E es ie lipidttiene Coommmnce. im e i 4 'Y','.: 4 o ,._' CY AP "Ret M s v-.,,..:f.{ F f ~Ci E* knsts .. . a 7 s hy * TR ts ~© P s ky o r w e : "% h 4 yA *"I'% , " ~ + / "¥at ' tk T ) % 3 ."':;" .';__ /'.l'." 7 s f 1'1::' w ..;:,,. Te ,'" ; in igr td f k '-_'f.:'H 4 f K ---- _ e w °o0 i K k voolee 8+ t ; $ ts ' * f \'."1-- .'.:'"7 ,' , % ie F 4 e it ¥9P £ " ', 1" "n Aukrop x + & -- p '-;'" p f ' x,' f $ c > 44 A < '"Ap M k . , .".'. i + "'-A:{"f'.'c. J% ; h L y n hiah. k t No~ C the ': ,,7"',',,,' a f ow building «e appropriatioin %:llver- t y l a se of hon. members opposite that the success $V | new building erected _ oppos te m ;'e~,-y;»¢".;.-'{' + , of the College 'was due to their criticism.. sity College. The services of four d%"ob, 3t aail , Such was not the case, for success was sors from University College woul Sthe ce \ achieved in opposition to the wishes and tained without additional expense, a& in «3 e O p A s = o p efforts of hon. gentlemen opposite, annual expenditure for carr,vmfi) g(')' el'he i i Mr. SCOTT said that what he contended stxt}ltlon would be l_c ol than}? ,h w.as very f _A % for in his remarks was that the education c entire cost of the building, whic about $23,-- T .. in the College should be reduced to a level complete and satisfactory, was :emove:i i | w more practicable. He made up the cost per 000. In Maylast the College was w / T OR it _ by thks 4 1 from the Mechanics' Institute,and the nt o | . l pupii by taking the maintenance account, L 4s d '-ts)ring for | 1 the annual addition to the capital account, building would _ be P e I}? Céllege and § i t and the interest on the capital. -- Ho denied elndenis aftending L e 1 ythis country n ? having sneered at farmers or farmers' sons, others. For the first tlm'e w stitution for | P l , bhaving himself graduated, as had been said they would have a:com_pkte xln miner-- f . f by the hon. member for Huron, from be-- practical instriction in gto ogg'i'chwould ~ BV l f tween the handles of a plough. alogy, mining, and engincering, w blic | | [# Mr., WOOD said it was poor financing be of the greatest possible benefit to Publi &5 i 1: \ said ( was poor financing to and High School teachers and all others who d xcn)ih"lgtc * puxjm.'m«,'lt i unploul.lu x.u.'t tlfmt required a practical acquaintauce in those | & C d 3 C . (L 3 D + re ' y\ j uhii C ic to 1 imnnial cost of a subjccts. The cost would be, mor('O'_(T, J BQ~ nl. n ' o % ' t.. 4 pu; s about one--fourth the usual cost of such in & 6 Mr. (}}MEBO{ said that the Govern-- stitutrtons. * 5 f A r}mt)tlmll'"t" bzmum.;}d '"""';'j"":l'll'l C""fi"."'l' The Committee roce, and the House &d-- f f Mated erecting a farmers'-- college which ; 26 4 f j A C ourne 2:35 a m. + 3 would have been & credit to the country J d at 12:35 a .m and not to patch up a farming reference. i o ow q P s + A LK + N s T n ( y" y Mis side of the House desired that the farm NOTICES OF MOTION. E: <W should be a success, and it could only be Mr. Merrick--On Tuesday next...l'.;ll.to that by keeping down expenses. _ He went Incorporate the Loyal Orange Association yR on to 'take exception to the salary of the of Eastern and Western Ontario,and thatrules e 94 President and the proposed establishment 51,53, 56, 57, and 58 be suspended for that i l of a bursar, _ He said that hon, gentlemen purpose. Ki encouraged the President withan additional & r a o ... % s l im r of » P l $500 per anuuimn for insulting the members Nt Hr}rkm On Tuesday next s Ordc.r of the House the House for copies of all receipts given $ E. ITAnIH RI s % is by individuals for compensation for lands to Mr, WIDDIFIE .D sai l.tha. 'tlw site sc-- the Commissioners appointed to settle the % f h'?clcd by 'the late Gov ernmentfat Mimico , boundary line between the Provinces of Up-- ® PP was agoual one, but he had n..-'cu_ nothing | per and Lower Canada, now the Provinces of : that would l"'i"l' any one to impute improper Ontario and Quebec, in virtue of the Act of M ?'3«{'; motives to the Government. _ He approved 1860 ; also for copies of all conveyances, 3 P ',:!:] % the grant. f or writings in nature of conveyances, y -- Mr. HARDY said that the increase in the granted to individuals by said Commission-- I h oake yA 4: number of pupils warranted the Govern-- | s in virtue of sub--section 1, of section p ..'%:,'-fi"',!s:' ment in having a bursar. _ When it was | ' 4, of 23 Vic., cap. 21, so far as the sum may ocm + | remembered that he had been working ) : be found in the Department of the Commis-- € w0 o7 seventcen hours a .i:x.\_' he did not wonder , __ sioner of Crown Lands. | ue at the President defending himself 'against ie tm te c mm n dn caiimiers R the attacks made upon hiin behind his back, | [ her _' .. femukas # . j but he did wonder that hon. gentiomen cou' ; | PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES. a > 4 \| $ find no more offensive words than thoss, | nvrmth e mt erarrmmernys ' | « that in the inexperience of youth he bad | EXEMPTIONS COMMITTEE, < yB l mmistaken politicians for statesmen and | foummimenrneifiiei iess | s partisans for patriots." 