Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1878, p. 7

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I l l _ E i . ' . T e m dmcnt iv, Tho amendment "e put and declared gluon to-day. (01.1673), t hilt Sue?" be ihi1 lost on the following division _ "af but a lawyers tl c l e " . b t a 't, tPttirdt,tg; Baker. Rm. Ben. lie-Mold, "mm printed at the expense of the Proiince , n V , J 11l2fti'actetgf,yfgtt "Km" Utreighton, Ihsa. both tho House and the country mould l.' C H; to . " "11120 " in Croait and It _ ' . r . . , , I, I . n ,wy'i'l' , " iiii,hariii ' iiiiiiiilisTi, idGCii'giff glint-310' treat tt a.", it de-ed. (Cho/trs) p0 t _,iiiil " - r McGowan, Merrick, Monk. oncoming", iriitTe'r',12'r', l that record the hon. gentlemen wen . , ' (Essex), l'reiitoz, Richurlsou, Scott,'looley,\\'iglc, ; to the country three years two, and fa, ti , . 1',ect, A 1 I B , l they were not sustained. tt (10,13): is ' " , , Jh8.--. "OT. ripe-y. mlnntyne Burt", Par l t . , sit. on "M V 'hums,Chisholus, Ctarko 1ckijiirdiar,"c1','i,", Currie, l bl: tion. 1.eade,r of the I/tf,',", ' hours a q Dcrocht Kerrie, Pinluyson, Fraser, Gibson, (indium, l 7? occupying the Whale 0- " Tye P V, Grunt, hardy. lingual, ll.-y. "origins, Hunter, during the season in preparing this state- Latte, Lyon, Mfrs"), M:);..lion, Maggie, Nash-r, ment based upon the charges he had so Miller, Mowat, Paulie, rum-roan (Your), larynx), f' ' l 0, v,ition Bobiuson, Sexton, Sinclair. blit'ESlHQ'T' Springer, iequently mule; and as tlie my ts' . C " Strum, Wattcrwnrtl', Widuituld, wmmm, union, organs had not printed the statements satis- . , . tt ood--d3. . factorily, it was to be done at the expense ot " The rcsolu,1itP.was rccdred and wlcpiml the Province. (Cheers) He, contended on the sumo ul\'lSl\')n. that the Reform Government since it came SUPPLY. into power had properly distributed and lit , . I ' ' l .v. ' , w! t Mr. WOOD moved, u that the Ifouse m. 3"," the lkiolrieis WM", lc, "tty/t . . . . . , f . tr I . r _ ' . , g V solve ltsell into a Commit, ot i1iupply on tf, "ttS/ii'. that in), w," i ob, "ir, without _ the Supplementary bhsiitrtaws." , Il/yt,' 1011 Abglculm hm con cc b' , Mr. CAMERON had had from time to pu lu' ent _el'l': ( "jefs0 _ . . time to complain again it the manner in ' Arr, MACDOUGALL (Simone) made i: s ' 1 which tho present Govrrnmcnt interfered "010102 attack upon the Government Ot l V I with the public pin-ii: contrary toconstitu- ()Viiturio and also upon the Lieutenant, i, ' tional law. Prof. Moihunllish had been Governor of tho I'rovinco of Que- i given without the sanction of the House hot. (1 ho refrain of bis . speech was $1,500; $5,000 wcre expended on the that the present Oiiturlo Govern- Agricultural Collrce in Jtittwithoutauthor- ntctt hed miynauapu the financcg 9f ity 3 31.000 on the paunplllet for the Sydney the l'coviuce:s in sue-h a. manner that this Exhibition. Public works had been let will" Vllicre was a dclicit oi $140,000. (0p. l without tcnder, and now they were told that P0511011 chums.) i there would to a deficit this your. The re. Mr. CURlllE said that the hon. - _ -r , ' j T "It of dcticittt would nt first lead to inroads member for East Toronto desired the '1; 13., 39:5: J, 1' , V, on the surplus accumulated by the economy Lieutenant - Governor ,to permit the '-?:Ei't'iil'iiiiiiip'ei'rjijiittj, ' of John Sondheid Mocdcmald; and lastly to House to t1totisider the Estimates. "luff??- my; it I direct Pxetion. Ile concluded by moving He read the following fgttree, showing the _ a 7 . l T tho following amendment _ amounts asked for in the Estimates, and the " 1% _ V ' " ,'g,i",'1tltft"c? 1',yt,,'ch/,'iie,ith" 90:5! $512": l amounts objected to by the Opposition since "'-r:?.3N , n )ll 2, 'cat l ' ' , " '""P. 