f ,;,:., & Auoisley bad bought land and built a staw hagd caused so much trouble and dissatis-- §e -- & § xmill in the Township of Lutterworth, at wogi L.i Act. Some of the 3 3 great cxpense to himself; and in viol ho o renifterpuers' had 'Dce + ced whil 3 e of their contract the Gov n violation commissioners had been appointed while a overnment had sub-- they held municipal oftices. He complained 4 sequently allowea lumbermen to go in on also of the expense of the system, and hoped f his land and cull the timber trom it, and in the Government would say that reeves or l f consequence his mill was now standing idle councillor3 should not in future bo ap-- aud he was almost ruumed. i S ,-L poiuted . Mr. PARDEE stated that there could be C Mr. CROOKS said a private letter had mo objection to bringing down the papers been written by him to Mr. Cook in con. | , in this case, but they had been brought nection with his coming forward as reove | down aboqt. two or three years ago, and if for the township of West Oxtord. Mr. | :\ his hon, triend would read them he would Cook's letter to him was quite private and find that Mr. Quigley had not only been personal, and hisg reply to Mr, Cook was of ; ;rleal:od h:rly but tiluu hlg h;d been treated the same character, | s with great geunerosity, He had bought the $ corrDrr 1 i+ 1 i land for the purpouyof supplying thge local y 15"' i ie esd AOE o aite 1600 deranand for timber, but, in violation of his Mr, CROOKS said he knew the objections To contract, he had sold timber in Toronto, to | urged in the House against any munioipai § tho Victoria Railway, and to other parties | oflicial having anything to do with our 1i. , outside his own locality, and had thus com. cense system, Although there wore objec. , f pletely stripped the land of pine in a very l tions, thero were certain cases in which ( > whort time, 'The papers would, howeyer, | oxcep'uonc had necessarfly to bo made.. N Do brought dowan,. l Mr, Cook was aware that it was not advis-- | . o , able tor him to hold the two positions ; | P . The motion was carrled, > he had no desire to hold both; but it was | ' + MUXNXNICIPAL OFFICERS AND LICENXSR | difficult to iind oue who could take his i . f INSPECTORS. | place as reeve of the township, He (Mr. 1 g | | Crooks) had not changed his view as to the 4 Mr. MEREDITH moved for an ordoer of | general mode of granting licenses. . It was 4 €he House for copies of all correspondence | with greit reluctancée that ho had come to f between any member of the Government l the conclugion that municipal councils 1 8 and Mr, Gordon Cook, or any other person, could not be:any longer entrusted with the & * with referonce to the propricty of Mr. Cook issuing of licenses; but he thought experi-- €! 3 pbeing nominated or elected Reevo of the ! ence had shown that there was a necessity j j township of West Oxford while holding the for the change, and that the result had been §3 wBicoe of Liccuse Iuspector for the South | most beneficial to the wholo commu-- ' : P Riding of the county of Oxford. He | nity,3} Toronto, which had a few years ago | < 4 quotled the speech of the Minister of Edu. | been almost givea over to fintemperance, n cation in support of tho law taking the | had become comparatively tomperate. Both «l licensing power away from municipal cor= | the advocates of total prohibition and those -- e porations. -- Me ciaimed also that the leader } who did not go so far had admitted the + f | of the (Government had on more than ono ' | good that this law had done, As to the --"< We | occasion slated that it wasfngainst the t | question of expense, it was woll known t!mt 3x : | policy of the Government that any person | | it was impossible to enforce laws. rostricting ' ho'ding a municipal position should at the -- | the sale of liquor without considerable ex-- &_. | same time bo a licease ingpector, He had | pense. -- He had not changed his opinion as | 8 | understood from a member of thg Houss ' to the advantage of this law, and he thought | C' that the gentleman named in the resolu-- the move it was suvjected to experience &NG ' tion, Mr., Gordon Gook, while holding the | \ criticism, the ulcarcr_would its beneiits be | k position of License Inspector dosired 40 | | shown. 