Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1878, p. 4

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. I F V """V" '"'-"-t'" . n ' TI ,' F ,"' '. 1; '-. . "r, "Wrr' I - i . i . . . I _ . . --- Mr , . - voted the sum of $59,000 annually for Mr. IIODGINS raised a question of order, "unforeseen and Uniyovided/ considers that and argued that as the principle of the ' no necessity has arisen for reducing the Bmonqunt had already been voted on this i usual appropriation. , session by the House. a second amendment I The amendment to the amendment was could not pe submitted. lie 911 Md 9. I I carried on the following division _ ruling by Speaker Icfr.b.ttrn, of the llouse I Tex6.-phssra. Appleliy, Balilantyne, Baxter, Be "'fi"r'.t't'it to susmln his peeitiou. I II thnne "(infield Clarke (Well nuton) co1e."Cruoke r. ME , _ '" a " . l Cur i)', Dawson: Deroclie, Ferris, Fir(loisiG,' tilhson', differen f,l'iee, fl gontcnded there was a I gaining Hardy, "arcing, Hay, llodgius, Hunter; ce e Ween t 0 two umcndments' I one J, on \lcUraney, c0owan McMahon Mauls The h' P, . I I . . I Kristin,glowdifirlionogliue,l'nrdc'e,l'sttcrsOi'i(Yorli): in] e i I Pl f5.5,1) F'fter reading the .tr.o I Paxton, Robinson, Ross, Sexton, Sinclair, slicisin- ' I m moms, Saul 'sho.y were substantially I "or Striker, 1N1ttterwurth, u iddifield Wthson the some. l ', 'ii%Cii ' , ' I tixrs.--Mcva's. Baker, Barr, noulter, Broder, Ar,; P?PH?fj,11oP1 from the Journals , Calvin,Camcr9n, Cole,f%uttr, CrNghtou, Deacon, 0 eHouse of Commons to prove the no ' pi'itguetrk:i/t, 2i;e'.i//,'f,,e,rc,' lion's. Mvirougtsll I I curacy of his former position. I (A it esex "can "in" tSimcoe , ere litl M i - , . i: rick, t,'f?u'i'i,.i)1t' Patterson (Essex), l'//21j1',"'s'2i"i." I Mr. MEREDITH Bald that the fimt I mighty, Wtllr-grr. ': amendment merely dealt with the question I k F The. resolution was then concurred in. I ofsalari', but this amendment referred to (l 1'sETUIlNy', I proiit Ot any kind. if b " l . ' w y s . ' ' i Mr. Sl'luAlelt read from May io the effect I Mr. llAliDi presented a-return of all . that in cases where the two amendments l 2 the fees or emoluments ot Registrars during l Were substantially the same, or where mere , ', the year 1877. I alteration of words without any substantial 'i. yl Also a return of all correspondence rcliit- chat:v: 'f"" niade, the second amendment '1, _ l" ing to the Kingston and Pembroke Railway. Wll8 W l" ovdy. Also tt report. of the Inspector of Division F Mr. MhCDOUGALL (8imcoe) asked if I Courts in county towns'. little was substantial diflttrencuus. 1 It being six orlork the Spealu-i hit the hlr. SPEAKER ruled that there was "0 chair. substantial diil'ci'cnccs. wheels.) The motion was ruled out of order. I? F A"1,ey,",?,1, ' . Mr. Mls'PsriDrl'I-I moved, in amendment, I '1 ME Ilr')Pilu'lt S t'A'l't"l'En'. ".l'lizit the Bill be not now read a third The House went into Committee of the time, PM be r.efer.red. back to aCommittce of , Whole, Mr. Clarke tWellington) in the t!yt.u'b.o.ht, with instructions to add a_clause ' chair, on Mr, Mowat's Bill to make certain , WP"; thc ("WWW at .school t1ct1ioPs to 'I. amendments in the Revised Statutes. i pe"ic.'n.s voting on the income franchise at . , i ' . , " i Mr. svus'ltF,Itf'i'll's' amendment respecting l IILUII.KINI /t1itg1 Ile contended that the donor ofmarried women separated from I 5,731." 1'") it J' ti lg, test i.dea of making I their husbands on account of no fault of , "(1",an Capt it out of ' P." -e.tli.ey,.y.yi, their own was aver ptcd by the Government ff, If than resort to anything of .thu. kind F and irworporatcd in the Bill. lie 2',1"hrslr,t'l' place his resiguationin the ' I . an s o us co h' t . J, The: C'omntittr'i? imported the Hill mi am- ,iv' tuents . ' m; t .. l I . I . . I.. Mr. MOWAl thought the understanding tr l l undid, ' ill on t it question ot the third . . , . . ' l. . _ .eadinzz , char put, of the Minister of Education was that this t 4 t l 'hrn:Lirrir . ' t .. . I motion was not to be pressed, as he intimat. ' Vllr. .> f - . _ moved, . . 