'd'lerl/.. 'an 'hi'fiih',ti, address, bo unsuited to "is I 1872:.-1n 1872 the Government asked for V Honour tho l.ieiit"\nonO-lh v: rnPrV. rrprcm-iil'rg that _ $2,692,000, and the Opposition objected to in they 'ur 157'. t .9 thon l'rtsttirtr of tin Province. ' . ' tr T . . " i; . . now Minion! of [do It: in. 'iirt'iurizcd i-a tl"t rdraft the RM", Sum of $5660 l In 1?"); .il2,986, I , - of in. account of the Prnrirur, wwh Hm lhiik pl 000 was asked for,and $1.,,000 objected to; I » . gaunt To ll'll'n'slu-ot oi t1,ijst/)/ii'i't:'iP,J,t,,l :V'rlE-wv a: in 1874 $2,612,000 was asked for, and $24,- 3 .._ ueivl Witio !. t in tonsil "Dunn 'rpm', ion of an . , t . . ' - * Order 'in Council " "xi-rant ol His llcrour the 000 objected So,,',, In 18.75 82,220,000 ty'! " tdtyutertaut-uovri'etor. fu ill" H:'.ll rt mono, M a... asked tor, and $13,059 objected to; in 1876 . Wiggly the at: ty,:,",):,,',', inc [i', ". m, f,,r?,ye1,i,c', will i $2,337,000 was asked for, and $16,590 ob. , .o mini-r o. ' 1"av"ut, "'t' " in t-I-ir p new in . ' ' . . , ' _ ' . V . . this House; that the 'Treirsr him cullinriwcil on" i jected to , In 1577 $j2/e000. was wsked ty, 1 1 "rtomtnetuit'd the .. ,_,.i.: Mi inc H1." or 31'7" and $14,548 objected to; and in l i to not Tile to "' _. '/: J", b, r, Javl'llm w l 1878 the proportion was similar. Dur- [ r l .ciou" 0 a (my tt'. rump .r- ' :1 in" he i il-ZIJU'r I) . . h" F V , it'1"tio;'/, wide 'I'c'atrur'r, P, u "iu,itst,mitrvl m", l mg the whole scion Tf.?,?', the l I (MIS", hurl alumni thit Hui-m "sch p .ym "ghoul: F 1lotrso granted upwards of $1l,000,000 l , tht' ttiyf","rJ,'p1li/:t" i',",';:,',." ",)i"iry,ecyJ,,cttpi: for the public expenses of the Province, and l 1 pr . " Pt t'fi, v," 1 if) 't I' " " . . ' ' . V , mm 2:2,qu by My rr." "mm, 'd J.?lie,'d) Irie- the Upposititm oljected to the compaluthve- l M Conan", o: would .\;;Vi':iillural Lollch at (incl; h, ly paltry sum of $180,000. (Cheers.) 'l his ' f .. til without the authority o an Order in Councilor tho showed the true ti tirit of economy dis lit 'cd . l .'m of m. M" m UttNtataHttrmtttrr, by hon. gentlemeln opposite. He J,',I'11'iQ l thereby "ttittg snide the checks and ,titotrutry b . , " V . 1 m l , ' that. have surrounded Bad protector! tho public y i"oi""lucPF..'t warm on ogy on. _ C lat. l money, and in unauthorized application) an; [is actor and ability of the Commissioner of l 'is, Honours adviser: have at tiitteienttitmss,ut , an . li l _ , r , E I oftho Act respecting iiil, Public Works, carried on lubfl; 'tk/Pl, .I 'Jie',') M SCOTT ti l oxicnsire Public Workt, without in iting tonilerIVhy A r 8 cur roimu'K8 y r. , te l t Public advertisements; among others this follow"! amendment was then put and lost on the i , works ".-.Faxteurriva, alterations and additions to ttrs foliowiue division ._ . Control Prison, the Agricultural Conrail: it Wuslplt, . " . 1' the Asylum at Hamilton, the {euro around the Le- , Yrir--Baker,Barr, Bell, Boultor Broder, Calvin, 1 T . l [tel-tire Assembly and Departmental hull-lint", and I Cameron Code, (Toutts, Creighton, beacon. Flasher 1 I 1 . " _. l other worksiin living the expenditure of laT)."u"1'; I Grands, hurkin, Koar, Lauder, Longp' 'i'ririi'irJiil ' ' 1'55 '- M I that um or the administration 0' tlni pic-cut Govern- l (Middlesex), Macuouga'd (Simone), McGowan, Mer. l , A??? W" merit the ordinmy oxpcndilur inn been lirgrly L" i rick, Monk, Patterson (Essex), Preston, Richardson, I 's' _. one" of tho expendimro of theirprcdsees""? in ts'cott,Tooltt-A19. "" otBce--the amount oi expenditure for the your 117.t tikra.--hpimsbr,Ba)lyttrtlxarterJtethtuse,Bom ' having been S'1,roi,'210. while in ttyit the up ndi.. t1euiIlusho.un,cl.?rlco,'(w:t.1.li.ugtov0Nelercurriepor- . taro amounted .o $2.017,to'8,or an exstesy.t.