NOTICES OF MOTION. Mr. Currie--On Tuesday--Resolution-- That in the opinion of this House all moneys granted by the Legislature for . High Schools should be apportioned be. tween counties and cities according to the ratio of population in each, as compared with the whole--population of the Province ; | also, Bill respecting commis«ioners for | taking affidavits and affirmations. | _ Mr. Parkhill--On Tuesday--Order of the | House for a return showing the number of ' | tavern and shop licenses issued in cach ol | | the several municipalities of the county of Simcoe, including the townships of 'Ie. | cumseb, Adjals, Mono, and Mulmur de-- tached therefrom for electoral purposes ; C ' also the amounts received by the several & \ Boards of Licenss Commussioners of the k counties of Simeoe, Dufferin, and Cardwell, | and the amounts ot money that have been 1P } paid over to the several municipalities in n the said counties out of the license fund in each and every year since 1874. Mr. Belil--Enquiry ot Ministry--Whether | it is the intention of the Government to 3 imtroduce, during the present session, any [ measure haying in view the erection of new | Parliament Buitdings for the use of this ' f Province, and if so, whether any sum will be inserted in the Estimates for the prosent | ', ; year for tha'l purpose. || Mr. Wood --On Monday--Bill to establish | f an Indestrial Refuge for Girls, s Mr., Wills=--On Tuesday--Bill to amend ( the Assessment AC[; also Bill to amend the Municipal Act. ' on rommmnenn o ncntemecmenseny es c muuane k PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE. Toroxro, Jan. 31. This Comumittee met this morning at 11 o'clock, Mr. Clarke (Wellington) in the P chair, There were also presont Messrs,. P Hardy, meredith, Marcourt, Striker, Gibson, Wilis, Ferris, BHallautyue, Descon, and Wood. Accounts amounting to $747 75, of con. | tingencies for the oftice of Captain W. Forsyth Grant, were laid upon the table, Mr,. Msseoirti asked if it was customary .]| to pay these avcounts in a lump sum, wich-- out requiring details, Nir. Hagmis, of the Treasury Department, replied in the aifirmative. Me also stated f that that had been the practice for the pust a# two years, and that it had formerly beeu the A rule to pay according to details furnished to each Department. l K Mir. Misr:uporu considered this to be a | vory unsatialactory practico. . lie shouldl i like to know the reason for the change. | | He asked if all the money requested | ¥ was granted, whether it was required or | ® not. 4 | Mr. Hanws said the whole amount agked | for was granted. t Mr, Harox supposed the Lieut.--Governor ecxpended the money judiciously. I Mr. Menrsoiru said it was the people's money. y Mr. Wirrs read from the Accounts for 1874 to show that the details were then given. He said the Lieut,.--Governor now | had two secretaries, where one was formor-- I ly sufticient. R Mr. Harox remarked that the work: of the Lieut.--Governor in signing patents, &¢., had greatly increased. The Ciftairxax pointed out that in 1871, in Sandfield Macdonald's time, the contingen-- } cies were given in a lummp sum, without de-- | tails, | + Mr. Haror said there were many little things gconnected with the expenaiture about Government House, such as the A of hi expenses of balls, etc., of which they should ts not require the details too strictly . answ! --| -- Mr. Mersorrn said Mr. Graut was an ofi-- not . | cer of the Government, and his expenditures e e _| should be as strictly scrutinized us those of | any one else, 3 p hi Several members exprossed the opinion ' ve that the details should be given. 'l: Mr. Harovx suggested that if tho details n{l were wanted the Committee might pass a " °~| _ resolution to tliat effect. lant'd The Treasurer, Mr, Woon, here entored flns the room, and, in reply to Mr. Meredith, ® m suid the dcecision of the (Government in § « making the change in the system was that, beml --S0 (as as the Lieut.--Governor was concern--