Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1879, p. 1

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o e nemenmemenraentiines n arnnmnnnnnns ns 4 sBUPPLY, ONTAR") LEGlSLATU RE. On motion of Mr. WGODP, the House wont e Ento Committee of Supply and passed the o _ ESSION Wtem o( $78,050 for Civil Government. tHlRD PARUAMENT--'OURTH S * + 'The iicim was also passed through Com-- t mm cmmmmndlfpe com aeess nitise or Ways and Means. + Lsmscaryvs AssEMBLY, ' The liouse adjourned at 3:30, ' + Januaty 24. £ i e gyrgane on $ | & j C 1s a'ciook XOTICES OFf MOTION, | 'The Speaker took the chair at 3 O clOck. es : Prayers wers read by Rev. Father Mc. Mcredith--On Monday uoxt---I'nquiry Bergen (1) whetber.the attention of the Govern»-- f e t anent has been called to the fact that Mr. PETTITIONS,. Thomas boon, License Inspector for BHast * The following petitions were presented ; -- Kent, has been elected lesve of the town eP o e pel,lh()'ll's u;p Municif@l of Both well ; and (2) whether it is intended By Me. Boultbece--F com Mhe HdL, Tor to permit Mr. Booun to ratain the position of Councit of the village of Madoc, praying "0F WLicense Iuspector while he holds the ofiice umendmeuts to the Municipal Act with re-- } l!e 4 E gpect to the enforcement of statute labour, rf eve. h ' By Mr. Deroche--From W. W, Woodruff, * Mr. '\|Vood_---_0n 'llcf,'_s«lny neoxt--Resolu. HReadert the town of Clifton, and others, tion, "That it is expedignt that, subjfect to Muy'qr hy inst the withdrawal of certain the provisions of the Ontario Munricipal oo e o otiul s p » i~.| Dreinage -- Act, the LLicut.--Governor in ortions of said town to form other muni & ) 61 7 sipuhticn uncil be authorized to invest from time k h K time a further sum,not exceedimng®30,000 [ Also--From Gcorge J. Duncan, Reexe of Fn the purchase of dobentures issued by | the viliage, and others, praying against in-- wpunicipmlitios for drainage works, and that m atrengari geciion 5 of the said Act be amended by |_By Mr. Bishop--From James Mustard lnuenin,-: the words 'two hundred and fifty ' ud others, of the township of Tuckersmith, r lieu of ¢ two hundred ' in the fourth dine for amondments to the School Act. if the snid section," i BOUNDARIES OF THE PROVINCE. felll se ce Abmitionc h. 3900 ----OPh ' Mr. MEREDITH moved for an order of the fiouse tor a statement showing in detail the cxpenditure during each year since 867 on account of the settlement of the mortherty and westerly boundaries of the Province, and the arbitration in reference thereio, with the names of the persous to Whom aud on what account the payments made woe made, and the dates of such pay. kneots. And also a statement showing in Uctail all sums, if any, owing on the same rccount. and still unpaid, and the persons o whom and on what account the same are bmug, Carried, MEGSAGE FROM IHIS HONOUR. --_Mr. NOWAT presertod a message from #lis Honour the Lientenant.Governor, trans-- Ruilitug the estimates for 1879. sSEPARATE sSCHOOLS, . Mr, BSLL moved for an Order of the Wrouse for a return for each of the cities of bnlario of the particulars of the Separate Bchools for the year 1876, as the same are Jabulalcd on pages 38 aud 39 of the Report Et the Minister of Education for the year 876, lic said bhis object was to Obtain Bs full in{orreation in regard to Separate Ecnooll as wo obtained regarding Public chools. Only about half a page was oc« cupied with Separate School reports, while the Public School reports iilled about lweuty pages. «_ Mr, CROOKS said it was desirable that @vory efiort skould be made to supply full fiaformation with regard to our school sys. ;em. lls was understood to explain that "ublic ischool Iuspectors were required io kend certarin information to the Department Ein order to obtain the Government grant; but that no such regulation existed with re-- gpect to Separate Schools, At the request of Bomoe Scparate Echool authorities he had inade -- ariangements by which Separate Bchoo!ls in cities and towns might be in-- kpocted by the High School Inspector of 'hu same locality, and by which the Courty uspector might be employed for the same purpose. By this meaus hbe hoped that as Kull information would be furrished with regard to thein as was furnished with regard to Public schools, If his hon. friend would allow thé motion to stand he would assist hitu in obtaining the information, Mr, BiLL. said that some of the friends ©f separate Schools had expressed to him their desire for motre intormation, -- He had o wish to cause anything like a squabble. Mr, CHROOKS remarked that such & thing would be very undesirable; for he bad always boen opposed to anything that was likely to disturb the harmony of our gchool system, HMe understood the object Oof the motion to be that those inlerested in Peparate Schools might have as fuil infor-- wnation about their working as had those 'who were interested in Public Sechools, Mr. BELL gaid that was precisely his Qbject. 'The motion was allowed to stand,

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