:m;ist. R f lal"in any restrictions whuteverfi on the A them when advisable, and procurs them 8 {)re: ugml open competition for (fegrccs work when possible, He then proceeded p y Auk A x s s * medals, scholatships, and burgaries ; and it s';.;";':; 1::;[\1:;:1&;: zt;lg::igfi:m;:'tu'b';u?flg r :.tht,'eh?x; '0"::;9 d?:t'tl;ll:x)i':g.:;?gxgzl::::Zn':: Lauder and other members of the Commit-- e ind namutster hw 1 e \ _ ! teo. 'The Dominion Government paid all s > ' are regulated and provided by and with the | the salaries and contingencies of his office, public funds ot this Province, no irregpon. | so that the Province bore only the actual | -- sible body whutu'vcr' should have power '0' * 'expenses incurred in aiding emigrants. ' ' decree that any c.u'z:s oltd tge ct_uzcnz_ of The number of immigrants who required | j | Ontario thould be excluded trom compating assistance was very small as compared with ; for the same so long "?7? lughicurrlouluxy the number who came under his f | s is maintained, """' high atiainments are care, -- HMamilton was the point from which | M | demanded from all eormpetivort . ; most of the omigrants coming through the | 10 | Mr, Meredith--On Thursday .ncxt----B-ll United States were distributed to other to amend the Municipal Act, K,8.0,, chap, places. Before giving them passes over . ;ff i 174. Also on Thursday next--Bill respeci. the (Gt, W. Eailway to other points he inva-- ; s; 3 [ ing lovestments by Exocutors and Trus | riably satisfied himscelf that the applicants J ogt n teos. ' were bona fids Canadian immigrants,though %] [ i i _ Mr, Coutts--On Thursday next----Return noue of them ever came to him bearing ; 1B & | of all correspondence between any Depart=-- l papers from agents in Europe, When . 1€) k | | ment of the Public Service and the muni. mc;:!s were :u l:u givon to a parly, *&"::9('" [ $ cipalities of Raleigh and Tilbury East, or | or his agsistant AlWays :accompaniod UIGIL E3 | ! eliher of thcul,wir.harcfcronce to the cc.nt:s of | to the place near the statlon' where moals | 1B j | the licensing system in the West Riding of | were given under contract. Forevery meal | 1W } Kont | given the proprietor of the place received a 8¥)" 7 I ¥ s d in t & rOt urfiut j *A : ' | ho n e enc hi mrbrn'y angogine | fesmed n Aig pan raphon dint ot wiie, . | Mechanics l"'{'.';""." lamt' tl hy AssOCIH ; was to be sent to the Department when ac-- | e f tions to deal with real estate, ( counts were rendered,; He (the wilness) . UR | Mr. Bell--On Friday next--.Order of the | also examinod and certified to all accounts. /. wHe % \Housa for a return showing :--1lst. 'The | They bad a regular physician employed, but i z A. : | first date ot the admission of a prisoner | when any persons arrived having chronic 150 _ l 7 named Collingwood to the Central Prison, or lingering discase they were sent to the | 100 % P the date of his first discharge thorefrom, Hospital. For many of thoss arriving he | 1 | s J I | | and the length ot time employed at Central himself looked up employment in Hamil-- -- id ; | Prisonaiterfirst incarceration, stating emolu. ton, and during the year 1877 he had i oL E | meat received therefor, and what money re. located between 2,000 and 3,000 in this way. WMs | ceived from Government after said first The msyority of the immigrants brought t " | incarceration, and why he received it, 2nd. capital with them and required no assist-- _ + 1n ) . q. + F | 'The date of admission to Provincial Peni. ance. (Generally they applied to him for $ / tentiary, and what was the nature of the information as to the purchaso of farms or AH c | crime for which ho was sent there, 3rd. the best way of investing money. -- i' t | The date of Uqlliugfn'ood'l incarceration in The Commutteo adjourned shortly after & | | the Central Prison for a second term, aud one o'cluck until to--morrow, ' PR j | upon what charge; the leagth of time he o raminimemnrmemmermmimaens \BL: served, and when said term expired ; how seremment t3 % long he was employed after the said expira. § | | tion by the (Government, and what ho was | 3 ' employed at; what remuneration ho receiv. | ; ed ; the cost of any railway paes to Hamil. | 1OX | ton which he received ; the expense of his i board, charged to the (tovernment during 3 | time 'he was working at Prison after bis | * , t | discharg®. : | ! _ Also the date when a prisoner named ' | John James Morris was incarcerated in the 1B l Gentral Prison ; upon what charge;, for B what time; when bis terimn of imprison« § x - | mient expired ; how long ho was afterwards J | nvu)l(')'\"l by the Government ; what was | | :ue nature*of such employment, and when B 1 | d icharged from employment ; what emolu. | 1;:'11& ho reccived, and for what time ho had -- TEHR d A'(redo access to the Central Pritson premisos * ; ? | 'during Ms employment, | NB & . |"~ Also the date when a prisoner named 4 h '/-',, I Robert Parkinson or l'.n'lf';ou was 1ncarcé-- ' A , i s l.-;;od in the Goutial Rason, upon what § [