3 * t ! run for the position of Reeve of the town-- |\ _ Mr. MERRICK thought the House would 6 E $ | ship of West Oxford, and had natarally folt % | be surprised at the admission made by the € | a delicacy in pursuing this course, He had & Minister ol Education that he had written 14 . $ therefore written to the Minister of Educa-- the letter referred to, The hon, gentloman 4 1 # tion asking if ho was cligible as a candidate had not chosen to state the exceptional ts f tor the Reeveship, ind had received a letler | cireumstances which justified this letter, * g in return stating that ho might with pro-- \ He thougbht the Government should dis. B priety stand and wishing him all success, tinctly announce, as had been done by the ) In Peterborough, London, and many other | Treasurer on introducing the License Act, e > places license inspectors were also mem-- | and by the Premier himself, that Comumis-- \(1e, bers of the municipal corporations, thers= | sioners, and lnspectors should be an en. Y fore he claimed that the Governmeont, in ltirely separate body from the municipal U : [ making the law in question, had dono s0 corporations. One of the very objections ~hud f -- simply for the purpose of helping their the Government had made to the old license MA h. f own friends, while preventing ggntlem'm system was that the municipal councils ap. d / \ who differed from them from holding these pointed the officers under the law, Now ~A s 6 positions, Ifthere was any explanation of & the Government should have some definite hoi ) the conduct of the Government, he would policy on the matter, s0 that the country ty } ¢ be glad to hear it, might understand the position they held. " £ \ _ Mr. HARDY said that Mr, Cook had not Mr. MILLEN mentioned the case of an § /. M f been reappointed inspector,. . He was in-- Inspector for South Leeds resigning the | + f f spector last year, but he was not aware that position of councilior, because he was told i . a he was Reeve at that time,. Mr. Cook,' A by the Government that he could not oc-- ?; however, would not be reappointed 60 long | cupy the two positions at once. a } : f as he necupled (ts . Fvvag: mll.cicm't'l}rlm Mr. MOWAT said the Government had T6 4 regard to correapon_ulencc, ue BA dno m (i,een_l repeatedly expressed their policy on this ) :|| ; aware of auny official correspon (clnw Mr. | question, and, as the Minister of Education P d [+ tween . the .. Dopartfuciif .. «B € nad said, they had seen no reason to change | #| \ f Cook. He did _ not _ know _ where | their polioy, | It was gul A he V C policy . 1t was quite clear that there l his hon. friend had obtained the gcrap of | x Tew persons ng the vast ' [ t ic had read, or whether he bad | ere very few persons among the vasi num-- | s letier which he h P ntlc source .. 11 ber of Commissioners appointed who were P & obtained it from an authentic source. x members of municipal Councils, 'The ob-- iA had not heard of it before, and was not NGHy % hot inti } 3 ivate letter or a | jection was not so much to appointing & _ f awate whofhof it Wite 4 .010 14 | person holding a municipal office as to an 3 | public one. He ap[.)rehon(?e.d that his h'?f';- | Inspector or Comumissioner going into an 4 6 fnend wpuld tre gourcely Wwiera Lo( 11 TOoQ-- 1 election, and the Government had done | . ¢ ing a private lotter, their very best to preveut that evil occur-- | f Mr. MEREDITH said he had read a lctlter ring. | 1 -- which stated that at the nomination Mr, is f | Cook had read a letter from the Minister of Mr. LAUDLR--\.Vlmt.abuut OKf(?l(l? | § Education in which the latter had stated Mr, mOoWwaAT szu_d his hon. lylcud the ' that he could see nothing improper in his Minister of Education had explained that, | I hoNing the position of Reeve, and advised If the people of the towr &ip did not ob-- | ' J him to accept the position,. Mr. Cook had ject, be did not kvow why a man should | | read the lotter in justification of the course not hold the two ofiices. | ho took. | _ Mr. MORRIS--What about the policy, _ | j k Mr. PLESTON asked when the term of | -- Mr. MOWAT said that if the hon. gentle-- ' a License Commissiouer expired, man would wait he would tell him their Mr. HARDY said the statute provided policy from the begiguiug had boeen, was | that he should be appointed annually, | now, and woul;l c?:tmu: tl? ll:f :{:ut ttbe >+RPEREST on r an was same person should not ho 6 two Mr. 11,!&850?; iwld.t? h %\?::;fl::; n:_" ofiicel.p They announced that on all 0c-- | not appoluts ;8 16A 3. casions, and had acted upon it with respect | pointed this yeAt } int=] 'to both Inspectors and Commissioners, In 4 \ Mr, HARDY said some had bean appoint-- | ; the particular case ot Mr. Cook, he under= * | ed, but not all. | stood that Mr, Cook bad been elected by | 118 3 i Mr. LA UDER did not know any law that | acclamation, showing the high opinion the | &