'The salary paid 4 K¥ & 5 = g 9# . Mr, Johnston was no great inducement to | , 3 Toroxto, Fob, 22, 4 | him to remain. He defended the teaching « This Committee met this morning, Mr. & | bich class literature to the puviis. Ferris in the chair, There were also pre-- f 18 t 1 nt Messrs, Hardy, Mill Calvi 1 65 Mr. OODONOGHUKE thought that it was Aolll ieests, Hardy, Miller, Calvin, Lauder, n To i the less the Iabout the more the bay in the Meredith, Sexton, Hargraft, McMahon, Gra-- + fia | matter ot the President's salary. ham, Chisholm, Bdl,. and Wills. f f h( . i Mr. CAMERONsaid that he wished it to | _ _After some discussion,the following series || ] 4 7?' I be understood that if ever hon. gentiecmen | ?_fqutstwus was agreed upon for distribu-- $ VA on his side of the House crossed to the 108 s A J other 'side any ofticial insulting the people's 1. The question to be asked as to each class of ex-- <« & "el rcl)rcccnt.tti\'.'\' would without fear be re-- emptions whether it is desirable that it should s ()4 fr his position, It was a lence continue to exist, either in whole or in part, and the e e moved from Lhis position. & was an oilence person interrogated to give his reason for any change s ,{,'f that -- that gentlcman might be sum. suggosted. I ie moned to the bar of 'the House 2. Is it advisable to levy all rates and taxes on * Tt to answer for, but it was not the intention of real estate only ? Give reasons for your decision , y [d Kon. gentlemen on his side of the House to m'3- '".lhalt_txl lhg:;asefaq(;d value for 1877, within your B8 ACe Yay i i 3 s Hac sire imicipality , of the following :--(1) The real estate : eB dU. anything U'! "*l'~ l'"'l'll'd ';.".[A .]':'4 "\fb A "; (2) the personal property ; (3) the taxable income. _' W .A prised to hear the hon, the Secretary defend 4. About how much of the personal propérty in E: that gcnflmn:\n. your municjeality escapes assossment ? \X. Mr. HARDY said that the charge made 5. 'What is the practice in your municipality under | [ by the members of the Opposition was that ;g";:"';:;O:j'o"fgc:"t;';fl'}:'?o'fi Of;fltl'? Adsa;)\ssmem Act? }| ' 6 m t ie n ce mt 0 o 0 debts other | l favour had b'\n' extended to sons of sup-- | mortgage debts of the person assessed 'J;"""ro': t porters of the Government, and when he | what is the course pursued > * t was slandered in that way the President had 6. Would it be desirable to extend the power of 1 a right to reply. Qounqxls in cities n,n(l townrs so as to enable them to ' i o TY ASRTT anta that it y # impose a frontage tax for iocal improvements with-- + Mr. FRASEN said that the debate of last out the petition of the property owners directly in-- o session, so faras hon. gentlemen opposite tcrcstlfllt. or ;vou](l you suggest any other method ; if "fi was concerned, was an unfair one. _ lHe ridi ::'x'r' iat of levying rates by means of a frontage 7 ule ha idea of mal cing calle . . .(ulul't..',, idea of .".'v.m;n b in 3 called to !l'q ; 7. Where a frontage tax is imposed should it he : f 3 | bar of the House for terming the people's | (1) according to the frontage 'irrespective of v'xl"fl.: j c# I represontatives politicians «ud nhot states. | (2) the value irrespective of buildings ; or ('J) fi § p p8 '_. and par ns Instead of patriots._.lha« | ' valuo including the buildings ? . bogk i: fsed "oshalth ha Aid nay t tha l \| 8. Would the imposing of a busine | © rUsC ESS xi ty rark h s Ne in lien of taxing personal property, be ;':ll:':{\}:'s,:'t,f':"' iX | bers of the Cpposition Statesimen, (1 yii-- | ous change ? Give your reasons for the viuw.'E'o- : | ter.) | ""k';' and (iluly"mu:,:csli'l)us you may desite to make as t | tex. 3. AMEHON eatl fhat Hlfa alfact . | to the mode of rixing the license f0B if that anu..s e : 4 Ir, CAXd " T t 'ort was should be adoptéd. © fge if that course £ | evidently tothrow the members imto con-- | 9. What is your opinion with 4 to © 9. at is 3 regard j i g | tempt, and 1 utesu to ow if tho toy. live stock of all kinds wherever l':mr\(ul tl(:'rf}:]s'iifillx'\'g q 4 4 \ ; , t whs ) pi f reg 5 A ) e i 9 ernime in goin hon. men . | gt \'llut the party owes ? or should live siock Le taxed \ t 111 L3 4 F ; LaX C3 13. | 5 10. Whero income exceeds $400 x1 L omm t k , | the whole of the income, in ;nur poe):'i;"llil(:::ln;.","'ll,'(:'bd, | ! \_ ( the i of 82 ) the icol of | tult:;x;t;wu, or should the first $400 be exempt» le | ; Practical Doi , f * . Have you any spocial 'suggosti in ns t R 1 (WHI l)l:~ id -- he intended | 'r 'l;('tit'llg the assossiment of Ia\\'h?;rm\"':?c.{.:'.og\r:u:'(; ~ M ArQUID _ Bikis d inichued | l(ll((::s ;.s a furm or garden in villages, towxfs, tu':d 12. In cases where manufact U m!;i'si()'; 'l:lcrc}l:"""» Of Ol'lt"l'l::c (:::;(;'Y;'sill-:"g:!'lnfi.llfiicl'l)x; withou CC Iinr,";; assessabl C 7 i P lieense or other tax" shouid e ® pited i0 394 think a f what form > mposed ? If so, in 5 | wl