1'lyst the said I ed that it was a tit subject for consideration '. Bill be not, now had a third time, but be during the recess forthwith referred back to a Committee of ' . . . . the Whole with instructions to amend sec- " Pi; LéPRFDlT-H mid that if the subject tion one so as to read as follows _ t ll",?) tcf,'.hto"pirt, bathe tipvorninent he ' Pr", tovie., , I ' ess emo on. V " lr-The housed Statutes, Chap. 9, re- Mr CAMERON thou ht it was not ro- I . Spot-ting public ofiicers is hereby amended 1 . . A g p , l , Hi: sf l mt I A . . .. I put that any such arrangement as that re- " m t IU'..' t tere 0 t tC' following:-- I ferred to should be mad b two n a mbe J l " 2s.-No member of the Senate of Canada I of the House and the 'let,',',',',:',',',') It', had Ot' yf, it" Jlonse 10f Comme' shall be or no objection, however, to the matter being pointel to or he d any othce, commission, left over for another year. or employment, permanent or temporary, in I TI ' t ti " the service of the Government of Ontario, at IO mo ion was withdrawn. T the nomination of the Crown or of the Mr. GRANGE moved to amend the Bill . 1sietstcuant-b'ovornor, to which any salary, I by the re-insertion of the section intended fee, wages allowance, emoltuueni, or profit to .prevent railway bonds having a prior of any kind is attached; but this tsection' crauu to working expenses on tlieregetttoe shall not be held to include Justices and tcittet8 of a company. t the Peace, Coroners, or Notaries Some discussion ensued, similar in tone to ublie, or any like oflieer." In sup- that which took place when the subject was pant . ot the .mymipeet he stated up before, Mr. Cameron announcing himself t at it was prcClscly similar to the Bill as opposed to the principle of the amend- introdiiiied into the house of Commons by ment, and intending to vote with the Gov- Cue Minister ofJustice. I erumunt. The amendment was then put Mr. noun said that the object of the l and Loston the following division F-- i clause rcre?.ed to "as to "cure the eiliciemT rr+r-:-3retrsy.t" Barr, Bell,lloulter, 1trotter, Creigli- I of the public sen-ice. There were otlices t/,YY "MIME, Grange, liarkini Kean, 11.0113. Mc- . i which could not well be properly discharged I 'i',t//ty'iv,?h"fa1,eyg'.1' Mearick, Preston, liicurdsun, I if held tw a member of the House, of Com l . ' f - . I . n. " I h' te.-. . , l - I I mess or the senate of Canada. I' e object l . ter likflluilgismntfixflllf2311mm?gfiigglge't'llgge I I of the Bill before the House of ominous I grilling?» 039210010, gems. clams, getoon, i I "as to gecu . t . A rec e, 'erris Pi nylon "less or user li sou 'rr _ I 11m, Ho11so I' udl'eit the . .igile'pfndeneo of Grant, i'iriiir"," Iurgrptt, 'Hay, 'li'ytriilt,"iiiiiiiii', I i ' b '., ~promos that no mem- Lane, Lauder, Lyon, Mocdougnll (Midillescx), Mac- l her of the house or Commons should hold ti'ttrlfife."'tie 11.ohth,tt 1633?. htr,.",yl,'i't i anoftice ',e l t -gNN. _ . ' her on event ' nogne a co ',11aeidi,1u,fp'tr P,', If?" e'.e,lf'"ye,i,.'y/ , but Patterson i'ihiiiii' ihiiiGjiii' (Y'ork), i'lira," iiiiiir'. . " . _ Ina ii] Wig}. up id thi son, Ron, f,t1PuhAPfiltt, Snetsinger, Springer, I Louse had to can}, la'any persons C ie 'dd Sinker, 'thp, Butterworth, widaiseiii, "one, l . that the Bill referred to would\' be greatly wtmm" W il " Wood-67. . I .aythh'fifd before it I, H fhralir passed. lil, Tlt/i Bill was then read the third time and T _ I thought the clause in the Bill now he. I passed. I Iiifytlrf Ethic l", a proper one; but the I THE MERCER ESTATE. I sh r " :(lllcn I eat with a I; o.lter i-i , , not come within the province of "1:111:31?" , ML'MOWAT moved that the House re. I . i A/tl that ground he h oped the Home warhild solve itself into a Committee to consider the I I ' agree. with him that the amendment should following resolution '.--. I , WNW" (Chow. l . Resolved, That this House doth ratify and concur I I .12 . l in an Order in Council, approved by the Lieutenant- I , Governor on {the 4th March, 1878, which Order is to I I , the effect following ..-- I Upon consideration of the report of the Honour- I able the 'ttOmer-fl-ral, dated 20th Feb., 1618, . , with reft once to the estate of the late Andrew Mer- i r oer, which has It,1."itnt,', the Crown for the bene- l fit bt the Province the onimittee of Council advise i t that out ot the laid estate the sum of "tt thousand ,» dollars be appropriated for the payment of the bone . ( T l _ SL-,--,,-.-,.-,,,-:::----::-:-, "' __ ._ ' -e.-PF- _ . . V"

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