$tit.l.t1'o,1t Ion. Derochc, Ferris, Finlciyson, Fraser, Gibson, that tho espcudituro in respect of Public Wtrks Graham, Ural-go, Grunt Hardy, Hnrgmft, any, under the administration of the 1PHo.tritl,e:Py! llodgins,lluiitrr,iniio,iiyon,McCraney.McMahon, i I b'tutdhe.d Macdonald amounted to 't,ei'A'i"ite3/l Mosaic, Mi ler, Mowat, o'Docoghae, Pardon, Patter- . g), avenge of $303,193, while fothlis or: your! tyl?yr Ion (York), Paxton, Itobimsou, lions, Sexton, Sin- g i in Decomhor, 1517, the expenditure was only $2.025? chm, Snowing", Springer, Striker, Wuttervrorth, "" "'fjti l 413, or' an "Iver;ng of f'i'/ffi'cfitt aw}??? di'. WidditUld, Williams, Wilson, Wood.-" ', ' er , o . " . t tic u , in or. all _ _ , _ . . . El 'Q,fll.,nlce1dilU'l'r'r'l'a,i,'a"rllA ti,etyii,i,1tei',g'ief, ' Ilctore the House went into Committee, , . t , , appears the revenue at the your 1573 will be least mu , Mr. FRASE . ite . , E ' l the mutilated expenditure, ieavisagadefjeiencr toVbo ', hi l It repl "1 , M) attack made l rr madd'O-Jdb the oak or dilpolul of the securities upon "in iy the hon. member for b'outl. _ i i,",'",', by 'iii'f:i?iiti '!,,t1r,ig,',ti.tpd/ng,",'l'e1',',e, :3: i b'imcoe in the course of his speech. It was . , '11:" Ir l-essorl ino ce-tiii lo _ , , V , _ . 'l'eo','tgJi'l"irll'/ fixed, "tr.ThGGfGuheing "we not for that lion. giiltliman to charge the to thtcittattr, will diminish and in notlikely lo in- government side ot the House with dis. . crew ', that the reoult of expenditure our rerenuc, organizariott. They were not so disorgan- t 'ry if 'ecsistad in will load in time todirect taxation. I . ' ,. . b 'Mo . , ,v / hoiiozqueaoo iriiiiiiiaiiipah most detriment" to ized .tl.rit their had" deserted them 1n til l . the public good, and the present Administration not , the mltlFt of a 'i1'o'sloll, and they were not tiO , C I hailing taken measures to nonfitro their optimal" l well drLied tlrtt at t " tinklo ofu bell bhey ', ' if expenditure within the atutu.y, rttventMh a". Huuge , could tnatcch wt f i ',' , ', r would be failing in its duty ifit did not express ita ' 'f l ll O t 16 House In ' duappro'oatiors of the oouru par-Ind by 1ihe,t,t l, a body . (Loud cheers.) Tho hon. gen- ', cum advmrs in respect of tho level-.1 militia: Tl'; [ tlcnmn (allied of appealing to the cottnlt . " l, iuaft" "ttortis,Bndthtt tlit Honourwi " --.ofan who t the ' r y i curly pleased teirv,evndubsr the mailman. he has ro- _ pp g " U' people. IN hat country commended for at. "ii1Te,,vi.,aliteu"yili/',,", saint and what people would he appeal to? P Home. withnicw to contining ttte " tttttt . ' Cheers and laugh . ' Kt pendituro within the estimated. revenue for the pro- he sl e,t d f cv." 1.1:.) Ho Was unable to il untyoiu'." - ' e, cc e or a "no e constituency in this , Mr. Fit LSER said it would only be neces- Province "inert by the tryiysttion of the i - nwndusetit walla direct hon. gentleman (Mr. Cameron) who sat i . any to war that the a L . b sid h hi _ 'd . At in the Govern- esl e, rm. (Hcar,hear and cheers.) H _ , e vote of want ot confideac . . . . , . tt " i cut. Wu ttvor the Reform party were In ventured to say that although the hon. . q i ut " . . en " s notified the Govern- l mombor had been elected for South Simcoe MN, opposition ther aim" l ' . ld be .1. _ , T . .4 l . ' . to make such atno- l in wou u not e c meted ugun unless he '.. ment of their intention w t ' l . q k ' ' . w ti l '11 not the course oftho Oppo'l on on Us noes and declarcd himself to , Ion;. "t sac V" be a member in good standing. But a little _ _. F bird had whispered that he was not going to

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